MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 145 Miserable past

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The three of them were talking. They saw Lin’s face squinting out of the hall. They didn’t look at them. They only called the name, let her go to bring Gu Yu, and then hurried out.

Shu Huanmu sent her out, and said: "She seems to have cried, is it difficult to be married by Taijun?"

"Probably it is." Gu Xiran took a hand and sighed.

Ji Danqing knows very well about Gu's affairs, but he is a famous doctor. When he went to other households to go to the hospital, he heard about similar things. He had already been indifferent, and he had nothing to do with him. He arched. Archer: "In the case of going down to the Xiayuan, there is a big milk."

Not long after he left the house, Gu Yu was detained by two.

When she closed the firewood house, she still looked clean and tidy. The little white flower that was licking the side was just a little bit wilting. When she passed by Shu Huan and Gu Xiran, they could still smell a touch of faintness. Fresh aroma. The only difference is her handsome face, and then can't see the charm of the past, always with a low-pitched eyelids, at this moment, looking straight ahead, slightly lifting the chin, raising the arrogance and Decisive arc.

Looking at her passing by, Shu Huai frowned slightly: "How do I feel a little uneasy."

Gu Xiran has not yet regained his sight. He only shook his head, dragged her hand and entered the main hall with her.

The old lady in the hall is already exhausted, and she is squatting on Gu Xihe. The old state is exposed. In contrast, Gu Yu is like a flower bud with a branch, and has an amazing anger.

As soon as I crossed the threshold, Gu Yu did not squat, and did not ask for security. He looked directly at the Laotaijun Road: "Mr. Gu Xitian, the person who smashed the frost on the big man is me."

This is a confession of confession, but more is a kind of vengeful provocation. Shu Huan saw her gleaming eyes everywhere, with a cruel excitement and a sense of revenge.

Only Gu Yu did not have the wish to see the old Taijun shocked or fainted, and the attitude of other people was very calm, just looking at her inexplicably, nothing more.

"How?" She still didn't know what happened before. Only when Laotaijun came to her, she asked Fang's small production, and she frowned. "I said that people are harming me, and my third brother." Nothing, can't you understand?"

Lao Taijun’s slight movement: “Why?”

The calm of everyone will completely ruin the pleasure of revenge that Gu Yu expects. The powerful sense of loss is revealed in her face. Her sudden anger is like a scent of flowers. It only disappears for a while and returns. The quietness of the past, looking at the old lady for a while, said: "You already know?"

“Why?” Laotaijun did not answer her, but repeated her own problems.

Gu Yu didn't want to answer this question. He just turned his head and looked for it in the hall. He asked, "What about the third brother? Since you already know the truth of the matter, let him come out. He is completely ignorant of this. It is innocent."

Lao Taijun’s patience has been consumed to the extreme, and he shouted: “I ask why you”

The voice was very loud, and with the power that was cultivated over the years, Gu Yu’s condition reflected and trembled. Then she returned to the world, and looked at the old Taijun with complex emotions.

"Do you know what day is today?" Lao Taijun stared at her: "It’s the big brother’s servant’s servant’s confession. How many friends and relatives are hanging out? Everyone is asking, why is Xitian’s young, saying no? I don’t know what it’s like to hear this kind of words in me and in your ears. And you, like this, the big thorns say, are you killing you, are you not a little bit sloppy? Still feel very proud"

She took a breath and waited for Gu Yu to talk and said: "I usually know that you are sensible, and the young mother is pitiful. I also hurt you in my heart. Who wants this is the old man who is wrong? You are actually I don’t want to let go of an unborn child..."

When I heard that Lao Taijun mentioned her young mother, Gu Yu’s emotion suddenly became excited: “Don’t mention my mother, do you know that I am young and lost? Please tell me how my mother died.”

Lao Taijun's emotions are gentle, and the words are concise and succinct: "Sick and dead."

"Nonsense" Gu Yu said: "She is clearly killed by people who think that four-year-old children will not remember, so deceive? Tell you, I clearly remember everything remember how she was beaten, how to be lifted Go back, remember that I went to ask the lord, ask him to ask a doctor to treat the mother, but the old man looked at my eyes and scorned, not only refused to nod, but even kicked me off if it wasn’t the maiden rushing me. He took it, he also called people to shut me up."

Speaking of this, Gu Yu couldn't help but cry: "The most heartfelt is the daughter of his own child. The person who has been deeply in love with the former, he said that he should not do it. It is as if the girl was beaten and injured. Moved, even people have to feed, and it was extremely hot summer. She was lying for a long time. The wound on her body was not healed, and even the fester was puffed. The house where she lived was filled with elegant blue. Fragrant, and at that time? The whole house is full of stench and rotten smell."

Laotai Jun frowned and whispered.

Gu Yu’s emotions became more and more excited. She took two steps forward and stared at her eyes. “You certainly don’t know how to see a person rotten and deform in front of you until death. I was only four years old. This kind of eye-catching look at my mother lying on the struggle for a few months, she did not want to die quickly, but she often had a high fever and coma, and even climbed and could not climb, only a weak voice begging, begging for help, let her go early Freedom, don't suffer from such suffering..."

Shu Huan listened to the miserable, looked at Gu Xiran with uneasiness, and then listened to the sound of snoring and continued.

"I hate that I was useless at the time. I hated myself. I was afraid at the time. I didn't help her. I was so swallowed by the torture of her for so long, and even she died. She died. I stayed at it. On the side, staring at her godless white eyes thought for a long time, I want to have a chance, I must report this hate for her, I even pleaded for heaven, let everything go back three months ago, if it really can go back~ I will never be afraid anymore. I am willing to bear the aunt’s crime and kill her by hand, just ask her to go safely."

When she said that she couldn't make a sound, she cried for a while, and gritted her teeth and asked the old woman to say: "You still have to ask me why? In fact, you all know that you know the heart of the old man, know the misery of my mother, know that she was Playing, just because of accidentally letting Gu Xitian fall into the pond while playing, but he is not dead, the good end is saved, how can you treat my mother so cruelly? I thought I was young and not always, Tell me, my mother is sick and dead"

Laotai Jun sighed and wanted to speak, but he heard Gu Yu pre-emptively said something like a curse, she said in a word: "Now I have the ability to revenge, I will Gu Xitian die, ask him I have to sever the grandson, I want the lord to live, and I feel the pain that I have suffered for decades. As for your accomplices, no one wants to have a good life. I hope that you will live forever, live in pain and remorse, never think about it. Forget my mother will never want to cover up the facts"


Sorry, there are too many things at home this month. I have been in the singles. I don’t have time to write the 25-28 music reading annual meeting. I have to ask for a few more days, wait for the next month, and resume the double. Please forgive me. ^-^
