MTL - Resurrection of Reiki: Start Awakening Super Talent-Chapter 511 drop

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  Chapter 511 Drop


  The flame wings dissipated, and Fang Yi crashed to the ground!

  After flying to the end of a ray of sky, the strange feeling of weightlessness and dislocation disappeared instantly.

   Only then did everyone see Fang Yi's figure clearly.

   But how is this possible?

   They haven't tried moving in the air before!

  But while using abilities to change direction, you must adjust the test direction in time.

  It is too difficult.

  People in the world often say that one mind does two things.

  But after they have personally tried dual-purpose, they will know how difficult it is to achieve this.

   And on top of that, it also needs to have an extremely fast reaction speed.

   Precisely because it cannot be done.

  That's why they chose such an embarrassing way.

   But even so, the direction changes faster as you go up.

   They still feel more and more struggling.

   Some people even choose to give up.

   Started to go back, ready to take the road on both sides.

   But before that.

  Seeing that everyone is like this, at least they feel better.

  But now, there is a person who directly rushed to the sky in a way that they didn't even dare to think about.

   Let them have a good time, a huge psychological gap.

  One of them couldn't help but swallowed: "It's really abnormal..."

  Hearing this, the others couldn't help agreeing.

  Among the crowd, the masked man was the most surprised.

  Thinking that he had taken the initiative to invite the other party to form a team before, he immediately laughed at himself.

  The reason for inviting each other.

   It was because he saw that the other party was a foreigner, and his realm was only the realm of Emperor Wu.

  He just wanted to take care of the other party.

   At least let the other party feel the atmosphere of the festival.

  After being rejected by the other party. To be honest, he was somewhat unhappy.

   But now it seems that if the other party really agrees, it will be me who is holding back.

  Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and immediately continued to walk up with full attention.

  I can't be compared to a foreigner here!

  He came here this time, but he is determined to win Ce Tianlu!

  Although the opponent was one step ahead to pass through the sky.

   But as long as he doesn't encounter similar things again, he has the confidence to catch up with the other party!

  Outside the mountain.

   Watching Fang Yi rushing directly to the sky with a posture of riding the dust.

   Leave others far behind.

  Everyone started talking immediately.

   After all, they laughed it off before, but these are the top talents in town.

  How many people have cultivated to the Martial God Realm before the age of thirty!

  The reason why he was so embarrassed was because the mountain was too perverted.

   Many of them were young. They also participated in the festival.

   Therefore, know what's going on inside.

   "Who is this?"

   "I haven't seen it before. Judging by the clothes, it should be a foreigner."

   "This is too powerful, how did you do it?"

   "Who knows, but I'm sure it's a river dragon!"

   "You said, Ce Tianlu won't be taken away by a foreigner?"


  As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent for an instant.

  Because looking at it this way, there is really such a possibility!

  Things that have not been captured for so many years, were captured by an outsider.

  If this really happened, Ce Cheng would be really ashamed that day.

   "Probably not, isn't there third young master Lu who participated this time!"

   "Yes, yes, yes! There is still Lu Sanshao!"

   Mentioning Third Young Master Lu, everyone instantly rekindled their confidence!

   But then someone poured a basin of cold water.

   "By the way, where is Third Young Master Lu? Isn't there one in the sky?"

   "Will you go both ways?"

   "I kept looking just now, but I didn't see him."

   "Could it be that you didn't come?"

  For a while, everyone fell into entanglement again...

the other side.

   Didn't care about other people's reactions.

   After Fang Yi landed, he walked directly to Yixiantian's exit.

  He came here for only two purposes.

  Look for Jin Luo and look at Ce Tianlu.

   He is not interested in other things.

   Walking out of Yixiantian exit, Fang Yi immediately looked around.

   However, I looked around.

  Let alone Jin Luo, there was no one around.

  The exit of Yixiantian is located on the mountainside of the whole mountain.

  As before, there are three surrounding roads leading to the top of the mountain.

   glanced down the mountain,

  Same as behind, the people on both sides are also going up the mountain at this time.

   A group of people knew what was going on, and they crowded together tightly.

   It is impossible to see who is who inside.

   After thinking about it, Fang Yi continued up the mountain along the road in the middle.

  Decided to go up first to see what the so-called Ce Tianlu is.

  He will wait on it after a while, as long as Jin Luo is around.

  With the character of the other party, he must go to the top of the mountain.

  He just needs to find a place to hide and wait for the rabbit.

  To prevent the other party from sneaking away after seeing him.


   A minute later, Fang Yi stopped again.

  A snowflake fell from Fang Yi's eyes.

  Fang Yi raised his head and looked at the sky. It took only one breath for a heavy snowfall to fall from the sky.

   However, in other directions, it is a completely different weather.

  On the left side less than a hundred meters away, the dark clouds were closed, and the thunder continued.

   On the right is drifting heavy rain.

   And the place where I just walked before, the sun is shining brightly.

  A hill that covers an area of ​​no more than a kilometer.

   At one time, more than a dozen different kinds of weather appeared.

   Fang Yi continued to move forward, and soon encountered an abnormality again.

   With a flash of sight, one road suddenly turned into three.


  Fang Yi smiled, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he walked straight to the road on the right.



  Climbing to the top of the sky, the masked man immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

   Turned his head and glanced at the people who were still climbing the steps behind him, and left immediately.

   Just one line of sky wasted nearly ten minutes.

   This is far more than he originally intended.

   Originally, I wanted to save time, but now it seems that I might as well go both ways.

   Adjusted his mood, turned and left.

   After this, he has to hurry up!

   Soon, he passed through the heavy snow and encountered the same illusion as Fang Yi.

   Take out a colored gem and place it in front of your eyes.

  Through the jewel, the roads on the left and right sides of the line of sight suddenly disappeared.

   This is the magic spar.

  The ability to see through illusions was bought by him on the black market at a huge price.

   is to prevent encountering such problems.

   This is also the reason why he has the confidence to catch up with Fang Yi!

  Although Fang Yi's reaction speed is really abnormal.

  But he didn't believe it, the other party was just as powerful in other aspects.

   After all, no one is perfect.

   Hexagon warriors only exist in fiction and fantasy.

  But he prepared a lot of things for today's ceremony!

   Put away the magic spar and run along the middle road.


   All the way up, the excitement that I guessed that there was illusion, quickly fell.

  Because he didn't see Fang Yi on the way!

  I thought it would reduce the distance between the two parties.

   In the end, they still didn't see each other.

  I couldn't help but feel a gap again.

   Could it be that the other party is also proficient in illusion?

  Thinking of this, he immediately shook his head.

   Now is not the time to think about these things.

   It may just be that I have been on the front line for too long.

   There is still a distance to the top of the mountain, and I must not lose confidence!

  (end of this chapter)