MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 610 Winner and loser

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  Shen Zhuo acted like this, as if he was trying to coax a child who had a temper.

   But Yu Niao is not a child.

  She's not being mean.

  She said word by word: "I don't understand."

  Shen Zhuo sat down in front of her, smiled and said, "What don't you understand?"

  Yu Niaoyou: "Why did King Jia defect on the spot? There are also a few cabinet ministers, why did they help you out?"

  There are no outsiders here, Shen Zhuobiao did not hide anything, and gave the answer generously.

   "Father gave King Jia an imperial decree, assigning all the area north of Dujiang to King Jia. As long as he accepts the imperial decree, he can get half of the Wild Goose Dynasty."

  Yu Niao twitched the corners of her mouth: "I see, where are the veteran cabinet ministers?"

  Shen Zhuo: "Just prescribe the right medicine, give money to those who want money, and give power to those who want power."

  Yu Niao mocked: "Isn't it true that everyone is greedy for profit?"

  The reason why she planned to reveal the truth at the birthday banquet was because she knew that although not all officials in the DPRK and China were reliable, there were some honest and upright people among them.

  As long as those people know the truth, they will not let the old emperor continue to fool the world.

Shen Zhuo smiled: "Yes, there are two old stubborn people, coercion and temptation are useless to them, they care more about the people's livelihood than their personal interests, so I told them alone, if Deng Yuchuan is allowed to expose it in front of everyone The truth is that there will be great chaos in the government and the people. When the time comes, princes from all over the country will take advantage of the situation, and neighboring countries will also take advantage of the opportunity to invade. Internal and external troubles will break out at the same time, and the entire Wild Goose Dynasty will collapse. "

  Yu Niao said hoarsely: "So they compromised?"

  Shen Zhuo: "In order to keep the peace of the world, they are willing to be villains who turn a deer into a horse."

  Yu Youyou seemed to have heard some funny joke, and laughed softly: "Oh, it seems that I am more like a villain. I put the world at risk for my personal grievances. How hateful I am."

  Shen Zhuo comforted in a warm voice: "You have actually done a good job, and Gu was almost counted into it by you."

  He was telling the truth, he really didn't expect that you would make such a show at the birthday banquet.

  It's a pity that she has calculated thousands of things, but she only missed people's hearts.

  People have seven emotions and six desires, even those who are honest and upright will have things they care about.

  Yu Niaoyou clenched her fists tightly: "The winner is the king and the loser, this time I lost. If you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want."

  Shen Zhuo smiled slightly: "Let's let this matter pass, we all forget about it, and we will start again in the future."

   As he said that, he wanted to shake the curling hand again.

  Yu Niao was thrown away again.

  Shen Zhuo didn't stop there, but ignored Yu Niaoyou's resistance, and held her hand extremely forcefully.

   "Gu knows that you are unwilling, so I promise you that there will be a reasonable explanation for the death of your mother and stepfather. I will not let you suffer this grievance in vain. You just have to wait a little longer."

   Regarding what he said, Yu Niao would not believe even a single punctuation mark.

  No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free from Shen Zhuo's hand, she was angry and anxious, and her eyes were full of hatred.

   "We are impossible! Impossible in this life, impossible in the next life! Impossible in the next life! Just give up on this!"

  Her words pierced into Shen Zhuo's heart like a knife.

  Shen Zhuo became angry from the heart, and couldn't help raising his right hand: "Shut up!"

  Yu Niaoyou didn't dodge or hide, her eyes were red with anger, like a wounded little animal that was cornered and still refused to admit defeat.

  Shen Zhuo's hand stopped in mid-air, and he was still unwilling to fight.

  He withdrew his hand weakly: "Yiao, why can't you be more obedient? As long as you are obedient, Gu can promise you anything."

  Yu Niaoyou: "Including letting me go?"

  Shen Zhuo: "You know this is not allowed."

  Yu Youyou looked at him sarcastically.

Shen Zhuo: "But Gu can help you do other things, such as protecting your family. Although you didn't show up directly this time, Father can guess that you are the mastermind behind the scenes. Now that Deng Yuchuan is dead, it depends on the Queen Mother. For the sake of face, father will not do anything to the Deng family, but your family will not be so lucky, father will definitely vent his anger on your family."

  Yu Niaoyou stopped talking.

  She originally thought that the plan would be successful, and the emperor would not be able to protect himself, so she should not be in the mood to trouble the Yu family.

  But now that the plan has failed, the outcome of the matter is completely different.

   After a long time, Yu Niaoyou finally spoke.

   "What conditions do you have?"

  Shen Zhuowen said softly: "Gu said, as long as you are obedient, it's fine."

  Yu Niaolong took a deep breath, tried her best to suppress the resentment and unwillingness in her heart, and struggled to squeeze out a word.


  Shen Zhuo smiled, his brows and eyes were full of tenderness: "Don't worry, I will definitely do what Gu promised you."


  Yu Sheng and Yu Pingping listened to Lang Jun Wang's words, and immediately began to make people tidy up, and when their father came home, they dragged him away.

  But Yu Kangtai was unwilling to leave.

  He felt that the words of King Langjun were not credible, and strongly condemned King Langjun's behavior of returning to Beijing without authorization.

  If Prince Lang was not his son-in-law, he would have to go to the palace to sue himself!

  The two brothers and sisters couldn't persuade their father, and they were in a state of desperation when they saw a group of masked men rushing into Yu's mansion.

  Without saying a word, they knocked Yu Kangtai, Yu Sheng, and Yu Pingping unconscious, carried them on their shoulders, and took them away.

  Shortly after they left, the imperial guards brought the emperor's letter to Yufu.

  They were ordered to arrest Yu Niaoyou's family members.

  In the end, they were told that they came one step too late, and that Yu Kangtai, Yu Sheng, and Yu Niaoyou had all been taken away.


   Night falls.

  In the other courtyard, Yu Youyou looked at the delicious food on the table, but she didn't have any appetite.

  Shen Zhuo took a piece of fresh and tender fish and put it in her bowl.

   "Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold, good boy."

  The last word "good" was emphasized by him.

   Stopping in Yu Niaoyou's ears, it was a little more threatening.

  She had to pick up the chopsticks, pick up the fish and put it in her mouth.

  The fish is very delicious, but it tastes like chewing wax in her mouth.

  She mechanically repeated the chewing action.

  Shen Zhuo served her food and said, "After dinner, I will take you to meet someone."

  Yu Niaoyou was not interested in what he said, and did not give any response.

  After meals.

  The two walked along the corridor for a while, and finally stopped at the door of the tea room.

  Pushing open the door, Shen Zhuo led you in.

  The teapot sat on the small stove, steaming hotly.

  At the table sat a familiar man.

  Yu Niaoyou couldn't help being taken aback when she saw that person.


  Yu Kangtai has been waiting here for quite a while.

  When he saw the prince appearing, he hurriedly stood up and bowed to salute.

   "My minister pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

   Then he looked at Niao Niao, with unconcealed surprise in his eyes.

   "Why are you here?"

  His gaze paused for a moment on the prince's curling hand, and his expression became more and more strange.