MTL - Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table-Chapter 249

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This is not a good signal, so Onogi wants to do something.

Otherwise, he would be crazy to take care of the **** things in Kusanagi Village.

"It's really a good method! But he found the wrong person."

Changing someone to go to Iwanin Village may be for the sake of the overall situation, in order not to cause more troubles, and a step will be passed.

Sit down and talk as much as you want, and negotiate as you want. At most, you can give Cao Ren village some verbal benefits, and the rest are just dreams.

After the talk is over and you come back, who will talk to you about Cao Ninja Village?

There is a kind of you who come to Konoha to ask for benefits.

Otherwise, don't push it.

Unfortunately, the person who went to Iwanin Village was Hiko, and he would not be used to Ohnoki.

Come if you feel like it, face to face directly, or threaten war, it's up to you.

Even I will threaten you first.

As long as you Onoki dare to make a move, you will take the initiative to declare war on Konoha. Now Konoha is not afraid of war, so come if you have the ability.

Ohnoki doesn't want to keep Hiko in Iwanin Village?

To be honest, he really wanted to, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

"It seems that Grass Ninja Village really needs to be cleaned up. This village is a bit too chaotic."

One sentence represents Tsunade's decision to support Hiko, to clean Kusanagi Village, at least remove some high-level people, and replace them with a group of people who have enough respect for Konoha.

Wouldn't that be a bad idea?

In case of a big trouble, it will not sound good if it is spread, and it will affect Konoha's reputation.

The first reaction of the three generations of Hokage is this.

When the words came to his lips, Sandai Hokage swallowed them back.

The current Konoha is no longer the Konoha when he was in power. The current Konoha doesn't care about the influence of these trivial matters, and he doesn't care what others think of him.

My strength lies here, if you see that I am unhappy, you have to kneel and lick me!

Is my foreign policy really too cowardly?

Recalling what Danzo once said that he was too weak to the outside world, Sandai Hokage couldn't help but fell into self-doubt.

Knowing Onogi's intentions, and also knowing Yan's arrangement, Tsunade decisively chose to ignore the matter, and just let Yan to toss about it and it's over.

Anyway, Yannin Village dare not go to war with Konoha casually, in other words, Konoha is not afraid to go to war with Yannin Village.

So what's there to worry about?

It's just a matter of cleaning up Kusanagi Village, a trivial matter.

As for Yan Ninja Village, just let the horse come over, no matter what moves, we Konoha will follow.

【The six thousand words are divided into two parts, everyone, don't panic, okay?】

Chapter 344 Who taught you to fight the Uchiha people like this?

However, there is a high probability that the outcome of this matter will be that Konoha turns around to take revenge on Cao Ninja Village, and Yan Ninja Village hums a few times to finish the matter without pain or itching.

Then both sides stopped holding on, and Cao Ninja Village became a victim of the game between the two Ninja Villages.

That's how it normally ends.

At least Yan felt that such an ending was the most reasonable.

Onoki didn't dare to run away and make trouble casually, and he also wouldn't go crazy and go to Yannin Village just because of this kind of thing.

It's just that accidents sometimes appear inadvertently.

Just like now.

"Elder, someone is following us, from Yanren Village."

Yan Fang said that he wanted to intercept the envoys of Cao Ren Village, and after leaving Yan Ren Village, he led people towards the border between Cao Ren Village and Yan Ren Village.

The speed is neither fast nor slow. He needs to wait for the Anbu people to collect enough information, and then do it directly when he arrives at Kusanagi Village.

It's too early to make much sense.

So Yan didn't rush on the road, the speed was so slow, anyway, Ohnoki didn't dare to send someone to intercept him, unless Iwanin Village wanted to declare war on Konoha.

The power and status have reached Yan's level, unless it is to perform some shady tasks.

Otherwise, in the case of normal diplomatic exchanges, if you Yannin Village dares to do something, it means that you are declaring war on Konoha.

This is also the main reason why Ono jumped violently and gnashed his teeth angrily, but he didn't attack Yan.

It's just that Yan Yan didn't expect that he had left Yanren Village so far, and someone in Yanren Village followed them?

Someone sent by Ohnoki?

Not so.

"Catch people here."

Yan didn't think much about it, since someone from Iwanin Village followed them, you should let the other party follow them completely.

If you send someone to me yourself, if I don't accept it, wouldn't you be sorry for your arrangement?

Anyway, you were the one who broke the rules first, and if things get serious, I'm not afraid of what you'll do.

Representing the village as an envoy to other countries or villages, it is reasonable to be stared at in the village, and it is also a behavior that everyone tacitly approves of.

But after you leave the village, you still send people to follow you from a distance. This is what is wrong with Yanren Village.

Even if Yan directly killed the person, or the person was arrested, Onoki would have no temper.


Shisui and Itachi looked at each other, Zhishui signaled Itachi to stay and protect Yan with the others, and he was responsible for catching people after the break.

The two ninjas of Iwanin Village are just ninjas. As long as Onogi doesn't come in person, Shisui has the confidence to take down each other.

"No need to stop, keep going."

Yan believes in Zhishui's strength, and has no intention of staying and waiting, nor does he have any intention of sending more people to Zhishui, so he leads people to continue to rush to the border.

"Idiot, you idiot, hurry up, if you continue to dawdle like this, they will almost walk out of the border."

"Obviously you wanted to see someone else, and you dragged me to follow, but now you blame me for being slow?"

Heitu really wanted to blow Didala's head off.

Didara is a disciple that Ohnoki carefully cultivated. In his opinion, Didara has the potential to become Tsuchikage.

This disciple is very talented and has good strength.

It's just that Ohnoki made a fatal mistake when he was educating Didara, that is, Didara is an arrogant, emotionally unstable type, and likes to compare himself with others.

After hearing about Yan's deeds from Ohnoki's mouth many times, Didara wanted to compete with Yan.

Hiko is Konoha's genius, sitting in a high position at a young age.

He, Didara, is a genius of Iwanin Village and a proud student of Tsuchikage Onogi, so he can do what Hiko can do.

With this mentality, Didara has been waiting for Yan's arrival.

As a result, Yan turned around and left within an hour after he fell down Yanren Village.

Didara was dumbfounded when he received the news.

I was waiting to challenge you and you ran away?

In a fit of anger, Didara quietly left the village and chased after him, but he didn't expect the weird black soil to follow.

What made Didara the most unbearable was that Heitu was the one who followed up by himself, but he dumped the blame on him.

I want to punch you right now!

Didara was almost injured internally by Heitu's words.

"Shut up, idiot, if this goes on, I really can't catch up! You idiot."

I'm so angry, why did this oil bottle come out with me? I've already hidden myself very covertly. How did she find out?

Didara couldn't figure it out.

Hei Tu smiled hey.

She knew that Didara wanted to challenge Yan, and this time Yan came to Iwanin Village, Didara was happy for several days.

As a result, the news I got was that Uchihahiko left Iwanin Village directly after a quarrel with his grandfather Tsuchikage because of disagreements.

Hearing this news, Didara was dumbfounded.

He was not reconciled, and the person who wanted to challenge just ran away.

From this moment on, Heitu knew that his senior brother would cause trouble, so he quietly followed.

Sure enough, Didara left Iwanin Village after disguising himself, and Heitu proudly followed.

Although she was discovered in the end, Didara didn't dare to leave her behind.

Because she will go back and sue.

"Two children?"

Didala kept urging Heitu to move faster, but Heitu went his own way and made the other party jump in anger. When the two of them were arguing, Shishui's stunned voice came over.


Didara and Heitu were shocked, the brothers and sisters did not expect someone to hide so close to them.

"You two are following us, what can I do for you?"

Zhishui came out from behind the hidden rock, looking down at Didala and Heitu from a height.

"Are you Shisui Uchiha?"

After carefully observing the other party's face, Didara shouted excitedly:

"You are Uchiha Shisui, right? Uchihahiko, I want to challenge him!!"


Heitu raised her hands to cover her face, she felt ashamed.


Zhishui patted his forehead, looking at Didara as if he was looking at another neuropathy.

It appears to be a misunderstanding.

But the elder's order was to take the man back.

Zhishui opened the Three Gouyu Sharingan Eye.

"Why, do you want to fight me too? Then I will defeat you first, and then challenge Uchihahiko."

Didara raised his head triumphantly, staring into Zhishui's eyes.

After Zhishui opened Sharingan, he realized that Zhishui had to make a move.

This is also in line with Didara's mind, he wants to prove to Onoki that he is no worse than anyone else.

Is this the new generation genius of Iwanin Village, a disciple of Onogi?

How to feel like an idiot.

Shisui didn't know what to say, this disciple Ohnoki seems to have some brain problems, little brother, you've been tricked.

Who taught you to fight with Uchiha's people and stare at each other's writing sharing eyes?

Ohnoki wasn't so negligent in his duties.

Itachi's illusion talent is very strong, but don't forget that in the original book, Itachi was taught by Shishui.

Competing in illusion, Zhishui will not be inferior to Itachi, only stronger.

The ending of Didara and Black Earth has been doomed since Shishui opened Sharingan.

Not to mention that the two of them were staring at Zhishui's Sharingan like two fools.

If Ohnoki knew what happened, he would probably vomit three liters of blood out of anger.