MTL - Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985-Chapter 21 big brother end

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Now that he knew the direction, he immediately sent a report and made a phone call. At each intersection in the north, the army, the police, and notifications from various villages offered a reward of 10,000 yuan for arresting a wanted criminal.

The men in these villages organized themselves, and when they saw soldiers and policemen on the main road, they squatted down on other small roads.

In the era when ten thousand yuan households were rare, ten thousand yuan now is equivalent to more than ten million yuan in 2020.

Men from various villages wandered in groups of three or four in various places, such as shacks on the mountains, sheepfolds, and ditches.

The robber brother robbed a motorcycle. After driving for dozens of kilometers, he found out that he was out of gas. The motorcycle pushed directly into the ditch next to it.

Then a person walked forward. It was very hot in August. I saw a watermelon field in the distance. The robber came to the melon field, picked a watermelon, and was about to leave. See the melon shed in the sorghum field, it is a shack for watching melons.

He got into the melon shed, smashed the watermelon, and ate it hard.



While eating, the robber brother began to cry, crying so sadly.

After crying for a while, I pulled over my backpack, which contained stacks of ten-yuan bills and stacks of one thousand, a large satchel full.

"Brother, if you die, I will burn some more money for you every year."

"I won't go back home, I'll only court death if I go back."

The big robber put the backpack tightly on his chest, picked up the watermelon and ate it again, the more he ate, the more energetic he became.

"Get rich."

"Get rich."

The man was lying in the shack, took out a wad of money, and was very excited. As for the brother, hehe, it’s not like one cent will be lost if one dies.

Old man Li went home to eat, and walked towards the melon field. The hotter the weather, the more comfortable the old man felt. The hotter the melon, the better it tastes and sells well.

He didn't hear the dog's barking, old man Li cursed inwardly, and walked towards the melon shed, but before he reached the melon shed, he heard someone's voice, so he squatted down to take a closer look.

A pair of men's feet dangled outside the melon shed, and old man Li felt a little bit in his heart. Who made broken shoes in his shed?

The robber brother was so excited that his feet were exposed outside. Old man Li didn't move, but backed away slowly. On the way, he saw a dog tied to the shack and cursed a few words.

"Son, someone is making broken shoes in our shack." Old man Li said as he trot home.

Old man Li's three sons were very angry when they heard this. The reason why the shack is in the sorghum field is because it used to be on the side of the road, and there were people doing shameful things in it. view.

Each of the three sons was carrying a shoulder pole. This time, they caught someone, so why don't they ask for ten or eight yuan?

When my own dog sees his master, he also follows up. There are a group of local dogs in the village.

Knowing that they were going to the watermelon field, the dogs who looked at the shacks ran away, because the dogs who did not look at the melons would be beaten, but the dogs behind saw the dogs in front running away, their eyes widened, and they also trotted Keep up, it's not a big deal to watch the excitement.

woof woof!

woof woof!

The melon-watching dog smelled a stranger a few hundred meters away. Someone actually stole melons, and someone robbed me of Da Heizi's territory.

When it was time to perform meritorious service, the dogs watching melons accelerated their speed, and the dogs in the village also smelled the smell of strangers, so in an instant, more than ten or twenty dogs rushed to the melon fields.

The melon-watching dog rushed into the shack like a gust of wind, and the dogs behind didn't see anyone, thinking it was some prey, they swarmed up.


The eldest brother in the melon shed heard the dog barking and got up immediately, but the shed itself is not high, and the dogs watching the melons are very fierce, very vicious, otherwise they can’t be restrained, and they are willing to speak , The soil cannon in his hand opened indiscriminately.

"Killing a thousand knives, my melon..." Old man Li saw the dog raging in his watermelon field, cursing as he ran, and suddenly heard the sound of the earth cannon.

Old man Li was taken aback, and the three brothers behind were also taken aback.

"Brother, ten thousand yuan household!" The third child was the most excited and shouted loudly.

When the three brothers heard this, the shirtless three Chinese characters seemed to be chased by a dog, and the dog screamed and fled in all directions scared by the sound of the earth cannon.

As soon as the robber brother climbed out in embarrassment, he was slammed on his leg by a shoulder pole.

There was a scream, and then his arm was broken.

"A lot of money."

"Don't move, go and call the village chief."

In fact, there is no need to call, the earth cannon has already alarmed other people.

The robber brother was caught back, bitten by a dog, his legs were broken, and his arms were broken.

The three brothers got 10,000 yuan, built three big houses, and married the three most beautiful women in the next village. Twenty or thirty years later, the village was demolished and lost tens of millions.

He Gui was lying on the bed, and Zhang Hong was on the other side. Don't get me wrong, it was a hospital bed.

"Your brother."

"Brother Gui." The stubborn masters of Forty-Nine City, who were the most well-informed, came to the hospital to see He Gui one after another.

"Tsk tsk, who is this person? The person who came here actually gave Maotai to him." Several nurses looked suspiciously at the patient who came to see the patient with Maotai. UU Reading www.

"I don't know, looking at these people, they are not good people."

"Look at that man, what is he holding?"

"Tiger Whip Wine!!"

The nurses, doctors, and patients were all astonished. The people who came here knew that they were not ordinary people when they saw their clothes.

Seeing the people coming in and the Moutai in his hands, He Gui immediately said, "Sit, sit, and eat some fruit."

Two bottles cost tens of thousands, how can I be unhappy? As for's already like this, so I can do whatever I like.

Feng pants is playing with fruits, while Yang Hai is watching the fun, there are all kinds of fruits, Feng pants is now working as an artist for CCTV, and He Gui didn't have much mind to deal with the courtyard things a while ago, so let the pants watch That's it, Feng's trousers still have a certain level of appreciation.

Every time he sees Feng’s trousers, He Gui wants them to be used in movies. Whether they look good or not is one thing, just make money. In addition, there is another biggest advantage, that is, the photographic equipment of this era. In modern times, that is The price of cabbage, the price of scrap products, and changing a few sets of equipment, it is simply not too cool.

"Brothers, Lao Mo will definitely be there tonight." Yang Hai said when he saw a group of people leaving.

No way, Yang Hai was really taken aback this time, and He Gui was also taken aback. He originally complained, but when he saw dozens of bottles of Moutai, including Lai Mao, he felt that he had suffered a lot. A little guilty, and a little cool?

Waves of people, basically everyone came in groups of three, five, seven or eight to see He Gui.

In the afternoon, Yang Hai said in a low voice: "I was caught stealing watermelon, and my hands and feet were broken."

"Forty-nine cities are in such a mess, other places, alas." He Gui sighed.