MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 47 The Blind Couple of the Shura Field

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The two came out of the grass, washed clean in the clear river, and sat on the edge of the river. The sun shifted slightly from the top of their heads, and the flowing river water cut the sunlight to pieces, and the hearts of the people who swayed were sparkling.

Congliang twisted the wet clothes well, wrapped them directly around his body and put them on. He raised his eyebrows and swiped his fingertips down, and pointed at the small red clouds scattered in groups on the neck and heart of the collarbone. The neck was too up and down. She couldn't see all the last ones, just what she could see, she found seventeen...

Thanks to the high collars in ancient clothes, otherwise she would wear a low-necked T-shirt like this in modern times and stop on the street, to ensure that someone would find her to cup the pot, and when she went to the city to find a job and rented a house, the proprietress would do it part-time. , cupping the old man and the old lady, and if she is a young adult, someone else will give her a needle.

Yun Chou washed his shoes in the small river, stepped on the water with his bare toes, Cong Liang squatted by the river to check Xiao Hongyun, stretched his neck sideways and kissed the tip of Yun Chou's nose, "You are a ding mark? Is it?"

Yun Chou didn't look back, didn't say a word, but only had a deep dimple on the side of his face, revealing the owner's mood that was more delicate and brighter than the sun in the river at the moment.

When I opened the bowl wrapped in cloth, it was the rice porridge cooked by Yun Chou. It had become a lump. There were no chopsticks or spoons. I took two branches from Liang, peeled the skin and used them as chopsticks. pinch.

I had to pick a piece directly with my finger and put it in my mouth. It was still a familiar recipe, with a familiar taste, not salty or bland. I took a bite together with the paste...and the raw one is also a miracle.

I simply took a whole piece out of the bowl and took it as a rice porridge cake and gnawed it in my hand. This rice porridge must have been burnt out of the fire. I was in a hurry to make it. If it is not cooked, it can be cooked in a few minutes if it is stuffed at this time, but when it is directly put into a bowl, the heat is obviously not enough for those stuffed cooked.

Congliang's knee swayed against Yun Chou's knee, and the breeze was blowing slowly by the small river, smearing her always shattered hair, smearing her face, but it couldn't hide her smiling eyelashes, Yun Chou was obviously I wanted to go up the mountain to play hooligans with her, but I couldn't find any good excuses, so I made rice porridge in a hurry, and before it was cooked, I hurriedly came to her.

Cong Liang is not afraid of being cold anyway, he swallowed the whole bowl of "rice cakes" that became sweeter and sweeter, wrapped the bowl in a cloth and stuffed it in Yun Chou's arms, "Go home and see the little chicken, big Baby." Cong Liang said, "I'll go get more firewood."

Yun Chou took the bowl, touched the shoes by the river and put them on. Cong Liang patted Yun Chou's head. When he got up, he grabbed a bottle of nutrient solution from the system space, twisted it open, and drank it.

She has been fooling around for so long, and now her legs are sore as soon as she stands up, and she just wants to find a place to hang out, but she has to do her work. It won't be delayed until tomorrow.

It's just that she drank a small bottle and threw it in the trash can. When she turned around to see if Yun Chou had left, she found that Yun Chou was standing behind her.

"What are you drinking?" Yun Chou lowered his head, brought his nose close to Cong Liang's lips, sniffed, and stuck out his tongue to lick it.

"You can go home and lie down..." Cong Liang was really convinced. Last night and today's noon, the frequency of the two of them was obviously too high. She couldn't bear to drink a tube of nutrient solution to restore blood, but Yun Chou looked at it. The complexion is ruddy and energetic, is it harvesting yin and replenishing yang?

"What are you drinking?" Yun Chou pressed her forehead against her, licking her twice as if it wasn't enough, prying open her teeth and sucking her tongue, Congliang bowed helplessly, and quickly bent himself into a bow, "Nutrition liquid," Congliang said, "our fairies drank the qi and blood, do you want to drink it?"

"No, what's the matter with you?" Yun Chou straightened up, with no focused eyes, facing her in the fog.

"I...ha," Congliang licked his lips, looked around, and said in a low voice, "What do you think happened to me? I worked all morning, and at noon, I was pressed by you for so long, standing on my legs. I can't stop~"

Congliang deliberately picked up the ending, Yun Chou's face turned red as she had expected, Congliang "giggled" and laughed endlessly while grabbing firewood, Yun Chou was carrying a small cloth bag, blushing and talking with behind her, do not go.

"Go home," Cong Liang pulled the branches, twisted them into a strand, bent over to tie the bundle, and his voice was full of smiles, "You don't want to come, I can't." It really doesn't work. Now, she drank a nutrient solution before she recovered a bit. Now her eyelids are fighting and she wants to sleep. If she hadn't finished her weight for today, she would have gone home and lay dead.

"...No." Yun Chou said, standing behind Cong Liang.

Congliang shook his head and ignored him. After thinking about it for a while, he was bored and left, but after a while, people stuck directly behind Congliang's back. The whole spirit behind Congliang couldn't make it work. Afraid that he would slap the person behind him, he strenuously made two more bundles, and Cong Liang crossed his hips and turned around, crying and laughing and poking Yun Chou in the forehead. "What are you doing, I want to work, you stick to me and don't know!"

"Go home," Yun Chou said, "...There is no water at home."

Because it is an old-fashioned open well, there are many branches around Cong Liang, and Yun Chou can't see it. Cong Liang is afraid that he will step on it and fall.

Cong Liang looked at Yun Chou with a strange expression. Before she came out in the morning, the tank was obviously full of water, not only the tank, but also the bucket for feeding chickens. As long as Yun Chou didn't take a bath at home, it was absolutely impossible. Use up the water.

It was excusable to take a shower in the hot weather, but when Yun Chou came, her hair was obviously dry, the bun was still combed by her hands this morning, and the lace was also a bow she tied by herself.

Cong Liang leaned against the trunk and rubbed his nose silently. Unexpectedly, when they became a real couple, Yun Chou also unlocked a sticky cake attribute, which was particularly sticky.

"It's fine, go home." Congliang was stuck by Yun Chou anyway and had no temper. He twisted all the firewood together with branches and placed it on the whole small tree. Zhe Yun Chou was only half done in a day's work, and then he was grinded back home.

As soon as he entered the yard, Congliang went to align the branches that he had dragged back, and Yun Chou slipped his eyes. As expected, he turned around twice in front of the chicken rack and "accidentally" kicked the still full bucket over.

In addition to wanting to laugh, I also want to whistle and howl, Yun Chou's actions, in Congliang's view, are like a confession to her. stick with you.

In the afternoon, Congliang and Yun Chou dug some wild vegetables nearby. In the evening, Congliang cut some marinated meat, fried it together, and steamed rice. Both of them ate a lot.

One of the two quilts was laid underneath to make a mattress. The two of them were pulling a cover, leaning against each other and not wanting to part with a thin body of sweat. They cuddled in silence.

In fact, Congliang doesn't like to talk and live. He belongs to the type who can do as much as possible without making a noise. It's too much to chat with her beloved Dabao'er. Yun Chou doesn't like to talk. The two of them are together. It is silent, with fingers hooked or shoulders draped silently, but not boring at all, not lonely at all.

This is also one of the major reasons why Congliang has been infatuated with her eldest baby for two lifetimes. This is a kind of quiet security, neither passionate nor turbulent, like each other's nests and harbors, warm and relaxed. The bones are soft, and every pore stretches tenderly.

When washing up and eating breakfast in the morning, Cong Liang slid the colorless and tasteless porridge made by Yun Chou's unique secret, feeling that time was being stretched infinitely, and this scene had already been repeated for a lifetime, and it started again according to the attitude she wanted.

With him in his life, what can the husband ask for?

Cong Liang, who was full, deliberately put three more sugar cakes in his pocket, and went up the mountain with great energy. Today, he wants to dry out a piece of yesterday's weight. When she left, she deliberately hugged and lingered with Yun Chou for a long time, so that no one would go up the mountain to stick to her again.

Who would have thought that it wasn't noon yet, she wiped off her sweat and planned to rest, when she turned around, Yun Chou was walking towards her in the sunlight dappled with tree shadows.

The familiar little cloth pocket, resting at his feet, took a small step back from the good physiology.

"What are you," Heng couldn't come every day at noon. If she kept going like this, she might not have to exchange her points for nutrient solution. However, Congliang still changed your tongue and changed it to "Why did you come so early?"

"I'll bring you rice porridge." Yun Chou said as a matter of course.

Cong Liang silently touched the five pieces of sugar cake on his chest, smiling bitterly and silently.

Fortunately, Yun Chou didn't pull her into the bush this time, but just stood beside her with a small soft branch in his hand, breathing in the air. Literally play with the wind with the branches.

Choi Choi lost his memory, forgot five pieces of sugar cakes in the wind, took the rice porridge that Yun Chou brought to the end, wrapped it in a cloth bag and wrapped it in Yun Chou's hands, "Go, go, go home. !" Cong Liangzhao pinched Yun Chou's big **** fiercely, then turned around, slammed, smashed branches and ignored others, delaying things, seeing that it was about to fall, she would come out more when it was cold. suffer.

Yun Chou took care of himself for a while, then was kicked out twice by Cong Liang, and went down the mountain with his **** twisted.

When Congliang came back in the evening, Yun Chou had prepared all the food, and even when taking a bath, he didn't need to start with Congliang. It can be said that he served him very well.

After pouring the water, a big cloth towel wrapped the naked Cong Liang "swish, swish," and hugged him into the house and placed it on the bed.

This dimple is exactly the same as the two who asked her to go to the wolf's den that day.

Sure enough, that night, the bed pillars buried in the ground swayed loosely. Cong Liang had tears in her eyes, and she begged half-truths for half a night before finally letting her go to sleep. She got up early and washed her legs with shaking hands, and dried two bottles. Nutrient solution, the soreness on the body will go down.

After breakfast, Congliang recalled that he had touched it carefully last night. Yun Chou was the first to speak because he had been going up the mountain all the year round to make his thighs and waist taut.

"Then what, I'm going up the mountain, will you go with me?"

"Okay." Yun Chou picked up the small cloth pocket he had prepared.