MTL - Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table-Chapter 224

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When Yao Shidou was treating Sasuke, Orochimaru turned on the monitoring in the treatment room, and the monitoring screen happened to show the process of fighting in the third floor underground space.

Orochimaru leaned aside, clasped his hands together, and watched the battle video seriously.

In the video, the two prisoners rushed towards Sasuke immediately after he left.

Ninjas at this stage of ninja do not have so many bells and whistles in battle, and they use very few ninjutsu.

Combat is basically physical.

The two cooperated, and the iron chain was used as a weapon.

Sasuke, who was facing such a fierce enemy for the first time, was obviously inexperienced, and suffered a disadvantage from the beginning, but fortunately, he had opened his eyes.

The battle process is full of dangers.

If it weren't for Sharingan, it would be difficult for Sasuke to win, let alone kill two vicious prisoners.

The combat experience of these condemned prisoners is not comparable to those of the students in the school.

In the ninja school, Sasuke's strength is completely outstanding, so Naruto can compare with him,

At least in the same grade.

It's a pity that the students in the school are not as vicious as the death row prisoners.

Inexperienced, the battle is not decisive and fierce enough, but fortunately there is Sharingan,

In several situations where danger was saved, he took the opportunity to use up a hand and solved an enemy.

Then he dealt with another enemy, and he was also seriously injured.

"It looks serious."

Orochimaru looked back at Sasuke who was sweating profusely. Under Sasuke's stubborn gaze, he shook his head regretfully, and commented:

"It's too weak. With Sharingan, you should be able to end the battle quickly, but unfortunately you didn't."


Orochimaru's evaluation was like a sledgehammer, hitting Sasuke's head hard, making Sasuke's mind go blank.

My combat rating sucks?

"It seems that Yan Jun was right to send you to me.

Staying in a comfortable environment for a long time will only make people lose the will to fight.

Your combat awareness is poor!

The experience is even more blank!

To put it simply, it is nothing but talent. "

Sasuke gritted his teeth and stared at Orochimaru. He was very dissatisfied with such an evaluation. When he was about to refute, he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder and couldn't help screaming.


Pharmacist raised his head in a daze, did I strike too hard?

But this is how bone setting works, otherwise the bones will grow crooked.

Sasuke grinned in pain and screamed loudly, but Orochimaru laughed out loud in such an atmosphere.

Like the perverted boss in the movie.

"Then, Sasuke-kun, please be patient as much as possible."

After hesitating for a moment, Yakushito reminded Sasuke first.


In the next second, screams spread throughout the underground research institute.

[Recently, everyone should protect themselves more. It’s really hard to be a sheep. Qianqian is an example. Give your Qianqian a little motivation~]

Chapter 310 Naruto's Tsunade Requests Special Training!

"Strange, why didn't Sasuke-kun come to school? Could it be that he overslept and was late?"

"Shouldn't this kind of thing happen to Naruto?"

Sasuke's little fans, noticed that the class time is approaching, but Sasuke's seat is still vacant.

Some people were worried that Sasuke had overslept, but they didn't want the topic to shift in an instant.

Because Sasuke is rarely late, on the contrary, he is not popular with girls. Naruto, who likes to fight against Sasuke, is often late.

"Damn it, you just say Sasuke when you say Sasuke, what are you doing with me!"

Naruto, who was resting on the desk with nothing to do, roared angrily when he heard this.

"Look, look, Naruto is angry."

"Yes, yes, he is just like this, so rude, not at all as handsome and cool as Sasuke-kun."


Who did I provoke?

Naruto was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Sasuke came to school, he was upset.

Because the girls he likes always circle around Sasuke, and even the girls he doesn't like follow around, as if Sasuke is the only one left in this world.

Naruto sometimes thinks that it would be nice if there was no Sasuke in the class.

But Sasuke seemed to be late today, which made him even more upset.

Because all the girls in the class belittle him to raise Sasuke.

Even Sakura, whom he likes, doesn't treat him well.

Just because of the provocation and fight last time, Sakura hated Naruto to death.

She can be rejected by Sasuke, but Naruto can't provoke Sasuke, let alone beat Sasuke into panda eyes.

As for Naruto, who was also bruised and swollen, he was ignored.

It's hard to be a dog licker, Sakura is uncomfortable, and Naruto is not much better.

Most importantly, there is no Hinata waiting for him in the future.

Now Hinata is already famous and has a master.

Compared with the previous misfits, low self-esteem and cowardice, the current Hinata is much more cheerful.

No, she was sitting in her seat, watching her classmates play around.

After a few years, the young field that was originally the embryo of a beauty began to grow.

Knowing that Yan likes girls with long hair, Hinata also grows her hair long, becoming the black long straight that Yan likes.

"The teacher is here!"

I don't know who yelled, and the noisy classroom quickly fell silent.

Not long after the classroom became quiet, there was the sound of footsteps that were much heavier than normal children's at the door of the classroom.

A familiar figure appeared at the door of the classroom, walked into the classroom, glanced at the students who sat well, and nodded in satisfaction:

"So today we will continue to talk about yesterday's content..."

"Teacher, why didn't Sasuke come to school?"

Ino, who was more cheerful and generous than Sakura, couldn't help but raise his hand.

"Oh, Sasuke."

The teacher who was interrupted was not angry, but explained with a smile:

"People from the Uchiha came to the school today to explain it.

Sasuke was brought to Oshemaru-sama by their elders, our Hokage Assistant, and Oshemaru-sama accepted Sasuke as his disciple.

In the next period of time, Sasuke will not come to school, but will study with Master Orochimaru.

Only when you are waiting for the exam will you come back to take it. "

"Go to class."

"Ah!! Why is this!!"

"Sasuke didn't come to class."


After hearing this, the whole class wailed, among which Sakura and Ino were the most exaggerated.

The two fell directly into the Spartan state, especially Sakura was exaggerated.

"Quiet, quiet! What does it look like to be noisy, sit down obediently, and get ready for class!!"

The teacher patted the desk vigorously, intimidating a group of crying students.

After being frightened by the teacher, the students sat down obediently and got ready for class.

Naruto was happy for a while at first, but soon he felt something was wrong.

Sasuke became a disciple of Orochimaru, and he will not go to ninja school in the future, only to take the exam,

So, is it equivalent to participating in special training?

After Sasuke's special training is over, his strength will definitely improve a lot. By then...

There was an uneasy feeling.

Naruto felt that when he met Sasuke next time, he might be abused.

Reminiscent of the scene where he would be beaten by Sasuke on the ground, Naruto suddenly lost his composure.

Fidgeting and moving around in position.

After finally getting out of class, regardless of whether skipping class will be scolded by the teacher or punished by the teacher, he immediately ran towards the Hokage office building.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, I'm going to see Grandma Tsunade!"

"I want to see Grandma Tsunade!!"

Going straight all the way, Naruto, who came to the Hokage office building, ran towards the second floor.

The result was...he was directly stopped by the ninjas of Anbu.

Naruto, who didn't want to sit still, opened his voice and shouted.

Jiraiya told him before leaving that he could go to Tsunade if there was anything he needed, and if he couldn't, just go to Hiko.

During this period, I wrote several letters back and said the same thing.

In short, if you are in doubt, just go to Tsunade.


Smelly brat!

Hearing the noise outside, Tsunade's forehead couldn't help but bulge, he clenched his fist, hammered the desk, and complained:

"Damn it, is my mother that old? Who is his grandma now?"

Silence said unexpectedly:

"Has Hokage-sama started to care about these titles? When did you start?"


Tsunade gave Shizune a supercilious look.

Nonsense, my old lady used to be single, so she was called grandma now, it doesn't matter!

Now I am still called grandma, which makes me look very old.

Thinking of Kazuhiko's age gap, Tsunade was upset.

"Bring that kid here."


Seeing that Tsunade was upset, Shizune looked confused.