MTL - Serve as Contrast Team in a ‘Dad with Baby’ Show-Chapter 64 theme song

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Lin Cheng is going to take Lin Momo to record the theme song of "Living with Dad".

At first, when netizens discovered that the voices of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo did not appear in the theme song of the show, the explanation given by the program team was: Lin Cheng and Lin Momo joined the show as a late addition. I haven't joined the show yet, so I didn't participate in the recording.

However, it is clear that netizens and fans did not buy the program group's explanation.

Under pressure, the program team promised on the Internet that Lin Cheng and Lin Momo would record the theme song as a team.

So, before Lin Cheng and Lin Momo got off the plane, the program crew had already arranged the recording studio.

Lin Cheng and Lin Momo soon came to the recording studio.

At this time, the assistant in the recording studio was already waiting at the entrance of the recording studio. Seeing Lin Cheng and Lin Momo coming, the assistant welcomed them in with enthusiasm.

"Today we are going to record the theme song of the same name of "Living with Dad". Here are the lyrics and score, you can take a look." The assistant said while handing the lyrics and music book of the theme song to Lin Cheng and the two. .

"You can rest here now and get ready," the assistant looked at Lin Momo and said softly, "Kids, wait here a little bit, our teacher is in a bit of a traffic jam and is still on the way here, wait for her When I arrive, I will teach you to sing this song."

Just as the assistant finished speaking, Lin Cheng said, "No need."

"She can sing." Lin Cheng said: When recording the show, he has heard the theme song of the show come out of Lin Momo's mouth more than once.

"Can you sing?"

Lin Momo also nodded and said, "I can sing."

After finishing speaking, Lin Momo opened the lyrics and music book in front of her, and sang out the lyrics one by one.

Lin Momo didn't know the stave above, but she sang the melody of the whole song without much problem.

The assistant looked at Lin Momo in surprise—although Lin Momo's mastery of this song was not perfect, it was very proficient. Obviously, before this, Lin Momo should have practiced this song specially. Even practiced many times.

The assistant didn't understand why the program group didn't allow Lin Cheng and Lin Momo to participate in the recording of the theme song.

However, thinking of Lin Cheng's fame and status in the entertainment circle before, the assistant instantly understood something.

"It's really snobby..." the assistant muttered inwardly.

Looking at Lin Cheng and Lin Momo again, the assistant smiled and said, "Alright then, I'll inform the recording teacher to prepare. You should familiarize yourself with the song first, and we'll start as soon as possible."

After the assistant left, Lin Momo practiced in a low voice with her lyrics and music book in her arms.

The girl's voice is not loud, but her intentions can be heard.

In the first part, Lin Momo sang it several times, very smoothly, without any problems, until the second round of singing the chorus, she got stuck.

"We live together in a beautiful new home..."

Lin Momo didn't feel right, so she sang it twice: "We live together in a beautiful..." "We live together..."

Looking down at Lin Momo frowning and singing, Lin Cheng couldn't help but smile, then took the notebook from Lin Momo and borrowed a pen from the staff, A small vertical line is used to delineate the place where this sentence pauses and breaks the sentence.

Lin Cheng squatted down in front of Lin Momo, and began to point to the score on it to teach her how to recognize this passage, and how to sing this sentence.

Lin Cheng sang it once, and Lin Momo would sing along.

Until Lin Momo sang fluently, Lin Cheng led her to sing the next line.

Unlike Wang Xi and Zhou Qi in the company who simply asked Lin Momo to sing along with them and then repeated the practice over and over again, Lin Cheng would teach Lin Momo how to recognize the stave and how to match the lyrics to the notation.

Lin Cheng taught carefully, and Lin Momo also studied hard.

Several young staff members at the side of the lounge watched the scene of the father and daughter, and couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

"My God, there is so much love!"

"Really! I really like the group of Lin Cheng and Momo, they are real and loving."

She is also a passer-by fan in the live broadcast room of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo: Compared with other groups of father-son and father-daughter combinations, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo have much less so-called "loving" parent-child interaction in the live broadcast, but other There are too many "loving" scenes in several groups, which makes people feel that they are too forceful and have too many acting elements. It is not as comfortable to watch as the natural performances of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo.

"Before, there were several other fans who said on the Internet that Lin Cheng and Momo had too little interaction, and the relationship between father and daughter was not close... Isn't this very good! Compared with the group that shows a very close personal relationship every minute It looks more real." The girl muttered again.

The other girl next to her also nodded in agreement.

"By the way, the teacher who teaches singing is still on the way, is it still used?"

"..." It seems that there is no need for it?

Soon, the former assistant came to the lounge again and brought Lin Cheng and Lin Momo to the recording studio.

After Lin Cheng exchanged a few words with the sound engineer, he led Lin Momo into the recording studio separated by a layer of glass.

Looking at the equipment that she had never seen before, Lin Momo seemed a little restrained. She sat upright on the chair specially prepared for her by her assistant, with her hands obediently placed by her side, not daring to touch these things.

"Are you nervous?" Lin Cheng lowered his head and asked Lin Momo.

"No." Lin Momo shook her head and said again, "I'm not nervous."

Hearing this, Lin Cheng's gaze fell on Lin Momo's hand.

Because of nervousness, Lin Momo's hand had subconsciously grabbed the corner of Lin Cheng's clothes and held it tightly.

Lin Cheng smiled secretly, instead of poking Lin Momo, he pointed to the various equipment in the recording studio and introduced them to Lin Momo one by one.

Lin Momo carefully wrote down the names Lin Cheng said, what each thing does, and how to use it. For a while, she forgot to be nervous.

Lin Cheng signaled to the sound engineer outside, the sound engineer nodded, and the first recording started.

Lin Momo sang the first line of the theme song into the microphone.

The girl's clear and soft voice, which is unique to children of this age, amazed the sound engineer and several assistants outside the recording studio.

What surprised them even more was Lin Momo's intonation.

In the previous groups of families, except for Duan Bei who recorded the demo in the recording studio specially arranged by their company, the rest of them recorded the theme song here. Lin Momo's intonation should be the best among the children. Even better than adults like Gao Yuankai and Zheng Chengye.

In the recording studio, after Lin Momo sang the first part of the verse, Lin Cheng's voice also joined in at this time.

The voices of the father and daughter are very recognizable, but together, one is cute and the other is generous and calm, not only not obtrusive, but very harmonious.

After the chorus was finished, Lin Cheng stopped, Lin Momo sang two lines, and then Lin Cheng sang the next two lines...

The two sang the last part in the form of dialogue.

The first trial recording is completed.

Several assistants outside the recording studio and the recording teacher exchanged glances.

"It feels good." One said with emotion.

The sound engineer also nodded: Lin Cheng has been so confused these past few years that he almost forgot that this man himself is a singer.

"It's not bad, the transition between the third and fourth sentences is a little flatter here, the second part of the chorus is a little bit lower, and then the third sentence here at the end..." The sound engineer looked at the audio data on the device and his own records, and said yes Lin Cheng raised a few minor problems.

"Okay, let's do it again."

Lin Cheng and Lin Momo's intonation is very high, and there are few problems. Therefore, the whole song recording process went smoothly. It took less than two hours for them to complete the recording of the theme song.

After Lin Cheng left with Lin Momo, although the production of the song will take some time, the staff arranged by the program group have already edited the tidbits of the theme song recorded by the father and daughter and some demos of the song very efficiently. The video clip was shared on the official Weibo of the program group.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, it quickly attracted the attention of netizens.

[Has the program group finally arranged for Lin Cheng and Momo to re-record the theme song? 】

[That's right, it was supposed to be a show of five groups of celebrity families, but the theme song only has the voices of four groups of families, which is outrageous. 】

[It's all right now, it's finally recorded. 】

[Will you soon be able to hear the voices of Lin Cheng and Momo in the new version of the theme song? looking forward to! 】

[In other words, although there is only a short section in the video, I feel that Momo's father sings well, and his voice is also nice. 】

【right! Momo also sings super well! The pitch is better than mine. 】

[After all, he is the child of a singer, hahaha, he has good genes. 】

[And both of them are very serious. 】

Just when many netizens began to discuss Lin Cheng and Lin Momo's good singing, some fans of Duan Bei jumped out because of dissatisfaction.

[Originally, the songs have already been recorded before, and now they have to re-record, which is not too troublesome. 】

[Yeah, it's just a theme song, if you didn't record it, you didn't record it, and if you have to re-record it, it's too big a show. 】

The reason why these fans were dissatisfied with Lin Cheng's re-recording was not because they thought it was troublesome.

As a newcomer promoted by the entertainment company, Duan Bei originally sang nearly half of the theme song. Now, adding the part of Lin Cheng's family to the theme song will inevitably reduce the singing parts of other groups. Duan Bei My agent has received news from the program group that they will compress Duan Bei's performance for 15 seconds.

This matter was sent to the big fan group by the agent, and after the news spread, some fans of Duanbei jumped out at this time out of dissatisfaction.

[I don't deny that Lin Momo sings well, but the pitch is not an advantage for children, right? 】

[That's right, it's just a song, why be so serious. 】

[To be honest, the theme song was recorded by the little ones, isn't it just to make this song cute and cute? It would be cute if the babies sang a little out of tune. 】

[Singing too standard has no soul, no childlike feeling. 】

[It's not necessary to be so serious. 】

Fans' criticism gradually brought out the rhythm.

Fortunately, at this time, many rational netizens jumped out and retorted:

[I don't know when I will be criticized if I sing well. 】

[Some people's fans, how are the three views? 】

[That is, the babies can’t sing up to standard. We think it’s cute because we tolerate human cubs, but it’s not a bad thing to sing up to standard. 】

【Praise Momo】...

As more and more voices rebutted, those who criticized Lin Cheng and Lin Momo could only die down.

A small turmoil did not affect Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, but it did make "Living with Dad" a lot of attention.

On Saturday, before the show's broadcast time, many viewers were already squatting on the video side in advance.

Among them, Lin Momo who was standing in front of the TV was also included.



"Is it about to start?" Lin Momo asked Lin Cheng.

"Well, soon."



"What time is it?" Lin Momo couldn't help asking again.

Lin Cheng had no choice but to look at the time on the phone, and said to Lin Momo, "There are still 5 minutes."

"Stay away from the TV." Lin Cheng reminded again.

"Okay." Lin Momo nodded, stepped back, and sat on the sofa side by side with Lin Cheng.

After staring at the advertisement on TV for a full 5 minutes, the cover picture of "Living with Dad" finally jumped out on the TV screen, and then the melody of the program's theme song sounded.

Same as the previous version, the opening part is still the voices of Bai Yulin and his daughter. The difference is that in this version, the duration of each singing part is almost the same.

The part of Lin Momo and Lin Cheng was placed in the fourth paragraph.

When her and Lin Cheng's voices came out on the TV, Lin Momo jumped up from the sofa excitedly.

"It's our part!"

After that, Lin Momo sang along to the melody on the TV.

Seeing Lin Momo's happy face, Lin Cheng also smiled.

At this time, Orange Video and iWO APP clients are also launching this episode of the program simultaneously with the TV terminal.

Hearing the voices of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo in the theme song, many spectators expressed their satisfaction:

【The first time I reported, I came to hear if the part about Momo and Momo's dad was added. 】

【Haha, me too. 】

[Before, there was only a little bit of tidbits, but finally let me hear the full edit! 】

[It really sings well! 】

[I really want to hear Momo and Dad complete a song! 】

【Want to listen +1】

【Momo really sings well. 】

[The main reason is that my father has a good inheritance, and of course he taught well, haha. 】

[When Momo grows up, if the small restaurant can't continue and she doesn't act, she can inherit her father's career and become a singer! 】

[Chick, if I didn't mention it earlier, I almost forgot that Lin Cheng is a singer. 】

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, after the theme song was played and a narration was over, the third episode officially started.

In this episode, the five groups of families started their new week of life experience respectively.

Bai Yulin turned into a vocal music teacher at a university, actor Gao Yuankai became the owner of a hardware store, rich father Zheng Chengye became a company executive, and popular newcomer Duan Bei got a customer service call.

In this episode, the part of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo was still broadcast in the fourth.

When the program finished showing Bai Yulin at the university, Gao Yuankai at his store, and Zheng Chengye at Gaoda's company, the scene changed to the alley where Lin Cheng and Lin Momo lived. At this time, the father and daughter were standing together In front of a pile of small advertisements, I found a master who repaired leaks in the house.

[Hahahaha, once the show came to the part of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo, even the painting style changed. 】

[What is the opening method? 】

[He lowered his head and then raised his head, I thought I had changed to a variety show. 】

[The painting style is strange, but this kind of daily survival is still very good-looking, haha. 】

The audience watched Lin Cheng and Lin Momo clean and tidy up the house, and watched the two find a master to repair the leak in the house... Just when everyone saw it with gusto, the show was cut, and the time came to the next day , Lin Cheng went to buy flour, and took Lin Momo to the market to buy other needed ingredients.

Originally, the audience thought that a star like Lin Cheng would not be able to bargain, and they all waited to see Lin Cheng's "overturn". As a result, after Lin Cheng arrived in the market, many people saw it directly with his direct and thoughtful purchasing methods. shocked.

[Holy shit, Lin Cheng's purchasing method is so good! 】

[Learned, learned. 】

[I came from the live broadcast. I watched the whole live broadcast in this section. Lin Cheng's method of purchasing materials is really amazing. 】

[Ah, what a pity, I didn't see the live broadcast at the time. 】The replay of the live broadcast room will be offline shortly after the end of the current live broadcast, leaving only some highlights of the live broadcast. Now if I go to the live broadcast room to look for it, I can no longer find the complete live broadcast of this segment.

[I decided to follow the live broadcast! 】

[I also want to follow the live broadcast, but I saw on the Internet that next week Lin Cheng and Lin Momo will get the job of 'Happy Bowl Farm Operator', so I am a little hesitant to watch it. 】

I heard that when the program was being recorded in the third week, the actor Gao Yuankai was assigned to work in the company, and he overturned crazily. In the live broadcast room, even the fans couldn't stand it anymore.

[Lin Cheng won't overturn next week, will he? 】

[I'm also worried... I dare not look at it. 】

At this time, someone put forward a different idea: [Looking at the way Lin Cheng purchases ingredients, he seems to be quite business-minded, so he shouldn't be overturned. 】

[It’s hard to say, running this kind of farm is not the same as simply farming, or opening a small shop, and it’s no less difficult than running a theme park. 】

【I feel like I'm going to overturn...】

During the discussion among everyone, the part of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo was quickly finished.

With the broadcast of this episode, the popularity of Lin Cheng and Lin Momo on the Internet has increased a lot, and even many wild fans have appeared.

Some fans created a topic about Lin Cheng and Lin Momo on the Internet.

So, after the other four groups of families in the "Living with Dad" program, Lin Cheng and Lin Momo finally have their related topic communities.

And Lin Cheng finally logged into the account he hadn't used seriously for several years, and sneaked into the topic community.

The number of fans in the community is not too large, but because it has just been established, the fans inside are very active.

Many people shared photos of Lin Momo and Lin Cheng, most of which were screenshots taken during the live broadcast.

The first one is a screenshot of Lin Momo going to sell scraps, with text on it: 【It's another day of working hard to earn money to support my father. 】

The second one is a photo of Lin Momo squatting in a corner counting money with a 'sad face', accompanied by the text: [Little me, I have paid too much for this family...]

The third picture is the screenshot of Lin Momo being treated as a beggar, and it is also the screenshot of Lin Momo on the crew pass later, with the text: [Another day of 'begging'. 】

Lin Cheng: "..." What the hell.

Looking at this 'ugly' photo of his daughter, Lin Cheng frowned and continued to scroll down.

In addition to the funny pictures, there are also many lovely pictures of Lin Momo. Lin Cheng liked all these beautiful pictures one by one.

Lin Cheng's operation did not attract the attention of other fans in the topic community, but it did attract the attention of Wang Xi and others.

In the company, Wang Xi and the others were holding their mobile phones and swiping Weibo, thinking about how to maintain and manage Lin Cheng and Lin Momo's topical community from their official side, only to find that this account that was crazily liking it seemed familiar.

"Brother Yu! Look at this number! Is it Brother Cheng?" Wang Xi asked Chen Yu, pointing to the enthusiastic fan profile picture on the phone.

"Yes..." Chen Yu nodded.

Since Lin Cheng was exposed to black material at the beginning, his account was blocked for several months, and even his certification was cancelled. After reposting on Weibo, Chen Yu could vaguely recognize that this was Lin Cheng's account.

"Ah! Really, do you want to stop Brother Cheng? He has liked more than fifty Weibo posts and reposted more than a dozen Weibo pictures!" Wang Xi said nervously. .

Zhou Qi on the side was relatively calm.

"It should be fine to retweet and like it."

"But there are too many! If you click on it again, the fans will find out that it will collapse!" Wang Xi said.

Before participating in the show, Lin Cheng has always been a cool person. After adding the show, although the high-cold personality has collapsed a bit, Lin Cheng gave the audience the impression that he is a mature and stable father. If you continue to like it, this person is afraid It is also gone.

Hearing this, Zhou Qi muttered again: "Brother Cheng, no one should know it's him."

Wang Xi: "..." It seemed to make sense, but he was speechless.

Chen Yu: "..." Although, you can't do whatever you want just because you are confused.