MTL - Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985-Chapter 27 go to Hong Kong government

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Wang Ting turned on the ventilation equipment, and then explained the materials one by one. What Wang Ting didn't say was that she also carried out several drug synthesis experiments. After all, buying materials for experiments by herself is not cheap.

He Gui took out a small notebook and inquired about the raw materials after going to the Hong Kong government, but there were really none, so he had to ask how to synthesize them.

"It's time today, let's go." He Gui looked at the time, it was already four hours.

Wang Ting looked at the time and thought it was enough, so she drove away in the van.

He Gui went back to 1985, pondered over his notebook carefully, and then went to sleep, still resting during the day.

The National Day was very lively, but unfortunately He Gui didn't have time. During the National Day, Chunfeng Motorcycle drove a thousand new ones for a stroll in the Forty-Nine City.

However, the first wave of the newly-built Chunfeng Motorcycle Factory is not to sell a rich man, but a rehabilitated soldier. The rehabilitated soldier can pay in installments, which means that he can ride the motorcycle home for only 200 yuan.

If the twelve installments are paid off, no interest will be charged, and if the twenty-four and thirty-six installments are paid off, the bank loan interest will be charged.

In addition, Chunfeng Motorcycle announced that it will set up a motorcycle manufacturing share in the Southwest and South China regions, and the grand goal of monthly output of 50,000 vehicles will be achieved by the end of the year.

It doesn't matter how expensive these things are, as for the 2% dividend, give as much as you like.

He Gui studied in modern times for a month, and inquired a lot about medicines, especially certain special medicines such as cancer. These medicines can be synthesized by pharmacists, but they cannot be sold, which means that the production price of medicines is not high. Not expensive, what is expensive is research and development.

He Gui's saliva was drooling, and he decided to wait two years before talking. For example, the generic drugs in the God of Medicine only cost a box, and he wanted to be the God of Medicine himself.

"Okay, it's ready." Wang Ting took the school to test the completion score, and finally completed it. It took more than a month, almost three hours a day.

He Gui stretched out his hand and said, "Thank you."

Wang Ting returned the van keys to He Gui, and then left quickly, wishing not to know this guy in the future, who knows if this guy is a counterfeit medicine?

The next day, He Gui came to Qingshan Farm. The sign had already been hung, and even the concrete road to the farm had been widened.

This side has almost been completed, roads, fences, barbed wire and so on, but the villa building has not yet been completed.

"Boss He." Two uncles in their fifties are in a few rooms near the entrance of the farm, with dogs and monitoring.

"Master Li. Master Wang, thank you for your hard work." He Gui took out some vegetables and meat and put them in the refrigerator. The two old people cooked by themselves and gave each of them a twenty pack of cigarettes.

The mouths of both of them burst into laughter, and they couldn't drive on the repaired road.

After looking around, I am very satisfied. The fence is 1.2 meters high. In fact, the soil layer on the mountain is not deep. The excavator directly on it is the kind that digs gas pipelines. The pits are 10 meters apart, and the height of 1.2 meters is poured with cement. , The barbed wire fence above is two meters high, and it cost more than 700,000 yuan for three kilometers. This is a pile of money.

"Boss He." Yang Yong is supervising the construction of sheep pens, cattle pens, chicken coops, duck coops, workers' dormitories, warehouses, processing rooms and so on.

According to what Yang Shun said, once it was built, the procedures were easy to go through, and He Gui followed suit, even though the budget was hundreds of thousands more.

These chicken coops and duck coops are relatively far from the main building, connected by a cement road more than one meter wide in the middle, there are more than a dozen black goats, and the sheep pen can raise 300 of them.

"The money has been sent to you." He Gui was very straightforward.

Yang Yong took out the receipt and handed it to He Gui: "Boss He is arrogant, this place will end in one month."

"Okay, how much should these be? You can send me a message when the time comes." He Gui was very satisfied. Five hundred acres sounded like a lot, but it seemed like more.

"Boss He, you still need someone in charge here."

"Otherwise these chickens, ducks, sheep, and orchards can't be seen by anyone." Yang Yong and He Gui suggested.

He Gui nodded, having already had this idea in his heart, and sighed: "It's hard to find, I know this kind of thing but don't know that."

"The original boss." Yang Yong took a puff of cigarette and gave a suggestion.

When He Gui heard this, he shook his head and asked, "Boss Liu has hundreds of thousands in his hand, will he come and do this to me?"

"It's hard to tell at his family. If you invite him, I guarantee that he will come. He is out of luck. If he is as devoted as you, nothing will happen."

"Boss He, it's right that you monitor them. Some people in the country are very bad. Boss Liu suspects that someone poisoned them. The dead chickens and ducks are thrown in the mountains."

"A few years ago in African swine fever, some pig dealers used drones to poison pig farms. They originally sold thousands of pigs. Once they were discovered, they would be five to six hundred. During that time, pig farms hired more than a dozen people every day. Watch."

When He Gui heard this, he also clicked his tongue. A profit of 300% would dare to commit a crime. Between five or six thousand and five to six hundred, this is ten times the profit.

Yang Yong smiled: "So the pig farms were built in very remote places."

When Boss Liu received the call, he came on a motorcycle. He Gui gave 3,500 yuan for a month, and UU Reading temporarily helped manage the farm, and then gave another 30,000 yuan to let Boss Liu buy corn. Hire someone or something.

Seeing He Gui leave, Yang Yong said, "Uncle, Boss He doesn't seem to be short of money."

"Hmm." Boss Liu was not good at speaking, and looked at the two cigarettes in his hand.

"I'm going to see the goat." Boss Liu Liu Hai officially entered the role.

Yang Yong shook his head, and drove away. Yang Yong also envied such a person who took money inappropriately. He returned to the villa and came to 1985.

Yang Hai asked, "Are you really going to the Hong Kong government?"

"Go and see the world." He Gui didn't tell anyone else, just told Yang Hai.

Yang Hai raised his glass and asked, "Are you coming back?"

"Why don't you come back? If you want to come back, you will come back within three months at the most. When you come back, you will treat me to boiled mutton." Of course He Gui will come back. This time he is going to set up a pharmaceutical manufacturing factory.

Yang Hai said, "Do you need my help?"

"Thank you." He Gui shook his head.

A few old masters from the refitting factory have returned, and the blueprints are for these old masters now. There are all car sales places in the facade house. The only sales point for the new Chunfeng motorcycles in Sijiu City is guaranteed to be 100 per month. The refitting factory went to the farm where it was purchased.

Zhang Hong burst into tears, and He Gui felt emotionally, he had never met such a woman in modern times, even if it was a second marriage, it was worth having, and some first marriages were completely helpless.

I loved Zhang Hong once, and I got on the plane the next day. He Gui didn't need any other documents. An American passport was easily taken out at the embassy.

He Gui's English name is Ryan, so the mainland does not know that He Gui is the best-selling American novelist who has recently become popular in the West.