MTL - Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 87 Distress (1)

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  Chapter 87 Distress (1)

   Half an hour later, the ox cart arrived at the county seat. Lu Xiaoxiao greeted Uncle Liu and walked towards the state-run hotel.

  When she came to the state-run restaurant, she saw that steamed buns, steamed buns, dumplings and noodles were being served today, so she ordered ten buns, five steamed buns, and one serving of dumplings. She didn't eat the food when it was brought to the table, but took out the lunch box and packed it.

Lu Xiaoxiao left the state-run hotel and walked directly towards the post office. This time, the person who helped her with the formalities was the same person as last time. He told her to be careful when he handed her the subsidy. She thanked him and left post office.

Lu Xiaoxiao hummed a song she liked very much, and then walked briskly towards the department store, while walking, she shouted loudly in her heart: "Moutai, sister is here to take you home. "

When she came to the wine counter in the department store, Lu Xiaoxiao saw six bottles of Moutai in the glass case. She really wanted to buy them all back, but unfortunately she only had three special wine tickets in her hand. .

  She sighed silently and said to the salesperson, "Sister, I bought Moutai for my father, how much is a bottle?"

  The salesperson saw that it was a little doll asking the price, so she didn't answer the price immediately, but asked: "Little doll, why didn't your adults come with you?" "

After hearing the salesman's words, Lu Xiaoxiao realized that the salesman was not malicious, but was just asking questions habitually, so she pretended to be a good baby and said, "Dad was talking to an uncle at the door, and asked me to help him buy the goods first. It's the ticket my dad gave me.

The salesperson took the ticket that Lu Xiaoxiao handed her and looked at it. When she saw that it was indeed a special wine ticket, she told Lu Xiaoxiao that a bottle of Moutai costs 8 yuan plus a ticket, so three tickets can be bought. Three bottles of Moutai cost twenty-four yuan.

  Lu Xiaoxiao handed the money and the ticket to the salesperson and left the department store with three bottles of Moutai.

  She went to a deserted alley, put the wine into the space, and then walked towards the supply and marketing agency. It was after nine o'clock in the morning, and there were not many people in the supply and marketing agency. She quickly finished buying pastries and candies.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the time was still early, so she wanted to go to the scrap yard to have a look. Last time she picked up a small wooden box there and got the treasure. I don’t know if she will be lucky to pick up something again this time.

   When she arrived at the waste station, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the uncle was still listening to the radio and drinking water, so she gave him a handful of candy and then easily entered the waste station.

  It's a pity that she didn't find any good things this time, but she did find a pack of silver needles, which can just be used to practice the nine turns and one needle in Fengming Jue.

  Lu Xiaoxiao took a stack of newspapers weighing about two catties out of the house, and then she handed the newspapers to the uncle, who charged her a dime.

  Walking out of the scrap yard, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the time and it was almost time for lunch. She thought that she had a lot of meat coupons and food coupons that were about to expire, so she planned to go to the state-run restaurant to use them up.

After arriving at the state-run restaurant, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the supply was abundant today, so she ordered one serving of braised pork, one serving of mutton soup, one serving of stewed chicken with mushrooms and ten steamed buns, and then she took all the tickets that were about to expire in her hand. run out.

  She took two lunch boxes and asked the waiter to help put the braised pork and chicken stewed mushrooms directly into the lunch boxes.

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the mutton soup and ten steamed buns on the table, and then started to eat. She was so full after eating that there was more than half of the mutton soup left. She didn't know whether it was her small appetite or the current state-run restaurant. Too honest, everything is a big bowl without falsification.

  She packed the rest of the dishes in a lunch box and walked out of the state-run restaurant feeling her full stomach.

  After walking on the street for a while, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that her stomach was not so uncomfortable, so she wanted to go to the black market to see if she could get good things in exchange.

  (end of this chapter)