MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 36

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It's only been a day since I met Xue Changfeng, and it's only been three or four hours since I joined the guild, but Mo Ran already has a general understanding of this person.

Ambitious, resourceful, rational, large-scale, and conscientious, so many advantages of being an excellent leader are completely gathered in one person, no wonder, he will become a legend of the dead.

At the same time, Mo Ran also clearly realized one thing, this person must not die.

Compared with other races, the number of the dead is small. It is not easy to find a person who is so suitable as a leader among such a small number of people. At least in the last life, after Xue Changfeng died, the dead never appeared again. A leader who is suitable from word of mouth to strength, from character to means.

If her rebirth was to protect the dead from being exterminated, then she could not let this person die.


Mo Ran's alienated and indifferent gaze passed through the crowd and finally landed on Bai Wei who was curled up beside Xue Changfeng. At this moment, she was lazily leaning on Xue Changfeng like a soft cat, charming and harmless.

"Each race has its own talents. The self-healing ability of the dead and the body strengthening ability of the orcs are very powerful. I don't know what methods humans can use to improve their various abilities? Now this game called "Tomorrow" since the Everyone is divided into different races, I think there will definitely be racial balance, but I don’t know what the talents of human beings are.”

Speaking of this, Bai Wei changed her posture and leaned closer to Xue Changfeng more intimately, her voice was as clear and delicate as the raindrops flowing on a summer night: "It would be great if I could find a way to improve human abilities. "

Xue Changfeng lowered his head, with a doting smile on his face, rubbed his hands on Bai Wei's hair, and said in a low voice, "I will find it."

This was a very common conversation, just like chatting with friends, but it was not the same thing when it fell into Mo Ran's ears. She immediately thought that the purpose of the establishment of the No. I found something that could increase the upper limit of human beings.

Even the Feng Qi of the King's Landing Tianxia Guild is relatively pure and fair, but as Xue Changfeng's girlfriend, Bai Wei is very sought after by people, not to mention that she is a doctor herself, and her status in the guild is really valuable. As soon as Xue Changfeng's words fell, more people echoed Xue Changfeng's words and said to Bai Wei in a comforting tone.

Mo Ran keenly looked at everyone who fit the words, there were human beings and there were dead.

Mo Ran didn't know that this was purely to echo, or there was another purpose, Mo Ran only knew that the "No. In Wei's heart.

Lab One...

Even if it's a new life, as long as Mo Ran thinks of this name again, he can't help the creeps and the uncontrollable murderous intent in his heart.

Quietly lowering her eyes, Mo Ran put the last piece of rice into her mouth, her expression was calm and peaceful.

Bai Wei will not be able to stay sooner or later.

It's just that there needs to be a way to make her disappear in a reasonable way.

What Mo Ran didn't expect was that this opportunity came so quickly...

In a blink of an eye, it has been a month since Mo Ran and He Yu came to the King's Landing World Guild. During this month, what Mo Ran did every day was to play dungeons, or to search unknown areas with other wasteland reclamation teams. The survivors of City V were summoned to the guild. Of course, there was one more thing after the earthquake, which was to hunt animals like six-clawed hares in the wilderness outside V city to supplement the guild's food reserves.

Her attack power is strong, she has rich combat experience, and her initial equipment has been prepared early. She can often bring back a lot of equipment in solo dungeons, and sometimes her combat power can directly surpass a team. However, within half a month, her DKP had already become the number one in the entire guild. A month later, her DKP was far ahead, completely disdainful of everyone else.

The point is, there is no place in the guild where she can use DKP. Xue Changfeng is more anxious about this matter than she is, and has been looking for her several times.

"Mo Ran, do you like saving money that much?"

Mo Ran, who was busy polishing the weapon, looked at Xue Changfeng inexplicably: "Where is the money now?"

"No, then why do you save so much DKP?"

Mo Ran sneered: "It's pretty."

"I said, sister, can you use a little? You can use a little! You have so much DKP, what do other people think?" Xue Changfeng turned out the book recording DKP again, and pointed to Mo Ran's number.

"Admired by thousands of people?" Mo Ran, who had wiped the double blade carefully, carefully put away the weapon, then sat upright and watched Xue Changfeng think carefully about his problem, and kindly gave a suggestion.

Xue Changfeng twitched the corner of his mouth, looking at Mo Ran with despair.

After thinking about it for a while, Mo Ran also felt that his

"Then you can change to some advanced medicine!"

"Xue Changfeng, we are the dead, we don't die so easily. The wounds will heal by themselves."

"Then you can change one piece of meat or two pieces of meat every day!"

"I turn in the most pieces of meat every day."

Xue Changfeng wanted to flip the table, and there was no way to chat today. Could it be that ordinary people like them couldn't communicate with such experts at all?

They couldn't communicate at all, and the two stared at each other. If it wasn't for the fact that the appearance of the deceased was pleasing to the eye, this picture of them would actually be quite embarrassing.

Just at this solemn and embarrassing moment when there was no topic to break out of this embarrassment, a loud voice suddenly came out from outside the guild's residence, and the voice was getting closer and closer, even crying in panic .

"Is there a doctor here! Is there anyone here!"

The shrill cry completely broke the embarrassment of the confrontation between the two. Xue Changfeng immediately stood up and walked outside, and Mo Ran followed behind him and walked outside.

Just when he walked outside the door, he saw Zhang Haoming, the deputy captain of Xie Lang's team, stumbling onto the playground with a person in his arms. On the ground, shouting towards the inside of the station.

It was the afternoon at this time, and most of the people who went out to hunt and search for supplies hadn't returned, and the entire guild residence seemed empty. In such an empty space, Zhang Haoming's shouts seemed extraordinarily desperate.

Xue Changfeng's expression changed immediately when he saw the person in Zhang Haoming's hand from a distance. He spread his legs and ran towards Zhang Haoming. Are you here!"

Mo Ran also walked out of her room at this time, just in time to hear Xue Changfeng calling Bai Wei.

Although Bai Wei and Xue Changfeng are lovers, the two of them are not in the same team. Except for occasional unified activities organized by the guild, Bai Wei rarely acts together with Xue Changfeng. The reason for this is Mo Ran She also gossiped with He Yu, and the answer He Yu gave her was that the two of them were not equal in strength, and Xue Changfeng would be hindered if he brought Bai Wei along.

This answer cannot be said to be no

At this moment, no one in Xue Changfeng's room replied to him. It seems that Bai Wei should still be outside with her team members and not come back.

He rushed to Xue Changfeng's side in three steps at a time. Mo Ran only saw Zhang Haoming sitting on the ground holding Xie Lang and crying loudly. There were many holes in his equipment, and his whole body was covered with blood. Looking at him, Xie Lang in his arms was even more embarrassed than him.

Xie Lang was already a blood man. Although his equipment was relatively complete, it was obvious that there were four blood holes on his body, located in the thigh, shoulder, lower abdomen and chest cavity.

These four blood holes all looked extremely deep. With Zhang Haoming's shaking body, thick black blood was continuously pouring out from the wounds, but in the blink of an eye, the ground of the playground had already been dyed red.

In the guild of King's Landing, there are both dead and human beings. Xue Changfeng does not limit the combination of their teams. Therefore, among the many teams in King's Landing, the races of everyone's team are scattered, basically the dead and humans are mixed together. together, but there are exceptions.

In the entire guild, there are two teams of pure races. One is Bai Wei's team, which is all human, and the other is Xie Lang's team, which is all dead.

Before He Yu and Mo Ran arrived, a human member of Xie Lang's team died in the earthquake. He Yu joined their team and became a team of pure dead.

At this moment, He Yu also ran over panting, and behind him were the other two dead people from the team. Their bodies were covered with wounds, and they looked more and more embarrassed.

"Mo Ran, Mo Ran, take a look, Xie Lang..." Zhang Haoming raised his head and saw Mo Ran. Ever since Mo Ran's DKP became the best in the guild, she has become synonymous with the strongest. But for the dead, the meaning of her existence is not just as simple as being the strongest. Her transcendent familiarity with the dead has helped all the same race, allowing them to understand their own existence more thoroughly.

Therefore, to all the dead, Mo Ran is more like an omniscient and omnipotent god.

Mo Ran stretched out her fingers, and quickly checked Xie Lang's several wounds. The deepest wound was the abdominal wound, which was a penetrating wound, followed by the thigh and shoulder wound, and the shallowest wound was the chest wound.

However, this does not mean that it is good news, on the contrary, Xie Lang's chest

The author has something to say: I finally got back last night, just in time for the night before I ran out of manuscripts...

It's not easy, blah blah~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-13 06:58:48~2020-10-1907:47:04~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Hi yao1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Xiaozhou, 1 per month;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: ellsiee 20 bottles; SakurabaNao, fat is not easy, Liangziづ, Haoheyao 10 bottles; born to be human, 470721251 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!