MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 45 The Blind Couple of the Shura Field

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The dim little oil lamp swayed from side to side, and the quilt was just squeezed by Liang Xiao's hand twice. Because she was too excited and emotional, this person finally let her get started, and planned to take turns in eighteen martial arts and serve the next person well.

But in this life, Yun Chou is still a little rookie, her methods are obviously too old-fashioned, and the strength of one who can't control her fingers is a little bigger...

He was bitten and suffered a heart-wrenching foot. In the middle of the night, Congliang "slapped" from the bed and fell to the ground. He got up in disbelief, pulled his slippers to wash his hands, and twisted a towel to come back.

Yun Chou used the quilt to roll himself into a silkworm chrysalis. After pulling on the quilt for a long time, the quilt couldn't hold it tightly. After pulling it a few times, he found that Yun Chou had even shrunk his head into the quilt, sitting cross-legged on the bed silently. Smile blossoms.

In the last life, she was also a rookie. After groping for a long time with Wei Zishi, who was also a rookie, she found a tacit understanding between each other. If in each future life, she could teach herself according to her liking. Outsiders.

"Baby," Congliang patted Yun Chou's **** across the quilt, "you come out, I'll wipe it for you, my hand was heavy just now, it wasn't intentional, it hurt?" Congliang held the twisted towel in one hand, With one hand, he ripped open the quilt with one hand, and pouted his **** to block the small opening with his face.

"You come out, I'll blow it for you, just blow it..." Cong Liang dug his head into the hole and was pushed out by Yun Chou.

"Bring it." Yun Chou stretched out a hand, outside the quilt, and asked for a towel from Cong Liang's hand.

"So shy," Congliang muttered, holding back his laughter, and handed the towel to Yun Chou, Yun Chou pulled the quilt into the quilt and agitated it a few times, before reaching out and handing it out in groups.

"Whoops!" Congliang deliberately said loudly, "I'll take a look... tsk tsk tsk, so many."

"You—" Yun Chou wrapped himself up as a silkworm baby, sitting up with only his head exposed, staring at Congliang, who didn't open the towel bag at all, looking at Yun Chou's red face under the oil lamp, he was out of breath.

Silkworm Baby was annoyed and lay down again, this time with her head upside down. Congliang would stop teasing after she was teased. In fact, she really thought it was quite interesting. You said that you have been an old couple for a lifetime, and suddenly she became shy. That way, no one can't help but want to tease.

After washing the towel, he got into the quilt, blew the oil lamp by the bed from the good side, and rustled into the quilt again in the dark.

Not to mention that Yun Chou was wrapped in a quilt, he was just wrapped in a layer of steel plate. Cong Liang could still tear it apart with his bare hands when he wanted to go in. Besides, the silkworm baby was not very determined at all. Broken inside.

The two hugged and slept together sweetly. When they woke up in the morning, they woke up almost at the same time. Yun Chou blushed and pulled out Cong Liang's hand that had caught the chick, and took the lead to wash up.

The atmosphere changed obviously, even if the two didn't really do anything, the honey glued in the air could still cause a person's tonsils to become inflamed.

Cong Liang took a shower and went to borrow an ox cart. He took Yun Chou with him, carrying the herbs the two wanted to sell in the pharmacy, and dragged her little husband towards the market.

From Liang Neng, it can be seen that Yun Chou is probably riding for the first time. Although his face is still calm as usual, his hand on the edge of the car has been rubbing endlessly.

Now I can’t afford a single cow, so Congliang grabbed Yun Chou’s rough finger and kissed it. She could only rely on chopping wood. After all, the number of people who burn wood is limited. , But sooner or later, she will be able to earn a cow for Yun Chou to play with.

There is no need to rush the ox cart at all. There are many times to go back and forth. He walked towards the market with ease and familiarity. From the good lying on the cart, leaning on Yun Chou's thigh, rubbing the scar on Yun Chou's hand to cover the wow blue sky, I wondered if I could find something else for Yun Chou to do.

When they got to the market, Congliang and Yun Chou went to the pharmacy first. The boss was used to collecting Yun Chou's herbs, so they unloaded the car without even turning it over, and settled out two copper beads.

This is the herbal medicine that Yun Chou has been dealing with for nearly a month. After a while from the good wind, he temporarily tied the ox cart to the owner of the drugstore, and carried Yun Chou to the market.

Be sure to find some other work to let Yun Chou work, it is too pitiful to dig for herbs.

To be honest, this market is a bit barren. Cong Liang bought two meat buns for Yun Chou, and Yun Chou ate the buns.

Slipped from the head of the market to the tail of the market, Congliang bought vegetables, meat, rice and two packets of sugar cakes, and stopped in front of a chicken stall.

This stall was on fire at the market, and four or five people gathered in front of it to haggle.

"Your chicken is so small, and your copper beads are too expensive."

The people standing next to him also booed, "Yeah, yeah, the big chicken only has a copper bead."

There are only a dozen or so chickens in this cage. The chicken seller is a woman in her thirties, with an impatient look on her face, "If you buy more, I will be cheaper."

A few people are chasing and chirping. It is too expensive for one person to buy one. Congliang stood for a while. Her family used to raise a lot of chickens. She can tell that this person's chickens are half-sized and have not grown up yet. Compared with those It's definitely not easy to sell when grown up.

People in this place slap big when they buy meat. A whole chicken must be a big consumption. Except for pork, I haven’t seen any vendors selling other meat. If the chickens are killed and sold separately, it must be a good selling point. Wearing a discounted hen skin, Cong Liang dragged Yun Chou and stood still.

In the end, a few people did not agree on the price, and even almost quarreled with the chicken seller. After a few people were coaxed away, Cong Liang patiently waited for the eldest sister to finish scolding the street, and then asked.

"If I were all-inclusive, would you be cheap?"

"What?" The eldest sister was stunned for a moment, and immediately showed a happy expression, "Forget it, it's cheap."

In the end, 12 copper beads bought 15 chickens. The eldest sister even gave her the chicken coop. It was a big deal. , arguing about her loss.

He took Yun Chou away after he finished dressing up. He didn’t care if he lost or not, but he definitely couldn’t. Most of them were hens, and they were about to open soon. They could lay eggs to keep chickens down and sell them. When the roosters are raised until the weather is cold, they are killed and sold in pieces. The price is lower than that of pork, and there is absolutely no loss.

The most important thing is that she has to find something for Yun Chou to do without having to climb the mountain to dig up herbs. A truckload of herbs can be exchanged for two copper beads.

Yun Chou's character is especially rare when he doesn't think about killing people. After eating the two meat buns, he will eat sugar cakes. He doesn't want the herbs for any amount of money. His cheeks were bulging, and as soon as Cong Liang called him, he looked at him in confusion, so cute.

In the afternoon, I sent the ox cart back, and Congliang started to work around the chicken frame, breaking four small trees, roughly forming an outline. Congliang exchanged a black woven sunscreen in the system space and hung it directly on the branch. Hastily got a frame.

The chicks took out scissors one by one, cut their wings and put them in. These chickens were only kept in the cage for a few days. When they got familiar with the place, got the food, and recognized the nest and home, they could let them go into the mountains to shave food. , Feed the water regularly at home, and only love to lay eggs and grow fast.

"You don't want to go up the mountain in the future," Cong Liang washed his hands after getting the chicken, and hugged Yun Chou who had been following her all afternoon without asking anything, "You keep chickens at home, watch them, don't let the wolves eat them, Aren't you a pack of guardian wolves?"

Yun Chou had already guessed what Congliang meant, and he knew that his herbs didn't make money, but he couldn't do anything before.

"They said that raising this is not profitable." Yun Chou was a little hesitant. He could make some money by making herbs, but those people in the market said that raising chickens couldn't sell them.

"If you make money, you will definitely make it," Cong Liang hung on Yun Chou's body and played leisurely, "You believe me." Anyway, I can still chop wood if I don't make money, and a few chicks can still pay for it.

For a few days, when he came back from chopping firewood from Liang, seeing that the silly Yun Chou in her family was really okay, he sat under the tree and "watched" the chickens. She couldn't help crying and laughing. Yun Chou kept telling her that raising chickens was a waste of food. , I had to exchange an oil lamp with a glass cover from the system space.

"You don't need to feed at night," Cong Liang took Yun Chou's hand and carried the oil lamp to the door of the chicken crib, "put the oil lamp in and waited against Yun Chou.

"Why don't you feed them at night?" Yun Chou asked inexplicably with his hands in his pajamas pockets.

"Listen." Cong Liang said.

After a while, all kinds of grasshoppers and insects slammed into the lamp when they saw the light rushing towards them, and Liang Gong gave Yun Chou a little, "Did you hear that?"

Yun Chou: "I heard, you..." You are so smart.

In modern times, Congliang’s family is basically equal to the barren mountains and ridges. In summer, the most insects are all kinds of insects, and they pounced on the lights without dying, “No need, after dark at night, they will be full in an hour. "

Yun Chou laughed with two dimples, neither evil nor evil, stupid.

Cong Liang poked Yun Chou's two dimples, "Not only that, as long as they recognize their home and the water is constant, they will basically not need to be fed during the day."

"You can turn off the lights in an hour." Cong Liang pulled Yun Chou's arm into the room, "You have been hiding from me for several days, and I said that day was not intentional. I don't use my hands today, just walk around, Today I will teach you some other..."

The dim yellow oil lamp was still swaying from side to side, and the couple's pajamas slid down the foot of the bed to the ground, the good legs crossed on Yun Chou's back waist, the tender white toes hooked together, and Yun Chou entwined and kissed tenderly.

Teaching the rookie chicken, from the old driver with the greatest patience and the most exquisite technical guidance in his life, Yun Chou is really as white as a piece of paper. Blindness limited his imagination.

Congliang sweated all over, and finally put all the arrows on the string, pulling the arc with his hands, just waiting for the thing to shake his waist to the end.

However, when the waist swayed halfway, it stopped, and Xiaobaizhi said to her, "It hurts~~" Cong Liang actually hurts too. Her body was restructured after passing through. Layers, the sound that didn't hurt was shaking.

With a confused look, she pushed the person to sit up and took a look, almost scared to pee, who will tell her what the **** is going on with three or two blooming roses on a small cushion that she specially exchanged? Besides, her layer is still there!

The structure of men in this world is not really different from women, right? Cong Liang remembered the scene where he was shocked to see hehehe in Chunhualou just after crossing the road. With a complicated expression, he pushed down the little white paper and changed the positions of the two people.

The quilt slowly sank following Congliang's waist, which could be regarded as the arrow to the bottom. Congliang gently rubbed away the twisted lines on Yun Chou's forehead. He wanted to laugh again, and his mother felt very cool.

Her eyes drooped, the blue silk of the pillow was scattered under the oil lamp, and the light suddenly turned into a love thread that entangled her mind, tightly binding her heart, and sweet honey dripped from her ticking.

Yun Chou's eyes, which obviously could not see anything, were looking at her at the moment, the mist filled the water filled with her flowing shadow, Congliang slowly used the strength of his thighs, and kept rubbing away Yun Chou's wrinkled skin. Between the eyebrows, he opened his fist with the veins clenched.

Congliang can only say what it was like to paint recklessly on a piece of white paper, although it was different from any time she had ever experienced, every ink dot on the white paper made her feel so relaxed that she couldn't help herself.