MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 42 The Blind Couple of the Shura Field

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Although Yun Chou's smile was fleeting, as soon as these two long-lost dimples came out, it was enough to make the good and evil her stand in a daze. It was not until Yun Chou came up to drag her that she came back to her senses.

She was dragged out of the house and locked the door. She was dragged up the mountain. Cong Liang's eyes did not leave Yun Chou's face. She found that her lover's smile in this life was different from the previous one. Feeling gloomy, laughing is not bright but evil.

In this life, Yun Chou has been as gentle as jade... But who will tell her why Yun Chou laughs is not evil - but evil.

It's the kind of serial perverted murderer who wears a raincoat and carries a **** axe in a rainy night. After killing it, the smell of blood is also refreshing.

What's going on? Congliang was dragged down a path that the two of them had never walked before. Yun Chou walked silently beside him, holding her hand for the first time in history. The person whose palm was cold was trembling in his heart.

The path is even more tortuous than the one on the mountain behind Yun Chou's house. The more we go, the more weeds are thicker than the knees. The branches and vines and vines stumble when walking. It is laborious to walk in the good way, but Yun Chou, a blind man, is walking on the ground. Generally, it is not affected at all, and occasionally slows down and waits for good.

Cong Liang swallowed, the path could no longer accommodate the two of them running side by side, and after Cong Liang, the hair on her spine stood upright, there was always the illusion that Yun Chou was going to strangle her in a dark place, but why? Although the two of them didn't feel right during this time, they really got a lot closer. She didn't dare to be the overlord, she didn't want to kiss her, and she tried her best not to kiss. Just kill her.

Congliang stared at the back of Yun Chou's head and asked twice where he was going, but Yun Chou ignored her and just reached out to pull Yun Chou, when suddenly a whirring system alarm sounded in his head, because the sound was too loud It was so sudden and too harsh. Cong Liang was startled and mixed garlic with the soles of his feet, causing his **** to hit the ground.

Yun Chou heard the sound and stopped to pull her, but Cong Liang silently stood still.

Amidst the alarm sound, the voice of the system sounded in Cong Liang's brain at the same time, "The main system introduced a new policy, which was strongly opposed, and the gold-medal raiders joined a collective strike, and all the moonstones accumulated this year were taken out to defeat the negative. points, until the main system is paralyzed."

"The main system has smoked now, I have no time to care about me, I said you should listen carefully," the system said, "Yun Chou once saved a wolf, and now treats you as a wolf demon who repays his gratitude, today I will take you to the wolf's lair to confirm , these days his closeness to you is because he mistook you for a wolf demon, once you are exposed..."

"It's too long to say it carefully, you just need to know that he carries scissors with him and has almost stabbed you to death many times," the system said, "You must never go to the wolf's den with him, the wolf should not bite him. ..." But **** cannibals.

The system said, "In short, he doesn't like you at all. If you can't do it, we don't want it in this world. You don't have to zizizizi..."

"Xiaofang Xiaofang Xiaofang?" Congliang cried anxiously in his head for a long time, and found that all the links were cut off, and it was obviously not her own Xiaofang who cut it off.

Cong Liang was sitting on the ground clutching the grass in his hands, Yun Chou couldn't pull her up, she looked up at Yun Chou's still warm face, feeling a little embarrassed.

But she was also upset for two seconds, and then she wanted to laugh, finally she knew what was going on with the feeling that something was wrong these days, and why Yun Chou so easily agreed to sell him face to face people live together.

She will be reminded by the system, and she will pull out the logic that is full of joy and love, and it will not go well. In this world where the yin and yang are reversed and aesthetically distorted, a lonely man, if he is really a little white flower, he will not be at all. It was already pinched.

Congliang silently grinned at Yun Chou and smiled. It turns out that chickens have their own way of not peeing. Her family Yun Chou can be seen everywhere on the roadside in the countryside. It seems pure and harmless, but no animal dares to eat it. mandala.

Congliang shook his head, followed Yun Chou's strength, stood up, pinched Yun Chou's face, and sighed, "You... tsk"

He grabbed Yun Chou's wrist with a lot of strength, and reached in along the cuff with the other hand to grope. As expected, he grabbed a small pair of scissors. Carry the person back and think of another way.

She has no plans to give up this world, she is the man she likes no matter what she becomes. People are just like this, impulsive and irrational, if they have a pair of eyes that love someone, even if they are covered in thorns, they can pierce them. You want. Immortals want to die.

What's more, the thorns in this body are all born to adapt to survival, she just picks the soft place to start.

It's just that Cong Liang picked up Yun Chou and froze when he turned his head. She searched for several times, and although she only found two gray four-legged creatures dormant in the grass, she was still in a cold sweat at that time.

Congliang slowly put Yun Chou on the ground. This was the first time in her life that she had met a wolf, and her legs were a little unruly, but Yun Chou could not see. Even if she could poke with small scissors, her force value was negligible. It will also pull mountains and rivers in one move, and even non-fatal injuries can be repaired.

The geographical location of this place is a bit unfortunate. There is not even a legendary cave on all sides. Fortunately, two steps away from behind, there is a tree that has grown taller, and it grows horizontally in a twisted and crooked manner. Just right for climbing.

Congliang slowly raised his foot, took out the scissors, and put them back into Yun Chou's hands, thinking that since Yun Chou misunderstood her as a wolf demon, he decided to make up his mind and whispered, "My comrade came to me to reminisce about the old days, you can sit on the tree for a while. ."

Yun Chou's eyelashes flickered, he squeezed the scissors in his hands tightly, and frowned slightly.

"Go," Congliang pretended to be relaxed, "you turn around, there is a tree two steps away, all branches are easy to climb."

Unexpectedly, Yun Chou hadn't moved, but the backs of the two four-legged creatures bowed first. This was a preparation for attacking, and Cong Liang's scalp was scared.

The short body quickly picked up Yun Chou and ran in the direction of the tree, but no matter how hard she was to lift a man, she couldn't stop the grass and stumble, and she couldn't control her balance when she hugged the person. fell to the ground.

Behind him is the sound of wolf claws jumping in the grass, it's so **** light, Congliang can't hold back his neck and was bitten through the neck. At this time, getting up and facing the enemy head-on is an idiot, Congliang only had time to follow the clouds. Ugly's legs climbed up, and crossed his arms through Yun Chou's neck, tightly protecting Yun Chou's head, while grabbing the roots of the grass.

The roots of his thighs and the back of his neck were pierced by sharp wolf teeth at the same time. Congliang was not a hard boner, and even a frightened and painful voice let out a pitch-split fork and turned, resounding through the jungle.

She wailed in her heart why the two **** wolves bit her, and she was glad that both wolves bit her. At the root of her thigh, if she bit her man, it would be more than just meat. Maybe she would be happier for the rest of her life. Bit out.

The wolf is an intelligent and cooperative creature. One bites the back of Congliang's neck, and the other bites the calf from the thigh, but instead of eating the meat directly, after biting it, it shakes its neck desperately, obviously trying to kill Congliang. flip over.

At this time, the force of pulling mountains and rivers finally saw some effect. The blood on Cong Liang's neck flowed hotly along the back of Yun Chou's head to his wide-open pupils. Hearing is deafening.

However, the gurgling blood of Ren almost scalded Yun Chou's eyes, Ren Congliang's cry almost tore Yun Chou's eardrums, and Congliang's hands around his head were still tight, and he almost suffocated.

Cong Liang digs into the grass roots under the soil with both hands, no matter how the two wolves shake their necks, they do not move.

The painful Nai Si Hengliu shivered all over her body, probably because the bleeding was a little heavy, and she started to feel dizzy. Her neck didn't break for a long time.

In fact, the **** nose was not only from Congliang, but also from wolf blood. These were two wounded wolves. It was the unfamiliar smell of Yun Chou. They should have been expelled foreign wolves.

The small road that Yun Chou took from Congliang was the road to the wolf's lair. He did not expect to meet foreign wolves here. When the "monster" said that it was her companion who came to talk to her, Yun Chou was sure So she is not a "little wolf demon".

As soon as the "monster" let him go up the tree, Yun Chou knew that he was destined to be left behind today, to be pushed out to feed the wolves, because when he met a wolf, he didn't have the assurance of escaping.

But Yun Chou was thrown to the ground and was tightly guarded. For the first time, he was confused. She was not a "little wolf demon", but a "monster" that could not be stabbed to death. She had never received his favor, and she could even disappear and appear out of thin air. , is very strong, this will want to protect himself, even if he can't escape, he can't be beaten, he can be pushed to climb the tree, or just disappear.

Protecting him like this... why, because she said she liked it?

Yun Chou blinked and squeezed out the sticky blood. For the first time in his life, he was a little worried. With such a serious injury and so much blood, can the "monster" still live?

He lived to the age of 20 and never felt worried about others, but now he is worried, if the "monster" dies, will the things she transformed disappear with it, or will it not be good to eat? The food I eat, I don't use anything with a refreshing aroma, and I don't have a comfortable bedding...

Also, the "monster" got into his bed at night, and repeatedly whispered in his ear to keep him for the rest of his life, and it was impossible to be with him... The "monster" is dead, and the two wolves can't be released. If you pass him, he will die.

The system once deeply felt that Yun Chou was blind and a man, and that he was able to live so well in this world without incident. He was a little bit different from ordinary people by relying on his mind, and the rest depended on God to take care of him.

Sure enough, the little change in his mood was given insight by God, and he sent a "Sacred Soldier" to save him, to save the "little monster" he was worried about.

Congliang didn't shout anymore, he couldn't shout anymore, all his strength was used on the two arms holding Yun Chou.

The two wolves didn't know if they were tired from the bite. Her neck was not broken, and she was freed. From the dizzy corner of the light, she caught a glimpse of the wolves running towards here. She is so thin, so many wolves take one bite, she is gone, the system is disconnected, she can't even block the pain, and she will be eaten alive.

The **** moved his lips and kissed Yun Chou's blood-stained back of her head. I can't protect you anymore, see you in the next world, big baby.