MTL - Repairer-Chapter 16 gossip mirror

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  Chapter 16 Bagua Mirror

   "In all Jingxintang branches across the country, there are no more than ten magical artifacts in total?"

  Hearing Jing Shizhen's words, both Su Xiaofan and Zheng Dagang were stunned.

   These words were really beyond the expectation of the two of them, especially Zheng Dagang. According to his thinking, Jingxintang is one of the best antique chain stores in the domestic antique industry, and can easily produce 800 pieces of magical artifacts.

   "So I said you don't understand anything, you two come in with me."

  Jing Shizhen got up and walked to the inner hall, saying: "Old Yuan, I don't see any guests in the inner hall today, so you can greet outside if you have something to do."

   "Yes, Brother Jing, don't worry if I'm watching you outside." Lao Yuan agreed.

   "This is where I entertain guests."

   Walking into the inner hall, it is also a space like a living room. The most conspicuous thing is still a tea table.

Su Xiaofan's eyesight is not bad, he can see that this should be a tea table made of gloomy wood and gold silk, because at first glance, the tea table seems to be completely black, but when viewed from another angle under the light, the tea table shows With a touch of golden color, he concentrated his attention on observing it, and sure enough, [Gloomy golden silk wood, irreparable!] appeared in his mind! 】The words.

   "This object was collected from Yunnan Province in the early years. At that time, the material was irregular, so I made a tea table. Now such a large material is hard to find."

Seeing Su Xiaofan staring at the tea table, Jing Shizhen talked about the origin of the tea table, and Su Xiaofan clicked his tongue. He knew the price of Jinsinnan, and a string of ordinary gloomy wooden bracelets cost several thousand. The gloomy wood Jinsinan even started at 10,000 yuan, and if such a large tea table was sold, it would probably cost at least tens of millions.

   "Uncle Jing, there are not many antiques in your store."

Su Xiaofan said what he wanted to ask a long time ago, although this is an antique shop, there are really not many items on display, and Su Xiaofan has just looked at the items in the outer hall, eight of the ten items are modern. As for the handicrafts, the remaining two pieces are not very old, they are both from the late Qing Dynasty.

   “The good stuff is in the bank safe.”

  Su Xiaofan is Zheng Dagang's friend, and Jing Shizhen doesn't treat him like an outsider, and he has a good impression of Su Xiaofan. This young man doesn't talk much, so he talks very casually with Su Xiaofan.

   "Our banks in every city have a safe business, and generally valuables are placed there."

Jing Shizhen smiled and said: "It's also a coincidence that a client wants to see the real objects tomorrow, so I brought back these two magical artifacts, and you two came to the door. It is very troublesome for you to look at them normally, and Lao Yuan didn't bother to see them." Permission, you need to make an appointment with me in advance."

   "Uncle Jing, there are no items in this store, how do customers choose items? And it's so troublesome to make an appointment every time to go to the bank to pick them up."

  Although Su Xiaofan has been in the antique market for several years, Su Xiaofan's level is too low, and he doesn't understand the operation of these big antique shops.

   "This is not easy. Although we are in the antique business, we must keep pace with the times."

  Jing Shizhen laughed when he heard the words, pointed to an iPad on the tea table, and said, "Look at the tablet, it's all photos taken of the real thing, from various angles, and can be zoomed in and out, which is clearer than looking at the real thing."

Jing Shizhen laughed, and said: "Our customer base is relatively stable, most of them are regular customers, or they are introduced by regular customers, with strong purchase intentions, and they all come to buy things in a targeted manner. They propose to see the goods. Basically, they will be bought, and tossing back and forth in the bank safe rarely happens..."

Hearing Jing Shizhen's explanation, Su Xiaofan finally understood that if he dared to do business with peace of mind, he still had to pick customers. Customers without strength probably just sat in the store drinking tea and looking at the pictures on the tablet. Looking at the real thing, it must be an old customer or a guest introduced by an old customer.

   "Gangzi, you and Xiaofan wait here."

  Jing Shizhen did not stay in the inner hall, but pushed open a door, Zheng Dagang and Su Xiaofan stood still, obviously further inside was where the guests stayed.

   "I went in, there is a safe inside."

  Zheng Dagang pointed to the door, "In fact, there are still some good things in the store, all of which are in the safe, but the top-notch items must be in the bank."

   "I'm here today, just to see the magic weapon." Su Xiaofan said expectantly.

   "Xiaofan, brother, I'm sorry, we can't do this magic weapon business." Jing Shizhen was away, Zheng Dagang apologized to Su Xiaofan again.

"Brother Gang, didn't Uncle Jing say that we can't do the magic weapon business ourselves, but we can introduce it to Uncle Jing, and this magic weapon is also made of ordinary utensils, right? We can also try to find the source of the goods. Some instruments to sell."

   Su Xiaofan really doesn't care much about whether he can start a magic weapon business, and the repair value in his mind can identify the magic weapon, maybe he can really get the magic weapon in his hand.

   "The magic weapon is not made by a craftsman, so don't think about it."

As soon as Su Xiaofan finished speaking, Jing Shizhen's voice rang out, "There are some things that you can't understand now, but you have to understand one thing, that is, magical artifacts are not so easy to come across, and if you encounter them, you will probably sell them just now. The kind, so you two brothers don’t even think about it.”

Following the words, Jing Shizhen came out from the inner room, holding a tray covered with flannelette with her hands that were free at the moment, and there were two objects on the tray, Su Xiaofan was far away, only seeing a black palm The size of the object, the other is a round thing like a cover.

   "Come on, come and take a look, this is the real magic weapon, put on your gloves and look."

  Jing Shizhen came to the tea table with a tray, and greeted the two of them. Zheng Dagang and Su Xiaofan hurried over, and each grabbed a pair of white gloves on the table.

   "Uncle Jing, this is an ancient mirror, right? Is this thing a bell?"

After Zheng Dagang saw the things on the tray clearly, he couldn't help saying: "I also have the ancient mirror, engraved with a gossip pattern is a magic weapon? If you want it, Uncle Jing, I can take thirty or fifty of them. This is also an algorithm." device?

  In addition, this bell is also very common. Isn’t it just the wind chimes hanging on many Buddhist pagodas? "

   "I don't like talking to you kid, I'm ignorant and talk so much nonsense."

Jing Shizhen glared at Zheng Dagang angrily, and said, "This gossip mirror is a magic weapon for town houses. It can fix Fengshui and block evil spirits. It is a rare defensive magic weapon. I dare say that in China, few people can do it." Take it out better than this.

As for the bell, it is indeed a wind chime, also known as a divination wind chime, which can also be used for divination in ancient times, but it is different from the wind chimes of the Buddhist pagodas you mentioned. Injury to the enemy, this defense and attack, if hung in the house, can keep the home safe, and no filthy yin can be corroded. "

   "Uncle Jing, do you also read novels, old man?"

Hearing Jing Shizhen's words, Zheng Dagang looked at him strangely, and said: "There is no evil spirit in this world, they are all made up in novels, Uncle Jing, do you believe it? By the way, there are indeed people who believe it, otherwise How can these items be sold?"

   "I...I don't need to talk nonsense with you, I like to watch, if I don't, get out."

Rao Jing Shizhen was well-bred, but he was also very angry at Zheng Dagang's eccentric words. He put the tray in front of Su Xiaofan and ignored the two of them. He didn't know how to take out these two precious instruments, but unexpectedly he was ridiculed by this kid.

   "Uncle Jing, don't be angry."

  Zheng Dagang took a look at the two objects, and leaned in front of Jing Shizhen, "Uncle Jing, to be honest, I'll collect these things for you. If I collect them, do you want them?"

   In Zheng Dagang’s opinion, although bronze mirrors on the market are not very common, you can still find them if you want to find them. It’s just a matter of quality.

  As for the wind chime, Zheng Dagang didn’t dare to pick the wind chime of Baima Temple, but there are many temples in Luochuan, and some temples with poor incense, you can buy them with a little money.

   "Get out!"

  Although she knew she couldn't get angry with this bastard, Jing Shizhen's face flushed with anger, and the two magical artifacts he had worked so hard to obtain became popular goods everywhere in Zheng Dagang's mouth.

  Jing Shizhen stood up and was about to pick up the tray, and suddenly woke up Su Xiaofan who was standing there holding the bronze mirror in a daze.

   "Uncle Jing, wait, I'll take another look." Su Xiaofan hastily stopped Jing Shizhen, he had just finished looking at the bronze mirror engraved with gossip patterns, and he hadn't had time to look at the bell yet.

  【Repair value: 8 points! 】

  【Bagua mirror, a low-level incomplete magic weapon, can be repaired, needs 3 repair points, do you want to repair it? 】

   "No repair!" Su Xiaofan replied in his mind.

  The information displayed by the bronze mirror clearly appeared in Su Xiaofan's mind, which also made Su Xiaofan stunned, because this information made Su Xiaofan have an extra question.

  The gossip pattern on this gossip mirror is clear, and there is not even a copper rust on it. It looks good, and there is nothing broken at all. Why is it like my dragon-shaped jade pendant, showing incomplete magical artifacts? Where is it missing?

Moreover, although the Eight Diagrams Mirror is a low-level magic weapon, its level is lower than that of my mid-level dragon-shaped jade pendant, but it is cheaper to repair it. It only needs 3 points of repair value, compared with the 50-point repair value of the dragon-shaped jade pendant. It's the same as the big discount, if this is his own thing, Su Xiaofan probably will use up the repair value immediately.

   Afraid that Jing Shizhen would take these two instruments away, Su Xiaofan quickly picked up the bell the size of a baby's fist, looked intently, and the information about the bell also appeared in his mind.

   Here, I would like to thank my friends for their rewards and votes.

As the old saying goes, there is no one hundred days to be successful, and no one to be happy for a thousand days. I have been writing books for more than ten years. I am really happy to meet old friends and make new ones. I write carefully. Take your time and thank you for your support. !



  (end of this chapter)