MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 139 Poisoning

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When Gu Xiran went all the way, Shu Huan still felt that they were too nervous to go too far. After all, Gu Xiren was still punished in the ancestral hall. Gu Yu had been locked in the firewood room. The two people did not even have personal freedom. It’s very difficult to point something, but I haven’t arrived at Luoxiayuan. I saw that I’m running around with a panic and panic. When she’s in her heart, she immediately feels uncomfortable. Maybe something has happened.

Gu Xiran tried to stop the test: "What are you panic?"

"The second master let it." The test scent did not speak, and the footsteps did not stop. Then he ran past Gu Xiran's body and only had time to say it back: "I can't help it."

The people in the house are all subjected to it, so there is no such rule.

Shu Huan and Gu Xiran looked at each other and immediately stepped up their pace.

Just outside the gate of the Lost Garden, I heard a messy sound inside. After I went in, I found several cockroaches rushing back and forth between the house and the house without the head flies. In the house, the cockroach was holding the pot on the side, and Fang’s 趴Vomiting along the heartbreaking lungs.

Gu Xiran frowned: "What happened?"

When I saw them, I finally sighed and said, "I don't know. It didn't take long for the girl to lick her abdomen in the abdomen, and said that the stomach was disgusting, which spit out the third time..."

Shu Huan looked at Fang's, and some hesitated: "Isn't that a morning sickness?"

I almost cried: "Which pregnancy is so powerful, not to mention that the girl’s abdominal pain is not normal..."

After she had not finished speaking, Fang took a long breath and took a sentence: "The head also stunned my child... Is it impossible to keep it..."

I was busy comforting her: "The girl doesn't think about it. I have already let people go to Taijun and the lord. I also teach the scent to ask the doctor. You will hold it for a while, and the child will not have anything."

Fang wanted to talk, but a strong sense of nausea forced her to lie down and vomited involuntarily, and she was sore and sweaty.

In the face of such a situation, Shu Huan and Gu Xiran really face each other.

They didn't have medical knowledge, and they didn't understand pregnancy common sense. They really couldn't judge the cause of Fang's discomfort. They only knew that she was so abnormal, but she was helpless. Even if she didn't even mention it, she could only wait, wait. The doctor came to swear and said.

"Tea..." Fang spit for a while, and he reached for tea with energy.

He poured the pot of warm tea into the past, and Fang took a sip and ate two more. He didn't want to lie down for less than a quarter of an hour.

Shu Huan squinted at the side, suddenly pulled Gu Xiran, quietly said: "Spit into this kind, it is not right, when I lie down, her limbs are a little twitching, will it be food poison?"

Gu Xiran squinted: "I think the possibility of poison is a little bigger"

Shu Huanyi.

Also, this year, there were no pesticide residues in the fruits and vegetables, and the weather was getting cool. The family’s dinner table never left a meal. Besides, Fang’s two days did not eat anything. The possibility of food poisoning was too small. Unless someone maliciously poisons, and this is the purpose of the two of them, fearing that Fang will be killed.

The doctor didn't come so fast, Gu Xiran looked at it again, seeing Fang's lips faintly purple, busy: "take milk."

Regardless of whether it is food poison or not, the first dead horse is a living horse doctor, then anyway, if the milk is poured down, there will be no damage to the body.

But what is it: "Milk?"

Gu Xiran took a forehead and was confused.

In the farming era, cattle are valuable assets, not to mention only the farming of cattle, no one raises cows, milk is rare, but goat milk should be there, he is busy again: "Goat milk is also OK"

I don’t know what to do, but when I can’t do anything, I have to do it. I hurried out to catch the name and take the goat’s milk. Gu Xiran let Fang drink, drink and vomit, spit and drink if it’s really poisonous, wash it in this way. Stomach dilution is better than nothing.

This was tossed. First, Lao Taijun and Gu Da sent people to ask Fang’s situation. Then Ji Danqing was tempted by the test scent, but his medical ethics was very good. He went back to rest. A cup of tea, sweat did not do it, and was once again urged into the family, the face did not even show a little bit of boredom.

Ji Danqing entered the door and saw Fang's face black and black. His expression immediately became tense. Then she took her hand up, cold, and did not use the pulse. He said two words: "Poison"

Fang’s eyes were black and almost fainted.

Shu Huan’s heart is a glimpse. Is it true that Gu Yu or Gu Xiren’s hand? How can you do this kind of unconsciousness, even without hands-on?

She clenched her lips. Is there really a traitor?

Panic: "What kind of poison?"

"砒霜" Ji Dan Qing urged: "Quickly take a wind and two into a broken end, and water to adjust clothes"

I was full of doubts but didn't dare to ask again. I turned around and ran out.

Ji Danqing looked at the table and put on the goat's milk, let Fang continue to drink, continue to vomit, try to discharge toxins, but fortunately Fang's care for the fetus, very cooperative, and look at her, the arsenic should be a small amount, otherwise long ago After the coma passed, where can I support this?

Just a child...

Ji Danqing sighed in his heart, and certainly could not keep it.

Do not dare to stimulate Fang's too much, he only called the test aside, quietly yelling at her, let her go out to ask for a stable woman.

The test is not stupid, and I immediately panicked and said: "Big* milk her..."

Ji Danqing shook his head: "Don't ask, go quickly"

He is a doctor, and it is okay to see a doctor. However, if Fang is a small producer, he can't handle this kind of thing. It also hinders men and women, can't handle it, or ask an experienced woman to look after it.

Shu Huan heard him talking with the test scent, and complained in his heart. How did everything come together and broke out? I don’t want to say that this child is gone, what problems will happen to Laotaijun and Guda, only Fang’s, I’m afraid...

She only remembered this, and listened to Fang’s hoarse voice: “Ji Dafu don’t marry me, my child can’t keep it.”

Ji Danqing's face is difficult to see, even if he has a heart 瞒 can not be over.

Fang’s seeing him hesitating, the fear is even worse.

She was even psychologically devastated, and her emotions were on the verge of collapse. The poison became more and more irritating. At this moment, I didn’t know where the power came from. When I turned over, I rushed to Ji Danqing and twisted his clothes. The speed was fast. Shu Huan and Gu Xiran are all too late to stop.

"Ji Dafu" Fang's station can't stand, half a squat on the ground and desperately swearing: "Save my child, beg you, save my child, beg you..."

The sorrowful sorrow and the muffled sound of the forehead squatting on the ground, not to mention that Shu Huan’s heart was sour, he couldn’t stand it anymore, even Gu Xiran turned his head and showed some hatred in his eyes. Color, say: "Taiwan"

too harsh

Who is talking, Shu Huan is clear, Ji Danqing is also clear, but at this moment the child really can't save it. The most urgent task is to keep Fang's life just to reach out and force the Fang to drag from the ground. Shu Huan can't help but think, In front of this woman lost her husband in three days, lost the child who has not yet formed a belly, lost the most important thing in life, does she really have the hope of living?
