MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 46 farewell day

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Although the system is a black-eyed bad thing, it can only take advantage of the loopholes in the rules at best. Otherwise, I am afraid that the first task that the guests—or tourists—will face is a copy of the Colosseum or Battle Royale. up.

It is essentially a tour guide, but it still has to perform its duties, and the tasks assigned must also be genuine tour tasks.

The copy... is chosen by it.

The system deliberately avoided those gentle worlds, such as the world of fairy tales, the world of love brains, etc., and chose the high-risk world. The reason why this travel system has so many small worlds to choose from was originally to improve the tourists’ experience and satisfy the private preferences of different tourists. Unexpectedly, the system tampered with it, and the service object changed from tourists to it. Own.

Wherever the tour group is, its playground.

However, the information that the system can obtain is also limited, especially when it is forcibly blocked by Tang Yi, and the "tourist safety monitoring" cannot be used to observe their behavior. It can be said that in the previous world, the system itself was like a Being banned is the same as losing the previous control.

Thinking of this, the system gritted its teeth with hatred.

Even if they don't know why these unlucky people triggered the final trial, it doesn't matter to the system.

Because the world of the final trial is also chosen by it.

[Welcome to the new world, "Confession Day"~] It says so.

What came into view was a huge Ferris wheel and many rides that were not as tall as it but were spectacular enough.

After Jiang Jingzhe realized that the environment around him had changed, the first thing he did was look for his companions.

The first two times, they were able to go back to the romantic cabin to rest after completing the task, but the two times were seamless. Presumably, the system began to give them a chance to buffer, and it was also to tamper with their ideas.

Afterwards, I changed the option for them without authorization, from staying in the hut to resting in the resort world to rest...

Fortunately, the four of them were not forcibly dispersed by the system this time, but they all changed into costumes suitable for amusement parks.

"Amusement park... This is really a classic dating spot in a romance show," Cui Miaomiao rubbed her chin, "Could it be that the system really intends to let us develop a good relationship this time?"

Even if she knew that they didn't really time travel because of the love affair at all, it would still be difficult to change her habitual thinking—not to mention that Cui Miaomiao herself is actually a hidden beauty and love brain, but she has never met a suitable partner.

She tugged at the big Mickey headband on her head and the lace at the corner of her skirt, and said with a little disgust, "What kind of taste is this..."

Although she is petite, she always likes to wear light and familiar clothes. It can be said that she is very uncomfortable when the system suddenly puts on such a cute dress and cardigan that do not suit her style.

"Isn't it classic and romantic enough for you to experience campus romance and being a celebrity assistant?" Xie Xinghui asked, "You have been a big lady, but Jiang Jingzhe and I are just factory brothers and sisters."

Being choked by him like this, Cui Miaomiao immediately recalled all the horrible incidents she had experienced before, and her face immediately turned black.

The hateful Xie Xinghui always fights against her!

Ji Chen didn't try to be a good old man to regulate them, but there was a mystery of relief in his eyes.

[Laughing, at this moment, Mr. Ji, how can I feel like my old father hahaha]

[By the way, what's the situation hhhh one second they were celebrity assistants, and the next second they came to the amusement park? What happened to those dead people and evil stars? 】

[Yeah, it feels like watching a TV series and suddenly being inserted into an advertisement...Although I really like the advertisement]

[… Is there a possibility that the live broadcast we watched was actually recorded? Otherwise, it would be impossible to really travel through in a second... without beginning or end]

[It's really strange, the signal has been not very good just now]

The guests didn't know the confusion of the live audience, and they were still observing the new environment.

[Mission release: The amusement park is a holy place for all lovers! Guests are invited to complete this amusement item collection point card and redeem the prize~]

In the next second, a small card appeared in Jiang Jingzhe's hand.

Several people gathered together and finally saw the specific content of the card clearly.

Since the card itself is just a point card, it doesn’t give any specific information. There are a few light-colored icons printed on it, and the small words note which amusement items are: Scream Amusement Park, Deadly Aquarium, Wraith Hotel.

"So we only need to visit these three places this time to pass the level?" Jiang Jingzhe said incredulously.

She didn't think the system would be so kind - even these three places didn't look like good places.

"That's not necessarily the case. If the system requires us to play all the rides... No, we don't even need to play all of them. Just one roller coaster is enough to wipe out our entire army." Ji Chen's expression was gloomy.

"It's not that I'm scared, it's just... I don't trust the security here," he added.

Cui Miaomiao's eyes showed sympathy, maybe she was spoiled by Xie Xinghui, and she was merciless when she complained: "You may indeed not believe in the security measures here, but this does not affect your real fear."

Ji Chen: "..."

He broke the can and said, "Yes, I'm quite scared."

"Are you afraid of heights? It's okay, I can understand..."

Xie Xing replied halfway through, when he was interrupted by Ji Chen: "I'm not afraid of heights, I'm just being cowardly."

Xie Xinghui: "..."

This time he was speechless.

The barrage was full of laughter.

It can be seen from the roadside guide signs that the essence of this amusement park is a bit like Happy Valley. In fact, the Deadly Aquarium and Wraith Hotel are all part of it, but it is located on the edge of the main area of ​​the amusement park.

"Shall we divide into teams?"

Jiang Jingzhe murmured: "Let's not separate, after all..." This is the last task, it's safer for everyone to go together.

She didn't say it directly in front of the system, but the other companions also understood.

What's more, this time the system did not force them to form a team.

"Let's go to the Scream Amusement Park first." She decided.

Judging from the map on the guide board, the best route is to go to the Scream Amusement Park first, then to the Deadly Aquarium, and then to the Wraith Hotel when you rest at night.

Although the name of this hotel makes people have no desire to live.

Just after they were about to perfunctorily walk around to complete the task, the system had seen enough excitement, and issued an impromptu small task in a wicked way.

[Mission release: Every child in the amusement park has a balloon of their own, are you envious? Please buy yourself a balloon~]

[Note: Protect the balloon, it symbolizes the past of innocence and kindness~]

But not envious.

Jiang Jingzhe looked numbly at the huge doll that was holding a handful of balloons not far away.

Because she wanted to complete the task, she observed the doll and found that this guy was really hateful.

Whenever a little boy asks a doll for a balloon, it will either show its white teeth to scare people away, or wave its hands impatiently to fool people away.

And even if there are other little girls or beautiful girls asking for balloons in front of it, it will happily choose the cutest one for the other party, and take this opportunity to mess with it—even though it is covered with a doll costume, it actually rubs its hair and so on. The movement should also feel nothing.

Soon, the doll probably felt that this job was a bit boring, and wrapped the balloon string in his hand around his neck, and made a posture of a girl taking off, waiting quietly.

No matter how floating the balloon can be, it can't carry such a giant to it.

The doll stood peacefully on the spot and closed its eyes, and now no children were willing to approach this strange doll.

"I don't think the kids want much." Jiang Jingzhe complained directly.

[No, you want to. ] System dismissed.

"What the **** is it doing? Freeing your hands?" Cui Miaomiao asked incomprehensibly.

Jiang Jingzhe looked at this scene, but suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu, the corners of her mouth twitched, and subconsciously replied: "Maybe I was just expecting the balloon to lift it up."

As soon as her words fell, the doll opened its eyes and looked in Jiang Jingzhe's direction.

Jiang Jingzhe had an ominous premonition, and was about to run away, but his skin was still not as thick as that of a doll.

"Shock~Zhi~~~" The doll waved its hands at her ripplingly, and trotted over. Because the doll costume it was wearing was too thick, this action looked a little funny.

Cui Miaomiao, Xie Xinghui and Ji Chen all looked at her and said in surprise, "You know her?!"

Jiang Jingzhe denied it flatly: "I don't know!"

They saw that Jiang Jingzhe's expression did not seem to be fake, so they felt a little panicked. This doll was just watching from a distance, but now it took the initiative to find them... and knew Jiang Jingzhe's name.

Could it be some ghost from the spirit system again? Jiang Jingzhe's name is known, so it won't cast a curse on her, right? !

And just now when the doll frightened the children, it pretended to be like that, but what if the shark tooth was not included with the doll costume, but it itself?

No, they assumed from the beginning that there was a staff member wearing a doll costume, but... what if this is a living doll?

Now the four of them are united, and they all want to escape.

A strange scene appeared in the amusement park. Four people were running ahead, and the doll with the balloon around its neck was desperately chasing it, and at the same time, it was chanting someone's name resentfully.

Until the doll stopped panting, and yelled angrily: "Balloon, hang me here now!"

Jiang Jingzhe stopped suddenly.

The companions looked at Jiang Jingzhe in shock, and asked, "Do you even believe in such bitter tricks?!"

This is a trick of the enemy!

For a moment, Jiang Jingzhe didn't know which is more embarrassing to admit that she believed in such a clumsy trick or to admit that she might know that silly doll.

Or just as embarrassing.

She was going to lose twice as many people, thinking of this, Jiang Jingzhe's eyes darkened.

"No, I just... suddenly felt that I might know him." Jiang Jingzhe said awkwardly.

She also reacted after hearing this sentence.

Hearing this, the doll immediately gave up the method of hanging by balloon, moved up tearfully, and immediately started acting. It choked up and said: "Hey, Jingzhe, have you forgotten the life-and-death friendship between us..."

Jiang Jingzhe kicked him expressionlessly: "I live, you die, this is called self-inflicted."

The companions were vigilant against the attacked doll and went crazy, but they also realized that Jiang Jingzhe's attitude was not defensive. Could it be that he is an acquaintance? But what acquaintances can there be in this nightmare game?

"Then the love of life and death between us..." the doll changed his words obediently.

Jiang Jingzhe dead fish eyes: "I don't fall in love, you fall in love, and hang yourself in front of someone else's house, this is called harassment."

The doll choked for a long time, but didn't think of a better way to say it: "Oh."

The guy who can come up with such a strange way of hoping to hang himself with a balloon can only be the guy who hanged himself.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-16 23:58:42~2022-04-17 22:59:22~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of fog harrier;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!