MTL - Reincarnated in the Alternate World, I’m A Demonic Lord as Well as a Villager-Chapter 73 Virgin of Fata

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  Chapter 73 The Holy Maiden of Fata

San Karno City, a super city on the mainland of Ireland, is located in the center of the mainland of Ireland, on a vast plain, surrounded by green hills and green trees, emerald green hills, all things are alive, and have an incomparable affinity between man and nature An atmosphere of harmony with various races.

  The most influential San Karno Academy, the base camp of the Adventurer's Guild, the diplomatic headquarters of the elves, the Human Knights Association, the headquarters of the Goblin Union... Various forces can be found in the stalwart city of San Karno.

   San Carno City is recognized as the most prosperous place on the entire continent, and it is also a city that every race on this continent yearns for.

   On this continent, San Carno can be said to be one of the safest cities. As long as the sky doesn't fall, you can be kept safe here.

  Just because the pagoda, which symbolizes the highest magical power in the entire continent, is located on the outskirts of the southeast corner of St. Karl City.

As the place with the most magical atmosphere on this continent and the longest history of magic, Fata is not only a dream place for every magician to study, but also a place for cultivating orthodox magicians that every kingdom prays for. Academy, the most indispensable and powerful force against the devil.

  Whether it is to contribute high-quality magicians to the brave team in the crusade against the devil, or use oracle to find the prince of the devil when the devil is not yet formed, the power of the magic tower should not be underestimated.

  The 45th demon king Mike Ansel, the powerful demon king who once led the demons to counterattack the human kingdom, when facing the Fata, his evaluation of Fata is as follows:

  If the city we are attacking is San Karno, which has the shelter of Fata, then I will allow my Demon Lord Army to become deserters.

  The body of the Fata is a towering minaret, which is one of the landmark buildings of San Karno.

   It is rumored that the pagoda has been standing on the mainland for thousands of years. The appearance of the pagoda is dark purple, with a faint tendency to flow. From a distance, it seems that the whole pagoda is lingering with magic.

   It is said that the goddess of magic comprehended the true meaning of magic in this tower, and thus became the existence of the original source of magic, turning into every ray of magic breath, floating on this continent.

  Inside the pagoda, a girl in a dark magician's suit walked up the stairs slowly, stepping on the stairs with knee-high boots, making a crisp sound.

  The girl's long black hair brushed gently behind her waist, and the tips of her hair trembled slightly as she walked. Even though she was wearing a looser magician's suit, she could still vaguely see the girl's tall figure.

  The legs are straight, the waist is slender, the chest is slightly raised, and the neck is as thin as a goose.

  A ray of sunlight pouring in from the window hit the black-haired girl's face.

  The young girl's fair and pretty face showed no expression at all, her dark eyes were like unmoving springs deep in the mountains, she was looking ahead calmly, Qiong Qiongyu's nose was delicate and straight, and her lips, which were as thin as cherry blossoms, were gently pressed together.

  If you participate in the selection of the popularity of beautiful girls, you will definitely crush skulls and jellies, and the same level of beauty as the white-haired brave Oka Lina, only a certain blonde elf can be slightly better.

  The girl walked higher and higher, and came to the open platform at the top of the Fata, behind an old man with long white hair.

  Standing here, you can almost see the entire city of San Carno, and you can even see the seemingly endless plain in the distance.

  The sun shines on the earth, the birds are flying in the sky, and the gentle wind is flowing in the air. The noise in the city seems to be carried to a high place by the wind.

  The girl greeted respectfully.

   "Mr Weasley, good morning."

  The old man turned his head, stroked his long beard, and looked at the black-haired girl in a magician's suit.

  The old man in front of him is one of the current seven great magicians of the Fata, Ryan Weasley. His current position is one of the guardians of the Fata, and he is also the chief professor of San Karno College, which studies the origin of magic.

  Looking at the black-haired girl, she smiled kindly.

"Oh, isn't this Miss Saintess? I haven't shown up for so long. Are you looking for a boyfriend, but I guess no one is worthy of Miss Saintess of Fata. What's the matter with looking for me so early? "

"Teacher, don't make fun of me. I've just been reading books in the magic history area of ​​the library recently. By the way, it's a strange thing that I haven't seen Mr. Weasley in the library. It's obviously to study the origin of magic." Yes, don't come to the library once a month."

  The black-haired girl smiled softly, and looked straight at the past.

   "Ahem, ahem. Recently, I have become obsessed with fishing..."

   Weasley coughed awkwardly.

   "As a great magician, don't play such boring things."

  Weasley stared.

  How can something like fishing be boring?

   "I have thought about one thing for a long time but I still don't understand it, so I came to the teacher and hope the teacher can enlighten me."

  But in front of the juniors, Weasley, who just wanted to rectify his fishing name, collected his emotions and regained the seriousness that an elder should have.

   "Before you ask, I want to ask one more thing."

   "Teacher, please tell me."

   "I heard that you went to the Frost Penguins not long ago and melted all the icebergs that they had saved up for the summer."

   "There are such things. I found them and tried my little fireball magic."

  Weasley raised his eyebrows speechlessly.

   "The whole race has complained about us to San Karno College."

   "Didn't I use ice magic to make up for them later?"

   "But a lot of Frost Penguin feathers were burned off."

   "If I knew I had killed them all, no one would report."

  The black-haired girl murmured, Weasley looked over coldly, and the corner of the girl's mouth raised a small smile again.

   "Just kidding, I know~"

   "...In short, this kind of thing that does not conform to the Holy Maiden of Fata will not be allowed to happen again in the future."


  The burning eyes of the black-haired girl did not dim, and became sharper in places that Weasley couldn't see, like a sharp knife.

   Tsk, Frost Penguin, really a species that should be extinct...

  Weasley back to business.

   "What question do you come to ask me? Based on your understanding of magic, there are very few things that I need to explain at this stage."

   "It does. But it's not about magic."

  The dark-haired girl looked up at Weasley.

   "Mr. Weasley, it's been almost two months since the last oracle. When will the next oracle be performed?"

   "A year later. This kind of thing can't be rushed."

  Weasley replied slowly.

   "Although the oracle is the most powerful magic in magic, it is equivalent to directly praying to the goddess of magic and sending down an oracle that breaks the sky. But the cooling time of the oracle is far less than what the outside world thinks."

  The black-haired girl said calmly.

   "As far as I know, now you and the other six teachers are fully capable of performing the oracle again. Why wait until a year later? Wouldn't it be better to use it earlier and find the devil?"


  Because I couldn't think of a name, I held back all day in this chapter, asking for a heroine's name, background law tower, identity saint.


  It will be on the shelves at noon this Friday, but it seems that there are not many people watching it (embarrassing

  (end of this chapter)