MTL - Repairer-Chapter 473 living planet

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  Chapter 473 Life Planet

   For a whole sixty years, Su Xiaofan spent in endless darkness and loneliness.

  If it wasn't for the occasional communication between the system spirit and Su Xiaofan, Su Xiaofan really doesn't know if he can survive, although the spirit of the system has appeared less than ten times in the past sixty years.

  If it is in a place with energy refining, a sixty-year period is just a little longer in retreat, but here, time is really a kind of torture for Su Xiaofan.

   "Huh? So... is that light?"

   Just when Su Xiaofan's sanity became a little confused, through the flying magic weapon, Su Xiaofan suddenly found that there seemed to be a ray of light in front of him.

  Staying in the dark for too long, Su Xiaofan's eyes narrowed suddenly, even so, he was blind for a moment, but Su Xiaofan still didn't want to close his eyes, for fear that the glimmer of light was his own illusion.

   "That's right, it's light!"

   After a while, Su Xiaofan's eyesight gradually recovered. After all, although this strange space deprived and suppressed his spiritual thoughts and physical cultivation, Su Xiaofan was still much stronger than ordinary people.

  At this moment, Su Xiaofan actually felt tears welling up in his eyes. Anyone who walks alone in the dark for decades will probably collapse in despair. Even a glimmer of light can bring Su Xiaofan infinite hope.

  And this bright light is still slowly expanding, allowing Su Xiaofan to gradually see the scene outside.

   " is the universe starry sky?"

  Su Xiaofan can clearly see that in a super far place, there is a star-like planet, just like the sun of the earth, emitting light and heat.

   And Su Xiaofan's flying instrument was guided by a force of gravity, and flew towards a very huge planet.

  The reason why he uses the word "huge" to describe it is that Su Xiaofan can't see the whole picture of that planet. At this moment, the flying magic weapon seems to have entered the orbit of the planet, and is being pulled by the planet's gravity, and is constantly falling down.

   "Is this another dimensional space?"

  In this place, Su Xiaofan can't feel any laws of the universe at all, and what is diffused around is still the kind of energy that can harm the body.

   Except for the starry sky and light, everything else seems to be the same as when you first entered here. It is still not suitable for cultivators to practice and survive.

  And the closer to that planet, the more serious the suppression and shackles of this space on Su Xiaofan, like Su Xiaofan's divine sense, is firmly imprisoned in the sea of ​​consciousness, and even the inner vision cannot be achieved.

  The secret door can be seen with divine sense, but the secret door also seems to be sealed, and the cursors inside are all gray.

  Actually, Su Xiaofan was unable to open the secret door when he was on that weird planet outside, and he had long since lost his greatest support.

   "This should be a living planet."

  Su Xiaofan discovered that when he entered the orbit of the planet, the gas he inhaled between his chest and abdomen was actually somewhat similar to the earth. Su Xiaofan didn't know if it was oxygen, but with the existence of the atmosphere, life could definitely be derived.

  Besides, looking down from a high altitude, the scene below also made Su Xiaofan feel somewhat familiar, with green mountains and green waters, dense jungles, and blue ocean.

  Water is the most important factor for the birth of life. The topography of this planet made Su Xiaofan more and more sure of his thoughts.

   "Is there smoke here?"

  When Su Xiaofan's flying magic weapon was slowly falling, Su Xiaofan saw, without accident, that at the foot of a certain forest, there were bursts of cooking smoke rising.

   "Am I returning to human society?"

   At this moment, Su Xiaofan really burst into tears, because he has had such a difficult life in the past few decades.

  Normal people can’t stand confinement for three to five days, and it can drive people crazy after half a month. And the place of confinement is not dark.

  But Su Xiaofan was confined in the dark space of the flying magic weapon for sixty years. If he hadn't had a firm heart, he would have killed himself long ago.

  After experiencing the despair that life would be worse than death, Su Xiaofan realized that it feels really good to be able to return to human society again.

  Even if the people below are not the main body of human society, Su Xiaofan is satisfied as long as he can see a living creature. He is really scared by the loneliness and coldness.

   "Huh? What's going on?"

  Su Xiaofan, who was originally excited while sitting in the flying magic weapon, suddenly showed a trace of doubt on his face, because at this moment, a throbbing suddenly flashed in his heart.

  After being unable to use his divine sense, Su Xiaofan's sensitivity to external affairs has dropped to the lowest point, and he no longer has the previous ability to sense crises.

  But this throbbing in his heart doesn't seem to be dangerous, it's just that Su Xiaofan has just spent more than 60 years in the dark, and he hasn't realized what's going on for a while.

   "Clone, my clone is here?!"

  The seal of divine sense seems to have degraded Su Xiaofan's thinking a lot. After thinking for a while with a confused face, Su Xiaofan finally came to his senses.

  The clone is separated from Su Xiaofan's blood essence. Even in this place where the laws of the universe have been completely changed, as long as he and the clone are in the same dimension, Su Xiaofan can still feel the existence of the clone.

  Su Xiaofan also finally knew why he couldn't summon his clone back when he was outside, it was because he was trapped here long before him.

   "Why is the clone also sucked into the black hole?"

  Su Xiaofan is now full of doubts. At the beginning, he sensed the existence of a double body on that planet. Is there any connection between this strange black hole and that planet?

  Su Xiaofan came to his exclusive secret realm this time just to find his avatar, who knew that he couldn't find the avatar, he almost died, and was finally trapped in this black hole space.

Over the past few decades, Su Xiaofan has long given up the idea of ​​looking for a clone, but he did not realize that the clone appeared by himself. Su Xiaofan doesn't know whether he should cry or laugh now. This deity has finally completed his search. Avatar task.

   "Find the avatar first, then you will know what the **** this is."

  In addition, one year after entering the black hole space, Su Xiaofan lost contact with the avatar for almost two hundred years. In these two hundred years, the avatar must have encountered many things.

  But it is different from being in the universe, in the universe or chaotic space, as long as he is in the same dimensional space as the clone, Su Xiaofan can immediately sense everything that happens on the clone.

   But here, the effect of divine thoughts is suppressed to the lowest point, even if the avatar is formed by the essence and blood of Su Xiaofan, before the avatar is fused, Su Xiaofan doesn't know what the avatar has encountered.

  However, it is not so easy to find the clone, because Su Xiaofan can roughly sense that the distance between the clone and himself should not be close.

  Unable to use divine thoughts and mana, the current Su Xiaofan is basically an ordinary person with a strong body, running on his legs, and he doesn't know when he will find his clone.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaofan stretched out his hand to operate the flying magic weapon. Sixty years before entering the black hole space, Su Xiaofan turned off the power system of the magic weapon, in order to be able to turn off the power system of the flying magic weapon. A power stone is saved.

   I have to say that Su Xiaofan's move has finally paid off.

  The flying magic weapon that Su Xiaofan bought in the original star world before was manufactured with reference to the technology of the civilized star system, and it is not completely a face tool product.

  So in addition to using divine thoughts to control, you can also manually operate it, otherwise Su Xiaofan might not even be able to get out if the divine thoughts cannot control the magic weapon.

  When the power system of the magic weapon was turned on again, the magic weapon that had been falling to the ground regained its balance, changed direction in the air, and flew forward quickly.

   "This power stone is quite suitable here..."

  Looking at the data about power consumption on the screen in front of him, Su Xiaofan heaved a sigh of relief, the energy stone he got on that strange planet is very extraordinary.

  If it is only used as the power source of the magic weapon, as long as the extreme speed state is not turned on, these five energy stones can support the magic weapon to fly for thousands of years without being exhausted.

  For this strange place, Su Xiaofan still reported the utmost vigilance, and manipulated the magic weapon to fly in the towering clouds far away from the ground, so that he could avoid many flying creatures.

Yes, Su Xiaofan has already discovered that there are indeed flying creatures here. Su Xiaofan has seen several of the unknown birds with a wingspan of nearly 100 meters, but he can't use his spiritual sense, and Su Xiaofan can't figure out their strength. Weak background.

  From the feeling, Su Xiaofan doesn't think those giant birds can break through the defense of the magic weapon, on the contrary, the offensive weapons that come with the magic weapon may be able to hunt them down.

  But now Su Xiaofan is adhering to a principle, that is, until he finds his clone and understands this place, he will never cause trouble.

   What's more, both defense and attack will consume energy, Su Xiaofan doesn't want to consume the few remaining energy stones.

You know, when you can't refine the aura of heaven and earth, and you don't know the rules of this world, you can use foreign objects to supplement the energy stones consumed by your body, which is very precious. If you don't want to find a clone, Su Xiaofan will not start flying magic weapon.

  Flying above the sky also has a little advantage, that is, you can have a panoramic view of the scenery below, and you can also learn more about this strange continent.

  From the visual point of view, Su Xiaofan found that this place, no matter the mountains, rivers and vegetation, seems to be much taller and more lush than the earth.

  Just the kind of towering peaks, Su Xiaofan discovered hundreds of them after flying for a few days. According to Su Xiaofan's estimation, these peaks are at least as high as about 10,000 meters.

  The other thing is the plants growing on the ground. The green plants here are very dense. Looking down from the air, many places are lush and lush, completely covering the ground.

  And some big trees give Su Xiaofan the feeling that they are like magic blood trees. They plunge straight into the sky from the ground, and the canopy of a big tree can cover an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers.

   "The weird energy that corrodes my body is an energy that can promote growth for the plants here."

  Seeing this, Su Xiaofan had a little understanding in his heart, and at the same time he couldn't help becoming nervous. This is not good news for him.

   On such a planet full of vitality, creatures from other worlds must exist. Let alone whether those creatures are powerful or not, just because they can cultivate through the energy here, they are inherently stronger than Su Xiaofan.

  One is eroded by energy, and the other is able to use energy to evolve. It goes without saying which one is stronger and weaker.

   "The avatar has lived here for so many years without incident. Maybe there are no too powerful creatures here."

  Su Xiaofan can only comfort himself in this way, but he knows in his heart that without the biggest support of cultivation, the avatar is not only struggling, but he probably won't do well.

  (end of this chapter)