MTL - Reborn to be a Stepmother-Chapter 307 Xiao Ting, you are a monk

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The left-hand house is very quiet, the backyard is very quiet, and the flowers are grassy. This situation is very comforting.

Very suitable for people who are weak and fame and fortune, very comfortable.

Xiao Ting and Zhao Hua have not seen it for a long time. Even the Grand Emperor chose a feast, and Zhao Hua did not participate.

It’s just that Xiao Ting has been mixed with things that day and has never had a chance to ask.

Unexpectedly, goodbye is the appearance of this.

Zhaohua is pregnant.

She was helped to rest in the garden, and the bleak appearance was much worse than the lively girl of the past.

I can't see it at all.

Behind her, a man stared at her with deep gaze and affectionately, laughing with her from time to time, looking anxious but pretending to be calm.

And Zhao Hua didn't pay much attention to him, but he looked at the front with gaze and there was nothing in it.


Xiao Ting screamed, Zhao Hua turned his head and looked at it, but it was not the bright day that he met on weekdays, but with a bitter smile, said: "You are here."

"Nine Kings."

Li Mingcheng and her courtesy, Xiao Ting nodded, did not say to laugh, Li Mingcheng also knows the direction, left directly.

Xiao Ting sits opposite to Zhao Hua. "What are you?"

"It's ridiculous, isn't it?" Zhaohua had a thin face with a bitter bitterness. "I love him, but I have a child."

"Zhao Hua, you don't want this."

Xiao Ting did not know how to persuade.

There are only two of them in the pavilion, and the other ones have already retreated to the distance.

"I heard that you are leaving." Zhao Hua whispered, "If you leave, leave this cage and never come back."

When they met each other, there was no joy in the past. Xiao Ting still remembered that when they were drinking together, together with the Royal Palace, they were punished together in the palace and chased together.

The past is vivid, but neither of them can find the innocence.

"Wang Shu is really sincere to you, Tinger, you have to be good, you have to live up to Wang Shu, he is actually very pitiful..."

Xiao Ting did not understand why Zhao Hua said this, she asked her.

In fact, although Zhaohua had called the nine princes to be Wang Shu, he treated him as a brother, although he was afraid that he would listen to him.

Zhaohua spoke a lot of things about the nine kings when he was a child. Finally, he made a summary. "Wang Shu, he has always been a person. He also needs someone to love or be loved."

"So Tinger, I hope that you are good to him, better, better..."

He is not like Zhaohua, there are brothers and sisters, some people really hurt her love her, and the nine princes, nothing, maybe only one emperor is really treating him.

But with the king as a tiger, there is a bit of truth.

Xiao Ting left, I don't know how to enlighten her. The people I like Zhao Hua are sorrowful. When I leave, I should go with them, and they may not see you again in this life.

Moreover, she is now pregnant with other people's flesh and blood.

In this time and space, they are impossible.

"Li Gongzi please stay."

Xiao Ting saw it at a glance. Li Mingcheng did not leave, but stopped at the pavilion where they talked. Then he asked him, what the **** is.

With her understanding of this Li Mingcheng, he really likes Zhaohua and should not be forced to her.

And he ranks three, not the successor of Zuo Xiangfu, and no one will force him.

Li Mingcheng smiled bitterly. "The princess is pregnant, it is an accident."

She will know.

But related to the matter between their husband and wife, Xiao Ting is not good to break the casserole to ask the end.

After she left, she went to the palace, and an hourly procedure came down. She saw Xiao Guifei.

Still soft and weak lying on the soft couch, although here is magnificent, what is there, but Xiao Ting still feels that her aunt is not happy.


"Come here." Xiao Guizhen waved to her, Xiao Ting leaned on her side, the headrest was there, the voice was low.

"Why, I feel that everyone has changed."

"Stupid children, people always have to grow up, and always pay for the growth."

Xiao Gui knows what to do, but Xiao Ting can't understand.

The two said a lot, you said a word, until the sky darkened.

Outside the palace woman, the nine kings came to look for Wang Hao, Xiao Ting was alert, it was this time.

"Aunt, Tinger can't bear you."

She really wants to live with her aunt, the woman who used to be a singer and a singer, and she has become very moving.

"Well, the gathering will always be scattered, and I will see you again."

Xiao Guizhen did not say anything extra, and watched her leave.

Outside the Yaochi Palace, the nine princes stood tall and shouldered their hands, and saw her coming out. They went straight to the front and said, "Relax, there is a royal brother, and there will be no trouble in the royal family."

He knows what Xiao Ting is worried about.

But when the dynasty replacement has reached the most critical time, he can't intervene to manage it, otherwise it will not be just the nine kings.

Since the founding of the Empire, there has been such an ancestral training.


The two men walked together, the shadow was pulled long behind, Xiao Ting did not speak all the way, some lost.

When she left the palace, she looked back and said, "It turns out that I have people who can't leave here."

Since she came to this time and space, she tried to face the people and things here with all her eyes and eyes, plus her identity and mission, so that she could not be too close to the world.

However, when time passes, people get along with each other, how can it be so simple.

Unconsciously, some people have become her tie.

"Go back!" Nine Wang sighed and took her hand to the carriage that had been waiting there.

The nine kings’ palaces were very quiet these days. Everyone quietly packed up things and cleaned the palace. Everything was going on in order.

The two masters disappeared all day, visiting friends and friends, saying goodbye to farewell.

Especially the nine princes, he will appear every night.

Xiao Ting didn't ask him where he went, what he did, only that the chill on his body was heavier.

She felt uneasy in her heart.

This night, on the last day of the palace, it is time to leave tomorrow.

Xiao Ting couldn't help but remind him, "Wang Ye, don't use internal forces any more, it's not good for you."

After all, it is not a practice. Such crazy growth will only make his body mutate as soon as possible to reach a container that can be carried.

The nine kings faintly sighed and took her over. "Sleep, get up early tomorrow!"

At that time, she slept in a sleep, but she heard someone talking.

She did not move this time and continued to sleep.

"A, do you really want to leave?"

"Not me, but we have to leave."

"But I..." This is the chilling voice.

Xiao Ting is puzzled.

"Don't say, if you want her to live well, don't bother her life, otherwise it's not just you, even she will die without a place to die."

Obviously, this is the nine princes who are persuading him to leave.

And he is not willing to chill, want to stay here because of one person.

In the instinct of a woman, Xiao Ting feels that this person must be the one who has no need to see the chilling legend.

And this person, the nine princes also know.

"But she stayed here, I am not at ease."

"Heart cold, you are never her patron, everyone has their own responsibilities, you should have understood that you can't be together, let alone she already..."

Although the voice of the nine princes is still small, it is very strict.

There is a kind of helplessness that hates iron and does not become steel.

"I know, but know how, let you put down Wang Hao now, leave here, you can do it?"

Xiao Ting is speechless, what is this about her.

"This is not the same."

"Leave it first, this is the Holy Spirit."

I was stunned by the cold, and asked for a long while: "Let me, see her again!"

"You..." The nine princes apparently reached the limit and finally had to swear. "Be careful."

After the chilling heart left, the nine princes never came in, Xiao Ting could not sleep, and did not dare to flip.

Uncomfortable tight.

After a long while, the nine princes went to the bed and said, "You have heard it."

Xiao Ting: "...", he said not the question, but the fact.

Xiao Ting opened her eyes and asked: "Who is the person who likes to be cold and chilly?"

The lips of the nine princes moved, and finally they spit out a name. Xiao Ting was dumb, and it really was a slap.

She didn't talk any more, patted the position next to her, and the nine kings lay down and covered the quilt. Xiao Ting remembered this.

"Wang Ye knows where is the fourth sister?"

When she returned to Xiaofu the day before yesterday, Mrs. Xiao’s wife had a lot of rare and awkwardness, and with her sincerity, let her pay more attention to her outside, and then she would have to make trouble again.

In short, I have a lot of slogans. Although the words are the tone of the lesson, there is always some real concern.

Xiao Ting secretly sighs, this old lady can be considered a little conscience.

In the end, she carefully tested the whereabouts of Xiao Mei. Xiao Ting was naturally a god, and then asked what happened to her.

Both the old lady and the big lady were in a hurry. This was only finished in 151, and they also reported the case, but Xiao Mei was missing in Xiaofu. The left and right were all inquiring about the people in the house, but there has been no progress.

In connection with the recent events, the old lady has lived in the world for a few more years. It is also a good old man, but I wonder if it is Xiao Ting.

After all, this granddaughter, that is really lawless, everything is done.

Xiao Ting naturally did not admit it, but she took this matter to heart.

At this moment, I asked the nine princes, but I just said that I didn’t think that the nine princes nodded.

"You, are you catching four sisters?"

Xiao Ting was surprised that this was done by the nine princes.

In her eyes, the nine princes are the clouds of the sky, and they will not care about these little things.

However, the nine kings nodded again.

"Why?" These three words, her brain is not enough.

"She will hurt you."

Xiao Ting didn't frown in an instant, his face was a little star, and his smile was like a blooming flower, and it was amazing.

The nine princes will sue Xiao Ting with the words heard by Qi Xinxin, and then added: "This king does not like her."

"Oh..." It’s so funny.

It turned out that the high-ranking Zhu Xian has this side.

Xiao Ting couldn't sleep, and let the nine kings take her to see Xiao Mei.

An empty yard, open is the tunnel, Xiao Mei is locked here, it has been a few months, she has never been unwilling, complaining, until now, no words, see no one will let Her heart is fluctuating.

"Xiao Ting, you are a curse..."