MTL - Resurrection, Fortunately, I Can Wear the Heavens-Chapter 204 history

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The moment he saw this giant and the guy who claimed to be extremely dark, Chen Yu roughly understood the origin of this world.

After the giant died, it turned into this world.

Just like what Chen Yu said, it is impossible for an existence that can still retain a body and whose strength has reached the fairyland to completely disappear.

This world is the way this faerie creature, who walks with the stars, restores himself.

After allowing the world to develop freely to the point where it can reach the fairyland through the practice of star power, it is time for the giant to recover again.

At this time, the giant can not only recover completely, but because of the addition of a practice path of the Way of the Stars, his strength may be improved.

However, things always have accidents, and that is the birth of extremely dark.

After the stars are all destroyed, there will be extreme darkness, representing the final end and destruction.

Extreme darkness is his doom for the giant.

When the giant's own consciousness fell asleep, the extreme darkness corresponding to the stars was born naturally.

If Extremely Dark succeeds in cutting off the hope of the world's progress and making the world end with the destruction of the stars, then Extremely Dark can use the giant, including his way of stars, as nourishment, and become a brand-new fairyland creature in one fell swoop, walking the path of destruction.

However, the giant obviously also expected this. In a certain way, the giant restricted the extreme darkness to the original place, only allowing the world to evolve freely, and isolating the influence of extreme darkness on the world.

And Ji An was naturally not reconciled to this, and finally he found a certain method, that is, the God Resurrection Society.

The origin of the Fushen Society may be much earlier than what Chen Sicheng and the others knew.

It's just that it may not be called the Fushenhui in the past, but has a name such as "Original Shenhui". However, in a sense, what they worship is one goal, that is, the world itself.

Although extremely dark is weak, it is undoubtedly an existence with two sides of the giant. When the giant is conscious, extremely dark can naturally be suppressed by one finger, but now that the giant has fallen into silence, it is still unclear whether it can be revived.

In a sense, the extreme darkness replaced a certain personality of the giant.

In name, the Society of Resurrection worships the giant, that is, the true Lord of the Stars, but Ji An can rely on this connection to interfere in this world.

Chen Yu looked up at Ji An, and Chen Yu didn't respond positively to his question, "My identity? My growth trajectory in this world is not all here."

As he spoke, pictures appeared in front of Chen Yu, which were the historical traces he left in this world.

Chen Yu didn't evolve it himself. Chen Yu just retrieved the information related to himself recorded in the place where the world originated, and displayed it in the form of pictures.

Seeing the extreme darkness of this scene, he looked at Chen Yu meaningfully, "An aboriginal who was born and raised in this world, even if he came to this place, because of his own knowledge, even if he has the ability to mobilize this information, he would not realize I have this ability."

Chen Yu erased the picture with a wave of his hand, and recalled some historical information as if there was no one else present. It was about the original body of the Fushenhui, the source of the star map, and Mu Zhiwang, even the extremely dark information. have.

While accepting the information, he replied flatly, "It's up to you."

After seeing Chen Yu's actions, Ji An didn't stop him, even if there was his own message in it.

Maybe it was really too long to have communicated with other creatures, Ji An just glanced at the information Chen Yu read, and said to Chen Yu, "You cleaned up the high-level members of the Fushen Society, and even sent one of my descendants The body is gone, and I feel that you need to give me some compensation."

Chen Yu did not respond directly, but quietly browsed the information.

As Chen Yu had expected, Fushen would have many predecessors, such as the Salvation Society in the early days of mankind, the Illuminati and so on.

During the long period of worship of the Lord of the Stars, the Fushenhui can occasionally receive 'oracles', which are extremely dark messages.

In the course of human history, humans have been secretly obstructing the discovery of star power many times.

However, the decree issued by Ji secretly couldn't be so straightforward. It just said that this is the power of God, and mortals should not steal it.

Not only that, but in the other three places where life was born in the world, there is also primitive worship of the world.

But because the lives born in these three places are not human beings, but other species, one is a race similar to octopus in the ocean, one is a group of life like Zerg, and the other is silicon that is not flesh and blood. basic life.

They are accidental products in the natural evolution process of this world, and their biggest role is only to be used as a whetstone for human development.

At the beginning, even though the life forms in these three regions were much earlier than humans, Extreme Darkness did not pay much attention.

However, with the development of human society, star power was inevitably discovered.

At this time, Ji An suddenly thought that perhaps the life in the other three regions could be used to exterminate human beings.

Therefore, UU Reading began to worship the world through these three species, descending some power and exerting influence on it.

It is obviously impossible to directly control them, but it is still possible to let them discover the existence of human beings.

For Ji Dark, as long as he delays the time until the universe dies, it is his victory.

Even if human beings are reborn in other regions of the universe after their demise, it will take time to conceive.

However, in the dark, the founder of this world, that is, the giant, seemed to be aware of this scene.

Thus, the star map appeared.

The human beings who got the star map began to improve their strength like a rocket, and had the ability to protect themselves before the other three forces discovered the human beings.

Regarding the appearance of the star map, after some hesitation, Ji An did not stop it, because the road of the star map is a path of failure and has a limit.

And walking on a wrong path will undoubtedly waste more time.

This is also beneficial to extremely dark to some extent.

However, when humanity was about to reach its peak, Ji An felt that he needed to make a move.

After occupying the entire world, idle humans will inevitably want to break through the limit and study other paths.

Therefore, with the help of the belief of the Gods of Resurrection for countless years, the channel was forged.

Extreme darkness descended on the world. At that time, his name was Mu Zhiwang.

However, it is clear that Extreme Darkness is not capable of sweeping the entire human empire.

However, this is also within the extremely dark expectations. After all, this is not the arrival of his body, and it is already quite good to be able to achieve this level.

Besides, if it doesn't work once, then twice.

And Chen Ming is the second descendant of the extremely dark choice.

However, it is a pity that it was directly erased by Chen Yu before it could be used.