MTL - Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm-Chapter 148 guard

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Wei Xuan walked calmly in his own community to inspect the "farmland" where potatoes were planted everywhere, and made sure that the plastic sheet covering it could play its due role.

These few set up the shed to block the sight of the mutated birds. The plastic sheet has only been removed twice since it was erected. when it rains.

These potatoes are very firm when planted, and they are so firm that they are left on the side of the road and left alone, and they will bear fruit and bloom by themselves.

When Wei Xuan planted them last year, he didn't take care of them at all, except for the beginning of cultivation and the final harvest. Didn't they harvest at least three or four times a year, and they provided a lot of fruit?

It’s just that Wei Xuan thought that since the strange snow has an effect on the crops in the planter at home, it should also have a lot of benefits for the potatoes planted outside to absorb snow water, even if there will be a lot of strange snow passing through the soil in the end Direct precipitation, when they pass through the plant root system, some nutrients should also be absorbed by the plants, right?

As for the rain—it was already too much for him not to water the plants at ordinary times, but now it was even more too much not to let them get wet, so he removed the plastic sheeting.

Recently, perhaps because of the miraculous effect of the plastic sheeting or some other reason, after planting so many potatoes at home, there was no mutated bird, and Wei Xuan was indeed greatly relieved.

He first checked the condition of the "farmland" at home, and then replenished the crystal core bags around the necks of the zombie brothers at home, and then took Du Hang, and walked out together when he was sending out "two people alone" brainwaves Community gate.

Wei Xuan rested at home for three days, and today he is going to go out to a nearby hospital to help find supplies. After all, this is a promise to the other party, even if Huo Nu and the two of them are not in a hurry about it, but he must let them know that he is also helping as soon as possible, right?

And even if it is impossible to bring them too many things, it is even more clear that they themselves cannot bring too many things to the people at the villa base at one time, but some things are found in advance and placed there, which is more beneficial to everyone. Handy thing isn't it?

After Du Hang confirmed that Wei Xuan was not going to the place he had been to last time, and that he was still going shopping without his younger brother and only with himself as before, he sent out the message of "two people alone" and even more so. The pleasant atmosphere on his body exudes to the extreme.

This kind of behavior where two people go shopping together without a light bulb is the happiest thing between lovers no matter before or after the end of the world. Even if Du Hang has no memory of the past, his instinctive behavior and instinctive awareness have gradually increased recently. Now, this can already be experienced very deeply.

Not to mention anything else, there are nearly 200 light bulbs wandering around in the community at home, and each of them is a super-large bulb of several hundred watts.

Now after going out, because the zombies wandering around are all the zombies who have never had any contact before, in the eyes of Du Hang and Wei Xuan, they are no different from roadside stones and potatoes, which makes the relationship between the two even more intimacy. This point, even Du Hang, who still has no sense, can deeply understand it.

There were a lot of zombies on the street, Wei Xuan dragged Du Hang around, and occasionally walked to a relatively quiet street. Similar to the situation before the end of the world, even in overcrowded cities, the streets are divided into lively and deserted. After the apocalypse, the number of zombies on some road sections is much less, because even if it is a zombie, most of the places that like to occupy after the apocalypse have various relationships with them during their lifetime.

It may be the place where he lived before his death, or the place where he worked before his death. Unless they are attracted by the smell of living people all the way to strange places and stay outside the door of others, otherwise zombies will not wander too far under normal circumstances.

The condition of some sections of the road is a bit bad, such as the collapse is very serious, so Wei Xuan usually pulls Du Hang to make a detour when he sees it from a distance. Although his family Du Hang has the ability to jump high and long jumps, but he has nothing to do to make him do such eye-catching movements? And his choice just eliminated the possibility of seeing something disgusting or hot-eyed.

Wei Xuan did not choose to go out at night because he was going to search for supplies in a relatively unfamiliar street this time. Although he can walk cautiously at night, he doesn't have a pair of night vision eyes, so it's safer to come out during the day.

It took nearly two days to go out this time, and then at sunset, I came to the hospital that was not too far away from Wei Xuan's house. Wei Xuan thought about it for a while, and simply found a relatively taller office building near the hospital, and went upstairs with Du Hang to find a room. He was going to rest for a night and go to the hospital early tomorrow morning to look for things.


The community after Wei Xuan left with Du Hang didn't look much different from usual, and the zombie boys were still wandering around the yard in a daze. The male and female zombies lived in the top floor room, and they performed all kinds of behaviors that blinded people so much that it was almost impossible to see them directly.

On the evening of the second day after Wei Xuan and the others left, when the sun was setting and the golden light was pouring onto the earth, a mutated flying bird that patrolled the territory a little farther came to the sky near here.

Although there is a plastic sheet to block it, at certain times, when the wind blows up a corner of the shed that is not strong, or when the flying birds fly at a relatively biased angle, those dazzling green colors are still easy to recognize.

The bird was just flying around randomly, trying to catch a few large mutated insects to feed its hunger, but when it saw the green at first glance, it screamed excitedly, flapped its wings twice, and circled towards the direction of this community fly.

The two figures, together with some of the zombies in the neighborhood, had already stopped their steps and movements when the bird flew over here, and raised their heads one by one, staring straight at the black spot in the sky.

At this time, when the black spot was getting bigger and bigger, even showing signs of wanting to land here, suddenly a few golden lights flew out from behind the top floor window of a certain house.

Those few golden glows reflected the brilliance of the sun, making them look extraordinarily dazzling. Their speed is so fast, like sharp knives, they seem to be unable to feel the resistance of the air and the attraction of the earth, and suddenly shoot at the big guy in the sky who wants to fall!

There was a cry of "嗤—", it didn't sound like a bird's call, but it had the visual sense of a small animal's cry. The big bird flapped its wings twice and hovered in mid-air for a moment, as if it wanted to fall, but was hit by two golden lights that made it almost invisible, and it flapped its wings and turned its head with a scream. Just run away - this place is too dangerous! Never come here again!

There was no movement in the room on the top floor, and the zombie boys who were looking up at the sky below also lowered their heads one after another, continuing to wander around the community slowly as if nothing had happened.

Wei Xuan harvested a lot of mutated vegetable seeds in winter, and he planted them in several batches in the beginning of spring. He only harvested a small part a while ago, and left some for himself and Du Hang to carry with him as weapons. The next one was distributed by him to the couple of male and female zombies—to them with their eyes covered.

Now it seems that these snowflakes should not be eaten in vain, and they still have some effect.


"Hey, even the healing ability has no effect on Xiao An's illness." Mr. Zhang looked tired, and wiped his zombie son's face with a half-dry towel in his hand.

When his movements stopped, the confidant secretary on the side couldn't help asking: "Mr. Zhang, why didn't you keep the two people from last time? Let's not talk about the woman, but the ability user of the healing department... this kind of ability But it is a very precious ability!"

Healing-type superpowers, that's healing-type superpowers! Even if that person's mental state is obviously abnormal, he is still an extremely special ability user!

Since that man also claimed to be a zombie, as long as they showed that they were studying how to make the zombie regain its previous memory or become like a normal person, maybe that man would stay.

Otherwise, if the people in the community have some kind of illness... Even if human beings will become zombies after death, they are not willing to experience the life of zombies in advance before they can confirm whether they will retain their memories after becoming zombies.

Mr. Zhang slowly cleaned the towels in the basin on the coffee table and wrung them dry: "They are more useful outside." Then, he continued to wipe his son's face.

The people in the base also discussed this matter before they discovered those two people and invited them into their home base. It is certainly necessary to keep them, but now that the two of them can use their special abilities to move freely in the city, it is also a good idea to ask them to help collect some special items that they cannot get back for the time being. idea.

After all, my side is no different than those two people. There are so many mutated animals around. Every time I go out, there may be casualties. The most important thing is to be able to get the urgently needed things while protecting the vitality of the base.

"As long as the things the professors and experts need are still there, they can bring them back to us sooner or later. This is much more cost-effective than leaving their two unstable bombs in the base." As he spoke, Mr. Zhang raised his hand to his son He wiped his hands carefully, "Those two guys are not mentally normal. Although we can say that we have become lunatics, at least we are still rational. Do you think you can be neighbors with two people like that?" said Then, he squinted at his secretary.

The corner of the secretary's mouth twitched twice, and finally he stopped talking. Indeed, in just a few hours of contact with those two that day, I felt that a large area of ​​my brain cells had died. If so, I'm afraid I should cough up blood.

"I just don't know the difference between their respective zombies, and the zombies in the homes of the zombie owners in the city and ours..." Mr. Zhang muttered to himself, and then looked at his face with tired and painful eyes. The son who looked at himself ferociously, but was not struggling as much as before, "Xiao Cheng... don't be afraid, Dad still has a long time, and it's only been a year now, even if you have to wait ten or twenty years, Dad It can also make you recover...Maybe we are lucky, and it only takes a few years for you to recover..."