MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 31 How can I eat this person without meat?

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Biting his thumb, the two groups of eyebrows are close, and Chen Yushan stares at the chessboard.

The defeat has been set...

There is no room for a little recovery.

It took a while to accept the status quo, and she suggested it with a tentative tone.

"...come another round."

Lu Zhou sighed and looked at the sky.

"Do I admit defeat?"


Chen Yushan was so angry that she wanted to lame.

When I asked math questions, I was always "taunted" too simple, "Is it a sub-question", "Is it possible to get a postgraduate exam?", she also expected to find some face from the checkers, and the result was not a little face. Give, she won her ten, and let her go first.

Is your IQ really low?

Chen Yushan, who has been studying for more than three years, can’t help but start to doubt her life.

Looking at the stubbornly pushing off the board, insisting that Chen Yushan still wants to come, Lu Zhou could not help but ask.

"Can I ask a question?"

Chen Yushan looked annoyed: "You ask."

Lu Zhou asked seriously: "How did you generate the illusion that your checkers are very strong?"

Upon hearing this question, Chen Yushan’s face was red, and she said, “When I was young... I was with my dad and my mother, I never lost.”

“How small?”

Chen Yushan whispered: "...It seems to be elementary school."

Oh my God!

You still remember the things in elementary school!

And your old lady is obviously letting you, have you not been with someone else?

I don't know why, Lu Zhou suddenly has some sympathy for this guy.

Lunch is a seafood pizza with cheese added. Ms. Yang did not lie to them. The pizza in this cafe is really delicious.

Although the price is a bit expensive, but it is not his own money, even Lu Zhou still has a stomach, ordered an ice cream as a dessert.

Looking at the big and sloppy Lu Zhou, Chen Yushan, who was sitting on the opposite side and eating a sandwich, couldn’t help but vomit: " can really eat, be careful to eat a big fat."

"I hope I can get fat." While eating a high-calorie ice cream with chocolate mousse, Lu Zhou has nothing to say. "I don't know why, how can I eat this meat?"

Suddenly quiet around, Chen Yushan did not speak.


It seems that this joke has some hatred?

I feel that there is a grievance that is pervading...

Lu Zhou couldn't help but shudder.


Back to school is already two o'clock in the afternoon, this is the hottest time of the day.

Because of the fear of tanning, Chen Yushan did not dare to stay outside, waved and Lu Zhoudao, and quickly returned to the bedroom.

Lu Zhou saw that time was still early. First, he went back to the dormitory, took the computer and the book borrowed from the library, and then went to the teaching building and sat in the empty study room where no one was sitting.

There are still about four hours from the end of drug resistance. It is not a problem to take the medicine from 6 o'clock to 11 o'clock in the evening. This time the library has been closed for a long time, so today naturally it is impossible to study in the library.

Although according to the original plan, he planned to use the medicine once every other day, but tomorrow there is something wrong. In order not to waste precious time and complete the reward task as soon as possible, he decided to explode the liver properly today.

After turning on the computer, Lu Zhou first checked the e-mail address and found that Wang Xiaodong had sent the completed program.

After sweeping the program down, Lu Zhou first extracted the code into the text and then started writing according to the format of the mathematical modeling paper.

It took an afternoon to get the paper. He packed the paper and the program together and threw it into Mr. Liu's mailbox.

"...first go to the cafeteria to have a meal and come back to work." Born a lazy waist, Lu Zhou stood up from the position and walked outside the classroom.

Because of the summer vacation, the canteen is inaccessible.

The advantage is that there is no need to line up. The downside is that many cafeteria aunts are also on holiday with the students, and there are only a few left in the cafeteria window.

However, this has no effect on Lu Zhou. Under normal circumstances, he is solved in a bowl at night.

When I was eating, I happened to run into the old Tang. Lu Zhou went forward and greeted him, sitting in the bowl and sitting opposite the professor.

After seeing Lu Zhou, Professor Tang smiled and asked in a chattering voice: "How is the preparation of mathematical modeling?"

Lu Zhou also smiled and said: "Alright, just hand over the assignment to Teacher Liu."

“What are you studying recently?”

Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang did not ask about mathematical modeling, so he thought about it and said: "Recently read the literature, which is about the progress of the research project of GIMPS..."

Professor Tang’s eyebrows picked and smiled and asked: “The Chinese Academy of Sciences?”

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded. "I turned the paper of "The Distribution Law of Mersenne Prime Numbers" in 1992 and looked at it. I found that the conjecture inside is very interesting, but the process is too short, and there is almost only one conclusion. I tried to study it."

"That paper, I know," Professor Tang said with a resounding thought of what he missed. "Mr. Zhou’s paper is also internationally praised for the mathematics community in China. One time."

The only regret is that the paper was too short, but it was just two pages. Although the exact formula of the Mersenne prime distribution is proposed, it does not give a proof process, so it can only be published as a conjecture.

After a pause, Professor Tang looked at Lu Zhou and said with a smile, "Speak up, you don't continue to study your linear functional, how do you go to study the Mason prime?"

“Hey...maybe interest?”

Lu Zhou did not believe in his own words, so that he accidentally brought the tone of doubt.

Sure enough, he did not believe his ghost words. Professor Tang shook his head and said with a strong heart. "The talent of your kid in mathematics is nothing to say, that is, people are too impetuous. What can the East One Shantou West stick out?" There is nothing about utilitarianism. After all, it is also a person who studies. But do you think that the Mason prime number is so good? The GIMPS project you said has spent eight years, and it is not clear whether the 44th Mersenne prime number is the first. 44 questions, do you think the bonus is so good?"

Although the 44th Mersenne prime has been found in 2006, until now, the academic community has retained a view on whether there is an undiscovered Maison prime between the 43rd Mersenne prime number and the 44th.

Because this number is too large, the amount of computation involved is beyond human imagination.

And at present, according to the reward criteria of the GIMPS project, if you want to get the next reward, you can only target the 100 million Mersenne prime numbers. Even so, the results are not directly proportional to the pay. After all, the reward for the 100 millionth place is only $150,000. The cost of this thing is not limited to this money.

Speaking of jokes, is it better to dig bitcoins and do mathematics research?

Recognizing the character of Lu Zhou’s money-opening, Professor Tang’s subjective view is that this kid must have seen the reward, and the whole person has gone into the eyes of money.

Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly and was not very refutable.

Because it is too much trouble to explain.

How do you misunderstand when you want to misunderstand?

Seeing that Lu Zhou did not speak, Professor Tang sighed and continued to say: "Your paper is very exciting. It’s not just that I think so. Several old professors of the Physics Institute have seen it. It’s the same. If you are This direction continues to be further studied. I dare to assert that there will be a big result in less than two years. Even if we are utilitarian, our eyes will be long-term."

Lu Zhou whispered: "Teacher, don't you suggest that I continue to study in this field?"

Professor Tang shook his head and said, "I don't mean this. I just don't like this direction. One is too cold. The second is difficult. The third is that I don't have much research and can't help you. If you just feel I don't object to interest research, but if you want to get into it, it will delay you. If I say so much, you should consider it yourself!"