MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 178

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Before stepping out, Zhao Yan was caught up by Ma Yuzhen.

Ma Yuzhen brazenly grabbed Zhao Yan's neck.


Zhao Yan realized that her life was seriously threatened, and roared loudly.

At this time, Ma Yuzhen did not intend to kill Zhao Yan in seconds, but wanted her to suffer a little.

Zhao Yan struggled with all her life, trying to get rid of Ma Yuzhen's entanglement, but was unable to do so.

Just when she was about to die, a huge force suddenly erupted, breaking Ma Yuzhen's pull.

In Zhao Yan's view, this was the result of her own small universe erupting, but in fact it was purely the result of Ma Yuzhen's intentional release of water.

Zhao Yan doesn't want to play?? Live broadcast \" Well, then Ye Hao will accompany her to have a good time.

Since it is a live broadcast, it must have a certain "observability".

Wouldn't it be too boring to let Ma Yuzhen kill Zhao Yan in seconds?

Zhao Yan wanted to play so much, so let Ma Yuzhen play with her, cannon fodder Xiao Yanyan, why not act as a real cannon fodder today? Ma Yuzhen chased Zhao Yan, and Zhao Yan lost it during the fierce struggle. He grabbed the camera in his hand and just wanted to run for his life.

However, Ye Hao picked up the camera from the ground and continued to start the live broadcast.

Under the close attention of the camera, Zhao Yan was chased around the world by the female ghost in red, and was almost killed on the ground by the female ghost many times in the middle. Although Zhao Yan persisted to the present during the fierce struggle, she was still not killed by the female ghost.

But now she was covered in bruises, her forehead and cheek were scratched by the female ghost, her face was covered in blood, and she looked extremely embarrassed.

And at the same time (Li Li Zhao), the abuse in the live broadcast room is already overwhelming!

"Trash, hurry up and save my goddess Yanyan!\"

"Scumbag, watching the beautiful woman being chased and killed by the ghosts is indifferent, are you still a man?"

"Ah, it's such a pity that my goddess Yanyan is going to die!"

"God, why is it that the person who died is not that scumbag, but my beautiful goddess!"

"The female ghost in red is not the cousin of the goddess Yanyan, how could she pursue and kill the goddess Yanyan?"

"Could it be that female ghosts also go crazy?"

Ye Nan, Zhongkuo is going to save people I\"

"Hurry up and save people, if there are three long and two shorts in the beautiful beauty, I will destroy your whole family!" Ye Hao was very shocked by the continuous scolding in the live broadcast room: what the **** is going on in this world? A woman with a dark heart and extremely vicious like Zhao Yan has actually become a goddess in the hearts of these people. .



Chapter 225: The Goddess of Licking Dogs

Just because Zhao Yan has a beautiful skin? Did she become a goddess?

Ye Hao said he was indifferent to the group of scoldings in the live broadcast room!

On the contrary, Ye Hao's mood at this time was still very calm. Seeing Zhao Yan being chased and killed, he was still very comfortable.

Zhao Yan was chased by Ma Yuzhen with nowhere to run, and she was about to lose her life.

Suddenly, she took out a crimson ball from her bosom and smashed it fiercely at Ma Yuzhen with one hand.


A loud bang came, a huge explosion sounded, and Ma Yuzhen was directly blown into the air.

Standing in Ye Hao's position, you can see that Ma Yuzhen was seven or eight meters high in the air, and then crashed to the ground!

Ma Yuzhen was hit hard, and Zhao Yan thought she was safe, but she didn't expect that Ma Yuzhen was not killed.

Instead, he struggled to get up from the ground and shot her again.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!\"

"My Soul Killing Orb can kill hundreds of ghosts, you..."

"go to hell!"

Ma Yuzhen let out a strange cry, and her sharp hands in the depths grabbed Zhao Yan's neck with one hand.

This time, Ma Yuzhen made a deadly move, stabbed her sharp fingers directly into Zhao Yan's skin, and the red blood slid down, but 557 completely frightened Zhao Yan.

"Brother Ye Hao, save me, as long as you save me, I can do anything!"

"I sleep with you, it's okay to be your woman, please help me!"

Under the threat of death, Zhao Yan burst into tears.

Her tearful look once again caused a big explosion in the live broadcast room!

"Ye Hao, you scumbag, go and save my goddess, I'll give you 10 million!"

"Go and save Goddess Yanyan, or I will kill your whole family!"

"Goddess Yanyan can't die!"

"Bang!\" Ye Hao threw the camera directly on the ground as the scolding sounded one after another in the live broadcast room.

The camera was fixed on the ground by the bracket to automatically shoot the live broadcast. Ye Hao left the camera and stopped watching the curses on the screen. As for Zhao Yan's life and death, Ye Hao didn't plan to care. Seeing that Zhao Yan was about to be strangled to death, a shrill ghost scream suddenly came from the darkness behind.

A strong yin qi rushed from far and near, which really made Ye Hao frown.

Zhao Yan sensed the movement behind her and was overjoyed:

(acbc)\"Sister Tang, come and save me!\"

The one who came is Zhao Yan's sister Tang, Zhao Fang, and the mysterious "Ghost King" who is entrenched in Chechen Fragrant Valley.

Zhao Fang died of hatred and turned into a ghost in Chenxiang Valley.

Specter ghosts can also improve their own strength through cultivation. Specter ghosts like Zhao Fang, entrenched in Chenxiang Valley, can absorb the ghost energy in Chenxiang Valley to strengthen themselves.

However, she can also directly draw yang energy from living people and strengthen herself.

However, Zhao Fang died in Chenxiang Valley unjustly. Unless her cultivation base is strong to a certain extent, she cannot leave Chenxiang Valley.

The fastest way for Zhao Fang to improve her own strength is to draw yang energy from living people.

But she killed too many people in Chenxiang Valley, which made Chenxiang Valley become a Shura Jedi, and ordinary people would not dare to trespass into Chenxiang Valley.

When Zhao Yan came to Chenxiang Valley to worship Zhao Fang, she made a \"contract\" agreement with Li Gui.

Zhao Yan is responsible for attracting young men with strong yang energy to Chenxiang Valley, so that Zhao Fang can absorb yang energy to improve his own strength.

Zhao Fang, on the other hand, taught Zhao Yan some ghost techniques, and at the same time, Zhao Yan could make a lot of money through live broadcast.

Over the years, Zhao Yan and Zhao Fang have joined forces, but they have harmed many people.

This time Zhao Yan brought Ye Hao to Chenxiang Valley, and Zhao Fang sensed Ye Hao's strength and did not dare to appear rashly.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yan, an idiot, thought he had decided to eat Ye Hao, and just entered Chenxiang Valley, his tail was raised to the sky.

As a result, Zhang Yuzhen became so arrogant that she almost strangled Zhao Yan to death.

Zhao Fang definitely couldn't just watch Zhao Yan die like this.

If Zhao Yan dies, no one will give her 'subsistence' in the future, so before Zhao Yan died, she couldn't hold back and came to save people.

Zhao Fang came aggressively, and Ma Yuzhen immediately threw Zhao Yan aside and killed Zhao Fang.

Purely in terms of combat strength, Zhao Fang's strength is much stronger than Zhang Yuzhen, and her strength is already very close to the ghost king.

But Ma Yuzhen's zombie physique can really restrain Zhao Fang fundamentally!

As a Specter, Zhao Fang is essentially a soul body. It is a body condensed by powerful resentment and ghost qi. Its lethality to humans is very terrifying, and it can even directly attack human souls. But Ma Yuzhen, a zombie, has no soul at all.

In this way, Zhao Fang's soul attack is completely ineffective against Ma Yuzhen.

If he attacked Ma Yuzhen in a physical way, it was purely to tickle Ma Yuzhen and not have much practical significance.

The two sides fought in the Chenxiang Valley, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Zhao Fang's body was full of ghosts, and his attack power was very sturdy. At one time, he pressed Ma Yuzhen to attack frantically, and it seemed that he had the upper hand.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yan became proud again.

"Ye Hao, do you know how powerful you are now? M

"Since my cousin has already appeared, you will surely die. Don't think that the little devil in red can save you, you and she will both have to die!"

"Really?" Ye Hao rubbed his hands and smiled faintly.

"Believe it or not, I can kill you right now!"


Zhao Yan was instantly furious, but seeing Ye Hao looking at her with malicious eyes, Zhao Yan quickly fell down. She is very aware of her current situation. Zhao Fang is now being dragged by Ma Yuzhen, and she has never come to help him. Although Zhao Fang has already seized the upper hand, it will take some time to defeat Ma Yuzhen.

If you push Ye Hao in a hurry, if you hit her hard at this time, she will definitely be dead.

"Brother Ye Hao, don't be angry, you want me to say that we should reconcile!"

"Reconciliation?\" Ye Hao replied with a sneer,

"Zhao Yan, you have no chance. Do you know who my helper is?"

"Humph!\" Zhao Yan replied sternly.

"I think she's just an ordinary kid, what's so amazing!"

Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "My helper is not a ghost, she is a corpse!"

"Infernal corpse?"

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "Yin corpses are zombies!"

\"How can there be?\" Zhao Yan pointed to the battlefield and said.

"She is still my cousin's opponent, and my cousin has the upper hand now, and soon the battle will be over!"

"You'd better be smart and truce now..."

"It's useless!" Ye Hao replied with a wry smile, "Even if there is a truce now, it's too late!

almost I*

Chapter 226: Unexpectedly

"The body of a zombie is full of corpse poison. You were just scratched by a zombie. Do you know your next fate?"

"Ah!\" Zhao Yan's complexion suddenly changed.

"Ye Hao...what do you want, I beg you to let me go, I don't want to be a zombie!"

"Okay!\" Ye Hao waved his hand, "Since you don't want to be a zombie, I respect your opinion,

I do have a very good way to make you a decent person! \"

"Come on, what power and law?"

"This way;" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "Although zombies have no life, they still have brains!"

"You just cut off your head with a knife and you won't become a zombie!"

"I..." Zhao Yan replied weakly, "I~ I don't want to die!\"

Ye Hao shrugged and sighed: \"Since you don't want to die, you can only be a zombie!"

"Is there no way to dispel the corpse poison in my body, Mr. Ye thinks I beg you? I beg you!"

Zhao Yan knelt down in front of Ye Hao again:

"As long as you can save my life, let me do anything!"

On this side, Zhao Yan knelt down directly in front of Ye Hao, and the battle between Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Fang on the other side was temporarily terminated. Zhao Fang found that she couldn't kill Ma Yuzhen completely, and the situation was very obvious now.

Even if she killed Ma Yuzhen, there was no way to get rid of the corpse poison in Zhao Yan's body.