MTL - Return of the Net Gaming Monarch-Chapter 43 Two metamorphosis

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"Drip: Player Liu Meng Xiaoxiao asked to talk to you!" Lin Fan was still immersed in the joy of upgrading, Liu Mengxiao's voice request rang. Bayi Chinese W<W<W<. <8<1≦Z≤W≦. COM

"Lin Fan, what have you been doing? Only two hours, it has risen to two levels! Now the forums are all over the sky!" Just after the voice was turned on, Liu Mengxiao’s voice rang.

"Hey!" Lin Fan gave a slight glimpse, but immediately relieved, two hours rose two levels, such a thing, it is indeed a bit horrible, but Lin Fan also knows what he has suffered in these two hours, if It’s not that you have a fire-fighting group attacking skills that are full of anger and anger. Moreover, the defenses and attacks attached to the blue suit are too strong, so that Lin Fan can block tens of thousands of evil attacks, and can kill so many evils. Otherwise, Lin Fan still wants to hang. .

"Nothing, find a good place to level up!" said Lin Fan opened the forum of the official website, and sure enough, the official website has blasted the pot, one post has reflected one thing, that is, ranked first The degree of demon and tears escalation is too fast. For the current 12th and 3rd level players to upgrade to the next level, it takes three or four hours. The upgrade of the evil spirits and tears is enough to be called a bug, so There are a lot of players who are in the dark.

In response to this phenomenon, the game company has also explained that it has checked all the data of the evil spirits and tears, and did not violate the principle of the game, but it is very concealed to remind everyone that the evil spirits have found a good place to level up.

This news suddenly made the players more boiling, and some players jointly announced that the game company announced the location of the evil spirits and tears in the leveling. However, this request was rejected.

Feel free to browse through the various information on the website. Lin Fan did not do much research. Anyway, he has no conscience, and he is not afraid of the game company to check. Moreover, in the principle of the game company, the player’s news will not be revealed. There is nothing wrong with it anyway.

However, Lin Fan did not know that this time it was really a mess of the game company. At this moment, as the technology department of the leaps and bounds of the game, the company has already blasted the pot.

"Who is this demon evil tears? It is so strong! I rely on! The ghost king suit I designed has been excavated by him. I thought that this equipment can be assembled at least twenty-five!" The man with glasses stared at the forest sail in the screen, whispering.

"Damn, this guy broke my nightmare castle guy? How come this metamorphosis, Laozi's task is to be said to be at least a 25-level elite team to crack, he actually relies on this How many people cracked?” Behind the glasses man, a medium-sized man who looked like a poor man looked at a video, which was the time when Lin Fan and others had a nightmare.

"It is also the only one who has completed the five-star mission of the novice village!" The man wearing glasses opened a video with a smile, whispering: "This is basically a metamorphosis! This technique and operational consciousness, how many heads does he have?" Connected to a section of video, Lin Fan's series of manipulations are cumbersome to the limit, not to mention a person, even if it is divided into three people to share a series of movements of Lin Fan, it may also go wrong, but this kid is not missed once.

"It turned out to be him!" Listening to the voices of the two men, the technical team colleagues could not help but stretch their necks, because these two people are responsible for all the techniques of the holy city, so after the problem of Lin Fan came out, two People are watching the video of Lin Fan in awkwardness. Apart from marveling at Lin Fan’s technology, there is nothing. But now I heard the buddy next door, and everyone could not help but stare at him.

"Rayzi! Do you know this person?" The eyes of the man's eyes suddenly lit up, and when he heard the person next door, he could not help but whisper.

"How could I not know, this **** has made me miserable!" Lei Zi gritted and looked at Lin Fan in the picture and said: "You all know that I am the chief designer of the tyrant!"

"Know, know! Don't blow it!" The people couldn't help but laugh.

"Who blew! Who doesn't know the tyrant's game is good!" Lei Zi looked dissatisfied and angered.

"The tyrant is good, but unfortunately! Because the tyrants are so good, they created the great myths and they are also destroyed in the hands of those great myths!" The eyes man whispered: "If the big myths are not Leaving the game, maybe the tyrant can continue to the present!"

"Isn't it! At that time, all the forces of the tyrants were in several myths. However, with the withdrawal of several myths, the power of the tyrants became empty, and such a bubble made the tyrants die! "The medium-sized man smiled and whispered, and then his face sank slightly, as if he had thought of something.

"You won't say that he is one of the great myths of the year!" The medium-sized man's eyes whispered and whispered.

"I also recognize this guy as a ash. He is arguing that he is out of the game, because he quits the game, so that the hidden thief also leaves the game. Then, those big myths quit the game because there is no opponent, only to return the power of the tyrant. In a moment, I fell into a hollow, and the tyrant's disintegration was what he came up with!" Lei Zi was indignant and pointed at the Lin Fan whisper on the screen.

"I···I rely on it. It turns out that he is blasting the law! This technology is indeed the name of the explosion method. Lei Zi, I finally know what you said. He is better than no peak. A little bit!" The eye man was surprised to see Lin Fan's video, whispering.

"Of course, the biggest achievement of my life is to open the tyrants, because the tyrants out of a group of true online games, the peak of the strong, compared to today's strong, too strong, even if there is no peak, in The tyrants are all at the bottom! At the time you still didn't believe it, now believe it!" Lei Zi proudly smirked.

"I have to say that the players in the tyrants are the most peak group I have ever seen. There are no peaks, fires, smashing, dark nights, and thorns. These are very powerful players. I always thought they were really It is the group that represents the most peak, but today I realized that there was such a freak in the same year." The glasses man pushed the glasses to whisper.

"Hey, that assassin is a hidden thief! This skill, really, against the sky! Is he a professional killer in reality? How could it be such a strength?" The medium-sized man pointed to the chaos in the video. , whispered.

"It's him!" Leizi nodded and whispered: "These two are, the ownership of the Holy City should be doomed!"

"Let's pay attention to them! These two guys are equipped with damage systems, no matter what metamorphosis tasks are possible!" Lei Zi kindly reminded.

"My day! Lei Zi, you crow mouth, look!" The eyes of the man turned the video of the sky, suddenly burst into a foul mouth.

"Your sister!" The medium-sized man hurriedly turned around. When he saw this situation, he also broke a foul language.

"Hidden career transfer tasks, this guy has done the third part, is this still a person?" The medium-sized man wants to cry without tears, whisper.

"Forget it, let it be natural! Pay more attention to these two enchantings in the future!" Lei Zi looked at the two men with a smile, then walked back to their position.