MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-Chapter 45

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The man who is not very familiar calls her boudoir name naturally for the second time, it sounds really awkward, Tao Xinhe feels that she can no longer indulge, the first time is because she saw Gu Ningxi outside the house, she was eager to send the guests away to deal with her own affairs , Just pretend that you haven't heard Ji Changbo so familiar.

Right now, regardless of whether he claims to be asexual or the military generals have loose rules, and regardless of whether he will see Ji Changbo again after the settlement of Gu Runing's marriage, his attitude must be clear.

So, Tao Xinhe's expression turned serious, and she said in a crisp voice: "Uncle, I know you have no other intentions, but please still call me Jushi Tao from now on."

Cheng Shicheng waved his hand and said with a smile: "He Niang, what is Tao Jushi, why do you want to come here, how rigid and restrained. You are young, if I remember correctly, you are twenty-four, right or wrong? You are still young, why? Playing off the title of a lifeless half-monk."

Tao Xinhe's heartstrings twitched slightly. In recent days, she had told many people about this title, and it was the first time someone commented on her lifelessness. Could it be that it really secretly reflected his physical and mental exhaustion?

The rare and eloquent pretty girl choked for a moment without retorting. Cheng Shicheng had a subtle sense of accomplishment and said while the iron was hot: "If you really don't want to be called your girlfriend's name, how about I call you by your surname? A Tao?"

"A Tao" is still a bit too intimate, it's better than "He Niang", in Tao Xinhe's mind.

However, this name is rarely heard in the capital. It seems that Mrs. Wang Shangshu, who was born in Saibei, likes to call people by their surnames. She guessed that maybe it was the name that my uncle learned when he was marching and fighting in the frontier.

She acquiesced.

Cheng Shicheng pretended to sigh, and said, "Tao, to tell you the truth, I hit you off right away, and I wanted to be with you for a long time. It's a pity that you don't plan to touch Jiaer's marriage. Otherwise, the day after tomorrow will be On the Lantern Festival, how about I invite you to go to the market to watch the lanterns together?"

The heart beats and contracts violently, which means that the owner has been greatly frightened. Her cheeks were blushing quickly, and her thin eyebrows were tightly furrowed. Tao Xinhe didn't expect to hear such words as boudoir romance.

If it was someone else, she would have stood up immediately, flung her sleeves and angrily scolded the apprentice, turned around and left... No, she ordered the servants to beat the offending person out of the house.

However, the other party is Uncle Ji Chang, a man who is said to be inhumane and has no female relatives around him. Tao Xinhe had regarded him as a kind big sister who came to comfort him for a moment, and he was a little bit unable to turn around for a while.

She took a few deep breaths, gritted her molars calmly, and said earnestly and earnestly: "Uncle, I have known you not long ago, but I feel that you are gentle and enthusiastic. However, I wonder if it is because you have little contact with female relatives, Or maybe it’s been a while since I’ve been in touch, so I’m sorry for the presumptuousness, but I think your words and actions when getting along with women are quite questionable.”

Hearing this, Cheng Shicheng frowned, and said in a playful voice, "But please enlighten me?"

Tao Xinhe just wanted to help her forehead, she almost made it clear, did the other party not understand? What does this make her say?

Although you are no longer a man, from the perspective of the world, you are still a worthy son-in-law. You should pay more attention to propriety, so as not to make the unknowing female relatives have wrong ideas?

It's strange to say that Tao Xinhe didn't think of Gu Ningxi for a day or two because of various life details, such as a dish on the table, rare allusions in a newly read book, and the changes in the red makeup and wedding dresses that his younger siblings talked about over the past few years, etc. She is also working hard to correct this problem, but at this moment, she thinks of Gu Ningxi inappropriately.

For Gu Ningxi to Mo Qiqi, did he provoke the little girl because he didn't know how to measure it, or did the concubine want to push each other along? Tao Xinhe found that when she thought about this, her heart still felt a little rippling and stuffy, as if she had returned to the cloudy and rainy day on the seventh day of the first lunar month in an instant, and she couldn't breathe freely.

Tao Xinhe came back to her senses for a while, and saw Ji Changbo staring at her without blinking, and said quickly, "For example, it's inappropriate for you to look directly at the female relatives like this."

"Oh? Even if you are Heli Free, isn't it okay?" Cheng Shicheng found that Tao Xinhe was much more lively than when he first met him, and he was more likely to be happy than angry. It seemed that she and Lizhen were right, as if she had broken out of the shell of a dignified woman, glowing with new brilliance, more charming, making him unable to stop.

Tao Xinhe found that she seemed to be unable to understand this matter with Ji Changbo. Cheng Shicheng is also someone from Fengyue, is it broken now? She secretly told herself that the other party was not as harmless as she thought, and he was not a stranger, so she would keep contact with him less in the future.

Looking pointedly at the sky outside the window, it was high in the sun, she must have chatted with the guest for a while, Tao Xinhe lightly picked up the tea cup and put it in his hand, but didn't drink it, which was a secret intention to see off the guest up.

She smiled politely and alienated again, the corners of her lips curled into a three-point arc, but her eyes were calm and unsmiling, and she said in a gentle but unquestionable tone: "Naturally not right, men and women are different. Uncle, what else is there?" , can the Tao Mansion help?"

The hidden words are, if there is nothing wrong, this will not be sent.

Cheng Shicheng's Adam's apple rolled twice, and his brows furrowed, knowing that he had acted too hastily just now, and how much he had annoyed the beautiful lady. Maybe, if it weren't for his hidden disease that both of them knew but hadn't solved, he wouldn't be able to sit in the reception flower hall of Tao Mansion right now. .

He still wanted to try again: "A Tao, the day after tomorrow, accompany me to see the Lantern Festival, okay?"

Tao Xinhe burst out laughing, but this person keeps mentioning it again and again. I don't know if they are in this social circle, if they don't answer, it's because they don't want to?

It seems that the self-evident rules she learned from getting along with civil servants and their family members are not applicable to Ji Changbo. Somehow, it aroused Tao Xinhe's novelty.

After laughing, Tao Xinhe still declined politely: "I won't go, thank you uncle for your kind invitation, I wish you a pleasant viewing of the lantern."

Cheng Shicheng said goodbye reluctantly, before leaving, he said: "At that time, I will send a lantern, please don't give up, accept it as hope."

Tao Xinhe sighed and refused, deeply feeling that she was an annoying and indifferent master. But what can be done? The other party's unreasonable enthusiasm, "you don't get paid for nothing".


The Shangyuan Festival is approaching in a blink of an eye. Tonight, the emperor will have fun with the people. Fireworks will be set off outside the palace gate, and giant lanterns will be set off.

As for other places, there is an annual scene of brightly lit and colorful lanterns. Many businesses try their best to set up lantern shows and guess lantern riddles. , Each has its own place, each has its own way of playing, all night long, everyone sleepless.

People in the capital will go out with their families to watch the lanterns and admire the moon, bring the old and the young together, call their wives and children, and accompany their neighbors and companions. The noisy atmosphere goes straight to the sky.

However, except for those who have a funeral.

In the small courtyard of the Mo family, the voices of the monks chanting scriptures seemed to be a little quieter and messy, maybe it was because of their absent-mindedness.

After finally arriving at Xu time, the leading monk "Amitabha" chanted, and after saluting Gu Ningxi, who was dressed in indigo uniform, he said: "Almsgiver, the seven heads of the undead are full. You and Miss Mo, the bad luck of mourning, has lost a layer." , great kindness and great kindness."

The haggard Gu Ningxi breathed a sigh of relief, returned a salute, thanked the monk, and asked: "When I came over on the tenth day of the lunar new year, the master said that the deceased passed away on double tenth, and I was quite resentful. Brother Yu, so it is best to stay here for seven days and not see outsiders, so as to resolve it. I wonder if I can go see relatives at this time?"

The chubby monk with a Buddha-like face felt ashamed and squeezed his sleeves secretly. Miss Mo asked herself to make up an excuse to keep the official surnamed Gu here, and gave five taels of silver, which was too much .

He said it unsurely, and he still remembers that the senior official's expression changed at that time, and he murmured: "Sure enough, there is a **** in the sky? Could it be that the brother-in-law blamed me for breaking the promise? But I haven't told you yet." Qiniang mentioned it." She seemed to believe it was true, with a look of annoyance.

The official still asked if the resentment of the undead was only aimed at him? Or will it affect his relatives?

The great monk thought about it, the need of the pilgrim girl is to keep people, and he quickly quoted the "Dharma Pen Sutra", "Tibetan Secret Sutra" and so on.

Gu Ningxi pondered for a while. He is a traditional Confucian disciple who grew up under the guidance of his grandfather and father. He is most familiar with the three tombs and five classics. Although he has dabbled in other miscellaneous studies, he has always disliked the blunt teeth and pretending to be profound in Buddhist scriptures. , so knowledge in this area is not even superficial.

For a while, he couldn't judge whether the great monk's words were true or false, and with the attitude of "preferring to believe it", he decided to wait until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and he sincerely sent Mo Qi back to the underworld and reincarnation in the past few days.

When Mo Qiqi heard this, she was full of joy, and her words were clear and clear, which didn't go well with her plain white mourning clothes. However, she didn't seem to expect that there were only two houses in the Mo family courtyard, one was her boudoir, One room is at a standstill, where should Gu Ningxi live with his servants?

All she knew was to surround Gu Ningxi and ask, "Brother Xi, you haven't been back home for a few days, can you explain it to Madam?" Did you dream about my brother?"

Gu Ningxi could only respond with a wry smile.

Mo Qiqi's face could still attract his gaze. He can see how the shape of the lips changes when people are speaking, and how tears fall from the eyelashes when people are sad, and finally understands the wrinkled nose, pouting mouth, frowning and resentment described in the book. , Smiling lips and teeth, what are they all like.

However, so what? The freshness of the clearly identifiable human face has faded, as if it is no longer something as precious as He Shibi he once thought. Not to mention the girl herself with a clearly identifiable face.

He had never dreamed of Mo Qi, let alone Mo Qiqi, only dreamed of a lady, a lady with a familiar figure and a vague face, he could finally identify the beautiful lady in his dream, and he was not worried about admitting mistakes and causing the lady to scold her. It's a pity that the dream disappeared as soon as he woke up, and he didn't remember what he dreamed, leaving only a feeling of emptiness.

Gu Ningxi never took the initiative to tell others that he reconciled and divorced, as if this fact did not exist if he did not mention it.

He arranged for his servants to go to the Ministry of Rites to ask for leave, and received a humane reply from Zhang Shangshu and the director of the department: "The righteous brothers are like brothers and sisters, so naturally they should arrange a funeral for them and keep their heads full."

He assigned a housekeeper to discuss with the neighbors, bought their yard with money for a few days, and invited the whole family of the neighbors to live in the inn. Gu Ningxi lived in with his knowledge of books and paintings.

From the 11th day of the first lunar month to the Shangyuan Festival, Gu Ningxi came to Mo's small courtyard to listen to scriptures and worship during the daytime. As soon as it got dark, she used "the separation between men and women must not be messed up." Then he went back to the neighbor's courtyard and continued to listen to the scriptures through the wall.

Seriously speaking, Mo Qiqi has kept people, but three meals a day, or a group of people rush to eat a few mouthfuls, or Gu Ningxi will eat at the same table with the people in his house regardless of their rank, and then Otherwise, it would be that Gu Ningxi lost his mind while eating alone. In short, the picture of two people eating and living together, going in and out together, as Mo Qiqi imagined, did not appear at all.

Right now, the great monk personally unsealed him, Gu Ningxi went to Mo Qiqi's coffin and meditated for a while, told Liu Guang and Zhuiyun to accompany Mo Qiqi, be careful about the door, and come back on February 7th, just like a liberated bird Son, flap your wings and fly away.

He went back to the mansion to take a bath and change clothes, and smelled the smell of incense candles on his body, hesitantly thinking that this auspicious day, although it was later than usual, he thought He Niang hadn't slept yet, so he went to find her now, she would like to see her what?

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