MTL - Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table-Chapter 260

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Even the army went directly to the hinterland of the country of fire, and Konoha was caught off guard.

"That's exactly what I mean. After I leave, I still hope that you can sit in the village, Grandma Chiyo."

Luo Sha needs to go to the border in person, no matter whether the war will break out, he needs to deal with it in person.

Today's Sand Ninja Village really can't support a big battle.

Therefore, after he left, the village needed someone with sufficient prestige to sit in charge to prevent accidents from happening.

"I will take care of the village, Fengying can rest assured."

Even in many political views, she and Luo Shada disagree.

But when the village needs it, Chiyo will still contribute his strength without hesitation.


Luo Sha was relieved to hand over the village to Chiyo.

Even if he knows that Chiyo has a lot of dissatisfaction with him, as long as Chiyo's heart is in Sand Ninja Village, it is enough.

This is an old man who is trustworthy and trustworthy.

After handing over the village to Chiyo, Luo Sha stepped on the golden sand and flew into the sky, quickly heading to the border.

He must deal with these matters as soon as possible.

Even if the possibility of Konoha launching a war is only one percent, he will eliminate this one percent possibility.

In the past, Sand Ninja Village couldn't wait to fight Konoha, wanting to get more resources and benefits.

But now, Luo Sha only wants to develop steadily, to accumulate the power of Sand Ninja Village little by little, instead of going to war.

Konoha can withstand war wear and tear, but Sand Ninja Village cannot.

The current Sand Ninja Village is barely reaching a stable development, and Luo Sha doesn't want to interrupt this stable development.

So, he had to go this time.

If necessary, he can even go directly to Konoha, chat with Tsunade face to face, and even sit down and chat with Yan.

Perhaps this matter can be handled without going to Konoha.

Konoha's people are too abnormal, Luo Sha dares to conclude that someone gave an order, so they will be so anti-routine tossing and provoking.

Doing such an outrageous move may spark a war at any time and lead to the outbreak of a war.

That being the case, it is impossible for the person who gave the order to sit in Konoha and remotely control it. He must be in the border camp of the Kingdom of Fire, and he needs to see the other party.

Compared with traveling on the ground, Luo Sha, who can fly in the sky, is very fast, and arrived at the border that night.

"Master Kazekage!!"

The ninjas in the camp, who were all suffocated, were as happy as children when they saw their Kazekage coming.

The big boss who can take the lead has finally arrived. This kind of matter that can make people's scalp tingle even thinking about it, finally doesn't need people like them to carry it.

Jōnin and elite Jōnin are the pillars of the village on the surface, but in fact they have no rights. If you touch some things, your end will be miserable.

Sitting on the main seat of the headquarters, Luo Sha asked:

"Has the situation gotten worse today?"

"Return to Master Kazekage's words."

Solo's stern report:

"Because they were worried that the guns would go off and cause the war to break out, everyone was very restrained. The people in Konoha just kept provoking, and found that we did not take the initiative to provoke a war, and there was no further temptation."

"Hehehe, it seems that there is no accident."

Hearing this, Luo Sha couldn't help laughing, and Konoha didn't probe further.

This means that the matter has not yet reached the point where it is impossible to sit down and resolve it through negotiation.

"Thank you for your hard work. Tomorrow I will go to Konoha's border camp in person and ask their people to deal with this matter."

It's already getting dark, it's impolite to visit at this time, we have to wait until tomorrow.

In Konoha's border camp, Zhishui immediately reported the news of Luo Sha's arrival.

"Is Luo Sha here?"

Yan Yan smiled in surprise: "It seems that Sand Ninja Village is more urgent than I thought."

Nara Shikahisa standing aside said:

"Master Assistant, after the third Ninja World War, Sand Ninja Village has not been able to recover its strength, coupled with Daimyo's inaction, and the events organized by Akatsuki a few years ago, Sand Ninja Village is weaker than expected .”

Chapter 359 Since Kazekage won't speak, let him wait

"If it wasn't for fear, war might really break out, and Fengying would not leave the village casually and come to the border."

"Your analysis is right. Since the third Ninja World War, the life of Sand Ninja Village is really difficult."

Yan slightly nodded, every time he thought of the daimyo's tricks of the land of wind, he wanted to laugh.

It's fine if you don't give the village development funds, and you will also transfer the task entrustment of Sand Ninja Village to Konoha, so that the economic pillar of Sand Ninja Village will collapse again.

So Sand Ninja Village was forced to embark on the elite development route.

Unfortunately, what they didn't expect was that the so-called elite training route failed to produce any elites.

To be honest, Sand Ninja Village among the five Ninja Villages is really miserable.

The population is the smallest, the economy is the worst, and there are few geniuses in the village. They die and sell for various reasons.

It is said that Konoha's conspiracy is terrible and dark. In comparison, Sand Ninja Village is even more terrifying.

Of course, Wunin Village is not much better, and Yannin Village and Yunnin Village are relatively better.

"Luo Sha probably guessed that I was sitting on the border, so the people in the village kept harassing them.

So come here in person, want to sit down with me to talk, negotiate, and solve these problems. "

What Luo Sha was planning, Yan could guess with his heels.

"Then we..."

"The caravan continues to be detained, and the team's harassment can stop. Anyway, Fengying is here, so I still have to give some face, after all, I haven't torn my face yet."


Early the next morning, Luo Sha left the camp early and flew towards the border of the Land of Fire.

For the various provocative actions of Konoha and Sand Ninja Village, the people of Kawa no Kuno just didn't see it.

After all, they have no ability to stop.

This kind of small country sandwiched between big countries is the most aggrieved, without strength, and dare not meddle in other's affairs.

Simply let you toss, anyway, neither Konoha nor Sand Ninja Village will allow the other party to annex their own country.

That being the case, why bother so much?

Let them toss!

Luo Sha didn't hide her whereabouts, and approached Konoha's border camp just like that.

The ninja on the sentry tower of the camp saw Luo Sha flying towards him stepping on the golden sand from a long distance, and immediately reported the news.

Luo Sha stopped a few hundred meters away from the border camp.

Slowly descending from the sky, standing on the spot waiting, he believed that Yan would come to see him soon.

"Master Assistant, the Fourth Kazekage Rasa of Sand Ninja Village is here, just outside the camp."

"Is there an announcement?"

Hiko asked without raising his head.

Shikahisa Nara opened his mouth: "No..."

"Then let him wait."

You Luo Sha's airs are really big, you flew directly to the border, and then waited without saying a word.

Waiting for me to take the initiative to see you?

Who gave you the illusion?

Make you think that I will eagerly come up to you?

Since you don't report, then you can just wait.

Five minutes passed, and there was no movement in the Muye camp, and the people on the sentry tower were still staring at Luo Sha.

Ten minutes later, it's still like this!

Luo Sha's face suddenly sank.

He knew that Yan would not take the initiative to come to see him.

"Tell you Naruto Assistant, Kazekage Rasa from Sand Ninja Village came to visit, and asked him to come out of the camp."

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Luo Sha gritted his teeth and communicated with the ninjas at the sentry tower.

How dare you Uchihahiko! !

If I don't take the initiative to speak, you won't show up?

"Master Kazekage, please wait a moment, we will notify the assistant immediately."

The ninja on the sentry tower immediately released the transmission signal.

The ninja who received the signal hurried back to the camp to meet Yan.

"Master Assistant, Sand Ninja Village Kazekage Rasa said that he came to visit, and would like to invite you to meet at the camp."

"Hahahaha, is he willing to speak?"

Yan couldn't help laughing out loud, and everyone in the Uchiha headquarters burst into laughter.

On the contrary, it was the others who looked dumbfounded.

Is it really good to treat Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village like this?

After all, it is the shadow of Da Nin Village, isn't it a bit too much?

Shikahisa Nara, who knew Hiko's character well, could only shake his head and smile wryly.

"Since Luo Sha wants to see me, let's meet. I'll go alone, you don't have to follow."

Luo Sha came alone, if he brought his guards, he would be short of Luo Sha invisibly.

Even in theory, Kazekage's status is higher than that of Hokage Assistant, but you are the Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village, and I am Konoha's Assistant Hokage, so don't just compare them.

So what about Kazekage, in your sand ninja village, you are Kazekage, and in Konoha, who cares who you are.

Shishui and Itachi subconsciously wanted to follow, so they had to stop and stay in the camp obediently.

But everyone is also ready to shoot at any time.

In case the conversation between Yan Yan and Luo Sha broke down, and the two started fighting, they must go to help.

The conversation collapsed, the face was torn apart, and the fight broke out, which meant that Luo Sha was the enemy.

When dealing with enemies, who told you the rules of one-on-one duels?

Just do it.

"Coincidentally, I don't know why Fengying came to my Konoha border camp?"

Yan walked out of the camp without haste.

"I heard that many caravans that have worked closely with Sand Ninja Village have been detained. I don't know what crimes they were detained for?"

Luo Sha didn't mention Konoha Ninja's provocation in the Land of Wind, but directly asked about the seizure of the caravan's goods and people.

"Oh, this thing."

Walking to a position less than five meters away from Luo Sha, Yan stopped, turned to face the sun, narrowed his eyes, raised his hand to cover his eyes, and said casually:

"I suspected that they were spies, and they took the opportunity to collect information about Konoha under the pretext of transporting goods, so they were detained."

Do you doubt?

Luo Sha almost collapsed and wanted to curse.