MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 97

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Cheng Shicheng and Tao Xinhe got out of the carriage one after another, and when they walked into the Xiangyang Restaurant side by side, they happened to meet Qin Si, the Ministry of Rites, who was about to rush to the various private rooms in the backyard.

The shopkeeper tied his hands together, trying to stop him, and shouted loudly: "Master Qin, please leave a way for the little one to survive. No matter what grievances and entanglements you have with Gu Sicheng, you can't break Xiaosi's rules." Ah, otherwise, in the future, who would want to come and live in the basement?"

Qin Sizheng discovered that it was far easier than he had imagined to push away the fat shopkeeper. As long as he broke through the inner self-restraint of "a gentleman speaks but does not move his hands", he raised his hand and fiddled, and the shopkeeper would clutch his chest and fall limply to one side, posing The appearance of trying his best but being unable to stop the guests shows the powerlessness of the restaurant and the powerlessness of the shopkeeper himself.

Qin Sizheng didn't find any customers he knew in the lobby, his face sank again and then swaggered past the shopkeeper and stepped on the path inside.

Tao Xinhe was preparing a draft, and when she was ready to meet the shopkeeper, she explained the reason why she, a married woman, came to fetch all the materials left by her ex-husband, and tried not to make people have redundant speculations.

Tao Xinhe, who walked hesitantly and slowly, saw the shopkeeper sitting down and sighing, so he couldn't help asking.

After hearing the whole story, Tao Xinhe took the initiative to turn around for the first time, looked at Cheng Shicheng, and asked, "Uncle? This..."

Cheng Shicheng felt that the radiance of the scorching sun in the sky was not as good as A Tao's demeanor when he turned around. He sighed in his heart, the strong girl is afraid of pestering her husband, is Atao finally willing to rely on himself?

This is a milestone in his pursuit of Atao! Even if he was entrusted and relied on by her because of her ex-husband, Cheng Shicheng was willing to do so.

"With me, a Sizheng, I can handle it. A Tao, let's go in together." Cheng Shicheng's words were like Huang Zhong Dalu, which made Tao Xinhe feel at ease.

She knew to some extent how much Gu Ningxi cared about the imperial order she accepted this time, and how she worked tirelessly to sort out the materials. Now that he is so weak, he can't bear to start over.

Since I told him that I would help him get it back, if I was intercepted by others and returned without success, wouldn't it appear that I was as unreliable as him in doing things? Tao Xinhe explained her anxiety to herself in this way.

Relying on the power of Cheng Shicheng's uncle, they finally stopped him at the moment Qin Sizheng pushed open the door of Gu Ningxi's elegant room.

Qin Sizheng pretended to say a few cruel words, saying that Gu Ningxi ignored the reputation of the Ministry of Rites, neglected his duties, and couldn't complete the imperial mission that was due to produce results at the end of the month. Being abandoned by the clan must have some character problem that is not known to the world Well, Ji Changbo and Tao Fu should keep their eyes open, be careful not to be troubled by him, and so on.

Cheng Shicheng didn't say a word, the usual smile on his face disappeared, and he simply stood still with his hands behind his back, exuding awe-inspiring power, making the weak civil servants seem to have been taken to the training ground suddenly, and became like recruits who were despised by the general .

Qin Sizheng's unfinished words were choked in his throat, he saluted in a timely manner and then retreated. When he passed Tao Xinhe, he didn't forget to snort coldly, as if he was trying to save the last bit of face for himself, but Tao Xinhe didn't care.

What caught her attention was the side of Cheng Shicheng that had never been shown before her eyes. The momentum at that moment was like a sharp knife about to be unsheathed, and Tao Xinhe unconsciously held her breath for a moment.

She thought that Gu Ningxi had never had such a sudden and frightening moment. Gu Ningxi is always gentle and polite, clumsy and dignified, which makes her feel at ease and comfortable like soaking in a hot spring, but Cheng Shicheng treats herself like fire and treats enemies like ice, which surprises her.

However, Gu Ningxi's meekness is probably the reason why Mo Qiqi hit the snake with the stick and asked to enter the house? Will he always be like this in his life? Learn not to refuse, do not know how to coordinate.

Different men's personalities, which one is better? Tao Xinhe asked herself, but couldn't answer.

Sullenly, she took the paperwork from the servant of Gu's family who was staying at the restaurant, and Tao Xinhe sorted it out carefully while browsing quickly, still admiring the talent revealed between the lines of Gu Ningxi's words.

Perhaps Cheng Shicheng did not touch his hands in order to avoid suspicion, and just sat quietly by the couch at the door of the room, following Tao Xinhe's every move with his eyes.

Its hotness became more and more irresistible, so that Tao Xinhe didn't have the heart to appreciate Gu Ningxi's writing, and put it in the bookcase in a hurry.

The staggered time has not been applied for, and it was already dinner time in the suburbs of Beijing a few days ago, and it was only after returning to the capital that I deeply felt the long afternoon.

Cheng Shicheng patiently accompanied Tao Xinhe back to the mansion, watched her put the two small wooden boxes into the study room, and explained to Gu Ningxi how to organize and store them, and heard her tell her ex-husband crisply and sweetly, "Bring it back to Zhao. There is no more paper with words in the private room of the restaurant." "wait.

He just watched Tao Xinhe's every move with a smile, pampering and admiring, relying on Gu Ningxi's ignorance of people's facial expressions, he used his eyes to tell a thousand words from the bottom of his heart, and passed them to Tao Xinhe alone, seeing her cheeks dizzy , Hang your head and stop talking.

Gu Ningxi really couldn't see Cheng Shicheng's expressive eyebrows, nor could she see Tao Xinhe's angriness and shame when she looked back at others. But what was better than before was that he seemed to understand the unusual atmosphere in the air, as if he had suddenly opened a spiritual orifice, or grew a celestial eye as mentioned in myths and legends.

Gu Ningxi felt something was wrong, especially after the woman stopped talking abruptly.

"He Niang is tired. In your opinion, what should I do first?" Gu Ningxi covered her chest with one hand, and even pretended to loosen the tie of her skirt inadvertently, revealing a corner of the oozing white bandage. Weakly seek the advice of a beautiful woman.

Tao Xinhe reflected on why she had devoted herself to being Gu Ningxi's virtuous housemate for more than three years. Maybe it's just for his respect, which is open to discussion? It made her feel that Gu Ningxi really respected her ability, appreciated her insight, and regarded her as a wife, teacher, and friend.

After all, this is the only man of the same generation that she feels comfortable getting along with among the various men she has come into contact with since she started managing the family when she was young. Tao Xinhe almost cried when she thought about it.

As she recalled the details of the mutual respect between Gu Ningxi and her husband, Tao Xinhe gradually ignored Cheng Shicheng, who was staring at him, and picked up the past demeanor of a military adviser, with a straighter back and a crisper voice.

She turned to look at Gu Ningxi, who was pale and fragile, and said sonorously: "Naturally, the most important thing is to complete the emperor's order. Time is running out, and Gu Sicheng must endure the discomfort and hand over beautiful results before the end of the month. Shang Da Tian listened, You can't get around Master Shangshu. Since he made the decision to give you the task, he showed his supportive attitude from the beginning, Gu Sicheng needs to fight for him to support you to the end."

Gu Ningxi applauded again from the bottom of her heart! Every word and every sentence hit his heart, the tacit understanding between him and He Niang was hard to find with other people.

During the couple's time, he also often asked questions, listening to He Niang's thoughts, every time his heart was pulled, making Gu Ningxi feel that He Niang was like another him in the world, connected with each other. With a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for!

However, He Niang is much smoother and calmer than him in dealing with people, and her temperament is a hundred times more resolute. The so-called round outside and square inside is beyond his reach.

After more than a month of reconciliation and separation, Gu Ningxi realized more and more that she was a rotten tree and made a mess of the situation. Before that, she had always relied on the tolerance and guidance of He Niang, and only then did she have the reputation of being a husband and wife and a loving family. .

He must grow and become stronger as soon as possible, so that He Niang can feel relieved and even tempted.

Gu Ningxi simply told Tao Xinhe about her plan, and did not shy away from Cheng Shicheng at all, maybe she meant to dazzle the screen with a peacock?

Qin Sizheng already regarded him as his enemy, so naturally he didn't need to pay attention to this person. The meaning of Zhang Shangshu's cultivation is clear at a glance. He is going to visit tomorrow and inform him of his current situation and the progress of the emperor's mission, so as to win Zhang Shangshu's sympathy and approval.

After returning home without rest, Gu Ningxi was confident that after four or five days, she would be able to complete an ancient book of exegesis that met the emperor's needs, and she just asked Zhang Shangshu to submit it at the end of the month.

The emperor was lenient, and according to the style of this young emperor, he should have summoned Gu Ningxi, asked him more detailed extensions of the book, and rewarded him.

At that time, Gu Ningxi will take advantage of this rare opportunity to meet the Holy Spirit, and ask the commander to thoroughly investigate Gu Ningran's attempt to kill his younger brother, and frame Gu Ningxi upside down, leading to his extermination of the evil deeds.

As for Gu Ningran's accusation of **** a woman, Tao Xinhe didn't pursue it, and Gu Ningxi didn't mention it either. After all, it involved the will of Mo Qiqi, the sufferer. His unruly feelings towards Tao Xinhe were not prepared to be exposed by everyone present.

After Tao Xinhe listened quietly, she was intoxicated by Gu Ningxi's brilliant eyes, which is exactly the quality of a man she likes. A gentleman does something and doesn't do something, with a proactive attitude, giving full play to his own advantages, using his strength to fight against his strength, and using his yang to break the conspiracy.

When Mo Qiqi was mentioned at the end, Tao Xinhe suddenly came back to his senses, and asked a disguised question: "Gu Sicheng is injured, and he doesn't like others to be close to him, so why don't you let Miss Mo take care of her? She is no stranger to you, right?"

Cheng Shicheng, who hadn't spoken for a long time, added fuel and jealousy: "Maybe it's Gu Sicheng who pities the fragrance and cherishes the jade, and doesn't want Miss Mo to work hard." He immediately blocked back the words that Gu Ningxi was about to take the opportunity to confess his feelings to Tao Xinhe.

Gu Ningxi gasped for a moment before she could respond **** for tat: "Uncle, you are joking. After all, men and women are different. Even if I regard Qiniang as a sister, I should not be despised for her boudoir reputation. There are enough servants in the family, and I have always taken care of myself. Mother knows very well, this little injury doesn't matter."

Only then did Tao Xinhe realize that this person had secretly changed his title back to "Han Niang". Because it was too pleasing to the ear and too familiar, she neglected it.

Cheng Shicheng was angry: "Don't be contemptuous, isn't it just pity? Gu Sicheng, Atao only knows how you were in the past, how can you know your heart now. Miss Mo is innocent and detached, like a flower of interpretation, Gu Sicheng is very lucky. Ah Tao backed down in time, Gu Sicheng shouldn't waste all of her painstaking efforts."

Waiting for the hidden needle in the words to expose Cheng Shicheng's hypocrisy to Tao Xinhe, Gu Ningxi was short of breath, and for a while, her full of witty remarks turned into a continuous cough.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and the bright red spots bloomed on the floor tiles, very glaring.

Tao Xinhe felt a headache just now when she heard the two men's lawsuit, and was about to turn around and leave quickly, but was stopped by Gu Ningxi's mouthful of blood.

Gu Ningxi's blood does not return to meridian, how long will it take to heal? It's all thanks to Gu Ningran's knife! She was aroused to feel the same hatred against the enemy, and wanted to make Gu Ningxi face the saint more smoothly, and sue Gu Ningran well.

After hesitating for a moment, Tao Xinhe finally said: "There are only a few days left, so you can write in the mansion with peace of mind. Tomorrow, I will go to Zhang Shangshu's mansion for you. I am familiar with his wife and young lady, and Zhang Shangshu is also familiar with him." I'm not a stranger, so I won't miss your business."

Hearing this, Gu Ningxi stood in a daze and had a cup of tea on the spot. Regardless of the stiffness of her upper body bound by bandages, she bowed to Tao Xinhe and folded her arms as a formal courtesy, thanking her for her help.

In such an instant, Cheng Shicheng felt that he was completely a bystander, excluded by the aura of the two people's interaction, and he wondered inexplicably, did I shoot myself in the foot with a rock?

I originally wanted to help Atao cut through the past, but did it actually promote their severance?

It wasn't until Tao Xinhe turned to look at him with clear eyes, and asked him to help testify when Gu Ningxi sued the imperial court, and spoke directly about the rescue matters, with sincere words, that Cheng Shicheng felt a little calmer.

Atao has a clear distinction between good and evil, and he spares no effort to help others. Helping Gu Ningxi today, he will be able to serve himself wholeheartedly like this in the future, Cheng Shicheng warned himself like this, and finally responded with a smile.

Seeing Tao Xinhe's smiling face, squinting her winking eyes, and showing her white teeth, Cheng Shicheng thought, this is her smile that was touched by me, and it is treasured for me, something that Gu Ningxi will never see in her life.

Cheng Shicheng's heart became hot again.