MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1380 Entangled

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Tang Xiu’s right, the children of many great gates in the fairy world, because of the rich resources, the children of many important big men, when they are not born, all kinds of panacea have already started to invest, even some children with very high blood pressure, just Born enough to be comparable to the Golden Age, the strong in the Yuan Ying period, and some of the wilderness spirits, the blood of the ancient fairy beasts, resulting in the birth of the child, is enough to rival the strength of ordinary immortals.

"Let your child win at the starting line."

The words that were familiar to the earth are the most famous words.

Su Lingyun knows that this son is very great, so she is willing to let Tang Xiu take the idea of ​​cultivation.


The solitary smoker smiles and drifts from a distance.

Tang Xiu handed his younger brother Tang Xing to his mother, and then smiled and said: "Is it out?"

The lonely smoker nodded and said: "Just out of customs."

Tang Xiu asked: "How long does it take to break through to the Dalu Jinxian realm?"

The solitary smoker shook his head and said: "The time is too short, and there is no way to break through to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. In a hundred years, it is no problem."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "Go! Go with me to do something."


The two appeared on an isolated island in the foggy sea. Just when the solitary smoke showed a confused look, the four figures appeared from the light fog.

"Your Majesty."

The gold lion headed by the face is respectful and handed over a space ring.

Tang Xiu received the space ring, and as the gods swept through the inside, he immediately nodded and said: "How is the development of the film department?"

The Golden Lion said: "The entire Xianting Xianyu has been spread all over our intelligence personnel. The Senro Xianyu in the southeast, the Blackstone Xianyu in the west, and the Bicuixian in the north, the intelligence network spread at the same time, the effect is still Yes, it is expected that within three years, the intelligence networks of the three major Xianyu can be laid. However, in order to purchase the magic stone and the magic crystal, plus the consumption of intelligence, the fairy crystal and the crystal marrow that you gave me are all clean. ."

Tang Xiu thought for a moment and said, "Give me two months, then I will hand you the cents and crystals of your shadow for a hundred years."


The Golden Lion promised, and suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, we found a situation. Since ten days ago, there has been an unfathomable old man who came to our fairyland and asked you everywhere. News. According to time, he should be approaching the sea of ​​fog."

Tang Xiu asked: "Who is the other party?"

The Golden Lion said: "Old Wutong."

Tang Xiu’s brow raised his head and murmured: “I didn’t expect him to find it. Anyway, since I came, I will stay here for me! I will investigate his whereabouts and send me the fastest speed. In addition, once he found his way, he immediately passed the news of me here."


The Golden Lion promised to go to the side and hit dozens of messages in succession. Not long after, there was a message that penetrated the sea of ​​fog and ignited the golden light in front of everyone. When the Golden Lion handed the message to Tang Xiu, Tang Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Tianjing City.

The old Wutong sits in the largest restaurant in the city, and his eyes are swept away from the street. Not far from the street, a group of Tang Dynasty imperial warriors wearing shirts are killing two black robe men. The two black robe men are very strong and have reached the robbery period, and they are besieging them around. In the Tang Dynasty, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, except for the captain of the Tianxian realm, all had only the Mahayana period.

"The Tang Empire is too deceiving."

A sly figure appeared out of thin air. The woman with white hair had a killing intention, and she screamed with anger: "If you are entangled again, you will be blamed for our anger and kill you all here." /

The captain of the Tianxian realm held a long gun and looked at the white-haired woman as if he was an enemy. Shen Sheng said: "You are not following the code of our Tang Dynasty, and openly killing others in the city." In addition, if you can explain your identity and the grievances of the murdered person, you will still be able to get a chance to release the crime. And you are too arrogant, simply pay attention to us, can only take you and hand it to the punishment department." /

The white-haired woman yelled: "It used to be the power of Xianting, the site of Qiongwei Xianzun. You occupy the nest and still make laws here. Why do we give in to you?"

The captain of the celestial celestial said: "Our ancestors of the Tang dynasty once said a word: the celestial world is the world that the strong is respected. Our dynasty empire is strong and powerful, and naturally able to make the law. Chang is against me. If you are not willing to abide by the laws of my dynasty, you can leave here. But since you violate our laws here, you must be punished."

The white-haired woman said coldly: "Is it by you?"

The tea house.

The old indus is very much in agreement with the words of the prosperous captain of the Tang Dynasty: the fairyland is indeed a world dominated by the strong, and as long as it has absolute strength, it can make the law. In particular, the phrase "Shun me who is against me is dead" is even more about his heart.

"Unfortunately, this mirror city is just a small town in Xianting. The immortal people stationed here are just a little guy in the realm of Jinxian. And the white-haired woman is a post-cultivation of Jinxian. I want to subdue her. I am afraid. It’s too difficult.” The old Wutong shook his head and sighed.


The old Indus suddenly looked awkward and looked at the tea house buddy dressed as a little squat.

The tea house buddy looked out through the window and immediately said, "The members of the late Tang Dynasty empire film festival met the old phoenix seniors."

The old Wutong brow wrinkled and asked: "What do you mean by the members of the Tang Dynasty Empire? How did you know me?"

The tea house buddy respectfully said: "The film department is the information network of the Tang Dynasty Empire. I am the person in charge of the Tianjing City. In fact, the seniors have just stepped into Xianting Xianyu, and you have already appeared in our shadow department. Within sight of me. Just half a quarter of an hour ago, I received a message from the head of the headquarters to inform you of the answers you have been looking for."

The old phoenix face changed, and he asked: "Where is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty?"

The tea house buddy said: "Predecessors help solve the outside world, you will get the place where we are."


The old indus appeared in the sky outside the street, and as the huge breath oppressed the white-haired woman, he whispered: "Two choices, telling your identity, and the grievances of the murdered. Or, on the spot. Kill."

The white-haired woman's pupils contracted, and the eyes burst into a stunned look. She never dreamed that the Tang Empire was in the city of Tianjing, and there was a strong man in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. The cultivation of the great Luo Jinxian is very terrifying, definitely not the first stage of Luo Jinxian.

"Predecessors, I am the celestial sect of the Emperor Xuanzong, who was chased and killed by us. The person who killed me was the traitor Xuanfei of my Tian Xuanzong. He insulted my daughter and stole my Tian Xuanzong 仙 仙 。. Although I don’t see the law of the Tang Empire, there is no deliberate offense.”

The old Wutong looked at the captain of the gods, and said indifference: "She has already said, how to solve your decision."

The Heavenly Captain meditation for a moment, after playing a message, came over a fragrant time, and with a message back, suddenly his face appeared a faint look, said: "You are indeed Tian Xuanzong The sovereign, and your Tian Xuanzong in the last six months, seems to have happened. It seems that you are right. But if you are willing to abide by the laws of my dynasty, you can stay in our Xianting area, if you think If you are not satisfied, you can leave."

Snow condensate for a moment, then slowly said: "In fact, the law of the Tang dynasty is not bad. For those who are evil, it has a very good deterrent effect. As long as you are in the Tang Dynasty, it is not difficult for Tian Xuanzong. , we are naturally willing to stay."


She looked at the old Wutong, respectfully asked: "Dare to ask the seniors?"

The old phoenix said faintly: "You don't have to know who I am, just follow the law of the Tang dynasty. You can go."


The snow frosty heart is secretly smiling, and after the fist, he left with two sons.


A jade was spurred by the teahouse buddy to the old phoenix, and his figure disappeared. After a while, when the old phoenix looked toward the tea house, the brow suddenly wrinkled, because he found that the figure had not been in the restaurant.


The old Indus **** instantly released, and in a flash has covered the inside of the square, the smile on his face is solidified, only a moment of effort, the Tang Dynasty empire that is obviously not even in the realm of immortals The members of the film department have disappeared without a trace, and are not within this mile.

"What happened?"

"He can't leave so fast."

"Is there a hidden array in this heavenly city? The hidden array method that I can't find? Isn't it, unlike the way of hiding the array, it should be...transfer array?"

The old Wutong heart was shocked, and suddenly he was alert.

A few days later.

When the old Wutong arrived at the deserted island in Wuyuan, according to the location recorded in the jade slip that the tea house dude gave him, he saw that Tang Xiu and the lonely smoker were sitting cross-legged on a tea table. Before, quiet tea.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, the old indus is still the style!"

Tang Xiu slowly raised his head and looked at the old phoenix.

The old Indus eyes looked at Tang Xiu intricately, and Shen Sheng said: "I need an explanation."

Tang Xiu gently patted the tabletop, and suddenly a cup of fragrant tea flew up on the table, suspended in front of the old phoenix tree. Tang Xiu smiled and said: "This cup of tea is thank you for helping me in the Tang Dynasty. Warrior. Please use tea."

The old Wutong was silent for a moment, and finally he took the cup of tea. After drinking it, he said, "Now should you say that?"

The smile on Tang Xiu's face gradually receded, and smiled bitterly: "Is the explanation so important? He is already dead, you have your life, why bother?"