MTL - Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 70 Treasure Hunt (4)

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  Chapter 70 Treasure Hunting (4)

After Lu Xiaoxiao put all the one hundred and fifty boxes into the storage bag, she walked towards the boxes in the other direction. She still used trekking poles to open the boxes, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case. Many people are just in case. Killed when you let your guard down.

  She opened the first box and saw a pile of books inside, so she picked up a book and looked at it, and found that the book was written in traditional Chinese characters, and each book was thread-bound.

  Next, Lu Xiaoxiao opened all the one hundred and fifty boxes in this direction. Inside the boxes were either books or paintings. She didn't open them because there were too many, but put them all into storage bags.

Then Lu Xiaoxiao walked in the third direction. The one hundred and fifty boxes here were all antiques, ranging from vases to snuff bottles. They were all kinds of dazzling, but she still packed them all into the storage box in one go. The bag, I plan to take a look at it when I have time in the future.

After collecting the three places, Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the last direction. There were jewelry and various fabrics in the boxes here, but when the last few boxes were opened, they were filled with imperial green stones. , even though her heart, which had been stimulated to the numb by the previous things, couldn't help beating a little faster at this moment.

  Pick it up, put it all away, it feels like she is sitting on the world at this moment.

  Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the ground and rested for a while before she began to think about who put so many treasures here? Why is the small wooden box with the map thrown in the scrap yard? Hadn't its previous owner thought of opening it? Also, why did she keep having that strange dream when she opened the wooden box? What is the small silver coin engraved with dragon and phoenix in the box for?

  Lu Xiaoxiao felt that she was shrouded in a cloud of fog at this moment. She still had that dream on the way to find the treasure. Now that the treasure has been found, she wondered if she would continue to have that dream tonight.

  Looking at the empty stone room, I thought that no matter which ancestor put so many treasures here, now that these things have been taken away by her, she should kowtow to the ancestors.

  Lu Xiaoxiao walked to the place where she fell, knelt down, and kowtowed three times to the front. Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

   Just as she was about to get up after drinking her head, the stone wall in front of her suddenly opened, scaring her almost out of her body.

  Lu Xiaoxiao took out the strong flashlight and the wooden warehouse from the space, and walked towards the door cautiously.

  She leaned against the stone wall and quickly threw a stone into it. After listening for a while, there was no other movement except the sound of the stone falling to the ground.

  She shone the flashlight in, then stretched out her head to look in carefully, and found that it was a small room of about ten square meters, with nothing but a stone bed.

  Lu Xiaoxiao walked in cautiously holding the wooden warehouse, walked around the small room and found that there was no danger, then took out a few desk lamps from the space to light up the small room.

   It's really strange, so many treasures outside are piled up on the ground like that, and there is nothing in this small room, there is no way it could be like this, there must be something that she has overlooked.

Lu Xiaoxiao stood and thought for a while, but she didn't come up with a reason, so she walked towards the stone bed, intending to sit there and rest for a while, the nervous tension that was frightened just now suddenly relaxed, and she felt a little weak in her hands and feet .

She sat on the stone bed for a long time and felt that she had regained her strength before she planned to leave. When she collected the desk lamp on the stone bed, she found a sunken circle on the stone bed, which was about the same size as that silver coin that she didn’t know what it was. What does that silver coin have to do with this stone bed?

  (end of this chapter)