MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 15 Sunbathing in the summer

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At this moment, it was nearly noon, and the sun rose to an old height.

There are many flowers and trees in Gu Zhai, but there are only three or two plum trees with sparse branches in the sapphire. It is not in the flowering season, and the shade is not covered. At this time, the hot sun shines, and the ground is like a layer. Gold liquid, shaking people can not open their eyes.

In such a hot weather, it’s too late for others to find a place to hide from the cold. Gu Xiran has done something that makes a group of people stunned—

He wants to bask in the sun!

Standing under the eaves, watching Qiaoyun and Huiyun busy moving things out of the house, Gu Xihe quietly moved two steps to Shu Huan, with a very low voice, mysteriously asked: "two Brother is not a problem in addition to the body, the brain is also a problem..."

Shu Huan glanced at him and wanted to refute it, but unfortunately, she also felt that Gu Xiran’s brain was sick. Otherwise, his weak body was stunned by the sun for half an hour. But then again, if it is not a big summer, she does not object to his exposure to the sun, which is good for the body.

Yunxiao Niang was very worried and advised: "Second Lord, I have always heard that people want to be cool, how can they sunbathe in the sun? Only those villagers who have to work in the village have to be exposed to the sun, you..."

The words are still not finished, and Gu Xiran has interrupted his hand.

Yunxiao Niang sighed and didn't say anything more. In the past few days, she found that she was not as good as she used to be. Once she decided, she would not be able to change his mind and had no choice but to change her mind. Huan looked over and hoped that the second grandmother could persuade.

Shu Huan is talking to Gu Xihe with his head down. He didn't see it, and naturally he didn't persuade.

Yunxiao Niang had to sigh again, and she looked at Gu Xiran, who was crazy about her. I really don’t know why he kept this new grandmother because he likes her? But for a woman who doesn't care about her husband, she looks childish, except for her personality, what other places can people like it?

After a fragrant work, Gu Xiran has laid a leisurely half on the bamboo lounge chair, holding a piece of sandalwood back, a few teapots with a big palm, and a small dish to cut A piece of fresh watermelon with a delicate silver toothpick on it.

The most uncomfortable thing for Shu Huan is that the chaise longue stands behind Qiaoyun. She holds a paper umbrella in her hand, blocking the too hot sun on his head, and Huiyun, who is holding a fan, where it is extremely gentle and slow. Hand speed, fanning him.

I have to admit that she used to think that ancient life is inconvenient. It is relatively poor. For the deaf children of the wealthy family, there are servants who do everything, and there is no inconvenience!

Look at the side has recovered his mind, kneel on the ground to concentrate on teasing the hedgehog kid, and then look at Gu Xiran, she thinks these two people are really brothers, some places are quite like, did not hold back, she finally blamed : "You are too inhumane like this?"

"Inhumane?" Gu Xiran looked unpredictable, stared at her for a long while, and suddenly smiled, pointing at her hooked index finger, indicating her near.

Shu Huan moved to his side.

He said: "Closer, I have something to say."

Shu Huan will be in a lower position, and he will be close to her ear, with a very low voice: "If you can't wait to verify the humanity problem, we can try it at night."

The warmth of the breath lingers in the ear, itching and numbness.

Shu Huan first stunned, and then shocked, finally shy, a face suddenly became red.

She actually forgot, humanity has other meanings!

However, this person is still looking at her with a smile, with a little narrow-mindedness in his eyes: "How?"

"Damn!" Shu Huan is easy to take a word, blushing and fleeing.

Until I ran into the room, I could still hear his a little low-pitched laughter, and I couldn’t help but be ashamed! However, this incident also blames herself, good end, what humanity problems with the ancients?

At this time, Gu Xi and the cage holding the lizard came in and curiously said: "What did the second brother say to you? How is your face red like a monkey's butt?"

Shu Huan caressed his face, not very airy: "I want you to manage?"

"Hey, good intentions are not good!" Gu Xihe dissatisfied: "I was going to tell you that when you come in, Yun Yan Niang's face is so wonderful, since you don't want me to control, I won't tell you!"

This is not clearly stated?

Really a child!

Gu Xi and his knees squatted, grabbed the lizard from the cage and gently stroked it, while he was thrilled: "You can't fight the second brother! I found out today that he was a bad guy! But still Very interesting."

Shu Huan retreats two steps, watching the lizard in his hand with vigilance, and his heart is belly: You are not the same? Bad and bad!

I don't know if this little boy is really a little scrupulous about his second brother. At this moment, I really didn't have to tease Shu Huan's mind. I only picked up the chair and sat down, and I played with the lizard in my hand.

Shu Huan was interested in asking about his family's situation from his mouth. He took the chair and left him far away, and spoke with him. Who knows the words did not say a few words, there is the old Taijun sent people, called him to eat in the Songhetang, the young man refused, and finally Gu Xiran made a speech, said: "Go, have to play afternoon Come again."

He was so stunned with ink and followed the people.

After half an hour, waiting for Gu Xiran to get enough of the sun, the meal was also put in the meal. Presumably because of his illness, the diet here is very light, almost no seeing, every meal, the table is a few dishes of light dishes.

Shu Huan is not a carnivorist. If you don’t have a tooth in the morning, you can go to the hospital. At this moment, you have been hungry and have a chest back, no matter what you are, you can eat it.

It’s Gu Xiran. I don’t know if I saw the boiled green eggplant and tofu. I didn’t have any appetite. When I ate two, I put the chopsticks down.

Yun Yan Niang saw the situation, her face was worried: "Second Lord, is it not taking medicine, and the body is not feeling well?"

Say you are going to shout the toon to the decocting.

Gu Xiran stopped her: "Drinking medicine, not even appetite."

Shu Huan raised his head in the busy schedule of glutinous rice and said: "I think he is suspected that this meal is not oily."

Yun Yan Niang shook her head: "The second brother's stomach is too weak to eat greasy things."

“You don’t need to be a big cockroach, but the chicken, duck, fish and shrimp are the same thing, and the nutrition is balanced.”

Well, Shu Huan admits that she is trying to improve her food by Gu Xiran’s name. If she is fourteen or five years old, when she is long, she doesn’t take any protein or something. Is the bean sprouts going down?

Yunxiao Niang is still insisting: "The fish are burning, the meat is raw, and eating these, it is easy to make up the disease in the body."

Gu Xiran has always been taking care of Yun Yu Niang, she is more authoritative.

Shu Huan feels that he does not have any qualifications for advice. He simply does not speak, but his eyes will inevitably sneak up on the towering chest of Yunxiao Niang. After reading it, he will lick himself.

It is simply the contrast of the plateau with the hills, jealousy and jealous!

Just thinking, my head was knocked by Gu Xiran with chopsticks: "What are you looking at? Eat!"

Was discovered!

Shu Huan was awkward, and the whole face was almost buried in the rice bowl. He didn't dare to lift it up, but he still heard Gu Xiran say: "From tomorrow, add two meals per meal."