MTL - Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table-Chapter 271

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The Akatsuki organization just disappeared.

Except for attacking Wu Ninja Village and Mizukage Yakura, they have never been found.

The purpose of the Akatsuki organization is to **** the tailed beasts of the major ninja villages for the unlimited monthly reading plan. Knowing that the five major ninja villages are not easy to deal with, they provoke wars to consume the strength of the five major ninja villages.

This makes perfect sense.

"It's possible, but it's just speculation."

Guessing this kind of thing, if you say it, few people will believe it. The current Wunin Village is like a volcano that is about to erupt.

Even if you tell them that this is a conspiracy by the Xiao organization, they will not stop there.

Because the daimyo was assassinated, this behavior is tantamount to declaring war on Wu Ninja Village.

If Mist Ninja Village does not take action, the assassination of Daimyo will continue to happen in the future.

Since there is nothing wrong with assassinating daimyo, let's kill them! !

Once the situation develops to this point, the entire ninja world will be in chaos.

Otherwise, how can you say that the name is the bottom line?

Otherwise, the incident between Danzo and the fire country daimyo would not have caused such a big disturbance.

Danzo was just talking about it, but the daimyo of the country of water was really assassinated, and one of his hands was cut off.

If the guards hadn't risked their lives to save them, everyone would have died in the Land of Wind.

Of course, this is just a guess. In fact, the Akatsuki organization will not allow Daimyo of the Land of Water to die in the Land of Wind. Otherwise, how would the war start?

Only a wounded and frightened daimyo can push forward the war regardless of the consequences.

If the daimyo dies, his children, brothers and other immediate family members will all be busy competing for the daimyo's position, who cares if you fight or not.

"Master Raikage, this may be an opportunity for us."

In the conference room, many high-level executives were moved.

If the war expands and continues, can Yunin Village take advantage of the war to gain some benefits?

Another example is whether Yunnin Village can participate.

Don't forget that Yunnin Village is now the village with the strongest military strength in the face of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

Chapter 375 Avoid Being the Second Rope Tree

And they are still a village that likes to make troubles and wars.

This big event is an excellent opportunity for Yunnin Village.

Therefore, the village can rely on the war to obtain more benefits.

Yun Ninja Village is desperately developing military power, why?

Isn't it just to make yourself strong enough to seek more benefits?

It's just that the ninja world has entered a relatively stable development period, so there are no opportunities.

And now the opportunity has come.

The war between Mist Ninja Village and Sand Ninja Village that will break out at any time is the best opportunity.

Ai nodded slightly, agreeing with this sentence.

Wunin Village and Sand Ninja Village really fight, it is indeed an opportunity for Yunnin Village.

Not to mention, Yunin Village can take the opportunity to do something on the sea at this time, annexing some commercial waterways in Wuren Village.

In the past, because of commercial waterways, there were many conflicts between Yunnin Village and Wunin Village.

Now the opportunity has come, once Mist Ninja Village falls into war, the control over commercial waterways will continue to decline.

This is an opportunity for Yunnin Village, and they can even take the opportunity to attack the sea troops of Wunin Village.

Fortunately, I agree and agree, Ai did not lose his mind.

Just because he has a bad temper doesn't mean he has a problem with IQ.

At this time, taking the opportunity to make troubles can indeed seek certain benefits.

However, compared to the potential threat of the Xiao organization, this benefit is not enough.

Unless the benefits are big enough to make him tempted.

"Let's observe the situation first."

Ai did not comment.

On the other side, Iwanin Village is also in such a situation, and a high-level meeting has been held.

Yanren Village is still the same, showing no signs of participating in the war, nor lowering the surveillance of the two villages.

Whether it's Onoki or Ai, a little war interest can't move them.

Unless the benefits are so great that they cannot refuse, Yanren Village and Yunren Village will consider and participate in it at this time.

A questioning announcement from Mist Ninja Village was released.

Wu Ninja Village directly announced the matter, and the news quickly spread in the ninja world through various channels.

The country and villages who heard the news were shocked.

Everyone couldn't believe that such a big event happened in the Kingdom of Wind.

Is this intended to provoke a war?

Sand Ninja Village is crazy.

The news from the outside world spread up and down, and after the news spread, Konoha also chose to announce the news.

Not surprisingly, like a depth bomb, it directly knocked down many people.

Countless villagers are discussing this matter, and some people are even spreading rumors that a war is about to break out.

But these people usually end up being invited by the police department to drink tea and calm down.

More seriously, Anbu personally came to talk to them.

The atmosphere in the frontier camp has changed a lot.

Fortunately, Zilai is not the kind of person who casually increases the pressure. Apart from being more heavily guarded and patrolling more intensively, Zilai doesn't ask too much.

Bringing Naruto to the camp, Jilai also smirked and threw Naruto to the patrol team, and asked the patrol team to take Naruto to patrol, and took the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of war.

Although the war did not break out, the state of preparation made the atmosphere in the camp very tense.

When the patrol team performs their tasks, they also pay special attention to the troubles on the border.

Throwing Naruto to the patrol team will undoubtedly exercise Naruto's discipline and allow Naruto to grow up quickly.

This was something that Jiraiya had thought about a long time ago, otherwise he would not have personally thrown him to the border to sit in town, and even asked to bring Naruto over.

Naruto, who is accustomed to a lazy personality, is thrown into the patrol team, and his heart is exhausted.

This kind of strict requirement of walking a few more steps made him a little uncomfortable.

"Grandpa Ziraiya, why don't you train me more, I really don't want to go on patrol, it's so annoying, if I walk a few steps, I will be scolded, if I look at what is in the grass, I will be scolded Being scolded is annoying."

The captain of Naruto's team is a special jonin with a rigid and strict personality, so he has strict requirements on Naruto's every word, deed, and every move.

The result of such harsh conditions is that Naruto is in pain.

He has always been carefree, restless, and curious. Before he grows up, this kind of personality will cause headaches for everyone.

As a result, it was directly stuffed into the most regulated and strictest patrol team in one step. It is strange to be able to adapt.

Let alone Naruto, even if Sasuke is thrown over, Sasuke may not be able to adapt in a short time.


Jiraiya firmly rejected Naruto's request and reminded him:

"Naruto, if you want to grow enough, then you have to feel the atmosphere of war. I let you go to the patrol team to train you. Your captain is very strict and rigid, but such strictness and rigidity, Only then can it teach you some survival skills on the battlefield."

Regarding this matter, Jirai has no intention of backing down.

No matter how much Naruto begged him, it was useless, even if it was slapstick.

Jilai is also very afraid that his heart will be soft, which will cause Naruto to become the second rope tree.

Orochimaru attaches great importance to Naoki as a disciple, but because of the excessive attention, he will not be too strict in his personality. The result of this is that Naoki was blown to death by a detonating talisman on the battlefield in a daze.

If Naoki wasn't so curious, sat down obediently and did what he should do, didn't run around, and kept following Orochimaru closely, there would be no incident of being bombed by the detonating talisman.

As a result, Nawaki's death made Tsunade heartbroken, and Orochimaru felt guilty all the time.

Naruto's character is very similar to Naruto, so Jirai has always been worried that he will become a second Naruto.

Therefore, strict requirements are inevitable.

"But that old guy is clearly targeting me, he will teach me whatever I do."

Naruto rolled his eyes anxiously.

Who is not curious?

You will be scolded if you look more than two times, and you will be scolded if you take two more steps. I am talking about these rules all day long, no matter what life experience, you can't touch this, and you can't touch that. It's really annoying.

"Grandpa Ziraiya, I..."

Naruto, who is not about to give up, wants to continue persuading Jiraiya, hoping that Jiraiya will change his mind.

It was only when he raised his head that he realized that Jiraiya was staring at him with stern eyes that were impossible at ordinary times, and his face was also surprisingly ugly.

"You just said Captain Sambar is an old guy? Targeting you?"

Uh....feeling a little bad.

This was the first time Naruto saw Jiraiya face him with such an expression and eyes.

You must know that in the village, no matter what mistakes he made, Zilai would not pay too much attention to it. He would expose it with a laugh, and then educate him afterwards, telling him not to make any mistakes again, and it would be over.

And now Jilai looks a little scary.

Naruto swallowed nervously, shrinking his neck cautiously:

"Grandpa Ziraiya, are you alright?"

Chapter 376

"Immediately, immediately apologize to Captain Sambar."

With a serious face, Jiraiya also severely reprimanded Naruto:

"Do you know how sad your words will make people feel?

Sambar is a qualified patrol captain, and he is passing on the knowledge and experience he has learned to you.

You don't need to learn, you can be impatient, but you can't live up to his kindness, and call others with impolite names. "


I seem to have said something I shouldn't have said.

Realizing that Jilai was not joking, Naruto also became nervous.

Fortunately, he is just a careless person, and his nature is not bad. After realizing that he said something wrong, he quickly apologized:

"I'm sorry, Grandpa Jiraiya, I won't say that about the captain again in the future, I will apologize to him tomorrow."

"Silly boy."

Jiraiya's serious face eased a lot, he patted Naruto's head, and he decided to tell Naruto some secret things.

I hope that the ending of the tree can change Naruto's frizzy temperament.

"Do you know why Orochimaru and Tsunade sometimes look at you in a trance?"

"look at me?"

Naruto tilted his head in doubt, and thought for a while: "Because I'm handsome?"



Naruto, who got a big punch, hugged his head with a look of grievance.