MTL - Reborn to be a Stepmother-Chapter 409 Frightened big prince

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The situation in the palace is changing rapidly. Xiaogui妃 didn’t say much, and she didn’t want to know too much. She watched the emperor leave and re-laid back to the chaise couch. on.

"The niece, the emperor is back now, why don't you tell the emperor about the grievances of the previous days?"

The prostitute couldn’t stand any more and went forward.

Xiao Guizhen closed his eyes and raised his spirits. He never blinked and whispered.

"Aggrieved? This palace does not think!"

What is the real grievance?

The Queen was the head of the Sixth House. The news of the return of the emperor was totally unknown. When night fell, the Zhonggong was full of candles, and she was lying there with a sly look.

"Back to the maiden, the emperor went to see the Empress Dowager!"

Since the emperor appeared in the Taiji Temple, the Queen has been letting the people underneath to explore the emperor's place. First, he went to Yaochi Palace. Then he should have been in the middle of the palace. However, he was arrested by the Empress Dowager. I am afraid there is a Queen Mother.

The returning person was trembled and did not dare to look up at the young woman who was the mother of the world.

"Okay, let's pass dinner!"

She waved her hand and whispered.

At this point, the talents have grown a sigh of relief.

Compared with the Queen, the Empress Dowager is much more anxious.

"What, the emperor was taken away by the Empress Dowager?"

The Empress Dowager was in a hurry.

"No, this palace is not at ease, swinging..."

"The Queen Mother, don't worry, the Empress Dowager has never seen you once since he returned to the palace. Obviously, he is scrupulous. You are now rushing over, afraid..."

The cockroaches on the side stopped her and said.

"But the emperor, the emperor was seriously ill, and now the body can be imaginary, and it was wrapped up in the Taiji Temple by the messengers for a day. This is good. There is no rest until now. You said that he can get this body... ..."

Despite this, the Empress Dowager did not act rashly, only standing at the entrance of the palace and looking forward.

At that time, the palace of the Empress Dowager was very lively.

It seems that a family feast is being opened.

White jade is a table, accompanied by a soft couch.

The fruit is ripe, and the soup is especially beautiful.

When Ren Xiaodi came in, there was still singing and dancing.

"Grandchildren meet the emperor!"

No matter how young the Queen Mother looks on the surface, she is a real emperor.

"The emperor is coming, they are wrapped up for a day, definitely tired, come, my grandmother is free to prepare some thin wine, sit down and rest!"

Her words were simple and sincere, and she didn't ask anything. It seemed to be a grandmother who was looking forward to seeing her grandson.

Kindness and dignity.

"Thank my grandmother!"

Emperor Ren Xiao sat down in front of the jade table next to him.

The Empress Dowager retired the song and dance star.

A simple family dinner, very comfortable.

"If the grandmother has nothing to do, the grandson will retire first. The grandson has just returned to the palace and has not seen the mother!"

"Okay, then go on!"

The emperor also hurriedly went and hurried until he stood outside the palace gate, still thinking about the intention of the empress of the emperor.

Originally, he had already made a lot of preparations, and the manuscripts in his heart had been played thousands of times. However, he did not expect that the Queen Mother was not saying anything, so he naturally did not speak.

The emperor shook his head, some helpless, he really could not understand what his young emperor had to do, but now he had to go to the Ci'an Palace to see the Queen Mother.

After all, that is his mother.

Mother and child meet, naturally it is a bitter!

The Empress Dowager asked a lot of questions, such as whether she was really sick, or was framed, or pretending, but no matter what she said, the emperor had only one sentence, and everything went.

When he was stunned by the Empress Dowager, he wanted to lose his temper with him, and he could only compromise.

"But it's all right, you are so big, your own things are going to be done, this palace does not like to take care of it!"

The emperor naturally knows that the Queen Mother is tempering, and now it is a good meal.

Out of the Ci'an Palace, it is already the beginning of the month.

“Can the banquet in Taiji Temple be scattered?”

The inside officer behind him immediately yelled at his body.

"If you return to the emperor, it has already been dispersed. The old slave has already ordered you to let the great emperor wait at the door of the royal study!"

"Go, go to the study room!"

"The emperor, don't you go to the palace? The Queen's maiden has not sent someone to remind him, but has asked him several times!"

Ren Xiaodi’s pace was a meal, and he did not return to tell him. “If you go to Zhonggong to say something, you will say that there is still state affairs to be dealt with tonight, so that the Queen can rest on his own!”

"The slaves follow the purpose!"

When the Zhonggong people got the news, they all looked at each other. It seems that the queen is also losing momentum.

Out of such a big thing, every palace in the emperor has been there, but did not come to the palace.

The atmosphere above and below the palace was extraordinarily dignified, and when the Queen knew the news, it was only slightly raised in the lips and smiled slightly.

Then he was ordered to bathe and change clothes.

"There is no hundred days of red flowers, no one is good!"

Everyone heard the words from the Queen's room.

Outside the royal study room, the big prince waited there, carrying his hands and looking up at the moon in the sky, and did not know what he was thinking.

The emperor walked over.

"Father of the Emperor!"

"come in!"

There are only the emperor and the great emperor in the royal study room. The inner official retired all the people who served. He also went out and stayed outside the royal study.

"You have already known about your performance during this time!"

For the Great Emperor and Yunxiao, the feelings of the emperor are very complicated.

He is very sorry for this mother and son. It is undeniable that he used to like Yunxiao before. But after twenty years, the past sentiment has long since faded away. For the mother and son, she is only the only one left.

Therefore, the Emperor will stay in the Imperial City and fight against the Three Emperors.

Everyone feels that the empire has not established a prince, but the three emperors have always been doing things without making mistakes. Naturally, they are the future princes.

The appearance of the Great Emperor not only disrupted the deployment of the Three Emperors, but also made all people feel overwhelmed.

Ren Xiaodi did this in the first place, not only to compensate their mother and child, but also to balance the rights with the three emperors.

In fact, the reason why Emperor Ren Xiaoyi has not established a prince has also felt that the three emperors have no major accomplishments and are too mediocre.

Born in the Taiping Shengshi is a generation of Mingjun, but now, the five countries and ten places will be chaotic, and there are yin and yang physiques appearing, even more people in the Xuanmen door are pulled in.

With the ability of the three emperors, they can't cope with the current situation.

But the big prince is different!

"Father of the Emperor!"

The great emperor waved his hand and his expression was very indifferent.

As if all this was nothing to him.

"Your performance is good. After a few days, I will announce that you are a treasurer!"

The great prince raised his head fiercely and looked at Ren Xiaodi incredibly. He did not expect that he would suddenly say such a thing.

After all, his time to return to the royal family is still short.

Not enough to be established as a treasure!

"Father of the Emperor, this matter is absolutely impossible, the children of the self-knowledge are not easy to learn, can not be the big task, but also ask the father to think twice!"

The great emperor directly fell down and asked Ren Xiaodi to take back his holy life.

"Ha ha..."

Ren Xiaodi laughed and walked directly from the royal case and personally helped him.

"Get up soon."

"Oh, let's say it is a decision that has been made after careful consideration!"

Ren Xiaodi wanted to tell him that he was not a temporary one.

But the big prince still has some troubles.

He never thought that one day, he would become a Chu Jun, after all, he had nothing behind him.

The temporary alliance between the mother and the queen will not last long. Therefore, the Grand Emperor has always known what identity he is, and he is only being pushed by these people!

At the moment, the emperor suddenly announced the news, even if his city is deeper, he can't be calm!

It turned out to be a color.

"But, the father is..."

The great emperor was pulled up by the emperor, and people are still confused.

"How? Is it necessary to defy the will of the company?"

"Children don't dare!"

The great emperor still wants to say something more. He has been smashed back several times and can only accept it passively.

Until the out of the royal study, the great emperor was still confused, and did not expect that the end would be such a result.

And he couldn't think of it anyway, and the emperor would suddenly set him up as a prince.

The great emperor did not go to see Yunxiao, but returned directly to his house.

After an hour, Xu Wei was brought to the front of the great emperor.

"What happened? Is it so hot and hot, called me in the middle of the night?"

Xu Wei wore a silver armor across the broadsword, a chill.

Now that he is assigned to the outside gate, he is no longer the guard of the garrison in the palace.

So I still don't know what happened in the palace until now.

At this moment, the great emperor is leaning against the window and looking to the dark night.

Hearing his voice, he turned slowly.

There was a little starlight in the deep scorpion, with a touch of joy and embarrassment.

More is anxiety and anxiety.

"What happened to you?"

Xu Wei was shocked. He never saw so many emotions in the eyes of his friends.

The former Xie Jingtian was a nerd, an old-fashioned man.

After he became the great emperor Chu Jiyao, he slowly became smoother, more of a kind of wisdom.

The mood is almost invisible, but the emotions that are so obvious at the moment are directly revealed.

This is very weird and extremely terrible.

The great prince discovered the worry in Xu Wei’s eyes. He suddenly sneered and slowly walked over, indicating that Xu Wei sat down.

"I'm fine, don't worry!"

Xu Wei sat down with the words, and looked at his friends without being angry.

"Can I not worry? You don't see what you are, it's scary?"

The great emperor personally took a cup of tea for Xu and handed it over.

"What the **** are you asking me to do? I am still on duty!"

The great emperor re-settled, and said slowly, "The father is back, you know!"

Xu Yan brows slightly wrinkled and nodded. "I heard that the emperor is coming back. Finally, someone has presided over the overall situation. You don't have to work hard again!"

However, this also means that the empire that has been in chaos for a long time has a result.

And no matter how the result is, it will be a hurricane, not to mention the fact that the other four countries are gathering together and it is a turmoil.

"The father said that in a few days, I will officially book me as a treasure!"