MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 629 Green sweet tea

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"Oh, then don't need it, then you can't press too much on the massage at one go. Almost, it's fine, ha ha ha ha, you say yes!"

He said that Ole also took 20 yuan around him.

As a result of this palm, 20 pieces fell directly to the ground.

Ji Aole was aggressive at that time, and quickly said: "The rest are all your own people, why do you touch porcelain!"

"You touch your head, I'm just waist now ... forget it, my waist is pretty good, just didn't stand well just now!"

After listening to 20 words, Wang Aiguo was sneer again, or is that sentence, is it interesting to pretend this?

Uh ...

三个 Three people chose a buffet restaurant for lunch. Why choose a buffet restaurant? One is that Wang Aiguo's appetite is too big to eat something else is not worth it.

Second, Ole and 20 felt very hungry. There was no way. In the morning, it was difficult to eat something. As a result, they were vomited by the three 'warriors'. Now their stomachs are empty and they are half dead.

After thinking about it for a long time, the three chose a buffet restaurant.

I entered the buffet and paid, and brought the things to the table, and the three started eating with their heads covered.

Eating and eating, Wang Aiguo took a sip of the drink on the edge, and then frowned slightly: "The words are back, who invented this kind of gas? This taste is so weird, does anyone really like it?"

听说 "I heard that in the far north, there is a fighting nation who likes this drink!" Guwas, looking at Wang Aiguo's hand, said 20 yuan lightly.

King Patriotic shook Gevas in the cup. At this moment, he wondered if the distant fighting nation had a problem with taste, which was really bad.

这个 At this time, Aole suddenly glanced up, Wang Aiguo followed.

"Speaking back, have you ever drank any beverages, and you feel particularly delicious after taking a sip?"

After Wu Aole had finished speaking, Wang Aiguo and 20 yuan were lost in his thoughts. After a while, Wang Aiguo nodded firmly and said, "When I drank Cola for the first time, I took a sip and it felt delicious!"

"Happy fat boy water, ha ha." Ole said lightly.

Well, how about this topic?

In fact, the really cheap and delicious things are often these junk foods. For example, Cola, KFC, McDonald's, these things are cheap and delicious.

At this time, 20 yuan took a bite of the dishes on the plate, and then said to Olle: "What about you? Do you have any drink that you find particularly addictive?"

After talking about 20 yuan, Ole took a deep breath, and then revealed a helplessness from it.

虽然 "Although I don't want to say that, but how do I say, I have such a drink, but basically, I haven't drunk it for the second time, and I haven't even found it until now."

Wu Aole said this, Wang Aiguo was interested, and looked at Ole with a curious expression, "Hey, is that so? I'm quite interested, what do you think of that drink?"

Ole thought for a while and later said, "That was the first time I went to Chuanzhou to travel, and that hot pot was particularly spicy. I remember when I was very young, about six or seven years old. I really cried at that time. When I came out, the waitress lady brought me a drink. Now I still remember that the drink was really refreshing! "

"What does that drink look like?"

Wu Aole thought for a while and then said, "The drink seems to be tea, but it's a little sweet. The packaging is green, and I remember it very well, it is canned!"

"Green, a bit sweet, tea?" After thinking about it, Wang Aiguo entered these things into his mobile phone, and then Baidu gave it a bit.

I soon got a reply from Wang Aiguo.

傻 This stupid netizen replied that green packaging, a little sweet and a little tea-flavored drink, this kind of thing is called dichlorvos.

Fear the enemy ...

When I saw these three words, Wang Aiguo felt that the whole person was not good. Have you ever seen anyone who is okay to drink drinks and dichlorvos?

In addition, how do you know that Dichlorvos is slightly sweet and tea-like?

In the end, Wang Aiguo searched for a long time, and did not find out what kind of ghost thing it was, so Ole could only bring helplessness and regret, hoping to find this drink in the future.

Uh ...

After eating, the three walked out of the restaurant.

After walking out of the buffet store, Wang Aiguo felt that it was still early and was preparing to think of what to do.

Suddenly, she patted her thigh at 20 yuan, her face angrily.

"I don't think I can handle this hurdle!"

"Why can't I get through this hurdle again, what's the hurdle?" Wang Aiguo saw 20 frowns and frowned slightly.

20 turned around and looked at the two of them: "You think, people come out to massage it and enjoy it. The whole body of how we press the massage hurts like that. It's just like being tortured. No, I can't live it. I can't live it Kan, I feel like I must enjoy it once today! "

After speaking about 20 yuan, Wang Aiguo and Aole both sneered at the 20 yuan.

They think the same way in their hearts, but how to say this topic, they have found the most authentic massage, but the effect is very bad, and they are helpless about it.

After thinking about it for a moment, Wang Aiguo said, "I don't want to say this, but I still want to remind you. Really, if you go to massage again, chances are that you will fall apart today!"

"I do n’t want to do massage. All of them are Spartan guys. Can I not afford to hide? But I think we can do something else, such as getting a foot massage or something! I just checked After a while ~ ~ people say that back pain is not necessarily effective only by pressing the waist. This foot massage can open up your acupuncture points and treat the soreness on the body to a certain extent! "

After 20 yuan, Wang Aiguo thought for a while and thought, "Why don't we go and register?"

滚 "Get off, I won't go to Longhua Hospital for massage anymore, I'll find an ordinary blind massage and click the sole of my foot!"

After 20 yuan, Ole and Wang Aiguo looked at each other again.

Say it. They seem to have heard of it. I heard that there are many body reflection areas on the feet of people. Pressing these reflection areas seems to have an effect.

So you don't necessarily need to press the cervical spine or the waist if you have low back pain or cervical pain. In fact, pressing the soles of the feet also has a certain effect.

After thinking for a while, Wang Aiguo nodded and said, "Let's go together!"

"OK! Go!"

Twenty minutes later, the two followed a 20-block navigation to a blind massage shop.

The three did not pretend to be forced this time. When the boss asked them if they could not eat hard, they all said that they had a smaller hand.

So the boss soon found three aunts of about 40 years old for Wang Aiguo.

看到 When I saw the three skinny little aunts, Wang Aiguo's hanging heart finally let go.

The few at Longhua Hospital are Spartan warriors, one by one as strong as a cow, and these three aunts ...