MTL - Reincarnated in the Alternate World, I’m A Demonic Lord as Well as a Villager-Chapter 105 Three-on-one, Demon King and Demon Envoy vs. Magical Girl (46k requests)

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  Chapter 105 Three vs. One, Demon King and Demon Envoy vs. Magical Girl (4.6k subscriptions required)

  The magical girl's crisp voice echoed throughout the square cave.

  Because the hands and feet are bound, even a little movement will greatly restrict the body. The two small hands that were **** by the rope clenched into fists, and during the slight struggle, the skin of the wrist was tightly bound by the rope and showed red marks.

  Magic girl's body is like water tofu.

  The elf girl holding the water stayed where she was.

  Uh, how should she answer this.

   "The one who drugged me was you, Lureya?"

  The dark-haired girl stared at the blonde girl.

   "I only drank the water you gave me."

   Lureya touched her head a little embarrassedly.

   "Ahahaha~ Actually, I was only in charge of delivering the water, and it was another person who administered the medicine."

   As he spoke, he noticed that the thin lips of the black-haired girl seemed a little dry, so he leaned over with the water in his hand.

   "You've been asleep for almost a day, do you want some water, Sai Li?"

  The magical girl clenched her silver teeth and quickly turned her face away.

   "Do you think I'm stupid enough to be fooled a second time? Even if I've been fooled once, don't treat me like an ass! Even an idiot who blatantly takes the sleeping spring water here won't drink it!"

   "No, this is really ordinary water!"

  Lureiya stopped a little before Saili.

  In a cave like a secret room, on one side is a blond girl who can move freely, and on the other side is a black-haired girl who is tied to a wooden bar.

  The black-haired girl slowly turned her face back, and the two looked at each other.

   "What do you want from me, Miss Lureya?"

  The magical girl changed her reply and asked the other party vigilantly about the purpose of kidnapping her.

  The blond girl touched her face.

  How should I explain this kind of thing... I feel that it will be troublesome to explain it no matter where I start...Leave the troublesome things to Natsumi.

  She raised her face and answered the final answer directly.

   "Actually, I want to pull you in."

"What's the meaning?"

   "Like Lena, pulling you in."

   Lureya hesitated to say the name of the real culprit behind the scenes. But Xia Mi didn't say if it was possible, so the girl didn't mention his name.

  The black-haired girl froze for a moment and bit her lip.

  The magical girl who had never encountered such a situation forced herself to calm down.

   The more dangerous the situation, the more you need to calm down and keep running at high speed to find a way out.

  But under extremely high pressure, the nerves are tense, and the thinking is inevitably too tense, thus directly skipping the rational stage and exposing some core thoughts deep in the heart.

  A flash of inspiration flashed in the magical girl's thinking head, and she immediately understood what Luleia meant, and her small face gradually became gloomy.

  So it turned out that the human hero girl Lina appeared in Lureya's room at that time, and the reason why Lureya kept messing with the quilt was this...

  The elf, who has always held the initiative, caught the human hero on his bed, made weird moves under the quilt, and repeatedly tested Lina's reaction...

   And Lina is very well-behaved and dare not have the slightest rebellion, even if someone has been touching her under the quilt, she has no complaints at all, and even offered to speak for her...

When I met Lena in the corridor, Lena said "keep the smell", which is the so-called "master's task" like "this is what I left on you, keep it well" .

  All the weirdness can be explained.

  I heard that the elves are all eccentric people, but I didn't expect the eccentricity of the elf girl in front of me to be this...

  Knowing the truth, the magical girl had an angry expression on her face, and looked at the elf girl coldly.

  In front of this kind of elf, it is completely useless to pay attention to the image, just to tell what she does naked.

   "It turns out that you were training Lina in front of strangers, a **** elf. It seems that you have trained Lina very obediently!"


  The blond girl froze.

"You can't underestimate you, Lureya! A fallen elf with an evil heart! Did you catch Lina? You also want to use the same method to get my body, let me fall, and then Open 30 together?! But don't underestimate the willpower of human magicians!"

  The magical girl spoke louder and louder, and finally turned into a face that would rather die than surrender.

   "Did I misunderstand something! Why did you add so many strange settings all at once! Lena and I are just ordinary friends! Don't make your face turn red!"

  Lueya listened to the magical girl's words, her pointed ears blushed quickly, and her small mouth responded tremblingly.

   "You actually drugged a magical girl for this reason, the goblin girl's desire is very strong, Lureya." The magical girl blushed.

   "It's not the reason! Have you changed the race of others without authorization! The person who wants to catch you is not me, but the Demon King!"

  The blond girl with hot cheeks spoke the truth.

  Sai Li froze for a moment, and re-examined the blonde elf in front of her.

   "The devil?"

  The magical girl suddenly thought of a possibility.

   "Are you a magician?"

  The elf girl hesitated, blinked her eyes, and nodded slightly.


  The magical girl froze in place.

  That is to my alliance, a demon king's inner support was mixed in from the very beginning.

   Could it be that the Demon King knew her plan from the beginning, so he specifically inserted Lureya in?

  The magical girl looked at Lureya with complicated eyes.

  At this time, the silver-haired girl also walked in, looking around strangely.

   "Suddenly it's noisy, Lureya, did you suddenly fall here and start crying?"

   "It's nothing at all! It's just a little tired holding the water all the time."

  The elf girl shook her head.

  At this moment, Lina looked at the bound magical girl.

   "So Saili has woken up?"

   "Yeah. Just woke up."

  The magical girl looked at the human girl with a slightly dazed face, and she was also a human, which made her feel at ease.

   But at this moment, remembering what Lureya said just now, the magical girl swallowed and asked nervously.

   "Lena, don't you also belong to the Demon King?"

   "Yes. Although I don't have the qualifications to become a Demon Envoy, I have been serving the Demon King for a short time."

  The white-haired girl answered easily, and then ran to Luleya's side to help the girl with physical strength share the water in her hand.

  The magical girl's small face became dull, looking at the white-haired girl obediently coming to Lureya's side, she bit her lips tightly as if she saw a girl who had been trained to distort her values ​​to the abyss.

   "As a brave man, he has turned into this appearance. Not only was he pulled into the demon's lair, but he was also trained by the demon elf to become a puppet..."

   "Everyone says don't think about it!"

   "No, I took the initiative to become the person next to the Demon King."

  The white-haired girl smiled shyly.

   He even took the initiative to say something incredible like he was talking about what he had for lunch!

  He is obviously a brave man, but he has fallen to this point.

  The magical girl looked at Lena a little out of control, with tears in her eyes, trying to awaken the last trace of humanity in the lost girl.

"How is this possible! Think about your important people! If you fall like this, what should you do with those important to you! Lena! Are you willing to fall like this? They don't want to see a Such a cute girl has turned into a ○p○○ who can only be obedient!"

   "All the words are inseparable from the two words of evil training! Do magical girls only have these two things in their hearts!"

  The elf girl complained loudly.

   "Actually, it's not as exaggerated as you imagined, Sai Li, I'm fine here."

  The white-haired girl showed a sunny smile on her small face.

   "The Demon King is a very gentle person..."

  Being able to be with Xia Mi has a rest time every day, even if you work overtime on tasks, you can still get extra rewards provided by Xia Mi.

   It's a hundred times better than being a human hero.

   "That's right. In fact, the treatment of being a demon envoy is quite good. The demon king is not as bad as you imagined, at least it looks very pleasing to the eye."

  The elf girl should agree.

   This is the embodiment of the sense of identity and honor. Although he was always dissatisfied here and there, Xia Mi's actions more or less affected the two girls invisibly.

   When it was time to lure people in, they all praised the Demon King in unison.

   This is the personal charm of the Demon King!

  Seeing the smiles on the faces of the two girls, the magical girl slowly lowered her head, her face was covered with a layer of despair, and she didn't know what to say.

   Have you fallen into the abyss completely? The two of them...

  The magical girl was not only shocked by the hopeless performance of the two girls in front of her, but also completely defeated by the Demon King.

  The so-called girl alliance, except for myself, is all the devil king's people...

  Thinking back like this, from the moment I entered the village, I met an elf girl and a brave girl. In other words, from the moment she stepped into the village, she has been closely observed by the Demon King.

  Afterwards, her every move, whether it was getting closer to the elf hero or discovering small details by accident, was watched by the Demon King.

  Like a bug, the small and helpless feeling played by the demon king made the magical girl timid, and her thin lips trembled uncontrollably.

  From childhood to adulthood, a never-before-seen sense of failure spread in the heart of magical girls.

   This was a complete failure to make the girl question herself.

  Even with shield magic, the magical girl has no confidence to resist after such a blow.

  The magic of the shield is not worth mentioning in front of the devil.

  Thought to challenge the Demon King, even the fledgling heir to the Demon King is too overreaching, Sai Li.

  The black-haired girl lowered her face, her expression was pale, and she didn't even have the strength to laugh at herself.

   There was the sound of walking in the cave.

  She raised her head slightly, and saw the elf girl and the white-haired girl looking at an entrance at the same time.

  She knew that it was the devil who came.

  The devil named Theo is finally coming to humiliate her...

   But, but, but...

  Desperate, the magical girl couldn't help shouting at the two elf girls.

   "No matter how you think about it, it's absolutely impossible to have any desire for that face! It's very gentle and looks pleasing to the eye, I don't know what you think!"

   "Facing that face, is there something wrong with my aesthetics or your aesthetics?"

  In the cave, in the light of the crystal, a black-haired boy slowly appeared, looking at the magical girl in surprise.

  This extremely familiar face stopped the voice of the magical girl tied to the wooden bar abruptly.

  The cave was silent.


   After stunned the magical girl, the three of them worked together to bring the magical girl to the maple forest glade.

  On the one hand, it is because it is easy to be found torturing magical girls in the village, and on the other hand, because the maple forest clearing is the base camp, both in terms of defense and perception of changes in the surrounding environment, it is much stronger than the village.

  Besides, in order to be safe, Xia Mi cleaned out the jelly's cave, drove the slimes to the open space, and then put the magical girl in.

   In this way, the protective array of the flat golden retriever can completely cover the entire cave. And if a magical girl wants to escape, there is only one exit. If she wants to cast magic, she also needs to consider the surrounding environment. If she uses too powerful magic, it may affect herself.

   After the magical girl was tied up, the skeleton guarded it, and the three of them camped outside the cave.

   After being guarded for a full day, the magical girl did not wake up.

  Five minutes ago.

   Maple forest glade.

  At the entrance of the cave, Xia Mi flicked the forehead of the flat golden hair with his fingers.

   "How much drug did you put in other people's water!"

   "It's none of my business, I'm just in charge of providing the spring water, and Lina is in charge of prescribing the medicine!"

  The elf girl touched her smooth forehead with aggrieved hands, and looked at the white-haired girl.

  Besides, the white-haired girl blinked awkwardly.

  Because I'm a magician, I added a little bit more, but I didn't expect her physique to be exactly the same as that of an ordinary girl.

   "Maybe it's a little too much... Sorry..."

   "It's okay, everyone who takes medicine has a first time, just grasp the dose next time."

  Xia Mi looked at Lina with a chuckle.

   "We'll just wait until she wakes up before conducting cross-examination."


   "What an obvious difference, Xia Mi! You are so fierce to him! When you turn around, Asahi gets up and thinks he is easy to bully, right?"

  The elf girl stood up and locked Xia Mi's neck from behind with both hands.

   Half a minute later.

  The blond girl holding a clean water source walked into the cave while complaining.

  Lock the boss from behind, and the end of offending the boss is to be a soldier guarding the magical girl.

  Xia Mi and Lina stood guard at the entrance of the cave.

   It was a rare time for the two of them to get along, and the afternoon breeze blew by, picking up Lina's silver-like long hair.

  Seeing Xia Mi staring blankly at the sky, the white-haired girl put her legs together. Under a light-colored short skirt, her legs were slender and fair, her thighs were round, and her knees were pink.

  From the corner of the eye, he secretly looked at Xia Mi, expecting him to find something on his thigh.

   "Natsumi, if you feel sleepy, just sleep on my lap..."

   Just halfway through the conversation, the scream of the flat golden retriever came from the cave.

   "Lina, go and have a look, maybe Luleiya didn't see the road clearly and fell down."

  Natsumi sighed.

   In any case, she is an idiot raised by her own family. If she is injured, she has to pay for work-related injury.


  The white-haired girl entered the cave in frustration.

   Finally had the opportunity to experience the feeling of being knee pillowed, Miss Luleya, don't scream at this time!

   After a while.

  The sound of flat golden hair and white hair came out of the cave.

   Natsumi, who was thinking about how to deal with the magical girl, frowned.

   One by one, there is no end to it, and the boss is not allowed to work.

   No! Why do you take it for granted that it is the flat golden retriever's cry after it fell? It is entirely possible that there is a problem with the magical girl!

  Xia Mi got up and rushed into the cave.

   But when I got really close, I found that it was three girls who were having a passionate conversation.


   Time goes back to the present.

  Natsumi frowned and looked at the magical girl.

"Although I am a prisoner of war, I think I have done enough to treat guests and have not done anything to hurt you. Why did I hear you attacking my appearance as soon as I came in? Magical girl? Even if you are well-informed The magical girl is too strict in terms of appearance. Is she specialized in magic, so she has such an extreme pursuit in every aspect?"

   "Xia, Xia Mi..."

  The magical girl looked at the black-haired boy who appeared in shock.

   There was a moment of silence.

   "You were also felled by Lureya, and then turned to the demons?"

  Xia Mi looked at Lureya strangely.

   "What the **** were you talking about just now?"

  The tablet girl coughed lightly, closed her mouth and did not speak.

   Not to mention that the conversation with the magical girl just now is something that only appeared in the book, but because she got the meaning of all the words of the magical girl without any pressure, it has already confirmed the impure heart of the elf girl from the side.

  How could that kind of thing be said!

   "Sai Li, you slept all day before waking up."

  The magical girl noticed that the villager named Xia Mi in front of her was strange, and her tone was obviously the same as usual, but looking at him, the magical girl seemed to be looking at an unpredictable abyss.

  Xia Mi looked at the magical girl, and under the watchful eyes of Lureya and Lina, she slowly walked in front of Sai Li.

  As he slowly approached, the magical girl seemed to have thought of something terrible, and her eyes gradually widened.

   "Could it be that you are the devil... Xia Mi..."

  (end of this chapter)