MTL - Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table-Chapter 257

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The result was good, Konoha didn't need to make a move, the thigh of Iwanin Village kicked them away first.

Then he began to reprimand them, and even gave them a lot of unnecessary charges.

What caught Grass Ninja Village even more by surprise was that Yan Ninja Village fired at them again not long after.

He scolded them because of the previous incident, held a grudge, attacked the ninja team performing the mission in Yannin Village, and brutally killed the ninja team.


Chapter 354 Grain also belongs to combat supplies?

No, what did we do wrong? Why were we kicked by our thighs and wronged by our thighs?

Faced with such reprimands, the leader of Cao Ninja Village, Hao Xuan, spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Even if you, Yannin Village, want to frame you, you have to find a reasonable excuse, right?

The ninjas of your Yannin village are like uncles when they come to the country of grass, who dares to provoke you?

Now that it has decided to attack Cao Ren Village, Yan Ren Village will be merciless.

It didn't take long for several teams to sneak into Cao Ren Village and wiped out half of the leaders of Cao Ren Village who liked to represent the masks representing the twelve zodiac signs.

As the word spread, everyone realized that it was Iwanin village who did it, because they had a reason to trouble Kusanin village.

However, it directly cleaned up a lot of high-level officials in Cao Ninja Village. Such a method is indeed a bit scary.

For a while, everyone in Xiaonin villages in various countries was in danger, and everyone was afraid that other villages would follow the example of Yannin village and come to them.

Fortunately, Grass Ninja Village is just an example.

Apart from them, no other small villages were inexplicably attacked or even purged by Da Nin Village.

This made some small ninja villages with small thoughts suddenly become honest.

The small ambitions that just popped up in their hearts were directly extinguished by what happened to Cao Ninja Village.

You must know that among the many small ninja villages, grass ninja village is not only the strongest, but at least at the upper level.

It turned out that they were cleaned up as soon as they were cleaned up, and there was no room for resistance at all.

It is conceivable how big the strength gap between the small village and the five ninja villages is.

If you don't have enough strength, just honestly hide that bit of ambition in your heart, otherwise you will die ugly.

Grass Ninja Village was not successful in stealing chickens, half of the high-level people were cleaned up, and the rest of the people immediately calmed down and did not dare to do any more nonsense.

If it was something else, Iwanin Village might be accused.

However, this small ninja village committed crimes and was retaliated by liquidation, and the major ninja villages tacitly chose not to see it.

Not to mention other villages, even Yunin Village, which has been at odds with Yanren Village, seems to be ignorant.

No one stood up to help speak out, and no one came forward to accuse Yanren Village of doing something wrong, as if everything Yanren Village did was right.

You Grass Bear Village deserves what it deserves, and you deserve to be targeted and cleaned up.

In this wave, Konoha is not at a loss, and Yanren Village is somewhat affected, but fortunately, the problem is not big.

And Cao Ninja Village was directly at a loss.

Hiko didn't bother to pay too much attention to the fate of Kusanagi Village.

Anyway, as long as Yanren Village makes a move, their village doesn't want to please, as long as Yanren Village does what it promised, the rest is not important.

At this time, Yan was not in the mood to pay attention to these **** things, he had already brought people to the camp of the border post.

Assistant Hokage suddenly descended on the border camp, which meant that something big might happen.

The atmosphere in the entire camp suddenly became tense.

Many ninjas are discussing in private whether Yan came to the border camp and stayed directly in the camp. Does it mean that there may be a danger of war between the village and Sand Ninja Village.

The Jonin meeting was held as usual, and this time when he came to the border camp, Yan directly brought the squad leader Nara Shikakuto of the Jnin class.

The headquarters of the camp is not big, but fortunately, there are not too many people in the camp who are eligible to attend the meeting.

Only ninjas who have reached the Jōnin level are eligible to attend the meeting.

With all the plans and the people brought by Yan, there are only about twenty people sitting in the headquarters.

Two-thirds of them were brought by Yan from the village.

Theoretically speaking, a border camp with four or five Jonin guards is considered a qualified distribution of troops.

Everyone's eyes were on Yan. Yan, who was sitting on the main seat, carefully looked at the scroll of information collected by Anbu.

The headquarters was very quiet, and everyone waited patiently.

Yan read all the information scrolls before raising his head:

"In a few days, there will be a caravan coming from Daming Mansion. To detain this caravan, there is no need to hurt anyone or tamper with the goods, just find an excuse to detain it."

Target them with the means that Sand Ninja Village likes to use.

Now that he has come to the border, Yan needs to admire Sand Ninja Village once.

Only when they are admired and feared, will they restrain themselves.

Otherwise, various warnings and prompts are useless.

Others don't take it seriously at all.

Sand Ninja Village is going to be unlucky.

All the ninjas here know that since Hiko has issued such an order, it is tantamount to using the methods that Sand Ninja Village likes to use against them.

For a while, many ninjas showed expressions of excitement and gnashing of teeth.

They were often disgusted by Sand Ninja Village, and now it was finally their turn to disgust each other.

Seize the caravan?

You can do it, so can we, and we will pick up important caravans to seize.

Anyway, your sand ninja village has more caravans going to the land of fire, and many things are specially purchased from the land of fire, and then transported to the sand ninja village.

Buckle it down for you to see if you are in a hurry.

The caravan came as scheduled, and was not late, and even arrived at the border much earlier.

After all, the materials transported are the living materials needed by Sand Ninja Village, and the sooner they are delivered to Sand Ninja Village, the better.

We're almost at the border camp.

The people in the caravan have traveled this road many times, and they have never been embarrassed by Konoha's people.

As long as you don't engage in petty tricks, or deliberately hide some contraband, or collect information along the way, there is a high probability that Konoha's ninjas will not embarrass you and let you pass directly.

At most, it's just to check the transported goods.


When the caravan was approaching the camp, they were stopped directly. The people in the caravan were not too surprised, but stepped forward to negotiate cheerfully:

"Master Ninja, the goods transported on the carriage are some living supplies, which we bought from the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire on behalf of Sand Ninja Village..."

"Come here, seize all the goods, bring them back to the camp, and carefully check whether there are any contraband and combat readiness supplies."

The Jonin who led the team was too lazy to communicate with the people in the caravan, and directly ordered the goods to be detained.


Seeing that Konoha's ninja was about to take the thing off, the people in the caravan were stunned.

It was the first time for them to encounter such a thing. In the past, Konoha's ninjas were mostly easy to talk to.

Even if there are bad-tempered people on duty, they won't embarrass them too much, at most they just put on a bad face.

It was the first time that things were seized without inspection.

Also take the cargo to the camp for inspection?

This went to the camp, can it be taken out again?

"My lord, have you misunderstood? What we transport are very ordinary living goods, and there are no contraband, let alone war supplies."

"Doesn't food belong to war supplies?"

The ninja who led the team glanced over sharply, almost scaring the caravan people to death.

Food also belongs to war supplies?

It seems that there is nothing wrong with saying this in the Land of Wind, but it would be funny in the Land of Fire.

Chapter 355 Are you allowed to get lost in Sand Ninja Village, but Konoha is not allowed to get lost?

The most important thing in the Land of Fire is food. How could it be possible to treat food as war supplies?

In the past, caravans could transport whatever they wanted, and no one would stand up and say anything.

Why did the taste change today?

"My lord, we..."

"I suspect that this guy is a spy sent by a hostile village. He collected intelligence along the way, arrested him, and brought him to the camp for interrogation."

"Yes, Captain!"

"My lord, I am wronged, I am not a spy, I really am not."

Not to mention the confiscation of the goods, but also the arrest of people.

The people in the caravan panicked immediately.

It's a pity that Konoha's ninjas didn't intend to reason with them, and they directly dealt with them arbitrarily, seized the goods, and those who came to negotiate were suspected of being spies.

As for the rest of the people, do whatever you like.

Seize the goods, arrest the people in the caravan, there must be someone to help inform the news.

Otherwise, how would Sand Ninja Village know.

And this is just the beginning!

In the next few days, as long as there is an in-depth cooperation with Sand Ninja Village, or a caravan that helps Sand Ninja Village transport goods, all will be detained, and none of them will be able to escape.

Only caravans from other villages and countries were allowed to pass as before.

As long as they are fine, there is no need to embarrass others.

If the goods of all the caravans were seized, I am afraid that the Daming Mansion would not be able to sit still without Sand Ninja Village jumping up first.

Who would dare to come to the Land of Fire to buy things after making a fuss several times?

It is difficult for the daimyo not to pay attention to the entry into the wallet.

It is enough to only target Sand Ninja Village, there is no need to do it all at once.

Konoha's people seized a lot of goods sent to Sand Ninja Village, and also arrested some people from the caravan. Such news spread quickly.

Those caravans whose goods were seized and people arrested were anxious like ants on a hot pot, and contacted the people in Sand Ninja Village as soon as possible.

Regarding this situation, the people of Sand Ninja Village have nothing to do.

Occasionally, they would go for a walk in the Land of Fire, and if they were caught, they would say it was a misunderstanding and they went wrong.

If this came to mediate and question for the sake of goods and caravans, it would be a real provocation.

At that time, Konoha's ninjas will not be so easy to talk to.

In desperation, the ninjas at the border camp of Sand Ninja Village could only send the news back to the village, waiting for the village bosses to deal with it.

Anyway, it's not their turn to intervene in such a mess, and they have no right to deal with it.

It is their duty to ensure that the border is safe, that no enemy sneaks in, and no enemy comes to attack.

The most important thing is that this kind of thing is also a kind of trivial matter for Sand Ninja Village. Even if it is reported back, it is not necessarily someone who will deal with it immediately.

No, by the time Luo Sha saw it, several days had passed.

The war in Rain Ninja Village caused a lot of losses to Sand Ninja Village. Luo Sha ran around in the desert for several years before returning blood to the village.

Coupled with several years of steady development, the vitality of Sand Ninja Village has gradually recovered.

This also allows Luo Sha, who is a miner, to stay in the village to handle official duties, and sit in Fengying's office dignifiedly.

Instead of running around in the desert, mining everywhere to restore blood to the village.