MTL - Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table-Chapter 265

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You are spitting blood, I want to sue you for defamation, do you know that?

This is slandering me.

The news was not concealed, the border camps were not concealed, and the villages were not. This means that the speed of news dissemination will be very fast, and it will be enough to reach the ears of the major ninja villages in a short period of time, and then spread towards the surrounding area.

"Has it grown to this point?"

Onogi looked at the information scroll in his hand, frowning all the time, he saw Uchiha Madara's shadow on Yan's body.

The stronger Yan Yan's performance, the less good news for Iwanin Village.

It seems that Konoha's strength level needs to be recalculated.

Don't underestimate how a strong man can change a ninja village. A strong man is enough to change a war. A terrible disaster has come to the village.

It's nothing more than an ordinary strong man, at most it's on the battlefield, killing the enemy is more terrifying. Judging from the Susanoo released by Hiko, it is definitely a disaster for a strong man like him to appear on the battlefield.

Fortunately, there was no quarrel with Konoha in the previous incident, even if the quarrel was not good-looking, at least everyone had restrictions.

Although she loses face, it is better than Sand Ninja Village. Luo Sha is really miserable. She was beaten in the face when she was confused, and was chased and trampled like a mouse.

Thinking of Luo Sha's situation, Onogi felt a little better. When you feel ashamed, you can ask your peers to compare. If others are worse than you, you can find a balance in your heart.

"Increase Uchihahiko's danger level by two levels."

"However, in this way, Uchihahiko's danger level has surpassed that of Tsuchikage-sama..."

The secretary was a little confused.

Is this evaluation a bit too much?

"No, if he can master such power, then Uchihahiko will be scarier than me, and much scarier than Raikage."


Secretary Tukage hurriedly went to revise Yan's assessed danger level, and Raikage of Yunin Village and Raikage were doing similar things.

"This is persecution."

Showing strength, the attitude is very tough. In addition to persecuting Sand Ninja Village, it also means deterring other villages.

Especially Yannin Village and Yunnin Village, after all, these two villages have been eyeing Konoha.

Of course, there is also the Akatsuki organization hidden in the dark.

They are also objects of deterrence.

Otherwise, there is no need to go online for a little thing, to the point of taking a shot and stepping on a gopher.

Chapter 366 Uchihahiko's eyes are wrong!

Yan Yan's move has already thrown the faces of Sand Ninja Village and Luo Sha on the ground, and stomped hard.

If it's really for a small conflict, at worst, just sit down with Luo Sha and negotiate.

Everyone is a person who wants face, even if it is for his own face, Luo Sha will restrain the people in Sand Ninja Village.

But Yan didn't choose to negotiate peace, and directly slapped him in the face, slapping him hard.

While stepping on Sand Ninja Village and Luo Sand, it is also warning other potential opponents and enemies.

Whether on the surface or in the dark.

"Yes, Lord Raikage."

Linen, who has been promoted to Lei Ying's secretary, is holding the document:

"Uchihahiko didn't choose peace talks, but directly provoked and started. The main reason is to deter. In addition to the previous actions against Iwanin Village, I think the things behind this are not that simple."

"Or from the very beginning, he had already planned to throw out the information about Wunin Village."

"The young people of today are really amazing, but it's a pity that such a genius was not born in our Cloud Ninja Village.

Uchihahiko, Uchiha, Konoha's life, so good. "

Considering Lei Ying's age, it is not an exaggeration to call Yan Yan a young man.


Ma Buyi didn't know how to respond to these words, because she remembered what happened a few years ago when she got kicked in the buttocks.

"Recalculate the evaluation levels of Uchihahiko and Konoha, and make an announcement, so that the people below should not provoke Konoha and Uchihahiko in the near future.

This kid is a dynamite, and it will blow up at a touch. "

"Yes, Lord Raikage."

Compared with Yannin Village, Yunnin Village has more of a mentality of watching a show about this matter.

After all, Konoha and Yunin Village have cooperated in many places in recent years, and there have been no conflicts.

So the relationship has eased a little bit, at least it is much better than Yannin Village.

When Yan and Raikage meet, they won't hold a gun with a stick, and it's full of gunpowder.

However, Yan Yan will never forget some of the things Yunnin Village did, but he just didn't find the right opportunity to explode.

If he finds an opportunity, he doesn't mind stepping on Lei Ying.

When I have no strength, I am bullied, then there is nothing to say, who told me to be weak, admit it.

If you have the strength, but you still dare not move, then why do you need this strength?

Step on you and you're done.

You Raikage have a bad temper, and I, Uchihahiko, are not easy to mess with.

Water Country, an underground base on an uninhabited island a certain distance from Mist Ninja Village, has been moved to Water Country since Yakura was controlled, and the headquarters of Akatsuki organization.

"Some interesting things have happened in the ninja world recently."

Hei Jue took out the information scroll, which recorded the information he had collected recently.

When you open it, you will find that most of it is about Sand Ninja Village, because the Akatsuki organization is about to start.

They can't sit back and watch the Five Great Ninja Villages continue to develop like this, they must use the means of war to consume the strength of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

In this way, the Xiao organization can start to **** the tail beast and complete the infinite monthly reading plan.

Tiandao glanced at the scroll and said nothing, Xiaonan frowned slightly, the others also remained silent, only Obito, after reading the scroll, pondered:

"There's something wrong with Uchihahiko. Kaleidoscope Sharingan can hardly support Susanoo's full body state."

"That's the fun part, too."

Heijue said:

"Uchihahiko doesn't have a brother, or a relative with a kaleidoscope Sharingan, so how does his kaleidoscope support a complete Susanoo?"

"Only the Eternal Eye can maintain the full consumption of Susanoo?"

Xiao Nan asked.

In order to show his sincerity and to continue the cooperation, Obito contributed a lot of information about Uchiha.

Strengthen the trust between him and Minato and Xiaonan.

"If the strength is strong enough and the pupil power is strong enough, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan can also do it, but the consumption of the pupil power is terrible. Maybe after a few times, the eyes will lose their light."

The face under the mask of Obito was full of doubts.

Does Yan look like someone who makes fun of his eyes?

Based on his understanding, it doesn't look like that at all. Since Yan is not this kind of person, how could he have the courage to do such outrageous things.

Unless he has eternal eyes.

But here comes the question, without a relative's kaleidoscope to transplant, how can he have the eternal eye?

It's not right, it's very wrong.

Is there a possibility that Uchihahiko's blood is closer to his ancestors?

Hei Jue thought to himself, there are people who have eternal eyes without eye transplantation, and the Sage of the Six Paths and Indra did it.

The Immortals of the Six Paths and the Three Gouyu Sharingan directly go all the way to the kaleidoscope, the eternal kaleidoscope, and then to the samsara eye.

With his recent bloodline, Indra, who also inherited the Shulunyan Pupil Art, is also exaggerating. He went straight to the Eternal Eye with three hooks in one step.

Then he drove a full body beard to show off his power, and was finally cleaned up by Ashura.

Only the conspirator Hei Jue knew about these things.

So he was guessing whether Yan's blood was very close to that of Indra, and maybe there was a phenomenon of atavism, otherwise he couldn't explain it.

Yan drove a full-body Susanoo, and it happened that a local mouse stepped on it in Narosa.

"He was demonstrating against us."

Tiandao's tone is very flat:

"However, this does not have much impact on the organization. Konoha is not the organization's first target, but Sand Ninja Village is."

"Everyone, the time is almost up. If it continues, it will not be good for everyone. A new round of ninja war is about to begin."

Control Yakura, use Yakura as a pedal, and start a war between Mist Ninja Village and Sand Ninja Village.

When the two villages are fighting lively, we will see if the other villages will end.

If not, drag them into the quagmire of war.

Consume the vitality of the five great ninja villages as much as possible, and absolutely cannot allow them to develop in a stable and stable manner.

Everything in the Akatsuki organization was destroyed by you, now you want to develop peacefully?

There are no doors.

"Five days later, the daimyo of the land of water will go to the daimyo mansion of the land of wind to visit and play."

Heijue grinned:

"At that time, the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village will attack because they are dissatisfied with the daimyo's policy and the actions of Konoha, and Konoha will not be able to escape."

How to start a war?

In fact, it is not difficult, as long as the method is used correctly, it is guaranteed that Sand Ninja Village and Wu Ninja Village will break their heads.

No, the Akatsuki organization has used the names of the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Wind.

As long as the daimyo of the land of water is attacked in the land of wind, as long as the cause is caused by the daimyo of the land of wind and his inaction and partiality to Konoha, it will be difficult for Wu Ninja Village and Sand Ninja Village not to want a war.

There is even a certain probability that Konoha will be dragged into the water.

Because of the daimyo's inaction and bias towards Konoha, he entrusted various commissions to Konoha, and Konoha is the party who benefits.

Now that war broke out because of these **** things, can you Konoha hide?

The daimyo of the country of water was attacked in Sand Ninja Village. When such a serious incident broke out, it was difficult for Mist Ninja Village to choose a peaceful solution.

Because they have to give the daimyo an explanation.

On the other side of the Kingdom of Wind, the daimyo will definitely be furious.

Chapter 367 Introversion at the ninja school caused by love!

It is difficult for the two villages not to fight.

The conspiracy organized by Akatsuki was launched, but the people in the villages knew nothing about it.

Even the people of Mist Ninja Village are confused because their Mizukage Yakura has been controlled.

Nagato is not Obito, even if he controls Yakura, for the sake of planning, he will not let Yakura mess around.

It won't be as ups and downs as in the original book.

That would lead to the weakening of Mist Ninja Village's strength and suffer losses in the war.

This is not the situation that Nagato wants to see. He needs a fierce fight between Wunin Village and Sand Ninja Village, the more tragic the better.

In the past few years, Obito wanted to attack Mist Ninja Village all the time, but there was a long gate in front of him, and he could only simply perfunctory if he wanted revenge.

The small matter in Sand Ninja Village has been resolved, and the deterrence that should be there is also there.

Unless the brain is ironed, other villages will not provoke Konoha casually, and even the Akatsuki organization will focus on other villages.

Yan took the people back to Konoha.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I thought you were just going to solve the problem normally. I didn't expect you to directly make Sand Ninja Village famous. Luo Sha is really miserable, hiding everywhere like a gopher."