MTL - Secret Service Princess: The Cold Prince’s Black Belly Wife-Chapter 18 Father and daughter

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"You !!!" This is the only humiliation Leng Qingxin has received for so many years, and it is also a shame. She has never thought about this woman who was pressed by herself since she was a child. After gritting his teeth, he said indignantly, "You slut! King Jinnan is mine. Don't think about it for your whole life! You wait, I will let my mother teach you something."

"Oh, yours? But I remember that the decree was written about the marriage of King Jinan and the maid of honor, did you think you were a maid of honor? Or do you think your unwieldy mother would sit in the position of the lady in the main room?" Leng Yetong smiled slightly, looking at Leng Qingxin's eyes full of mercy, looking at Leng Qingxin's red eyes, smiled and did not forget to remind, "Oh, yes, yesterday You are ill, and no one has told you about it. Your unwieldy mother is already alone in Qingfengxuan at this time, maybe she is wiping tears at this time. "

"What !? What a slut, what are you talking about !?" Leng Pingxin apparently couldn't accept the fact, screamed like crazy, and jumped out of bed, rushing towards Leng Yetong, There was a vicious voice in his mouth, "Leng Yetong, I want to kill you, kill you !!!"

Leng Qingxin had lost control at this time, Leng Yetong slightly frowned, got up to avoid the pity of Leng Qingxin, and a pair of phoenix eyes looked at Leng Qingci with ridicule, which aroused Lengqing's resentment even more , Regardless of the others, rushed at her again.

"Sister, sister, please don't do this, Hitomi just came to see you, I ... I didn't deliberately rob you of King Nan, if ... otherwise I would marry and be a little boy, sister, please don't hit me But this time, Leng Yetong did not escape the pity of cold compassion as before, but rushed to hug cold compassion, with a look of horror in his face, tears in his eyes and talking in his mouth Let cold compassion be inexplicable. Just for a moment, the door of the bedroom was opened with his feet. What appeared in the bedroom was Leng Yuan, who was full of anger. Looking at the scene in front of him, he was burning in anger, and rushed to open the cold compassion. She slaps her with a slap and snarled, "You filial piety, do you want to slap your sister !?"

"Dad, dad," Leng Yetong seemed to see a life-saving straw, and hurriedly hid behind Leng Yuan, looked at her with the tearful phoenix eyes, and cried and said, "Dad, I ... I just Worried about my sister, so come and see, who ... who knows that my sister and I explained that Yuege does not allow lowly people to come in, and I want to drive me away, I ... I said angrily, 'I am the future Princess Jinan. Not a lowly person ', who knew that after this sentence, my sister rushed to hit me, saying that Princess Jinan's position was her, let me not think about it, otherwise it must kill me. Dad, save me, save help me."

"Miscellaneous accounts !!!" Leng Yuan was even more annoyed when he heard Leng Yetong's cry, and he kept Leng Yetong behind him, soothing softly, "Tonger is not afraid, there is a father, no one can hurt you."

"Cold pity, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. Xiao missed his sister's fiance and was still vocal here, and even made her chill at the girl." Leng Yuan stared at the pity, with no cause at all. She was impressed by the appearance of Xi Shi at this time, and she didn't bear the slightest bitterness, scolded fiercely, "You and your mother, really are the same bitch! I really regret having a daughter like you."

"I regret having a daughter like me !? This sentence should be for me, I really regret having a father like you!" Leng Pingxin was forced by Leng Yuan's last sentence to lose his sense and could not even think about it. Leng Yetong's visit was premeditated and she sat down on the ground like a madman, staring at Leng Yuan fiercely, growling, "Have you ever treated me as your daughter? Do you have it?" In your heart, there is only a **** born by a **** woman like Leng Yetong! Since I was born, have you bet any kind of love on me !? You only think I am a shame, a shame! You never hold me, never look at me No matter how well I do, you don't look at me! You will always only have this sick seedling in my eyes! I am also your daughter! Isn't it? Why can she have everything, but I even have one of my father's You ca n’t have it in retrospect, you say it! You say it! "

Leng Yuan's brow frowned, and it seemed to be touched by the words of cold compassion. He wanted to come too. After all, it was his own daughter, with his own blood flowing on it. He didn't pay any attention to it before, and now he will feel uncomfortable when he hears this complaint. Right.

"Daddy, you ..." Seeing Leng Yuan's expression was a bit loose, Leng Yetong pulled his sleeves behind Leng Yuan. Gorgeous passed out.

"Hitomi, Hitomi." Seeing Leng Ye pupil fainted, Leng Yuan immediately panicked, and the looseness of his eyes disappeared without a trace. He hugged Leng Yetong horizontally, facing the cold compassion, angrily scolded. "Did you blame me? I tell you, my last regret is that I was strangled to death before you were born! If there is something wrong with Hitomi, I will let you be buried! Come, from Starting today, the young lady is not allowed to take a step out of Mingyue Pavilion, and no one is allowed to go in and out of Mingyue Pavilion. "

"Okay! You better kill me, otherwise I will curse here every day, I curse Leng Yetong not to die, never to be safe!" Leng Pingxin has been so angry that he has forgotten to ask for forgiveness , Staring at Leng Yuan fiercely, hysterical roaring, ushered in a kick under Leng Yuan's rage. Although Leng Yuan was a civil official, he also had a martial arts foundation. His kick under the anger was not light, and Leng Lian ran into the bed, spit his mouth, and passed out.

Leng Yuan did not return with Leng Yetong and left, and did not invite the doctor for cold compassion. He hurriedly held Leng Yetong and returned to Xingchen Pavilion. There was a close doctor who prepared for Leng Yetong for many years. Living in the house, raising the body for Leng Yetong.