MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2566 2568【From school uniform to wedding dress】

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   Chapter 2566 2568 [From school uniform to wedding dress]

  In the new year, after graduating from university, Ma Tian and Zhu Weijiao both passed the public examination and went ashore smoothly.

  Although the income of civil servants is not high, the benefits are good and the jobs are more stable.

  With the support of both parents, the two of them bought a house early and got married soon, earlier than Xiang Nan and Li Anran.

   In the second year of their marriage, the two gave birth to a son, lively and lovely, very happy.

  Ding Rongliang and Chen Yuanyuan are also getting married.

  After they graduated, they all stayed in the south to work hard. Although they couldn't afford a house, they had enough water to drink.

  The two decided to work together to buy a house and start their own small family.

  As for Luo Shenxi, although he was once infatuated with his online girlfriend Ke Ke.

  But after four years of experience in college, he finally knew that the two of them were not in the same world at all.

  Even if we are reluctantly together, we will not be happy in the end.

  As Liu Wenqin said, how can sea shrimp and river shrimp live together.

  After waking up, Luo Shenxi found a school girl to fall in love with.


   In 2011, after Li Anran graduated with a master's degree, he and Xiang Nan held a grand but simple wedding.

  I said grand because everything is top-notch, and said simple because Xiang Nan didn't invite many guests.

  On his side is Liu Youde, his father, and no other relatives.

  Because Liu Wenqin’s mother was seriously ill that year, Liu Youde borrowed a lot of money from relatives and friends.

  After that, Liu Youde fell ill again. Not only did he not pay back the money owed before, but he even had to borrow money from others. All relatives and friends were afraid of being entangled with his father and son, and refused to associate with their family.

   Because of this, after Xiang Nan had money and paid off the debt, he also cut off contact with them.

   As for friends, only Tu Jun, Ding Rongliang, Luo Shenxi, Martin, Zhu Weijiao, etc. were invited, and there was no one else.

   Li Chengxu did not invite too many guests, but only invited some relatives and friends with the best relationship.


  After the wedding, Xiang Nan and Li Anran toasted at the table.

   "Brother Qin, An Ran, bless you!" Tu Jun raised his glass.

   "Thank you, old dog." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "How are you doing now, have you found a suitable one?"

   "I'm looking for it." Tu Jun smiled, "But you also know that if you want to get married now, and you don't have a house or a car, how can it be possible?"

  Xiang Nan nodded with a smile when he heard it.

  In the 2000s, the average housing price in Chongqing was less than 2,000 yuan. In the 1910s, housing prices in Chongqing had risen to 5,000 yuan. In just six or seven years, it more than doubled.

  After Tu Jun graduated, he worked as a physical education teacher in a middle school. Although his income was stable, it was not high. Tu Fu is just a pork seller, and he can't help him much, so it is indeed quite stressful for him to buy a house.

   "It's okay, there will be bread and milk." Xiang Nan comforted him.

   "Yeah." Tu Jun smiled bitterly, not at all as relaxed as he should be.

   Seeing this, Xiang Nan couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

  The former chasing youth, so unrestrained, free and unrestrained, after three years of social forging, has now become mature, no longer the publicity and unruliness before.

   I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.


  Xiang Nan and Li Anran got married, although not many guests were invited, but the news spread like wildfire, causing a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet.

  In 2011, with the popularization of computers and smart phones, there have been more and more netizens, and everyone is a self-media, and everyone can publish news.

  Although Xiang Nan quit the entertainment circle in 2006, although he is not in the music world, there are still legends about him in the music world.

   On the one hand, almost all of his songs are classics, timeless. Although it was launched six or seven years ago, not only has it not become obsolete, but it still has a lot of broadcast volume, so its popularity has always been strong.

  On the one hand, Xiang Nan’s clean and tidy retreat during his peak period also left the brightest side to everyone, so Xiang Nan’s image is naturally excellent, and it is easier to attract fans.

   Unlike some singers, they have a good image and high talent, and are very popular with fans. As a result, I couldn't control myself, or I ran out of talents, or caused a scandal, or violated the punishment, so that my popularity gradually declined, and my reputation plummeted.

   After learning that Xiang Nan was married, netizens began to pick it up. Including Xiang Nan's emotional experience, the bride's family background, what he has done in these years and so on.

   Netizens are quite powerful, and soon someone picked up Li Anran's identity.

   Seeing that she is the daughter of a real estate boss, many netizens complained about Xiang Nan's soft rice;

   Later, another netizen broke out that Xiang Nan owns more than 20 office buildings in Yanjing, with an annual rental income of more than 2 billion. He is truly the king of Yanjing buildings.

  After seeing this revelation, netizens changed their minds one after another, saying that the combination of Xiang Nan and Li Anran was an economic marriage, a strong alliance.

   But then another netizen with knowledge revealed that Xiang Nan and Li Anran were already in love when they were in high school. Therefore, the combination of the two of them is neither a soft meal nor an economic marriage, but out of true love.

   After knowing the truth, all netizens are envious.

  The love from school uniform to wedding dress is really too romantic and beautiful.


  Because of this news, Xiang Nan's popularity increased sharply.

  If he announces his comeback now, he might be as popular as Jay Chou, JJ Lin, Eason Chan and other stars.

   But Xiang Nan will naturally not come back. His current wealth is enough for a hundred lifetimes, and there is no need to come out to perform art at all.

  After he and Li Anran got married, they lived happily.

  Usually traveling is just playing, and you can visit all over the world to see the magnificent rivers and mountains all over the world.

  With tens of billions of assets, billions of dollars are earned every year, and you can live without working hard.


  In 1913, Li Anran became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter.

  Xiang Nan named him Liu Tianyu, which means the treasure bestowed by God.

  In 1913, Luo Shenxi also married a Yanjing girl through a blind date.

   In this way, he saved the money to buy a house. You know, in one or three years, housing prices in Yanjing were already very expensive. Even if he graduated with a master's degree, he still couldn't afford the housing prices in Yanjing.

  As for Ding Rongliang and Chen Yuanyuan, they used all the money they earned after graduation as a down payment for a small house with one bedroom and one living room. In Pengcheng, this is already very rare.

   But Tu Jun was more unlucky. High school physical education teacher, the salary is not high.

   Unlike teachers of other subjects, they can also earn extra income by running cram schools, working part-time in training schools, etc., so it is too late to save enough money for the down payment.

  With the soaring housing prices in Chongqing, his dream of buying a house has become more and more elusive. Because of this, although he has had a few love experiences and blind dates several times, it went smoothly at first, but he got stuck when he arrived at the house, so that he is still alone now.

  Let him laugh at himself, why didn't he just agree when Zhu Weijiao confessed his love to him. After all, the two of them grew up together, and they knew everything. If they were together, they would be very good.

  (end of this chapter)