MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 136

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For Xue Changfeng, Mo Ran's whereabouts are often erratic, so it is basically unrealistic to wait for Mo Ran to make some decisions. Pretty solid.

To make an unrealistic analogy, Mo Ran is probably like a kite, no matter it is windy or not, she is always waved outside, but there is always a thread holding her, this thread is called responsibility, and the other end of the thread is pulling In the hands of the whole dead.

Just like what she said when she handed over the family of the dead to herself at the beginning, she said that she is not a suitable leader, nor can she be a decision maker. For her, these things are a burden, and she doesn’t think She has the ability to manage the food, drink, and mess of a race in an orderly manner, so she will not be the lord of the city, but as long as she is there, she will never let the dead fall into the situation of being bullied.

It is precisely because of this that the two have cooperated very well over the years.

Mo Ran is like a money rake working outside the world, Xue Changfeng is here to lead the development of the dead money box, although everyone's position is different, the job is different, but their goals are the same, then It is to make the dead truly strong, so strong that no race dares to bully them.

However, this kind of strength requires not only abundance, but also fists.

But it is too easy to say the fist, but it is not so simple to really want to stretch out without any scruples. It needs countless money as a foreshadowing, but until now, the deceased does not seem to be too rich.

The sun was dazzling, Xue Changfeng rode a direwolf, walked with the team, closed his eyes slightly, but he was thinking about how much this battle would cost, and the more he calculated, the colder he felt in his heart.

Thinking that in the next few years, the entire race will have to tighten their belts to live, Xue Changfeng couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"You are sighing and sighing all day long, you are not yet come you look like seven or eighty." Xue Changfeng was immersed in the sadness of being poor for several years in the future, when he suddenly heard Mo Ran's voice ringing in his ears The voice, couldn't help being startled and immediately opened his eyes and looked towards the side.

Could it be an auditory hallucination... Mo Ran said hello three days ago

Take a closer look, it's really Mo Ran.

She was riding Lightning, and she was taller than Xue Changfeng, who was riding a direwolf, by a large margin. From Xue Changfeng's angle, one could even see some unconcealable joy from her calm face. .

Xue Changfeng blinked his eyes.

joy? Can't.

Although everyone decided to fight, even though this war had to be fought, he knew that Mo Ran was not very happy about it. She just didn't say anything, but Xue Changfeng was absolutely sure that her emotions were Not high at all.

And now you're smiling when you go out for three days? Could it be that she picked up a nuclear bomb?

Xue Changfeng looked at it again, and finally confirmed that he was right. Mo Ran exuded a kind of joy that was hard to ignore. He couldn't help being curious: "Why are you so happy that you picked up gold?"

Mo Ran turned her head and looked at Xue Changfeng strangely: "Why do you think I'm happy? Is it obvious?"

Xue Changfeng rolled his eyes: "Your face almost says 'I'm in a good mood today', and you still ask me if it's obvious..."

"Really..." Mo Ran stretched out her hand and touched her face. She didn't argue with Xue Changfeng, but squinted her eyes and looked towards the front of the team, and she had the emotion of "I'm in a good mood today" But it became more and more obvious.

Xue Changfeng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and became more and more curious: "You didn't really pick up the gold, did you?"

Mo Ran chuckled a few times, but did not directly answer Xue Changfeng's question, instead, she slapped a trick: "What's the point of picking up gold! Me..." She paused for a few seconds and looked at Xue Changfeng. He scratched his head anxiously before laughing: "I picked up something much better than gold."

Afterwards, no matter how Xue Changfeng asked, Mo Ran kept his mouth tightly shut, absolutely not responding to this question, which made Xue Changfeng's heart itch. Fortunately, Xue Changfeng had many things to do, and he was about to approach the border between humans and the dead. It's gone, and he soon forgot about it.

By the time Xue Changfeng remembered this matter again, it was already a month later.

Whether this month is for the dead

Ever since the dead crossed the border in the dark and attacked a human town closest to the border a month ago, the fig leaf between humans and the dead has been completely torn off.

After the first battle of Wenji, the high-level human beings knew that the relationship between themselves and the dead was very fragile, but after the first battle of Wenji, the dead didn't seem to be doing anything, and it paralyzed them to a certain extent. They probably knew in their hearts that the battle with the dead would happen sooner or later, and they were prepared, but they never imagined that the dead would come to this point so soon.

Even the day before, there were still business exchanges on the border, but at night, the army of the dead directly crossed the border and pushed towards Hezhou Town, an important border town for humans.

Because the troops of the dead were coming fiercely, without even a hint of warning, the officers and soldiers stationed in Hezhou Town and the ordinary humans living here did not expect the sudden attack of the dead at all, and were caught off guard by the dead. Without time, they directly lost the most important stronghold of human beings on the border.

The reason why Hezhou Town is very important is because there is a river flowing directly from Tiandu City from this town, and it will circle around the outside of Hezhou Town to Ming'an, a port city on the human side. Occupying Hezhou, one can directly lead to Tiandu on the one hand, and Ming'an on the other, and these two cities are precisely the two most important cities for mankind.

Needless to say, Tiandu City is the main city of human beings, and basically all the high-level people are there, and Ming'an has become the number one economic city in recent years. The child soared up.

What is so important is that it is impossible for the town to be garrisoned by only three or two kittens. On the contrary, there are many troops stationed in Hezhou, and there are also some elite troops. If it is in normal times, it will be very difficult to capture .

The main reason why it was able to break through in a very short period of time this time was because the dead had deployed the most elite troops, and there was also a very important reason that the dead had used firearms.

Of course, these firearms are not those that Mo Ran stole from the main city of humans. After all, humans can make weapons, and the dead are not fools.

The last time he was caught off guard, it was because the deceased never thought that human beings would come up with the trick of "Scattering Flowers".

This time is different, they are fully prepared, they made up their minds not to let humans look good at the beginning, and they naturally got it.

Of course, after Hezhou was captured, it was not so easy to defend it. The dead knew the importance of Hezhou, and humans knew it better. Therefore, in order to regain Hezhou, human beings began to fight back frantically. As expected by the dead, although they fought extremely hard in the ensuing battle, they also firmly occupied Hezhou and turned it into their own stronghold, and then dispatched more dead to extend the battle line .

As for the rear...

In fact, from the first day when the dead were born, the world they had to face was much crueler by humans. Although the dead would not reproduce, this is a race born for fighting, so even if they stay The dead in the rear, no matter men, women, old or young, regardless of their ranks, have already taken up arms, and the whole people have invested in this war that can be said to determine whether the race will continue.

However, even so, Mo Ran still felt an unprecedented anxiety. She knew that with the current overall strength of the dead, she would definitely not be able to fight a war of attrition. The dead died in battle, or were even taken captive by humans, and the research of humans in the rear must have been uninterrupted for a day.

This war can only be resolved quickly, and the war can only be ended in the shortest possible time, and the human beings must be terrified once in exchange for the peace of the dead for a period of time.

So, after twenty days of fighting near Hezhou Town, the dead began to attack Tiandu City along the river.

Sure enough, three days after the attack on Tiandu City, the dead were blocked by human beings unprecedentedly. Various weapons and formations that had never been seen before in the battle with the dead were also in full bloom, making the dead unable to support it for a while.

Fortunately, at this time, the orcs sent a large number of elite weapons and protective gear to help the dead to continue.

It is also at this time that human beings have been hiding their strength and procrastinating for time

That day was a misty morning, a person stumbled outside the camp of the dead, but before he got close to the camp, he was spotted by the patrolling soldiers, and then they discovered that this person turned out to be a dead...

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-1916:58:28~2021-02-2016:37:15~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: An Chenyun 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Wen 20 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!