MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 173

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Ye Hao sneered and said, "King of the Underworld Ghost, I'm sure you'll be dead in 10 minutes!"

"When the time comes, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Leaving the last sentence, Ye Hao outrageously pulled the ghost general out of the endless ghost aura.

Immediately, without any hesitation, Ye Hao directly pulled up the ghost general and left the ghost abyss at the fastest speed.

The Ghost King of the Underworld chased Ye Hao like a madman from behind.

It's a pity that after his body swelled and became bigger, although his combat power soared more than once, his huge body was so cumbersome that he couldn't catch up with Ye Hao at all.

What's even more terrifying is that Ye Hao's speculation just now was completely accurate!

The degree of integration between the ghost king and the heart of the world is only 99%, and it has not yet reached the perfect degree of 100% integration!

If it does not perfectly integrate the heart of the world, it cannot completely control the heart of the world.

He forcibly merged with the Heart of the World and could only maintain it for about 10 minutes.

Ten minutes later, his ghost energy could no longer suppress the life energy in the heart of the world.

If the fusion is not released immediately, it will be backlashed by the Heart of the World, which will outweigh the gains.

At this time, the Ghost King of the Underworld was at his strongest, but unfortunately he couldn't catch up with Ye Hao at all.

After waiting for a while to separate from the fusion state, he became meat on the chopping board, and he could only be slaughtered by Ye Hao.

A strong sense of humiliation surged into his heart, and boundless anger filled the heart of the ghost king.

But while he was extremely angry in his heart, he had to consider a very serious question:

Ten minutes later, his invincibility was over. Where should he go?

The heart of the world was snatched away, and its hundred years of ascetic cultivation was completely obliterated by Ye Hao's slap?

"No, I'm not reconciled!\"

A sad and unparalleled will permeates the ghostly abyss.

The Ghost King of Fun Underworld knew that this time he kicked the iron plate.

Ye Hao was able to recover his Yin-Yang Arhat Formation with a flip of his hand, and even casually stated the time of his fusion with the Heart of the World. All these things can fully prove that Ye Hao's strength is far more powerful than he expected! The huge roar lasted for five minutes!

Then, the Ghost King of the Underworld suddenly changed his attitude!

He shouted loudly from the bottom of the abyss: "Sir, please raise your hand and let me live, I am willing to surrender to you!"

Ye Hao replied indifferently: "What about the heart of the world?"

"I am willing to contribute the heart of the world to the master, please accept it with a smile!"

"Yeah!" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "Since you are willing to give up the darkness, then I will naturally give you a chance!"

"Release the fusion state immediately and come out of the abyss to see me!"

"Yes, Master!"

The Ghost King of Fun Underworld responded obediently, and immediately released the fusion state, which would return to the previous muscular man state.

When he came out of the abyss of ghost qi again, there was no longer the overwhelming ghost qi around the body of the ghost king Tai Ming.

There is not even a little ghost to follow, only he is a bare commander.

And this guy Zhang pulled his head and looked dejected looking very decadent! .

I declare

Chapter 216: Cloudy Sun Town 【Subscribe】

Ji Nether Ghost King obediently obeyed, and contributed the heart of the world to Ye Tian.

\"How to use this thing, can I eat it?"

Cui Yingying was full of curiosity about the huge heart. This thing could actually arouse Ye Hao's interest. It was definitely a treasure. Ye Hao shook his head and said with a smile: "It's definitely not good to eat directly, the heart of this world is polluted by the bad luck of the ghost king,

Now this big guy is purely an ominous thing, and if he touches it, he will be infected with boundless bad luck! \"

"Ah..." Cui Yingying's face changed greatly with fright, and she retreated several steps in a hurry, keeping a distance from the Heart of the World.

At this time, Ye Hao's consciousness came from the voice of the system!

"Your Sixth Library Immortal Thief, is very satisfied with the Heart of the World, do you want to devour it immediately?\"

\"Swallow?\" Ye Hao asked in confusion, "Can the heart of the world be swallowed directly?"

System: You can directly absorb the energy of the Heart of the World and improve your own strength!

"Uh...don't devour it for now, I have to find a way to strip the dark energy in the heart of the world!"

The Heart of the World is indeed a good thing, but this thing has been polluted by the ghost king!

The polluted heart of the world contains a powerful breath of negative energy.

These things can erode the human soul.

Once the soul is polluted, even a normal person will be eroded beyond recognition!

The closer you get to success, the more you have to resist the temptation. Ye Hao still possesses this bit of self-control.

Ye Hao stared at the heart of the world for a long time, but did not speak. At this time, the ghost king of the ghosts suddenly said:

"Master, can you give me this thing? The Heart of the World can greatly improve my strength, explaining that I am more capable of doing things for my master!"

"That's right!" Ye Hao nodded and smiled, "You are really sincere to me!"

The ghost king was overjoyed: "Has the master decided to reward me with this thing, thank you master!"

"Hey!\" Ye Hao waved his hand and sighed, "The Heart of the World is of great value and is of great benefit to me!"

"I think it's up to us all to enjoy this thing together?"

"How to share??...\"

"I'll think of a way, I'll let you get a piece of the pie!"

Ye Hao sees the little Jiujiu in the heart of the Ghost King Taiming. This guy is purely a thief who never dies, and he never forgets the heart of the world. Now that the ghost king of the underworld has not completely integrated the heart of the world, he is already extremely powerful and extremely difficult to deal with.

When he is violent, even Ye Hao has to avoid the edge for a while. If he can completely devour the heart of the world, is it still good?

The ghost king was a little unwilling in his heart, but now that he has already obeyed Ye Hao, he naturally did not dare to confront Ye Hao! The Heart of the World is huge and heavy, and it has been severely eroded by ghost energy, making it inconvenient for long-distance transportation back to Ancheng.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Ye Hao went to the nearest town to the ghost abyss:

Cloudy Town.

It is not difficult to purify the heart of the world, just expose the polluted heart of the world to the hot sun, and then wash it twice a day with clean water.

After persisting for a while, the filth that has eroded in the heart of the world can be completely cleaned up! According to Ye Hao's estimation, it would take about half a month to completely purify the heart of the world.

Yinri Town is right in the valley, and the mountains on both sides of the town are extremely steep, which is a standard topography.

The natural abyss terrain makes the days in Yinsun Town extremely short!

However, there are exceptions. The hotel that Ye Hao rented is right between the cracks in the mountain. The sunlight can just follow the cracks in the mountain to shine on the hotel courtyard, and the light is very abundant. The owner of the hotel is a middle-aged woman in her 40s. This woman's appearance and temperament are of the highest class, but her complexion is white and a little scary.

It belongs to the extremely pale kind. Looking at it from a close distance, it feels like her face is pale like a piece of white paper.

However, apart from her pale face, there was nothing unusual about this woman. Ye Hao could conclude that this woman was definitely a normal human being.

The Heart of the World was transported by Ye Hao in a small truck to the hotel yard and placed under the scorching sun!

And at the same time, Ye Hao also went to the proprietress to pay the storage fee of 500 yuan!

\"Mr. Ye, you are very kind, you are staying in our hotel, what's the point of storing one thing?

I'll give you this money as rent, and I don't want the storage fee! \"

The female boss was very polite and insisted on not charging Ye Hao's storage fee.

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice: "Boss Ma, listen to me, this thing of mine is of great value, but there must be no accidents!"

I gave you the 500 yuan storage fee in the hope that the proprietress can arrange manpower to help me look at things around the clock, and I must not lose them!

"Of course, this 500 yuan is just a one-day storage fee, and I will give you 500 yuan for the storage fee every day in the future!"

"Is that so!" Ma Yuzhen thought for a while and replied.

"It just so happens that my daughter is on vacation at home these days, and I'll let her guard your things all day long!"

"We have all-round surveillance cameras in our backyard, and even a dog on a leash. It is absolutely foolproof in terms of safety!"


"Yeah!\" Ye Hao nodded and replied, "That's hard work for Boss Ma!\"

Ye Hao sprinkled a large amount of water on the heart of the world with a water pipe. After confirming that there was no omission, he returned to the room to rest.

When Ye Hao returned to the hotel courtyard again, it was already late at night.

Ma Yuzhen was not in the courtyard, but there was a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old girl sitting in the courtyard, guarding Ye Hao's "goods".

After seeing Ye Hao, the young girl immediately stood up from her seat and walked over to meet Ye Hao:

"Mr. Ye, I'm Ma Yuzhen's daughter. My mother has a bit of work to do right now. She entrusted me with the task of guarding things!"

"Well, I see!" Ye Hao nodded and replied, "It's really hard for you!\"

"It's not hard!" The girl smiled shyly, "This is my job, why is it hard or not!"

Looking at the girl's appearance, she seemed to be very heartfelt, but Ye Hao sensed something strange from her. There seemed to be a wisp of Yin Qi that was more feminine and stronger than ordinary people on this girl.

"What's your name?\"

"Call me Ma Lingling!" While the girl spoke, she smiled sweetly at Ye Hao.

This girl, Ma Lingling, has an unusual aura of yin and evil on her body.

But this kind of evil breath is not at the level of ghosts at all.

Ye Hao can judge that this girl is a pure human being and definitely not a female ghost. Ding.

Chapter 217: Weird Mother and Daughter 【Subscribe】

There is an abnormal Yin and evil aura in human beings, the only explanation... is that this person is entangled by ghosts.

This is actually nothing surprising. After all, Yangri Town is too close to the Ghost Abyss!

This place is full of ghost qi, and a woman's physique is inherently yin, and it is normal to be invaded by yin qi.

But what really makes Ye Hao curious is: Why is there no yin and evil spirit on Ma Yuzhen?

Ma Yuzhen's face was as pale as white paper, and she didn't look like a normal person no matter what.

It stands to reason that Ma Yuzhen's appearance belongs to the appearance of being invaded by Yin Qi.

Looking at Ma Lingling again, her face was ruddy and full of energy. No matter how she looked at it, it didn't look like the yin was rising and the yang was declining.

However, this strange phenomenon happened in front of Ye Hao.

"Why are you looking at me with such eyes?" "550\"

Ma Lingling found that Ye Hao was staring at her, and immediately made a face at Ye Hao, and shouted righteously.

"This girl has a boyfriend, be careful I'll let him beat you!"

"Oh!\" Ye Hao waved his hand and explained.

"Miss Ma, you misunderstood, I just think that you look very much like a friend of mine many years ago!"

"For the gaffe, please forgive me, Miss Ma!"

"Come on, you!" Ma Lingling replied with a blank look at Ye Hao.

"Your way of talking up is too old-fashioned, isn't it?"

"Do you think that this girl will fall for you so easily?"

With Ye Hao's concentration, of course he wouldn't have the same knowledge as a little girl like Ma Lingling.

In essence, Ma Lingling is not a beauty at all, but her mother, Ma Yuzhen, is a true beauty.