MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 25 The Lame Prince of Shura Field

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Wei Zishi opened his eyes and closed his eyes, repeatedly confirming that he felt like he was dreaming at the moment.

After tossing the woman for a few nights and successfully contracting the cold, he was sent back to the backyard as he wished.

I haven't seen him for a few days. He was very happy. Last night, he paid the balance to the person who hired the cold arrow. Although the mission failed, he rejected the other party's proposal to remedy the re-shooting injury. No one helped him. He couldn't run at all. Hurting people is just asking for trouble.

Who knew that in the middle of the night he started to have a high fever, his eyes and nose seemed to be on fire, and he slept in a daze for an unknown amount of time until the imperial doctor came to diagnose the pulse. When he got on the carriage, he said that he was infected with the plague and there was no cure. The emperor issued an order to send him to the outside of the palace immediately.

The plague - with no cure - sent him out of the palace.

Wei Zishi knew that this time he was really sent outside the palace. This should be his dream. This time he was completely free from the confinement. From now on, he no longer has to worry about being caught and tossed by the queen mother of all kinds of tricks.

But Wei Zishi didn't know what he was doing. The moment he was lifted into the carriage, he was thinking of running to find the woman.

He felt that he should hate her. It was only on the day of the enthronement ceremony, which ruined the idle life he deserved. He was a dignified prince, but he was not favored. How can you not hate the teasing things in the hands of women who are nominally mothers?

He hated the fake gentleness at first, but he hated it even more when he tore off the appearance of gentleness and tortured him. He gritted his teeth and planned for the next step. Let those who insulted him pay the price in blood.

But suddenly she changed again, those shameful words, those frivolous methods, accompanied by the provocation that made him ticklish and unable to hold back his temper, changed to make him hate and make him feel helpless.

He wanted to get close to him in different ways. He didn't fight back when he beat him, and he didn't fight back when he scolded him. He kept guessing how long it would take for this woman to pretend to break out, but he finally couldn't help himself. I wanted to run away from her, but although I failed to escape, I thought I could finally tear off her disguise.

But after returning, she gave him a gift that would allow him to walk as usual. No one knew how shocking and longing it was for him to be able to walk as usual, but before he could wait for the ecstasy to pass, the woman chained him with her own hands, saying that he would not be allowed to leave his side, and that he would never let him go for the rest of his life. .

If he didn't let him go, why did he let him go again?

Wei Zishi was lying in a bumpy carriage on the way to be sent out of the palace. He felt that he would have this idea of ​​wanting to find her. He should be unwilling and want to drag that woman to die with him.

Don't let him go if you don't say death, then he can't survive the plague, so why don't you die with him?

The unwillingness didn't last long. He didn't have the strength to find someone. He soon became drowsy and lost his confusion. Mansion, but just want to laugh.

It is the former mansion.

He had already sold it, and the money from the sale was used to buy the murderer. The man was not injured. The last sum of money was given, but he brought a disaster for himself.

After tossing and turning, he tossed out his shelter and his back path, like a clown jumping off a beam, a big joke.

He passed out at the gate of Zengjin's mansion. When he woke up, he thought he was dead and was in hell. Outside of the cold, dirty, stench, he only felt a splitting headache, and his throat seemed to be blocked. He couldn't speak, his body seemed to be bound by chains and he couldn't move, but fortunately he could still faint.

But he didn't start to dream very much. He dreamed that after the woman found out that he was sent out of the palace, how anxious, how recklessly chased after him, pulled him, hugged him, begged him not to go, begged him be nice to her.

In the dream, Wei Zi only laughed. He laughed at himself, but his life ended in a dead end, and he was reduced to a **** on earth. There was only one cluster of warmth that could be dreamed of in a dream, but it was the culprit who gave him misfortune.

Wake up faint, faint wake up, this dream has been haunting him and refuses to let it go.

Up to this moment, Wei Zishi was still in a dream, staring straight at the person who smiled at him, wanting to wave away this annoying and ridiculous dream, open and close her eyes, close her eyes and open her eyes - but she is still there.

"What's wrong?" When Cong Liang approached Wei Zi, he stared at the man's eyes that kept closing and opening, "Are you lost? Oh, this smell!"

Cong Liang pinched his nose and pointed to a stain on Wei Zishi's clothes, "Have you vomited on yourself? Hurry up and wash it first, the bath water will be cold later..."

Cong Liang said that he started to pull people's clothes, one of the clothes was torn, and when he started to pull his pants, Wei Zishi disappeared with the clothes on his upper body, and the small bumps on his skin touched the cold air and came back to God - not a dream!

Wei Zishi held Congliang's hand pulling his pants, and followed Congliang with big eyes and small eyes.

"Zi Shi." Congliang suddenly became very gentle and solemn, and he studied her second brother's subwoofer in a low voice. She felt that the movement was very emotional, as if it hit people's hearts directly.

Wei Zishi was actually called by her like that...still didn't let go.

Congliang called out again, "Zishi, the water will be cold in a while, be good." Congliang pursed his lips, held Wei Zishi's hands with his fingers, and continued to tug at the waist of his trousers with the other hand, and said gently, "Let go, I'll wait for you. You take a bath."

Wei Zishi threw away Congliang's hand. Although he didn't exert much force, he firmly pressed the waist of his trousers and refused to let it go.

From good to bad, just dragging the trousers of other gentlemen, what kind of person is that! Although she can't do it.

But when faced with Wei Zi, she didn't want to mess around, so she wanted to hug and hold her, and habitually coaxed her.

She thought that his little baby was sick and confused, his eyes were straightened, and he still insisted on the bottom line. There must be something to hide, such as—could it be that he pulled his pants? It is said that the plague will have symptoms of diarrhea, and I am afraid that there is no time or energy to go.

Congliang said "Alas!", his voice softer, "I don't despise you, really, I don't despise you when you pull your pants up, I'll help you wash... oops!"

A handful of white flowers were exposed, and a porcelain bottle was firmly buckled on the forehead. The familiar formula, the familiar taste, Cong Liang pressed his dizzy head and grinned, but he still smiled.

It's good to be able to beat people, indicating that the nutrient solution really works.

Wei Zishi hurriedly pulled up his trousers with one hand, holding the vase in the other, still staring at Cong Liang in a daze, Cong Liang rubbed his head and looked at him with a grin. The quiet gaze in this room revealed a strange warmth.

"...You're really haunted." Wei Zishi looked gloomy, lowered his eyelashes, put down the porcelain bottle, and said in a hoarse voice.

"I said earlier that you can't run away," Cong Liang approached, and opened his mouth, "If you die, you have to die by my side, in my hands and in my arms."

He stretched out his arms slowly, slowly, holding his breath as if he was trapping a panicked butterfly, gave Wei Zishi the time and distance to push her and kick her, then picked up the porcelain bottle and smashed her, and slowly met Wei Zishi's gaze. , hugged Wei Zishi's waist, and when Congliang put his bird into Wei Zishi's arms in a human form, Wei Zishi's whole body was stiff.

From his conscience, he leaned against Wei Zishi's chest, he didn't dare to riot and stick, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

Looking at Wei Zi, the fingers that were hanging by the side gradually formed into fists, and the knuckles were turning blue. She concentrated and prepared to retreat at any time to avoid the eye cannon. After waiting for a long time, her neck hurt in every posture. Now, Wei Zishi didn't throw a clenched fist at her either.

I don't know when it started in my ear and chest, and gradually "Bang Bang! Bang Bang! Bang Bang Bang Bang!" The frequency is getting faster and faster, and the rhythm is getting more and more violent.

Congliang was a little deafening. After a long while, her reflex arc, which could wrap the earth into a silkworm chrysalis, finally bounced back, and she suddenly realized that she was holding her? !

Let her hold it! !

Knocked on the system from the good brain, "Ahhh, look, look, he let me hug!"

The system cocked its short legs, Wang Zhi looked at the two zombies hugging in the space with contempt.

Taking an inch is the golden rule of a beginner's guide. Congliang raised his head with a sigh of relief, and rubbed the tip of his nose lightly on the chin when he looked for Wei Zishi. When it came to the lips—it was fulfilled by the flustered Wei Zishi, who grabbed his hair and threw it away.

Wei Zishi was still ill in the end, and it didn't take much effort to tug at it, but Congliang's scalp became a little flaky when he tugged it. Stupidly, sitting opposite Wei Zishi, looking at the person's eyes a little fluttering.

The two sat silently facing each other, the atmosphere seemed to have been wiped by an invisible fire, and the air was filled with an inexplicable warmth, which was hotter than a charcoal basin. cheeks.

After a long while, Cong Liang cleared his throat, suppressed his voice, and said, "...The water is going to get cold, you should wash first..." The sound of the exit was still ethereal and ethereal, like a cat.

How could it be this movement, I am obviously speaking very seriously!

Halfway through speaking, Cong Liang hurriedly bit her lip and kept silent, she herself wanted to scold her as a prostitute when she listened to her own movements. He rubbed his head fiercely and messed up his hair. Cong Liang looked at Wei Zishi shyly in his messy hair.

When he found Wei Zixu, his hands covered his face, his ears and neck were red, and he couldn't bear to look directly at her.

Cong Liang: "..." I would like to emphasize that I am a serious woman.

The author has something to say: Oh! Entering v tomorrow morning tonight, after twelve o'clock, the chapter of big fat fat is presented, leave a message and send a red envelope! ! (≧▽≦)/

[I will send Chapter V tomorrow in the early morning tonight, I hope the little angels will support it, I love you so much]

The little angels who are destined to break up here are also very grateful for the shared sharing and company during this time.