MTL - Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table-Chapter 269

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As long as you can appease the daimyo of the country of water, it's a big deal to pay more, and apologize with a straight face.

However, with the Akatsuki organization operating inside, even if the Water Country daimyo is willing to accept an apology and compensation, the Akatsuki organization will not allow the situation to turn around.

This war must be fought.

Not only do we need to fight, but we also need to fight more seriously. It is best to involve several other villages.

"At present, all we can do is to stabilize the situation in the village and take precautions. It won't affect us in a short time."

A war does not mean that it will be fought if it is fought, nor will it be ended if it is over.

During this period, there will be a long pull time.

And the strength of Wunin Village and Sand Ninja Village, to put it bluntly, the eldest brother is no better than the second brother.

There is not much difference in strength, as long as war breaks out, it will be enough for them to hold on for a while.

After eating the ramen, Hiko wiped his mouth with a tissue, put the money on the counter, got up and left.

"So we just have to go on as usual?"

Nizuzu also put down his chopsticks, and glanced at Fuyue who was drinking soup, his eyes were a little strange.

"if not."

Fuyue put down the bowl contentedly:

"There are some things that you and I can't control. It's enough for us to just follow Yan's footsteps. He won't harm us."

"Besides, Yan and Hokage-sama are not the same as before, you can put your worries back.

The ninja mobilization of the Hyuga Clan may be more active, but it is more for investigation, not for you to go all out. "

Why did Nizu and Fuyue hint to talk about it?

It was nothing more than for the sake of the clansmen. They wanted a reassurance, and Yan also gave it directly.

Although the family ninja is the main force, it is by no means a consumable.

Although this statement is cruel, it is the truth.

Once a war breaks out, the ninjas of each family will be the main force on the battlefield, while the consumables will be numerous civilian ninjas with average strength.

Fortunately, Yan Yan and Tsunade are not black-hearted people, they will not deliberately favor one side, nor will they deliberately let a large number of civilian ninjas who seem a little bloated go to death.

This is their bottom line.

"And we still have time to prepare. The flames of war should not be burned on Konoha's head in the first place, just be prepared mentally."

Uchiha is never afraid of war! !

The Hyuga clan is a bit intriguing, the ninjas who are separated do what they say, and the main family... is a bit hard to describe.

Therefore, Fu Yue dared to say loudly that Uchiha was never afraid of war, but Nichizu did not dare.

Because there is a risk of being slapped in the face if you are not careful.

Konoha started to move.

A group of elite ninjutsu who reached 500 were summoned, and then went to the border with Jiraiya, stationed at the border camp, to prevent accidents.

On the other side, Ninja Flying out of Konoha is also going to Yannin Village, Yunnin Village, and Sand Ninja Village at the fastest speed.

As for Wunin Village, there is no need for Konoha to remind, because at this time, Wunin Village is holding an emergency meeting.

A group of high-level officials cursed and accused Sand Ninja Village in various ways, and many people clamored to crusade Sand Ninja Village and seek justice for the village and the daimyo.

Mizukage represents the face of Mist Ninja Village, so the face of Water Country is the daimyo.

Now that the daimyo was assassinated, it was a good thing that Sand Ninja Village did, can it be tolerated?

When the news came back, the upper echelons of Mist Ninja Village were shocked.

Sand Ninja Village has a brain twitch, and is still impatient to live. Is this going to war with Mist Ninja Village?

So in the shortest possible time, the high-level meeting started directly.

You must know that the daimyo is the bottom line, the bottom line that cannot be touched, except for some desperate lunatics, if the villages assassinate the daimyo of other countries, it is tantamount to declaring war.

Chapter 372 Sand Ninja Village High Level: The Village Is Ready to Start a War?

It happened that the daimyo of the land of water was assassinated by ninjas from the sand ninja village in the land of the wind. The Akatsuki organization didn't even need to promote it, and a large group of people would jump out to promote the progress of the war.

People with a little bit of a temper are shouting to start a war.

Only a small number of people are thinking, is there a conspiracy in this?

After all, there have been no conflicts between Wunin Village and Sand Ninja Village in recent years.

In the absence of contradictions, why is Sand Ninja Village so irrational to assassinate Daimyo.

Unfortunately, guesswork is useless.

Unless there is enough evidence to prove that all this was not done by Sand Ninja Village, but by Akatsuki.

Otherwise, it will not affect the course of the war.

"Master Kazekage, this is an urgent message from Konoha."

An urgent message from Konoha?

Could it be that someone is going to provoke their people again?

Luo Sha now has a headache when he hears the word Konoha.

Because after the news of what happened on the border spread, there were many voices in the village who questioned him, but fortunately Luo Sha suppressed them in time.

"Thanks a lot."

After taking the scroll, Luo Sha glanced at the unlock code attached to the scroll, and couldn't help being speechless.

What kind of moth is Konoha doing again, sending urgent information with a password.

If this is picked up by someone who is interested, you can open it and check it directly.

It is simply superfluous.

After complaining a little in his heart, Luo Sha unlocked the code and opened the scroll.

Just glancing at the contents of the scroll, Luo Sha froze on the spot like a lightning strike. A few seconds later, he jumped up with an exclamation, his face changed drastically:

"How can this be!!"

"Master Fengying?"

The ninja from the intelligence department was taken aback by Luo Sha's reaction. What was recorded in this scroll made Kazekage-sama react so strongly.

Could it be that Konoha's people are doing things on the border again?

Luo Sha, with flustered eyes, continued to look at the scroll, and quickly raised his head and said eagerly to the intelligence ninja:

"You go and inform the people in Anbu, and ask them to immediately invite all the high-level officials, and invite them to the Fengying office building, and tell them what is urgent. No matter what they are doing, please put down what they are doing and come here immediately."

"The consultant of Ebizo will also be notified."


Luo Sha's tone was very anxious, and he seemed a little flustered. The ninjas in Anbu didn't know what happened, but it was definitely not a small matter.

"Damn! Why did this happen?"

If it weren't for the Hokage seal on the scroll, Luo Sha would have wondered if someone was joking about Konoha and Sand Ninja Village.

The sand ninja village sent people to assassinate the daimyo of the country of water?

This is not nonsense, what is it?

Luo Sha knew about the daimyo from the land of water visiting the land of wind, but only limited to knowing.

Because of the bad relationship between the village and the Daming Prefecture, the reception has nothing to do with Sand Ninja Village.

It was the Daming Mansion who directly sent people to meet and protect them.

Throwing down the scroll, Luo Sha immediately began to check the mission information of some ninja teams in the village.

Squads performing missions, and patrolling squads.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but you are startled when you see it. Several patrol teams did not rotate on time.

Didn't even return to the village to report back.

Because of the harsh environment in the Land of Winds, sandstorms often wash over the country. When encountering such bad weather, the return time of the patrol team will be delayed and affected.

It is not unheard of in the past to be delayed by bad weather and then return a few days later.

This is why the village didn't pay much attention.

In normal times, this is not a big deal at all.

But it is different now, because several major incidents in which several sand ninja village teams assassinated the daimyo of the water country occurred in the land of the wind.

The daimyo, who was seriously injured and even lost a hand, ran to the land of fire for help, and was sent to the daimyo mansion for treatment and recuperation, so Konoha was able to grasp the first information at the first time, and then sent it to them.


Completely numb.

Luo Sha's heart almost sank to the bottom of the valley.

Inform all high-level officials and hold an emergency meeting, which means that something important has happened in the village.

Even Ebino, who had completely retired, got a position. Chiyo and Ebino realized that things were not easy.

The siblings immediately dropped the fishing rods in their hands and went straight to the Fengying office building.

All those notified rushed over immediately.

"Go to this place immediately and collect all useful information. If there are any corpses left behind, bring them all back. Nothing can be left behind."

When the high-level officials arrived, Luo Sha was dispatching Anbu's team to collect intelligence at the incident site.

It would be even better if there were corpses. The intelligence department has plenty of ways to dig out the intelligence and secrets of the corpses.

After making various arrangements, Luo Sha sat back on the chair tiredly, rubbing the aching brows.

"Guys, prepare for war."


Ready for war?

Is the village ready to launch a foreign war?

As soon as these words came out, not to mention other people, even Chiyo and Ebino's siblings were not calm.

Under the sign of other people's eyes, Chiyo, as a representative, stepped forward two steps, and asked doubtfully:

"Master Kazekage, is the village planning to launch a foreign war?"

"It would be great if the village could take the initiative to launch a foreign war, but unfortunately we are the passive side."

Luo Sha sighed, and threw the scroll to Chiyo, Chiyo caught the scroll steadily, and glanced over Luo Sha's face who didn't want to say more.

Opening the scroll, a group of high-level executives stood behind Chiyo, and everyone looked at the scroll together.

After just a few seconds, everyone's expressions changed.

Even Chiyo could no longer maintain his composure.

"Are you sure there is no problem with the origin of this scroll?"

"Sister, there is a Hokage seal on it, and..."

Ebizo didn't say anything later, the intelligence department of each village has its own identification method.

This is the village's unique method. Whether the information scroll comes from Konoha can be identified by the intelligence department.

There is no problem with the intelligence department, and the scroll is still stamped with Tsunade's Hokage seal, which means that the content in the scroll is true.

Everyone's first reaction was that Luo Sha was crazy.

But this idea was quickly overturned. If Luo Sha was crazy, he wouldn't be acting like he is now.

This means that all of this has nothing to do with Luo Sha, the Kazekage, and Sand Ninja Village has never sent anyone to do such a thing.

The atmosphere in Kazekage's office became tense.

Luo Sha, who was resting with his eyes closed, slowly opened them, gritted his teeth and said: