MTL - Seven Evil Slips-Chapter 27

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Before the official call, Kiyo called Shengun to get a vaccination, to the effect that if Luo Ren's attitude is not good, please forgive him.

The magic stick said: "Huh? Which onion is Luo Ren? He is not my good friend, why should I forgive him? I won't call, and I won't answer the phone call."

Sure enough, the person who wrote the book is a big guy, with such an arrogant personality, which is usually the case for high-level people, Kiyo quickly stated his position: "So, I can't understand his self-righteous attitude, so I need you to be like this." If you are educated and eloquent, put out his arrogance, crush him, crush him in all directions."

The magic stick made her say it was soothing, and she immediately burst into a smile: "Okay, little pocket, for your sake, I'll crush the little radish."

small carrot? Kiyo's cell phone almost fell to the ground.

Turning around, I have to vaccinate Luo Ren.

"What about this person..." She racked her brains to describe, "he has more personality, think about it, he always deals with such supernatural and fantasy things, so the way of thinking about problems is naturally different from ordinary people. From the name he gave himself You can see it, **** stick, why do you have to use such bluffing and deceitful words? It shows that he has self-confidence."

Muyo is also very hardworking, Luo Ren is very angry and funny, he said so much, just want him to be more polite to that magic stick, okay, anyway, it doesn't cost money to be polite.

He nodded: "What else?"

There is actually "and", Kidai said: "He doesn't like to call people by their names, he just calls them casually..."

Speaking of this, I quickly emphasized: "But it's really casual, and there is absolutely no derogatory meaning. For example, that Wan Fenghuo, he called him Xiao Wanwan, just say me, he called me Little Pocket..."

Luo Ren was moved, and Kiyo even used his own example as a foreshadowing. How ugly the name that magic stick gave him must be.

He calmly took the cup beside him and drank water: "Tell me, what nickname did you give me?"

"small carrot."

Luo Ren's scalp is slightly frizzy, but it's okay, it's not too much.

The bad thing is that Kiyo, who has broken his heart, came here again to add to the snake: "Actually, radish... is rich in nutrition and is a good thing. There is a folk saying, 'Eat radish in winter and eat **** in summer, don't need a doctor to prescribe medicine'." In some places, radish is called Native ginseng, so in fact he is trying to praise you as ginseng, Luo Ren..."

Luo Ren couldn't help it, and sprayed all the tea in a sip.

Mudai was talking to Luo Ren with eloquence, how could he expect him to suddenly attack? Rao's figure was agile and quickly avoided, but half of his face was still splashed.

Kiyo always loves to be clean, so he jumped up in a hurry, looking for tissues all over the room, Luo Ren took out a tissue from his pocket, and was about to hand it over, when Kiyo grabbed it angrily, wiped his face and glared at it. he.

Luo Ren sincerely apologized to her: "I'm sorry, Kiyo, I sprayed ginseng water on your face."

The call finally officially started.

Luo Ren gave the lecture, he was organized and narrated clearly. At the beginning, the magic stick thought it was commonplace and commonplace, and he listened a little absent-minded. Later, he was gradually attracted, and occasionally asked Luo Ren some questions, and his questions were also very interesting. On the point, for example: What is the reason why there is such a long interval between the first and second murders?

For Muyo, it was tantamount to going through the whole murder case again, Luomahu, Erlianhot, Xiaoshanghe, Zhang Guanghua, Liu Shuhai, Luo Wenmiao, and... Pinting.

In the end, Luo Ren said: "It is important to find out the truth of the matter, but for me, the most important thing now is to rescue Ting."

After a short silence, the magic stick said: "As far as I have seen so far, there is no similar case, but I have a hunch that there should be one. It's just that there is something missing. It would be great if there are more clues."

Hehe, if it wasn't that I couldn't do anything, and I wouldn't turn to you for help, what else could I do? Is it the truth? If the truth is found out, what are you looking for?

Luo Ren smiled, but because of Muyo's face, he didn't say these words.

But the magic stick is obviously not just talking: "I'll call you later, I want to talk about it."

The waiting time was not long, but it felt very long, Luo Ren took Muyo to see Pin Ting.

Through the fence, I saw Ping Ting sitting on the ground with her knees hugged, staring at the carpet in a daze, her feet shrank back subconsciously, as if she was afraid of the imaginary blood staining her feet.

"Luo Ren, there is no blood relationship between you and Pin Ting, right?"

Luo Ren turned to look at her: "Why?"

"It's just a feeling." Kiyo gestured to the hanging chain around his neck, "It looks like hanging a picture of a lover, I think it's very accurate."

Luo Ren laughed: "It's not just Pin Ting, I have no blood relationship with Luo Wenmiao, it just happens to be named Luo. When I was young, because of my family relationship, I lived with Luo Wenmiao for a long time. In my heart, they are more important than relatives. I want to kiss."

"But Zheng Bo said that after Pin Ting's accident, you never came back to see her."

Luo Ren's eyes darkened for a moment, but soon, he laughed again.

"Not coming back, because I have no face to come back."

"Uncle told me not to let him kill people, but I failed. When I left Pin Ting, I told her, don't be afraid, there is me. As a result, she went crazy. What I said was like farting. If I can do it, I will never make promises to others in this life."

Mudai stared at Luo Ren in a daze, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

A distant ringing sound came, and the magic stick called.

The stick said: "I sorted out the whole thing from beginning to end. What I said next is just speculation. But speculation is not necessarily wrong. Before any scientific theory is tested or proven by facts, it is based on exist in the form of speculation or hypothesis."

Luo Ren felt his throat dry: "So, what's your guess?"

"There is something in Pin Ting's body. It is not clear where it came from, but this thing is the same thing in the bodies of Zhang Guanghua, Liu Shuhai, and Luo Wenmiao."

"This thing is not like a virus, it seems to be alive. Its spread is not like an infection, but like a nearby free choice. Let me assume that its shape is a rectangle. If you can see it, it may look like human skin. , rectangular human skin."

It seems to make sense, after all, Liu Shuhai and Luo Wenmiao both lost such a piece of skin on their backs.

Kiyo interrupted: "What about the foot? Everyone has their left foot cut off."

"Little Pocket, can you hold your breath, I will talk about it later."

Well, Tomoki Kiyo shut up.

"Both Liu Shuhai and Luo Wenmiao found a piece of skin missing during the autopsy, and at the same time there was no corresponding tear on the clothes. This is the main reason why I think the skin is alive. I guess, when the parties died, the scene was chaotic. In a ball, this piece of skin quietly crawled out from the neckline of the deceased and hid itself."

It's really a creepy imagination, but after thinking about it, I can't raise any objections.

"Now, we only have two cases of Liu Shuhai and Luo Wenmiao as references. Cen Chunjiao ran out when Liu Shuhai died. When she came back, she brought an old man who was a gatekeeper with her, which may have alarmed other spectators. As for Pin Ting, according to you, after Luo Wenmiao died, there was only Pin Ting at the scene, and Bo Zheng only found out after a while."

Luo Ren's heart was shocked: "You mean, the possession of this piece of human skin consciously avoids many eyes and ears, and tends to choose people who are left alone?"

The magic stick said: "Yes, this is like a crime. It is rarely carried out in public, and most of them choose unmanned alleys and single passers-by."

"You mentioned that the small hotel in Jinan was close to the passenger terminal, and your uncle's car failed to arrive on the road, so he didn't arrive until midnight. Not long after the murder happened, if your uncle happened to pass behind the small hotel alone, and the area The human skin came out from the window of Liu Shuhai's room... This is what I just said, choose the nearest one, but there is a certain degree of freedom."

Mushiro's back felt cold, she stared at the case on the wall, yes, it was the nearest choice, Zhang Guanghua drowned in a river near Datong, Liu Shuhai appeared strange after falling into the water in a car accident in Datong; Liu Shuhai died in a river near Jinan Bus Station A small hotel, and Luo Wenmiao happened to pass by in the middle of the night; Luo Wenmiao committed suicide in her room, and at that time, only Ping Ting rushed into the room.

Luo Ren asked: "Does that piece of human skin have the power to confuse people's hearts, and can force people to change their minds and do things that I can't believe?"

The magic stick hesitated for a moment: "I think it should be like this, but it varies with people's experience, knowledge, self-control, etc. For example, your uncle, I think he has a strong self-control, and he may have made some resistance. Because you once asked Pin Ting what was wrong with him, and Pin Ting couldn't tell, which shows that Luo Wenmiao is in good control. Only relatives have a sixth sense of detection, and he once said to you, "Don't let me kill someone" if."

"The opposite is Pin Ting, because she is already crazy and her consciousness can be easily controlled, so her abnormality is extremely obvious."

It seems to be the case. Back then, my uncle might have had the urge to sing and dance, but it was only a momentary trance in his consciousness, and he quickly controlled it. But Ping Ting is different, she has no taboos, she hums when she wants to, and dances when she wants to dance, she doesn't care if it fits or not, and she doesn't care if there are people watching.

The quietness in the room was a bit scary, Shen stick cleared his throat: "Now let's put this question aside and talk about another one."

""Tan Ge" is a ballad in ancient times. Foot cutting is a kind of punishment almost at the same time. Before that, you were subject to a kind of thinking, that is, "cutting feet" and "gouging skin" are terrible forms of death. However, Can they be viewed separately?"

Kiyo couldn't help it again: "How to separate?"

"Putting out the skin means that this piece of human skin leaves on its own, because it needs to find the next object to possess. But cutting off the skin is another kind of power's punishment for the murderer. Maybe the crime he committed at that time corresponded to cutting off the skin." punishment."

After saying this, the magic stick paused for a while: "Do you understand?"

Kiyo nodded: "Understood."

"Where is the little radish, do you understand?"

It was obviously such a tense and scary scene, but Kiyo still wanted to laugh when he heard the magic stick called "Little Radish".

Luo Ren looked at Kiyo helplessly: "Understood."

"It's easy to understand. Next, I'm going to tell my most important deduction, that is, how to rescue Ting."

Luo Ren's eyes tightened suddenly, he sat up straight unconsciously, and Kiyo held his breath nervously.

What the **** stick said next left the two of them speechless.

"Don't you applaud? Shouldn't you applaud when you say something important?"

Luo Ren's mood, how can he make him applaud, but the magic stick has been analyzing for so long, it seems that it is indeed worthy of praise, so Kiyo had no choice but to clap by himself, Luo Ren glanced at her, and her applause was immediately soft. After going down, I felt aggrieved: why did I come here? For whom?

But that small grievance was soon overwhelmed by what the magic stick said next.

"If the speculation is correct, Pin Ting, like Luo Wenmiao, will kill and commit crimes very quickly. Of course you can prevent it, but you may not be able to prevent it. Pin Ting will soon usher in the same fate as the previous three people. Death , cut off the feet, peel off the skin."

Luo Ren's face gradually turned pale.

Kiyo couldn't bear it, and hurriedly asked the **** stick: "Then how can we rescue Ting?"

"Cutting off the feet is because the deceased killed someone, and gouging out the skin is because the person is dead and has no use value. I want to find a new host. My idea is to let Pin Ting have a fake death before she has time to kill someone. After the human skin is gone, let her come back to life."

"suspended animation?"

The magic stick laughed: "Of course it can't be the kind of fake death that pretends to be dead, the kind that shouldn't be fooled, I mean, really stop breathing, use these few minutes to get the skin off the body, and then...rescue return."

"However..." He changed the topic, "This is not a good strategy after all."

Kiyo understood.

No one knows what kind of evil force that so-called living "human skin" is. After leaving the body, can it be restrained, trapped, and restrained? If not, even if Pin Ting is rescued, there will always be another possessed person.