MTL - Return of the Net Gaming Monarch-Chapter 52 Destruction

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"Hey guy!" Lin Fan brows and wrinkles, his eyes flashed a trace of impatient color, this guy is obviously going to fight with himself. >八一中文网W<W<W<. ≤81ZW. COM

For this kind of invisible guy, Lin Fan is very helpless, especially in the early stage, when the archer did not explore the skills, the assassin's stealth is almost invincible, even if Lin Fan is higher than him, he can't detect it. .

"Damn, what equipment is it, it can continue to be invisible for so long!" Lin Fan brows and wrinkles, secretly snarling, such equipment is too terrible in the hands of the other party, this is basically the assassin In general, if the chopper is not enough, the grasp of the murder is not enough, even if Lin Fan has to hang.

"If this thing is in the hands of chaos, or in the dark night, I may hang it. Unfortunately, the technique of thorns is good, but the grasp of breath is not enough!" Lin Fan looked around with vigilance. He whispered to himself, and Lin Fan’s heart was very uncomfortable for the feeling of being peeped around.

"In this case, I will force you out!" Lin Fan thought for a moment, could not help but think of a way, regardless of the feeling of the thorns in the back, directly ran towards the wild plains.

Along the way, Lin Fan still felt the existence of that feeling, could not help but sneer, and walked directly toward the location of the evil.

Crossing the area where the Mustang is located, Lin Fan stepped into the evil territory step by step with the thorns, feeling that the feeling of peeping behind him still exists.

"I originally wanted to give you a chance to escape, but unfortunately, now you have no chance!" Lin Fan secretly sneered in the heart, then looked up at the sky, at this moment, after two days of refreshing, the sky is still a dense sorrow, Although it was much less than when Lin Fan first came, it was not much less.

The gathering of evil and sorrow has already surrounded Lin Fan’s back road. At this moment, Lin Fanzhou has only a small piece of space.

"In that!" Lin Fan's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, watching the empty space appearing in the dense and horrible group not far away, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly brightened.

"See how you still run!" Lin Fan smiled, the staff in his hand flashed a blaze of flames, and then a flame rushed from the staff, with the overwhelming flame of light, rushed directly into the Blank area.

"Ah!" Originally, I saw this piece of evil and numbness surrounding myself. The heart of the thorns was already cold. When I was going to crush it back to the city and return to the city, Lin Fan’s angry sea had already hit the next The thorns of the city. I was planning to go back to the city.

"Damn!" The stab was directly destroyed by half of the blood by this powerful magic. He couldn't help but change his face and directly rushed toward Lin Fan's direction. Because he knows that running can't run, only killing Lin Fan, he has a chance to live, plus Lin Fan is an anxious mage, so he still has a lot of confidence in killing Lin Fan.

"Ground cracking!" Looking at the thorns rushed over, Lin Fan did not mean to evade, directly rushed toward the thorns, and cast a ground cracking technique, only a trace of blood skin left behind.

"Make the throat!" In the eyes of the thorns, there was a trace of cold awning. The cockroach directly facing Lin Fan’s neck was a slap in the face. Suddenly, a huge injury flashed from Lin Fan’s head. The thorns of this blow, even directly destroyed the more than 100 points of Lin Fan’s injury.

Subsequently, the stab was directly transferred to the back of Lin Fan, and the hand was closed with a hot purple light, straight to the back neck of Lin Fan.

"-123" is another huge injury from Lin Fan's body, but Lin Fan still did not fall down, suddenly scared to smash his face, a sudden change, he could not think of it, smashed his two forests The sail can still survive, but it is close to three hundred points of damage. How could it be that a wizard can bear?

"The sea is full of anger!" Lin Fan can not feel the thorns, or if you can't see the thorns, you can't beat yourself. Now, you have been smashed twice, and you have already made Lin Fan. Burning in anger, directly an angry sea, the sky is released to the whole body, suddenly, a flame flashed, directly devour the thorns in the fire.

When the flames are exhausted, there are no dead bodies in the flames, leaving only two pieces of shiny equipment. Obviously, the thorns are going back to the reincarnation at the moment of death.

Lin Fan could not help but laugh, and the purple cockroach and a blue necklace exploded.

"Shadow thorn (purple): attack 55, crit plus 2, with armor effect, 1o% chance to ignore the opponent's defense! Requires level: 13"

"Concealed Necklace (Blue): Attack 9, Defense 6, Attack 2, Constitution 3, Requires Level 14, requires a professional Assassin."

Putting two pieces of equipment into the backpack, Lin Fan only looked at the dense sorrows around him, and once again wiped out the evils in the same way, Lin Fan did not care about the evil collar and the evil worm, and directly crushed it. Returned to the city reel and returned to the city.

He was afraid of destroying the thorns. Because he couldn’t cope with himself, he ran to deal with Liu Mengxiao and others. With the technology of thorns, Liu Mengxiao and others could not resist the threat of thorns. Moreover, plus an innocent and chaotic war. .

Just when Lin Fan returned to the city, a message suddenly made Lin Fan's tight mood relaxed.

"No wonder big brother, we have already arrived in the holy city, just at the entrance of the holy city of the holy city!" Looking at this news, Lin Fan’s tight mood finally relaxed, because the person of this news is a chaotic man, hidden Kill the shadow nightmare.

Hidden killing is the organization formed in the chaotic days. When the chaotic days were not met with Lin Fan, it was the leader of the hidden killing. It was also one of the more famous studios among the tyrants. There is only one kind of task accepted by Hidden Kill, that is to kill people and help people kill!

In the hidden killing, in addition to the two practicing auxiliary occupations, the rest are all assassins, thirteen assassins, all of which are assassins who have been tempted by chaos, and their power can be imagined. After the chaotic days and the withdrawal of the game, the hidden killing gradually withdrew from the game, even if it was the mythical game behind, the hidden kill did not participate, until the resurrection of the chaotic days, the hidden killing came out with chaos.

Thirteen hijacked assassins, perhaps one can't match the stab, but thirteen assassins shot together, even if it was a chaotic day, they had to hang. There are these thirteen people, even if they are both ruined and innocent, they will not be too afraid.

(The first tragedy in life is this, Mom, the good end is actually power outage, now only call! I am dizzy)