MTL - Shining Marvel Saints-v2 Chapter 339 God King Odin, Shattered Void

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Le Xia didn't choose to lie in order to comfort a sad mother, he was right, the outcome of this matter with Hela is really not up to him to decide.

Hela followed Odin to fight in the Nine Realms back then, and was a God of War figure who enjoyed a high reputation in the Nine Realms. It can even be said that most of Asgard's territory and prestige were conquered by her.

But people can't live up to their own ambitions after all. When Odin started to maintain the peace and unity of the Nine Realms, Hella still wanted to continue to expand and continue to wage wars.

The final result of the disagreement between the two is that the stronger Odin imprisoned Hela and erased all traces of her existence, proving with strength that your father will always be your father.

Of course Hela was not reconciled to this, but she couldn't get rid of the oppression of Odin's divine power, so she could only endure the captivity and wait bitterly. As long as Odin was boiled to death, this No one in the world can stop her anymore.

Just wait, on that day, I will awaken the spirit of Asgard, take my big dog with smooth and thick hair, regain control of Asgard, and conquer the Nine Realms, so that those mortals who have forgotten the past can recall Aroused the fear of being dominated by Queen Hela.

It doesn't matter if you don't have memories, because when I come back, you will have them.

And these, Odin also knew that it was inevitable, he had no way to avoid it, he could only delay it as much as possible, until he could no longer open his eyes.

On the throne, Odin didn't eat or sleep. For nearly a month, he didn't even leave the throne, nor did he have any other physical activities.

Don't say it's impossible, goddesses don't **** or fart, why can't **** kings do it.

Over the past month, Odin has clearly felt that he is getting weaker and weaker. The life he used to rely on to continue his life seems to have really reached the end of his rope.

Although Thor has grown up, he is still too weak, far behind Hela back then.

Odin could have said, "After I die, don't care about the flood." After all, everyone is dead, and it doesn't help if you can't let go of your obsession.

But Odin is not an irresponsible person after all, otherwise he would not imprison his daughter.

The daughter is not only the darling of the mother, but also the little padded jacket of the father!

It's a pity, no matter how hard you let it go, what should come will come after all.

"Thor, this world is mine and yours, but in the end it's still yours. I left you with the mess I couldn't handle. I'm afraid it will cause huge damage to your world, but it's all wrong. If there is a way, your father doesn't want to do this either."

"However, you are better than your father, and you know how to find someone to help, so that's fine. No matter what, it's better to have someone to help you than to fight alone. Well, even if you add Loki, you will fight alone. I should be right about that.”

"Actually, back then, I also wanted to find someone to help, but unfortunately, at that time, your father was already the strongest in the Nine Realms, and I couldn't find anyone who could help me. This is really a sad story."

"You are different. Although you inherited the throne of Asgard from me, you have not been named the strongest in the Nine Realms. In this regard, you are far behind your father. One is not the strongest. God King, but there is no way to maintain Asgard's position in the Nine Realms."

"Although the guy who is stronger than you is a bit suspected of cheating, unfortunately, there seem to be many people who can cheat like him. It is conservatively estimated that there must be at least twelve."

"If this powerful force is assembled, it may be possible to dominate the universe."

"Fortunately, from the current point of view, these cheaters should be regarded as your friends. They should be able to help you deal with your ignorant sister. Although it sounds a little bit like letting your son bring friends to beat your daughter Ghost, but who made her disobedient."

"Father failed to educate her well. As a son, you should be educated. If it doesn't work, send her down to see me. Of course, this is based on the fact that you can find a way to disconnect her from Asgard. , Asgard is our home, you can live without me, but you cannot live without Asgard.”

"Finally, I hope you can take good care of your mother, she is my only concern..."

Odin left these messages like writing a letter, and then the whole person turned on and ignited the light, which means that the time limit has come, and the void and dust must be broken with light.

However, at this moment, a hand was suddenly pressed on his shoulder, and the huge divine power entered his body along the shoulder, giving his body that was almost withered, a bit of nourishment and breathing.

"Mr. God King, you seem to be a little too anxious." Le Xia's figure appeared next to the throne, and he pressed the hand on Odin's shoulder.

"Le, little friend Le, thank you for your help, but I don't need it here. I know my body. Once death begins, it will be irreversible."

When Odin spoke, the smile on his face was full of exhaustion.

"Irreversible? I don't believe it yet."

Le Xia also felt that the input of his own cosmic power, for Odin, was like charging a non-rechargeable battery. It could only temporarily save the battery that was about to run out, but it couldn't save the battery.

However, Le Xia will definitely not admit defeat.

"Come on, try this."

Stretching out his hand, a silver metal cup appeared in Le Xia's hand. The pattern on the cup was simple and beautiful, giving people a sense of solemnity and trust.

"The Saint Cloth of the Baron is the cup used by the goddess Athena to restore her physical strength on the battlefield. It has the physical ability to heal pain. This cup of water will not cure the disease, but it can also restore your body. Part of it."

"Athena? Is it really a **** of Olympus You use a **** of Olympus to save a **** king of Asgard, don't you think it's a little bit ..."

"There is your sister, do you want to die or not?" Le Xia interrupted Odin a little maniacally, he was almost dead, with so much nonsense, have you never heard of a dead horse being used as a horse doctor? Crooked.

"I..." Thinking of Frigga's face, and...Odin nodded decisively, "If possible, I certainly don't want to die."

"That's it, come on, drink!"

ton ton ton ton ton...

After pouring three glasses of water in a row, Odin felt that his feeling that he was about to shatter the void was relieved, but his internal organs were a bit difficult to handle.

"Hey, isn't this much better? It seems to be effective. Come on, let's drink this cup, and there are three more cups!"

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