MTL - Resurrection, Fortunately, I Can Wear the Heavens-Chapter 19 palace test

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The imperial palace, the apse of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"What about the rest? What does your companion think?"

Eunuch Wang didn't shy away from it, shook his head and said directly, "The rest are at best just considered talents."

The emperor didn't mind at all, and said with a smile, "Haha, after all these years, my companion's eyes are still so high."

Eunuch Wang also smiled, "It's because of all these years that my vision has become higher and higher, isn't it?"

After all, he has stayed in the palace for more than a hundred years, and has seen dozens of rehearsals. He has never seen anyone or anything, or experienced anything.

In fact, whether it is the few senior officials in the dynasty, the few commanders in the army, or those people in the East Factory, most of them are his descendants.

Many of them were even excavated by him and recommended to the emperor just like today.

They are all under his watchful eyes, from the budding to the present stage, and he really doesn't pay much attention to ordinary talents.

Of course, the recommendation belongs to the recommendation, except for the emperor, other people will not know that the prince recommended them, even the prince himself will not publicize it, even if he is trusted by the emperors of all dynasties, he is also loyal to the emperor, but trust is will be worn out.

After you recommend talents, you turn around and tell those people yourself, what do you mean, you want to gather your own power?

And it is precisely because of this statement that Wang Gonggong has become one of the most trusted people of the emperors for so many years, and has been safe and sound in various liquidations.

Even as a grandmaster, in the palace, he cannot transcend this circle.

Even if you can really be invincible in the world, you won't be able to overwhelm everyone, unless you really have nothing to worry about in this world.

Thinking of this, Eunuch Wang thought of Chen Yu again. Although Chen Yu had a clean background, he seemed to be really alone at the moment.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony, the front hall, after all the candidates have arrived except for one candidate who was absent due to illness.

The emperor, who had been observing silently behind the screen, saw that the time was almost up, stood up and walked from the apse to the front hall.

The **** accompanying him shouted in a shrill voice, "The emperor is here."

After hearing this voice, everyone present was stunned, stood up and saluted the emperor.

Kneeling is not practiced within the girders, or in this martial arts world, apart from parents, there is no need to kneel to anyone else, even the emperor.

"Everyone who is a pillar of my great liang, please excuse me." The emperor's majestic voice came out.

Chen Yu stared at the Emperor Liang standing on the stage, with a majestic face, and from a distance, there was indeed a legendary majesty of the emperor.

Unlike the calm Chen Yu, the people next to him were a little excited and even trembling because it was the first time they saw the emperor so close.

This kind of performance is difficult for Chen Yu, who is in the later generations, to understand.

Chen Yu himself was more curious about the emperor, like, "The emperor, he is alive." This feeling.

Then the emperor said some scene words, probably to take the exam well, I hope each of you can have a good grade, and I hope that many leaders will make contributions in the future.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Chen Yu felt that the emperor seemed to glance at him before leaving.

Put these in the back of your mind, regardless of other things, the most important thing now is to deal with the palace exam in front of you.

After a while, an **** walked in holding a stack of test papers.

"Candidates, please note that the exam time is two hours. After the time is up, you must stop writing and hand in the paper, otherwise you will be treated as cheating."

After reading some more rules of the examination room, an **** struck a gong with a bronze gong.

"I announce next, the exam begins."

Then several eunuchs began to distribute test papers to all the candidates present.

In addition to a few eunuchs present, there were also some important officials of the imperial court who were here to invigilate the examination for the emperor.

After getting the test paper, Chen Yu looked at the question.

The questions and style of the palace examination are not fixed, it depends entirely on the emperor's own mind, sometimes it asks some specific questions for candidates to answer, sometimes it is a strategy question, analogy, it is roughly equivalent to the relationship between short answers and composition .

This year's exam question is a strategy question.

The title is a bit vague, let me write my opinion on some policies that Daliang has recently implemented, and propose some improvements.

This question belongs to the kind of question that anyone can write after reading the question, even an illiterate old farmer can say a thing or two, but it is difficult to write well.

However, this topic is extremely beneficial to Chen Yu who can look at ancient times with the eyes of future generations, and at the same time, because of his experience in this world, he has a considerable understanding of some policies implemented by the imperial court.

What's more, the books about ancient policies brought by Chen Yu have been deeply imprinted in his mind.

In Chen Yu's view, it can be said that this is already half of the question.

After thinking for a while, Chen Yu began to answer the questions and became the first person to write.

This caught the attention of several invigilators, UU Kanshu www. However, although they were curious, they only paid attention to Chen Yu, and did not step forward to disturb Chen Yu.

However, after discovering that Chen Yu was writing, the candidates next to Chen Yu seemed to be driven by Chen Yu, and they started to write in a hurry, and then it spread one by one, causing a chain reaction, and many people hadn't cleared their minds. They all started writing.

Seeing this, several important court officials who invigilated the exam frowned, feeling that the quality of this group of candidates was worrying, but fortunately, a few of them kept their own pace, and only started writing after their thoughts became clear.

Time tends to pass quickly when the mind is fully engaged.

Half a day passed by in a flash.

After the exam was over, some of the candidates present were overjoyed, while others let out a long sigh, but unlike after the general exam, no one was too sad and depressed.

After all, after passing the general examination, you will pass the palace examination, as long as what you write is not treasonous or insulting to the emperor, even if the content is mediocre or even sharp.

It's just that the rankings are different, divided into three, six, and nine ranks, but at the end there will be a title of Jinshi.

After handing in the test papers, the emperor did not show up again, which made some candidates feel a little pity.

Walking out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, under the guidance of a few eunuchs, the court invited all the tributes to have a meal in the palace in the name of the emperor.

After that, let Chen Yu and the others go back and wait for the results.

It was still the south gate of the palace. After Chen Yu walked out, he glanced behind and left on his own.

In the direction Chen Yu was staring at, the Innate Realm guarding the south gate of the palace was a little suspicious, "Has he noticed me?"
