MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 18 Farther and farther from good soldiers

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As soon as Wang Aiguo wanted to say something, the leader covered his chest with a myocardial infarction and trembled, "Don't explain, I don't want to listen. Then, whoever of you has Baoxinwan, I want to eat a little."

Huang Gang made a circle around Wang Aiguo, and then said surprisingly: "Three hundred, I have to say, you have really refreshed my worldview. I have seen this bed broken, but I only broke the middle one like you Festival, and it penetrated two layers, I really saw it for the first time. "

Yes, Wang Aiguo now seems to be the same as the bed board. He stands alone in the middle of the bed board. Looking up from the bunk, it looks as if a hole has been opened.

The huge voice awakened Jia District from his sleep. The moment he heard the voice, Jia District had a bad feeling. Then a spirit turned over and rushed to Wang Aiguo's dormitory, and found out, well, that was really what he expected.

"Your bed, I can't bear you at last!" Jia Qu said with a horror.

King Aiguo scratched his head awkwardly and said, "This is not my bed."

Rongjia District: "..."

That night, the leader and the old Liu seriously asked for a dormitory change, because they felt that with Wang Aiguo, their lives were threatened.

After a long time of consideration, the Jiajia District agreed to the two's application. Right afterwards, another young man successfully appeared in Wang Aiguo's dormitory.

Changing a dormitory is equivalent to changing a class. When You Jiang saw Wang Aiguo in the bedroom smiling and smiling at him, You Jiang felt that his heart was really bad.

Uh ...

Speaking of the People's Liberation Army, everyone must first think of tofu quilts.

According to Jia District, the most important point of a tofu quilt is to compact the quilt.

What is compaction? In fact, it is easy to understand, that is to fix all the fluffy cotton in the quilt.

Tofu block quilt, five-point pressure, three-point repair, two-fold. To spread it out, press the quilt first, then learn to fold it, and then repair it, and then a beautiful tofu quilt appears.

The pressure on the quilt was a bit painful to reason. Because according to Jia District, everyone has to press it by hand, one by one.

Then the painful day began, just press it a little bit, and avoid creases on the quilt.

At this time, when the magical powers are displayed, some people get wet with water and then press them, some people roll around on the quilt, some people put water in the cup and make a simple iron one inch by one inch, any method is available .

And these are too difficult for Wang Aiguo, because whenever he touches the quilt, he especially wants to sleep.

This is not Wang Aiguo's lazy, but the passive skill of the quilt, making everyone who touches it want to sleep.

Then after careful consideration, Wang Aiguo found that he seemed to have no problem lying down and sleeping. He can sleep while pressing the quilt!

When I thought of this, Wang Aiguo began to sleep peacefully.

As a result, I fell asleep directly from 9 AM to 11 AM.

When he was about to have lunch, Jia District came to see everyone's progress, and then at first glance he saw Wang Aiguo lying on the quilt.

"Fat man, do you still want to get good soldiers like this? You are farther and farther from the good soldiers, do you know? Not congenital, but the day after tomorrow, if you don't work hard, what else can you do?" Jia District cursed and grinned.

King Wang Aiguo woke up slowly, and then opened his eyes to see Jia District, who was full of anger.

Wang Aiguo smiled with awkward expressions: "Jia Qu is embarrassed, I'm really embarrassed. I just fell asleep accidentally. Really, I worked very hard."

"You're bragging, you're all snoring!" You Xia made a timely addition at this time.

Zun, at this moment Wang Aiguo decided that this product must find a chance to get rid of it.

…… ..

Jiujia sneered and said lightly, "Okay, you said you worked hard. Then everyone brought the quilt to see who pressed the thinnest."

After saying that, Jia District took the right-down quilt first. As a result, his quilt was compared with Wang Aiguo's quilt, and Jia District was shocked to find that Wang Aiguo's quilt was only two-thirds down to the right.

The scene was once embarrassed.

Jiu Jia District froze for a while, and then said to You Jiang angrily, "Don't sleep at night, get up and press the quilt. It's better to sleep than three hundred this morning."

Xun Youxian looked embarrassed, and just trying to explain, Jia District took another quilt that looked quite thin.

The result was no surprise, and Wang Aiguo was still relatively thin.

Yan Jia District felt that his face was a bit lost, so he said to everyone, "Come here, everyone will bring the quilt."

However, all the quilts were spread out, and everyone was surprised to find that among all the quilts, Wang Aiguo's quilt was the thinnest.

Suddenly, Wang Aiguo suddenly felt that his waist rod could be straightened, so he looked up and smiled at Jia District.

"Jia Qu, I'll say I'm working hard!"

"Mmp, I still don't believe it. Bring me the quilt." Jia Qu screamed angrily, and sent someone to bring his own quilt.

As a result, he was shocked to find that even his own quilt was not as thin as Wang Aiguo's ~ ~ Wang Aiguo's quilt was the same as Te Mo being run over by a roller, and it looked like a piece of dried tofu.

Jia District looked at Wang Aiguo, his face became green for a while and then became purple. At last, he bite, "Everyone must learn from Wang Aiguo, and press the quilt well." After Jia Jia said nothing, he ran away without a word. .

Uh ...

After the Jiajia District left, Wang Aiguo looked at everyone's eyes, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have a business to open!

In the afternoon, when Jia District let everyone press the quilt again, he was shocked to find that Wang Aiguo was still sleeping.

But the way to sleep is a bit magical, because there are more than ten quilts under him.

So many quilts pushed Wang Aiguo into the air.

Suddenly, around this quilt, Jia District saw a lot of large bottles of mineral water.

"Blind ..." Without Wang Aiguo speaking, Jia Qu already knew what happened, but he didn't want to say anything. After all, what relationship with Wang Aiguo would definitely cause bad things to happen.

"I shouldn't have seen it." Finally Jia Jia chose to compromise and turned away.

Uh ...

I slept at night and watched Wang Aiguo's dozens of quilts underneath, plus a large bottle of mineral water under the bed.

三 "Three hundred, I am so special that the old grandfather will serve you without assistance, and you can still do business in the army. What a real man is you really!"

"What's this? I'm not helping you? After all, I'm pressing for one night, and I'll press you for a week. And it costs only one bottle of mineral water, which can be said to be good and cheap!" Wang Aiguo retorted.

"Haha, it's the first time I've heard someone sober and sober!"