MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 656 Mrs. New King

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It didn't matter if he didn't look back, this time he was so scared that he fell directly into the water.

"Ouch, man, brother, do you want to scare me so!"

Leaning his head out of the water, Wang Aiguo looked at Shen Long with a look of horror.

At this moment, Shen Long was embarrassed, and he jumped into the swimming pool while no one noticed.

After Shen Long jumped into the pool, Wang Aiguo looked at Shen Long beside him, and suddenly there was an inexplicable cold.

Shen Long is still Shen Long, but the clothes on Shen Long may not be that clothes.

Usually boys swim, just wear a swimming trunk. Even if you are particular about it, it is to buy a personal diving suit.

However, Shen Long was terrific. He actually wore a water-green suspender swimsuit, and even a little lace on the skirt. This shape scared Wang Aiguo almost peeing.

Wang Aiguo looked at Shen Long not by shock, but by shock.

"Brother, you ... Where did you buy this swimsuit? Then, did your wife know?"

At this time, Shen Long waved his hands quickly, with a look of shame and angrily: "Don't say it, don't say it, don't you know it's okay? Specially I got the wrong swimsuit, this is my wife's!"

"Oh, Snow Sister. I can understand this, but if you take the wrong swimsuit, take it out. You don't have to wear it? What happened when you went out and bought a swimming trunk?"

After hearing this, Shen Long turned dark again and then said, "I wanted to buy it, but the front desk said that they had 98 swimming trunks! This is too expensive! What financial situation do you not know? These 98 pieces are top. I have pocket money for half a month. "

After Shen Long finished speaking, Wang Aiguo's entire face was dark.

"Well, the last thing, when you teach me, stay away from me a little bit. I can't afford to lose this person."

Shen Long: "..."


Soon Shen Long's swimming teaching to Wang Aiguo began.

In fact, Shen Long teaches very well. His teaching is kinder and more effective than that in most military units.

Upon opening, Shen Long let Wang Aiguo stretch and relax, and then floated on the water.

Here to say, swimming must first learn to float, you can do other moves after learning to float, you can float on the water, basically you will swim half.

Obviously, Wang Aiguo did not worry about floating at all. Wang Aiguo was a person who jumped into the water without sinking. The whole person floated on the water like a dead pig.

After seeing Wang Aiguo floating, Shen Long nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "Okay, because time is limited, we are not particularly difficult to learn. Things like freestyle, it takes at least a month to learn, It's not very standard, just about imitating it. "

"Because time is limited, this time I will not teach you freestyle but will teach breaststroke. Breaststroke is a common swimming position of the army. The assessment is basically the breaststroke."

"Okay, now that you're floating, let's start step 2-kick."

Wang Aiguo pillowed his chin on a floating board, listening to Shen Long's teaching.

After listening for a long time, Wang Aiguo suddenly realized a problem. Does he pose like a Husky floating on the water now?

This is the dynamic picture of the siberian husky swimming in the water as a crocodile.

The thought of Wang Aiguo rolled his eyes here, when he also fell to imitating Er Ha.

At this time, Shen Long had come to Wang Aiguo's side and began to correct Wang Aiguo's leg.

"Okay, show me your legs now!"

"Okay!" Wang Aiguo strove hard, then heard Shen Long scream.

After hearing the voice, Wang Aiguo immediately stood up and looked back.

"Long brother, are you okay? I didn't make much effort, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Shen Long looked at Wang Aiguo with a tangled look, then covered his Majesty, and shouted angrily.

"Fat man, kick your legs as far as you can. No one asks you to kick them down, and you can't kick them so accurately. What do you want? Send me to Thailand as a shemale?"

After Shen Long finished speaking, Wang Aiguo looked at the water-green lace swimsuit on Shen Long's body. Suddenly, even if Shen Long took the handle, she could be a shemale.

Don't say that, Shen Long is so weird to wear it!

After scolding for a while, after Wang Aiguo also expressed his apology, Shen Long returned to continue teaching. They only had one week, and the time was still a little bit late.

"The kick is kicked by the side of the leg. This strength of the draft surface is relatively large. Secondly, kicking does not actually allow you to move fast, it is actually the moment you push your legs forward."

"Okay, don't push hard now, I'll hold your leg to simulate the trajectory, remember it!"

Wang Aiguo nodded, then felt that Shen Long was pulling his leg, and started to walk around there.

When Shen Long was holding Wang Aiguo's legs, Wang Aiguo had another strange feeling. How to say, it feels weird to be dragged around by a man in the water.

The results this morning were pretty good, at least Wang Aiguo ’s leg movements were decent. The detachment's family building.

Everyone was a little curious about Wang Aiguo's not going back to live on board.

Most people are very critical of this situation. Anyway, they don't know. They all think that Wang Aiguo is lazy.

As a result, several veterans reported to the captain, and then the captain and others stared back with a stern glare.

Oh, others do n’t know the identity of Wang Aiguo, but the captains do.

Wang Aiguo is Wang Weihua's grandson, plus this time Wang Weihua has said that after 7 days, Wang Aiguo will set off to participate in the World Military Contest, and will participate in two, one is a gun-breaking contest and the other is a programming contest.

Not only the honor of a ship, but also the honor of the base and the entire Chinese soldiers. Under such circumstances, who would disturb Wang Aiguo?

In the afternoon, Wang Aiguo and Shen Long did not continue swimming training.

Wang Aiguo has more tasks this time, so he does n’t just have to learn to swim, no, to be precise, learning to swim is not within his task. This is his hobby, and he will do it for his task this afternoon. ready.

And Shen Long, his task in the afternoon is to help Wang Aiguo cook vegetables in an apron.

When wearing an apron, Shen Long was actually very complicated inside

He and Ge Dongxue were at home. It was Ge Dongxue who wore an apron to help him cook vegetables.

Now he follows Wang Aiguo, but he wears an apron to cook there, making him like a good wife and mother, no, it is like Wang Aiguo's good help, this feeling is weird.

However, Wang Aiguo doesn't know what Shen Long thinks now, because he really has a lot of things to do now.