MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 341: Stars, please stay alive

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If the heavens did not reveal it, the world still did not know that Lin Jianxing had the power of Yaxianzun. It’s so deep that it’s so hidden.

Even from the majority of the Lin family's reaction, they are also unaware of it.

The super-powers of the West Desert are watching.

Many of them are expecting Lin Jianxing to explain, but Lin’s family has remained silent and has no explanation.

There is no movement in the West Desert.

They are not willing to pick up the alliance before the house alliance.

Attacking a house, the consequences are in front of you. If the Lin family re-moves the house, an Axian Zun will play a guerrilla with the whole family. How can he still live in the West Desert?

"It is impossible for the house to shoot at this moment. It seems that the previous series of house offensives were the illusion of the forgery of the heavens." After Fang Yuan looked at the complete information again, his heart was clear.

Since the West Desert House has lost the resources of the entire ethnic group, it has to rely more on the source. Therefore, Fang Yuan has a deeper control over them. If the house is a large-scale attack, it is impossible to inform him without asking him in advance.

Fangyuan can't help but be a little funny.

Tian Ting wants to intervene in Xi Mo, to deal with who is not good, but chose one of the strongest hard bones!

But immediately, Fang Yuan fell into meditation.

He thought of a question: "Why did Heaven suddenly deal with Lin's family?"

It is because of the secret discovery that Lin Jiatai is on the strength of everyone’s old Yaxian, so in order to cover the overall situation of the five domains, will it be eradicated in advance?

This may be too low.

Not to mention that the biggest obstacle to the stability of the five territories of the heavenly court is that other saints, Yaxianzun must stand by and stand by.

It is said that if Tian Ting finds the strength of the old Yaxian Zun in the Lin family, why did he only send five heavenly monks to marry Lin Jianxing?

This is obviously unreasonable.

"So what is the real purpose of the heavens? Why did you suddenly deal with the Lin family?"

Fang Yuan learned from the house that the Lin family and the house had no secret collusion.

This is completely heavenly!

"Because Lin Jianxing is the magic of the sky?"

Not right.

The attitude of Heaven in the magic of the heavens is not a deadly death.

As long as it can be recruited, Heaven will recruit. Even Fang Yuan has been recruited by Heaven.

The standard of worship in heaven is also very clear - as long as it is human!

"So what is the reason? The first person of Zhidao Xingsu Xianzun, even if it is not a decision maker, at least agrees to deal with Lin's family. But she is a rare miscalculation, what is it that makes her agree to attack the Lin family?"

The problem here is very crucial and it is worth pondering.

Wisdom, even if it is only eight turns, the other source will help.

After he used various means of wisdom, Fang Yuan had speculation, but still can not be sure.

After all, everything is just a calculation.

What is the truth?

Fangyuan naturally has a way to prove it!

He immediately ordered that a five-shift teacher be promoted.

Nowadays, there are very few seeds in the Supreme Immortal. And the seeds of these celestial seeds are not deep, the experience is insufficient, and the success of the robbing is very low. This allowed Fang Yuan to decide to suppress them and let them continue to accumulate.

However, because this issue is very crucial, Fang Yuan feels that it is worthwhile to spend a five-shift teacher.

In the end, the five-turn sergeant really failed, because the three gas imbalances died.

However, taking advantage of this short three-time fusion time, Fang Yuan also used the stolen tactics to explore the truth.

Although Xingsu Xianzun issued an order to deal with the Lin family, it was located in the embroidered building outside the heavenly court. But the soul of Bo Qing was taken from the secret bank of Heaven.

This is the most obvious evidence!

Coupled with Qianshen Fairy's transformation of the thin green soul, the whole process is in the heavens, Fang Yuan also knows more precious information.

"Ziwei fairy, shadow and evil have fallen into the dream of heaven, so the star fairy Xianzhuang decided to cultivate thin green, even if this risk lies."

In this way, the purpose of the star fairy is clearly revealed, it is to calculate the ghost demon statue.

"Ghost Respect..."

Fang Yuan has a faint eyes and a low mouth.

He knows why the Stars and Immortals have to deal with the Ghost Respect, and the consistent performance of the Ghost Respect has long been the number one threat to heaven.

Of course, this is the cognition of the star fairy in the case of Fang Yuan repeatedly covering himself.

If Fang Yuan is exposed to the fact that many of the nine turns of the fairy, the ghost demon should be thrown aside, not only the star fairy Xianzun to find the source trouble, the giant Yang Xianzun has to rush to join the star crazy Deal with Fangyuan!


At this moment, Fangyuan quickly calculated, in-depth thinking, the thoughts in his mind spewed, and gathered into waves, one after another.

He knows that an opportunity is in front of him.

A great opportunity!

If you miss this opportunity, for a long time, I am afraid that the stars will be honored.

After this village, there is no such store.

Then, is this opportunity, can he grasp it?

If you can't grasp it, then the result of the other party's source will be very bad.

For a time, Fangyuan is difficult to make decisions.

Although he knows the secrets of heaven, he does not know the stars, and how much progress has she made since this time?

Giant Yang Xianzun and Changshengtian, Fangyuan is a fog.

Fang Yuanlian has become a nine-turn fairy, and there are advantages in this respect, but other nobles may not necessarily offset the advantages of Fangyuan's refining from other aspects.


Fang Yuan does not like war, although he does not dislike and reject.

In his view, war and killing are just a way to gain benefits.

One hundred thousand damages to the enemy have been a good result in the war.

The risk of war is great.

Take the battle, the wise man does not.

Compared with war, Fang Yuan prefers to do business – economic plunder.

But Fang Yuan is more clear: there must be war between the Sayādaws, a vast and frequent war!

"Then fight." After a few days of thoughtful consideration, Fang Yuan finally made this decision.

When he made the decision, he immediately began to act.

On the one hand, he sent Zhu Xian, went to Xi'an to take the initiative to contact Lin Jianxing, and tried to recruit. On the other hand, he sent a capable cadre and arranged troops.

After making proper resettlement, Fang Yuan flew up into the sky and entered the sky!

The big love fairy suddenly flew into the secluded sky - this great intelligence was quickly captured by heaven and longevity, and then spread violently and spread to the entire five domains.

Every move of the Sayādaw will involve all the eyes of Zhu Xian.

Not to mention the big move like Fang Yuan!

"The refining demon lord enters the secluded sky, what do you want to do? Do you fight with the ghost demon?" Juyang Xianzun is very confused.

The star fairy is a hop.

Not long ago, the transaction between her and Fangyuan about the sky-filled actuarial array was completed. Lin Jianxing exposed her real power to make her miscalculated. She was about to deal with this matter, and Fangyuan had such a change.

Xingsu Xianzun has not yet calculated, and a strong instinct tells her - bad!

But as for where it will get worse and how it gets worse, Stars Xianzun doesn't know it yet. Everything is waiting for her to continue to calculate, or the situation continues to evolve.

" Among the Sayādaw, Fang Yuan is the worst person. Why is he taking the initiative to go to the secluded?"

The secluded sky has become the site of the Ghost Respect, and the other celestial beings enter the secluded sky.

But if a sage like Fang Yuan enters the secluded sky?

This is like a mountain with a tiger, usually set foot on some small animals, the tiger is not moving. But if another tiger enters the mountain, it will definitely cause the original tiger to be vigilant and even go to war.

Will the Ghost Respect stand on the other side?

The answer to this question is related to the double heart.

They have rushed to investigate and kill, and pay close attention to it - the Ghost Respect has no change!

Double vibes.

At the same time, I can think of a possibility: Is it possible for Fangyuan to master the method of the ghosts, so that he has the confidence to actively enter the heavens?

But what did he suddenly want to do into the sky?

The same problem is placed in front of the star fairy and the giant Yang Xianzun.

The first thought of Juyang Xianzun was: "Don't Fangyuan have calmed down the inner suffering of the Supreme Immortal, and began to swallow the alien hole?"

However, the star fairy is squeaky, and it feels even worse: "Is Fang Yuan already aware of the dream of heaven? The battle of the mad cave, he killed the paradise, and got the big facts left after the death of the Promise." floating ice……"

Fang Yuan did not cover his own movements. After he entered the secluded sky, he went straight to where the dream of heaven was.

Soon, he rushed to the heavens dream.

After realizing this, Juyang Xianzun’s heart was shocked: “This is a dream? It has appeared in the most apt dreams described in The Legend of the People! The original purpose of Fangyuan is them.”

Xingsu Xianzun has a brow furrow, Fangyuan has a heavenly cultivation, and at the same time, in the world of dreams, the first person in the world, the source of the heavenly dream is too helpful.

"Never let Fangyuan succeed!" Xingsu Xianzun thought of this, immediately contact Juyang Xianzun.

Juyang Xianzun knows that these are all heavenly dreams.

He immediately agreed to join forces with the star fairy to suppress Fangyuan and prevent him from acquiring these heavenly dreams. The other side is thinking - is this all true or false?

Juyang Xianzun is the first to know the existence of Heavenly Dreams.

But he also knows clearly: "I already have a nine-turn in my hand. Although it is a glimmer of light, it is still damaged. It is useless for the time being. But this is enough for the Stars and the Devils to join me to deal with me. So right now. Is this situation, the two of them teamed up to design me?"

Have to say This is very likely.

Fang Yuan looked at the heavenly dreams in front of him and mobilized the dream butterfly fairy to enter.

The dream butterfly fairy is a detective, and soon, Fang Yuan learned about the situation in the heavenly dream.

His heart is not getting hotter and hotter: "Tiandao creates these heavenly dreams, and it costs a lot. You have to pay for it. That is to say, if I get these dreams, I will take the true meaning. The lost part of Tiandao is me. The income. Some of my realms in heaven are higher than the heavens!"

Of course, this is not a great master of heaven.

Because there are too many things in the overall realm of Tiandao at this time, Fangyuan cannot understand.

"Fangyuan Xianyou, don't you come to nothing?" When thinking, Stars Xianzun came.

"Sure enough, it is easy to make dark things, and it is difficult to make things clear. Giant Yang Xianzun is probably coming soon." Fang Yuan thought of this, smiled at the star fairy, and said, "Stars and fairy friends, these dreams I am determined to win! You If you don't return, please leave your life."