MTL - Repairer-Chapter 406 Hunting the Fire Dragon Beast (Part 1)

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   "Mei vase?"

  Looking at the shape of this bottle, Su Xiaofan blurted out, with a big belly and a small mouth, this thing is somewhat similar to the plum vase on the earth.

   "What plum vase?"

   Venerable Huotian was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, "I am called the Great Sacred Vase of Sumeru Vajra, which can hold the sea and the river, and its power is unmatched..."

   Venerable Huotian bragged about the bottle he made, but he did everything he could to refine the container, which can be regarded as the pinnacle of his refining.

   "Okay, what kind of Sumeru Vajra or aquarium is this, let's see if it can hold fire poison first!"

  Su Xiaofan coughed, this thing doesn't look very good, but it blows quite loudly, if it explodes when it contains fire poison, it will be a good look.

  Thinking of this, Su Xiaofan quietly backed up a hundred meters to avoid unreasonable disasters.

   "Hmph, you can say that my cultivation is mediocre, but you must never look down on my refining skill!"

   Venerable Huotian snorted coldly, threw the plum bottle into the air, and then played a few magic formulas.

   "That's it? Can't be controlled with spiritual consciousness?"

  Su Xiaofan curled his lips, his fire gourd was directly manipulated with spiritual thoughts, and the comparison made it clear.

  Following Venerable Huotian's spell, the plum vase, which was originally only more than ten centimeters high, suddenly swelled in size, and transformed into a shape that was more than thirty meters high in the air.

  Flying to the bottom of Huoshaoyun, the mouth of the bottle with a diameter of almost three meters suddenly appeared a suction force, sucking the fire poison in the air into the bottle.

  The Huoshaoyun in the sky suddenly surged, thick clouds poured into the bottle, and the surrounding fire poison kept gathering here. Swarmed towards the plum vase.

   "How about it, my treasure bottle must contain more than your gourd."

   Venerable Huotian also retreated to Su Xiaofan's side at this moment, the poisonous fire was surging over there, if a point fell, Venerable Huotian would have to walk around without food.

   "Well, it's not bad, it can be big or small!"

  Su Xiaofan nodded, but he didn't find out whether the fire gourd can become bigger, and he didn't pay attention to it when he refined it before, that is, when he absorbed the fire poison just now, he discovered the folding space and compression function inside.

  Not to mention anything else, the plum vase refined by Venerable Huotian can absorb fire poison much faster than Su Xiaofan's fire gourd, and the turbulent appearance is very imposing.

  Su Xiaofan and Venerable Huotian were not in a hurry. They stayed in the distance and watched the vase absorb the fire poison. Venerable Huotian smiled. After seeing the power of the fire poison, he was not stingy with the top-quality materials.

  Half an hour passed, and suddenly, Su Xiaofan found that the speed at which the plum bottle absorbed the fire poison seemed to have slowed down.

   "Is this full?"

  Su Xiaofan looked at Venerable Huotian, although the plum vase absorbed faster than the fire gourd, but the fire poison contained in it in half an hour was definitely not as much as the fire gourd.


   Venerable Huotian shook his head, and confidently played out a few formulas, increasing the suction of the vase.

  But after Venerable Huotian cast out the formula, the vase trembled in the air, and the shape of the bottle was actually changing.

  As if something was about to be flushed out of the bottle, the smooth body of the bottle bulged outward from time to time.

   "Damn it, no!"

   Venerable Huotian's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly issued several spells, but this time he did not absorb the poison of fire, but sprayed out the poison of fire from the mouth of the bottle.

   It wasn't until the fire poison was sprayed out for about ten minutes that the treasure bottle in mid-air stopped shaking, and the changes in the bottle body also subsided slowly.

   "Brother Huotian, what's going on?"

  Su Xiaofan swears, he really didn't mean to add fuel to the flames, Su Xiaofan really didn't understand what happened just now.

   "The absorbed fire poison is a bit too much, this treasure bottle can't bear it."

   Venerable Huotian's old face was red, and he blew up the vase to the sky just now, but he slapped himself before turning his face away.

  Compared to the fire gourd that directly escaped into the fire cloud to absorb the fire poison, Venerable Huotian felt that his vase was rubbish.

  Of course, this is the damage caused by comparison. In this universe, there are not many practitioners who can refine fire and poison containers.

   Venerable Huotian wanted Su Xiaofan to refine a fire gourd for him at the moment, but he couldn't open his mouth.

  Besides, the empty spirit stone is gone, and the materials for re-refining the container are not complete. Venerable Huo Tian felt that Su Xiaofan had no choice.

   Venerable Huotian was obviously very careful when he took back that vase of Xumi, and he couldn't guarantee whether the container he refined would explode because he couldn't bear the power of the fire poison.

   "They are all artifacts refined from top-quality materials, why are mine not as good as his?"

   Putting the Sumeru Vase into the storage ring, Venerable Huotian was very unwilling. He has been refining weapons for millions of years, and he is still a fire attribute cultivator, and he is not as good as a rookie golden fairy.

   It's just that Venerable Huotian didn't know that Su Xiaofan didn't know how to refine weapons at all, and the objects produced by the system's refining pool are beyond his reach.

   "Brother Huotian, let's go to the fire cave, hurry up and kill the fire dragon beast to dig the gold dust."

  Su Xiaofan yelled: "I'm about to die of poverty, if I don't dig for gold dust, my secret door is still far away..."

   "Okay, let's go to the fire cave first."

  The corner of Venerable Huotian's mouth twitched, the fire dragon beast is not so easy to hunt, with just the two of them, it is almost as good as being killed by the fire dragon beast.

   Venerable Huotian corrected his direction, and the two left in the air. Four or five hours later, Venerable Huotan stopped.

   "Over there is the fire cave..."

   Venerable Huotian pointed to it and said: "Thirty miles ahead, there is a cave, which is the world of fire, and the fire dragon beast lives in it."

   "Thirty miles?"

  Su Xiaofan looked at Venerable Hotan, "It's still thirty miles away, why are we stopping here?"

  "The fire dragon beast has a strong sense of territory, and it will be attacked by them if it is close to a range of thirty miles."

   Venerable Huotian smiled wryly. Like the Fire Mosquito, the Fire Dragon Beast is a creature that can fly into the sky, and its speed is extremely fast.

   There are several forbidden places for cultivators in this great secret realm of Yanyang. The fire forest with fire mosquitoes and this fire cave are all among the forbidden places.

  In the past, Venerable Huotian came to Yanyang Secret Realm to search for materials, and always avoided these places. If Su Xiaofan insisted on coming, he would never have thought of coming to this fire cave at all.

   "Then if we stay here, we won't be able to attract the Fire Dragon Beast."

  Su Xiaofan could see that Venerable Huotian didn't intend to hunt the fire dragon beast at all, and bringing himself here was just a formality.

Cultivators from all realms of the universe, in this great secret realm, their spiritual sense can only view a range of several kilometers at most, which is 15,000 kilometers within thirty miles. The hair of the fire dragon beast can't be seen.

   "Ahem, we can wait, sometimes sect cultivators will come to hunt the fire dragon beast."

   Venerable Huotian felt a little embarrassed by his old face. At the beginning, he had uttered big words and wanted to bring Su Xiaofan to hunt the fire dragon beast, but now he retreated, which is a bit unreasonable.

   "Then just wait."

Su Xiaofan saw that Venerable Huotian was so afraid of the fire dragon beast, so he didn't say much, he wanted to observe for a while before saying, Venerable Huotian's spiritual sense can't reach the fire cave, but Su Xiaofan's spiritual sense has already extended to the past .

  Passing through the 10,000-meter magma, Su Xiaofan's divine sense saw that the terrain in front of him sank suddenly, and a pothole covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters appeared on the ground.

  In that pit, magma flowed like a river, forming a fire cave like an underground river.

  The temperature in the fire cave is higher than the ground, and Su Xiaofan's divine sense seems to be ignited in it.

   "Huh? That's the Charmander?"

  Su Xiaofan suddenly saw a huge figure rolling in the magma, only the back was exposed, and it was more than ten meters long.

  When Su Xiaofan's divine sense penetrated deep into the magma, he finally saw the whole picture of the fire dragon beast clearly.

   "Shouldn't this Nima be called a fire pig?"

  When Su Xiaofan saw the appearance of the fire dragon beast clearly, he couldn't help being speechless for a while.

  He originally thought that the Fire Dragon Beast had a python-like body, horns on its head, and four claws on its body. At least one of them must be similar to dragons on Earth, right?

  But the Fire Dragon Beast that appeared in Su Xiaofan's spiritual thoughts has a round body, big ears and a long mouth, with a pair of fangs growing around the mouth. It looks at least 70% similar to wild boars on the earth.

  The only difference from pigs is that these fire dragon beasts have a pair of fiery red wings on both sides of their backs. This may be why Venerable Huotian said that fire dragon beasts can fly.

  In addition, the size of a creature like a fire dragon beast is much larger than that of a wild boar. Its body length alone is nearly 30 meters, and its height is more than 10 meters.

   It is also thanks to the fact that the underground river is as wide as a lake, otherwise the herd of fire dragons that appeared and disappeared at that time would not be able to survive here at all.

  That's right, after Su Xiaofan's divine sense penetrated into the magma, he at least saw dozens of fire dragon beasts.

  These dragon beasts vary in size, but the smallest one is more than ten meters long, so it should be the young one among the fire dragon beasts.

   "This thing is really hard to kill..."

  Although he was observing the Fire Dragon Beast with his divine sense, Su Xiaofan still saw how tough this Fire Dragon Beast was. With its thick skin alone, Su Xiaofan was not sure how to break through its defense.

   Moreover, Su Xiaofan can tell that the fire dragon beasts seem to be very satisfied with the living environment of the crypt, they don't even want to go to the entrance of the crypt, and live comfortably in the lake of fire.

   Among them, there are some fire dragon beasts, as if they are opening up their living environment, they are constantly hitting the rocks in the cave.

  Those rocks don’t know what material they are made of. There is no mild problem when resisting the height of the lake of fire, but once they are hit by the fire dragon beast and broken into pieces and fall into the lake, they are instantly vaporized.

   "Brother Huotian, how did you kill the fire dragon last time?"

   While observing the situation in the fire cave with his spiritual sense, Su Xiaofan casually chatted with Venerable Huotian.

   "First set up the formation, and then introduce the fire dragon beast into the formation."

   Venerable Huotian discussed the situation at that time, "When the fire dragon beast was trapped, more than a dozen practitioners from our division took action together to quickly kill the fire dragon beast..."

   Speaking of the battle that killed the Fire Dragon Beast, Venerable Huhotan's expression became uneasy.

   When they were superior in numbers and cultivation, they besieged the trapped Fire Dragon Beast, and even suffered two deaths and eight serious injuries. The strength of the berserk Fire Dragon Beast was far beyond their imagination.

   "Just the two of us, I guess we can't even break through the fire dragon's defense."

   Venerable Huotian smiled wryly. He was really not trying to destroy his prestige. He was telling the truth. At least the attack of Venerable Huotian back then was to open a two-finger-long **** on the Fire Dragon Beast.

  At that time, it was the Daluo Jinxian of their sect, who expended his cultivation base to sacrifice his natal flying sword, which had been accumulated for millions of years, and pierced it into the skull from the mouth of the fire dragon beast, and it was considered to kill the Thunder Mountain.

   "Can't break through the defense?" Hearing the words of Venerable Huotian, Su Xiaofan felt a little helpless.

  In terms of attack, Su Xiaofan is much stronger than Venerable Huotian, but he is probably much worse than Da Luo Jinxian, it is difficult to kill the fire dragon beast with one blow.

   "Da Luo, didn't the Da Luo cultivators also get beaten to death by me?"

  Thinking of Da Luo Jinxian, Su Xiaofan's heart suddenly moved, "Brother Huotian, you... you said that using fire poison, can you kill the fire dragon beast?"

  At the beginning when the fire burned Daluo, and then when the fire subsided to the fire mosquito, Su Xiaofan found that the fire poison was really powerful, maybe it could also deal with the pig-like fire dragon beast.

   "This, it is possible."

  Hearing Su Xiaofan's words, Venerable Huotian's eyes lit up involuntarily.

  Fire poison is an extremely special existence in the Yanyang Great Secret Realm.

  Fire poison was born in the magma that never goes out all the year round and occupies more than 95% of the secret realm, but there is an essential difference between fire poison and fire itself.

  Fire poison has the attribute of fire, but its toxicity is countless times higher than that of the fire attribute. The poison can burn a big Luo cultivator to nothing but a skeleton in a short period of time.

  Thinking of Huo Mosquito's behavior of avoiding Huo Poison, Su Xiaofan feels that this thing is just as good against Huo Duo Beast.

  If the fire dragon beast can be ignited, wouldn't it be a delicious barbecue? Su Xiaofan, who hadn't eaten barbecue for a long time, almost drooled after thinking of that scene.

   "I can arrange the formation to trap the Fire Dragon Beast, but I guess it can only imprison the Fire Dragon Beast for 30 breaths at most!"

   Venerable Huotian thought for a long time before he said: "Whether we want to kill the fire dragon beast or burn it to death, we have to do it within these thirty breaths..."

   "If the fire poison can break through the defense of the fire dragon beast, we may not be able to kill it!"

  Su Xiaofan still wanted to give it a try. A trip to Yanyang Secret Realm would be fine, but if they don’t kill a fire dragon beast, they won’t get the ambergris they need.

   "It's done, I'll set up the formation first!"

  How can Venerable Huotian be a coward who can become a venerable in the universe and a handful of top figures? After thinking for a while, he finally decided to try to hunt the fire dragon beast.

  However, Venerable Huotian said that the arrangement of the array was not arranged within the range of tens of miles, but he wanted to retreat more than a hundred kilometers, far away from the fire cave.

   "The fire dragon beasts must be lured away, otherwise, if all the fire dragon beasts rush out of the fire cave, we may not even have a chance to escape. It will be easier for us to escape if we are farther away."

  Compared to Su Xiaofan, Venerable Huotan's operations are much more sophisticated. Before he even started hunting the fire dragon beast, he had already found a way to escape.